West One Dental Clinic

Monday: 10:00 - 13:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 13:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 13:00
Friday: 10:00 - 13:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About West One Dental Clinic

Based in Harley Street, Dr David Harvie-Austin has over 30 years experience in private practice in London's West End. Call now to book your appointment.



Delighted to be the winner of The UK Health Radio Outstanding Contribution Award 2018 to health and wellbeing for my work to remove the use of mercury amalgam in dentistry.
The Award recognises my continued dedicated work and the contribution I have made in bringing to the attention of the industry, governments and the general public, the dangers of mercury amalgam fillings and the potential for harm to health and wellbeing that the use of this substance has resulted in.
Thank you UK Health Radio #UKHealthRadio #mercuryfillings #amaglams #dentistry #mercurytoxicity


Mercury [which binds the other metals in amalgams together] is chronically released in vapour form from these restorations and is ingested into your lungs and guts where it is picked up and dispersed throughout the body by the blood stream. It is then ingested into the cells where it attaches to other molecules making it too large to get out of the cell.
In the EU, mercury is now recognized mainly as an environmental hazard with some lip service to amalgams being seen as an internal hazard and, from 1/7/18, have introduced a ban on it being used on children under 15 year old and pregnant / lactating mothers.
#amalgams #mercurytoxicity #mercuryfillings #amalgamfillings #eucouncil


A few weeks ago I was on The Robert Scott Bell Show talking about the recent EU ban on amalgams. Hear my interview here, about a 1:15 in: #amalagamfillings #mercurytoxicity #mercuryfillings #amalgam #eucouncil


On Monday 2nd July, a new EU directive - Minamata Convention [which still includes the UK] banned the use of amalgam in under 15 year old children and pregnant / lactating mothers. Read my comments on banning amalgams here: https://dailym.ai/2N9iDP9 #mercuryfree #dentistry #amalgams


To everyone who is visiting this page as they have purchased Inman Aligner through a groupon voucher. We are a different West One Dental Clinic to the one on groupon. We do not do Inman Aligner however we do offer SmileTru which is the same technique. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the clinic on 020 7935 5281 or visit our website www.w1dental.com.


Wishing you all a very Happy New Year 🎉


Occlusion – ‘Bite Adjustment’
If there is an imbalance between the positioning of the upper / lower jaws [the ‘tooth joint’] and the Temporal Mandibular Joints [‘jaw joints’], this frequently leads to stress of the masticatory [‘chewing’] muscles which are attached to the jaw joints – the most used in the body.
The ‘functional motor’ for these 2 joints are the chewing muscles which are attached to the jaw joint and provides the movement to chew food, swallow, create facial ex...pression etc. All of these functions require the ‘tooth joint’ teeth to mesh comfortably and, ideally, in balance with the ‘jaw joint’ – and, thereby, these chewing muscles.
When this relationship is out of balance, even small daily functions [like eating and swallowing] place stress in these muscles which the body tries to redress by wearing away any interfering tooth cusps, loosening the teeth or, if neither happens, creates chronic tension in the muscles which can lead to, locally, migraines, clicking / painful joints or compensatory imbalances further down the skeletal system.
Over time, the stress caused by these imbalances can lead to
1. Dislodging of tooth position or cause their excessive wear. 2. Overstress the muscles and contribute to facial pain / migraine type symptoms 3. Wear out / dislodge the jaw joints 4. Produce structural problems within the whole skeleton of the head/ neck / back / legs.
Treatment can range from a simple bite adjustment [basically marking and skimming the functional contacts that are out of alignment] to a combination of orthopaedic / orthodontic surgery to full align the balance between the tooth joints, jaw joints and the functional muscles.
It also may be necessary to work in conjunction with an osteopath, chiropractor, deep tissue massage colleague with any spinal problems associated with any head carriage imbalance.
With the head balance, a simple bite adjustment is, frequently, sufficient to ease the masticatory pressure and the associated muscular tension
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As we near the end of Mercury-free week, here is a link to an interview by Charlie Brown and Dr Mercola discussing the updates of banning mercury in dentistry. If you are interested in learning more, contact West One Dental 020 7935 5281. #dentistry #amalgams #mercuryfree #dentist http://articles.mercola.com/…/banning-a malgam-in-dentistry.…


For those of you who have mercury fillings, I recommend removal. However, you need to make sure that your dentist is a Mercury-free dentist. Acute mercury toxicity is a very real possibility if you have them removed by a dentist who does not have the proper training. As amalgams are drilled out, mercury vapours are released. These vapours and the amalgam fragments, must be carefully ventilated and separated to avoid massive mercury exposure. After all, the tissues in your mou...th are highly absorbent. Holistic dentistry views your teeth and gums as an integrated part of your entire body and any medical treatments performed take this into account. The primary aim of holistic dentistry is to resolve your dental problems while working in harmony with the rest of your body. Visit www.w1dental.com or call my surgery on 020 7935 5281 to find out how I could help you. #dentistry #amalgams #mercuryfree
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Tomorrow marks the start of Mercury-Free Dentistry week! The term “Mercury Free” refers to dentists who do not put amalgam silver fillings in their patients’ teeth. I am proud to be the Chairman of the British Society for Mercury Free Dentistry. All this week I will be posting articles about Mercury-Free to keep you informed and to understand the dangers of mercury amalgam fillings. To find out more, call West One Dental on 020 7935 5281. #dentistry #mercuryfree #amalgam #dentist


Have you ever wondered if you are brushing your teeth correctly with your electric toothbrush? Here is a handy video that shows you how. #dentistry #electrictoothbrush #dental #toothbrush http://www.dentistry.co.uk/20…/…/02/u se-electric-toothbrush/


Snoring can also be corrected in many cases with a nighttime appliance or laser treatment and there are many ways to fix bad breath. Make sure you book an appointment in with your dentist to find out how.
#dentist #badbreath #snoring #dentistry
http://www.dentistry.co.uk/…/snoring-ba d-breath-common-ail…/


New advert regulations will restrict the promotion of unhealthy food to children in an attempt to improve oral health. A great step forward in helping decrease rotting teeth amongst the younger generation.
#dentistry #oralhealth #children

More about West One Dental Clinic

West One Dental Clinic is located at First Floor, 22 Harley Street, W1G 9PL London, United Kingdom
020 7935 5281
Monday: 10:00 - 13:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 13:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 13:00
Friday: 10:00 - 13:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -