Whitehill & Bordon Regeneration - Prince Philip Park

About Whitehill & Bordon Regeneration - Prince Philip Park

A New Destination for live, work, play



With our opening week coming to an end, we just wanted to provide you with a bit of an update on what you can expect to see from BOSC:
Open daily Our bar and clubroom restaurant is now open seven days a week from midday to 11pm.
... Coffee and kids Our children’s play area is now open. With fun climbing frames, a children’s menu, coffee and cakes, BOSC is a perfect environment for a play-date and catch-up.
Grounds and landscaping The landscaping of the areas surrounding the pavilion building is scheduled to take place soon to tie in with the optimum planting and growing season during the autumn and winter months. This has started later than planned due to the prolonged periods of hot, dry weather. Work is underway on the tennis courts, which will open before the end of this year and will be available for public hire. The cricket square and pitch has been planted for a few months and will be left to grow, settle and be treated so that it is ready for use in the coming cricket season.
Christmas party bookings Father Christmas is coming to town – we may only just be getting to October, but we are now taking bookings for Christmas parties. We can cater for groups of all sizes, whether it’s just a small group wanting a fun Christmas themed meal or a large private booking in our function room.
A day out the office Our function room and catering facilities make BOSC the perfect choice for non-office days. If you are looking for a space for a staff away day, client conference or a breakfast seminar, then BOSC is local and can meet all your needs.
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Coming up this weekend a fun, free event for the family! Unfortunately Top Gear's Polar Hilux will not be on display but we do have over 30 classic cars and bikes to see. Food and beverages will also be available at the Bordon and Oakhanger Sports Club on Saturday.


The WBRC team and Whitehill Town Council are set up for Question Time this evening at the Bordon and Oakhanger Sports Club on Bolley Avenue. Session is from 6pm to 7pm today.


Question Time session this evening. All are welcome.


We will be hosting our next community Question Time tomorrow night. It is a chance to hear how Prince Philip Park and the Whitehill & Bordon regeneration programme are progressing and put your pressing questions to some of the regeneration team. For those who didn’t make it along to the opening of BOSC at the weekend, it will also provide a first chance to see the stunning new cricket pavilion, restaurant and function suite.
As always, there is a lot going on with the project... at the moment and the next six months will see new businesses moving in to the area, people getting the keys to their new homes and more community facilities being opened. There will also be further plans submitted for the next phases of delivery of residential and commercial zones.
Details: Wednesday 26th September 6pm - 7pm Bordon and Oakhanger Sports Club (BOSC) Bolley Avenue, Whitehill & Bordon
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World's biggest coffee morning - at Signal, Martinique House. Come and join the team https://www.facebook.com/events/192487080 1148327/


Roman Day in Hogmoor Inclosure on 27th October


Signal are holding a 3D printing workshop for the family - please book here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/3d-printin g-workshop-level-1…


Pegasus Group, on behalf of a joint venture between Taylor Wimpey and Dorchester group, is consulting the local community on the detailed proposals for 190 new homes, public open space and associated infrastructure on the next residential phase off Budds Lane at Prince Philip Park in Whitehill & Bordon. Representatives of the consultant team will be available to discuss the proposals and listen to feedback.


If you are interested to find out more about the new office and warehouse building within the former site of Building 84 at Prince Philip Barracks, please click here https://www.princephilippark.co.uk/planni ng/building-84/ These plans were displayed at the Bordon and Oakhager Sports Club launch this weekend.


Question Time session this week


We have tickets available for this event tomorrow. Please call 01420 558 086 to book in advance. Come and join us at the new Bordon and Oakhanger Sports Club!


Grand opening of BOSC. We welcome Phil Tufnell.


this looks like an amazing vision of a future town!


can't wait for it all to be finished and hopefully it will be really nice �


So many whinging people on here. I think it's great that the town is being developed!




Mixed feelings about this, great to see the regeneration happening at last and providing much needed homes. I have also read about the improved infrastructure being added at Coxbridge roundabout and Hickleys corner in Farnham to cope with the extra traffic volumes. This is fake news as far as I can tell as there are no plans at either of these traffic black spots. Also the 'cycle lane' alongside the new bypass isn't a bike lane at all, it's just a wider pavement. I guess the Eco status was withdrawn when the current Tory Government withdrew the code for sustainable homes in 2015.


Too many dogs without leads around the play area. Not suitable for young children who maybe frightened of them. There should be signs around the play area informing dog owners to keep them on their leads whilst in the play area.


The new town is coming along so quickly. There not wasting time. Some homes will ready to live in from April. Not bad prices for a new build. Just shame so many are to buy and if your suitably housed you can't bid. Be great if it was easy to get a mortgage.


It looks like the future will be exciting, but it's a poor example of financial sustainability wasting so much money on a pointless road that nobody wants.


We were warned that there would be a large amount of trees destroyed for the road no one wants (except the non resident councilors) but the mass destruction of the trees is gob smacking.

Why have so many trees been cut down in Louisburg and Prince Phillip Barracks by the junction in Budds Lane?.

How about twinning Bordon with Hiroshima or some less fortunate Brazilian rain forest?.

Let me guess, the answer may involve planting new trees, fat lot of good they will be compared with majestic mature trees.

If this subject becomes heated will you be involving the local press with pictures of children and how they love mass destruction?, much the same tactics with the useless ecobus and other loony ideas.


I understand that they needed to take trees down but they didn't say how many they were taking down there's no need to go over the top like they have


I admit I was always a bit sceptical about the project and my thoughts stay that way. First a relief road without a simple entrance for the existing trading areas. Now they are putting up tonnes of houses up very fast while St Lucia has become a bit of a ghost park as there so many empty properties around there! If the councils are so keen about housing, can't they get permission from MOD to let them?


Why are you not building rental places......Dirty, untidy, dog mess all over the pavements. Do we not have any road sweepers anymore. What about all the over grown bushes and shrubs growing over and on to the paths down Chalet hill. This place is going to the dogs. Not a nice place to live anymore. WE WANT OUT.


Where are all the people going to work if the houses are coming first? I guess they will have to drive out of the area, as in your wisdom the decision to not have a railway link was made and the trackbed used to build a road.

Along with all the trees that are being and have been cut down, it makes a joke of the project being an eco town.


Was looking forward to being part of new Eco town, with the possibility of suitable housing being built for my disabled hubby & me.

But bitterly disappointed in all the tree felling, the close blocks of housing, I've contacted the builders & no they are not disabled friendly.

On top of this we can no longer walk from one side of the village to the other because of the new 'highly (un) important 'road thats being built.

We the residents wanted a train link so we didn't need to drive to our work.

And what about this fantastic shipwrights way, how fun is that? it just follows the road. Whats the point???


Those new speed restrictions and added parking spaces by the waste centre is a complete joke!! The new houses have drives and garages why have added parking on the road as well? They are too close together not allowing enough cars through and causing a jam and then that one right on the brow of a hill is dangerous!!!

Too many trees being cut down it’s meant to be an eco town I wouldn’t call cutting down half of nature’s home very economical �


Not liking being woken @ 4.30am with large lorry movement in hogmoor road !!!!!*


I was lied to during the consultation meeting when I asked how many trees will be cut down. Now I live close to the new school under construction. Nobody cares about parking arrangements for parents of Bordon Junior School pupils. Our grass is devastated. Access to the forest taken away. Dead animals on the roads. Money money money. Nobody bothered about the people who already live in Bordon, only about the posh ones who will buy the 350000£ worth houses. I hate the place I live now. My daughter cried when she went for a walk and passed by the trees cut down. Shame. Money money money


How can this be an Eco town when they are DESTROYING so much green belt.


Dead animals everywhere! No trees left anywhere. More traffic everywhere. Rubbish everywhere. Expensive housing everywhere. Parking nowhere. Traffic lights everywhere. No school parking anywhere

Absolute dump!! Absolutely no planning and no thought for any of the original residents. Planners & money grabbers should be ashamed 🖓�

More about Whitehill & Bordon Regeneration - Prince Philip Park

Whitehill & Bordon Regeneration - Prince Philip Park is located at Prince Philip Barracks, GU35 0HJ Bordon
01420 489060