Winners Chapel Int'L Surrey

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 19:00 - 21:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: 09:00 - 14:00

About Winners Chapel Int'L Surrey




Last Sunday in the year 2018. #MyDominion #itakeDominion #WinnersChapelInt'lSurrey


Christmas specials at Winners chapel Surrey


2018 Edition of our yearly event to honour and recognise those who's efforts in service remain unnoticed.


Shiloh Thanksgiving Sunday Service . We give glory to God


I have dominion in Jesus name


I take my victory in Christ Jesus #Shiloh 2018I take my victory in Christ Jesus #Shiloh 2018


Whatever does not glorify God in your body must leave today. #Shiloh2018Whatever does not glorify God in your body must leave today. #Shiloh2018


Don't forget to be strong !


Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world! #MyGodIsBig


Say to yourself: ' I can never fail! ' #WinnersChapelSurrey


It was another time of Restoration to Wholeness on Sunday 16th Sept. 2018, as generational curses were broken via the Word of God and the Anointing.
Join us on Sunday 23rd September, 2018 in a prophetic service tagged 'COVENANT DAY OF FRUITFULNESS' as God will be terminating every form of unfruitfulness and barrenness in every worshipper's life. Do come along with a point of contact concerning areas of life where you desire fruitfulness.
Remember "They go from srength to st...rength; every one of them in Zion appeareth before God" Ps. 84:7. Remain blessed
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Glimpses of Love feast 2018. There was an overflow love and rejoicing.


Hearty cheers to all our graduands of the recently completed WOFBI LCC. Congratulations




This church l love so much n l Read a lot of his books and am blessed Amen.


Great place of Worship.... Teaching people into exploits in life and destiny....


Forever will I be grateful for Winners Chapel Int'l Surrey. I found where I belong. Truly the Lord is here!!


Because it come from GOD not davle


A place where God speaks to His children! A place where you be refreshing on a daily basis with the living water. His glory is evident. You just have to reach out and allow Him Jehovah God use you to touch someone's life and be blessing to others in Jesus mighty name. Amen!!!


•Hello! Pastor (Winners Chapel Int'l Surrey), I am contacting you as a fellow believer in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, concerning a commonly believed doctrine, that is being taught in many churches today called the pre-tribulation 'Rapture' (also known as the 'Blessed Hope', 'Caught Up', and 'Left Behind'-for those who don't follow this belief, this is a [false] Church doctrine stating that Jesus Christ will return before the arrival of satan into this world at the end of this age.) This doctrine Pastor unfortunately is not true, and I am afraid it will lead many of God's believing children to satan. The truth of the matter is, satan is coming first (in person and disguised as the real Jesus Christ as well! (2Thessalonians 2:4...shewing himself that he is God.), with his fallen angels) just before the return of Jesus Christ! (Fallen angels and satan's return to this earth (in person) reference found in: [matthew 24:37-39, luke 17:26-37, revelation 12:7-9, 9:5], with the original reference of the fallen angels first arrival on this planet, in [genesis 6:1-4]), to deceive untold numbers of God's children into worshiping and serving him!!! And here is the Biblical documentation showing how satan will come first: In (mark13:14) Jesus said "But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation (satan) spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing where it (he) ought not."...and following this verse in (mark 13:26) Jesus says "and then ye shall see the Son of man (Jesus) coming in the clouds with great power and glory." As you can see in the order of their return, satan precedes Jesus coming into this world. Also in (2thessalonians 2:1-4) Jesus let's us know at His coming to let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall NOT come except there come a falling away first, (and for all of those who believe in the pre-tribulation 'Rapture' which sadly, I have found that many Christian Churches, even amongst many of the denominations do!!, this will be the 'falling away' event that will cause most well believing Christians to fall away from their faith, because they did not have faith to believe the real Word of God (2Thessalonians 2:10) and wait on the real 'Jesus Christ' at this time, because they will not know that this entity they are looking at is actually satan impersonating Jesus Christ!!, and in their minds they will truly believe it is the real Jesus Christ coming to 'Rapture' the Church away!!)...and that man of sin (satan) be revealed, the son of perdition (satan)...SHEWING HIMSELF THAT HE IS GOD. As you can see once again, satan comes before the return of Jesus Christ and he will be disguised in his appearance to look like Jesus Christ. And in (1corinthians 15:52-53) Jesus let's the believers know that they should stay faithful to the end of this age, then He will change our physical bodies (mortal), into our spiritual bodies (immortal), in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump (Immediately upon His return into this world, not a second sooner, or later!) Therefore when we see this supernatural entity looking like Jesus Christ, performing incredible supernatural feats, and even telling us to worship him as though he were really God!, AND WE ARE STILL IN THESE FLESH BODIES, WE DEFINITELY KNOW THIS IS NOT THE REAL JESUS CHRIST, ACCORDING TO THE WORD OF GOD!!! And in the book of Revealation, it states satan will be released (to come into this world) in the 6th seal, at the 6th trump (revelation 6:12, 9:13). And in the 7th seal, at the 7th trump (also known as the last trump), Jesus Christ will make His return into this world (revelation 8:1, 11:15). Pastor, doesn't 6 come before 7 in their chronological order?!! Once more the pattern is, satan (who will be disguised [2thessalonians 2:4...shewing himself that he is God.] and seemingly behaving [revelation 13:13-18...And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from Heaven on the earth in the sight of men,...] like the true Jesus Christ) comes before the return of the true Jesus Christ into this world. Also in reference to St. Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians (1Thessalonians 4:13-18) where many Christians in error try to teach that this is the 'Rapture' of the Church, must understand that the real reason St. Paul wrote a second letter to the Thessalonians (2Thessalonians 2:1-15) was to clarify in this instance, the first letter he had written the Thessalonians, in particular with this verse (2Thessalonians 2:1-4) where St. Paul states that when Jesus arrives again into this world, that they should not be shaken in mind, or troubled by even the first letter that he wrote, because in this second letter, he explains more clearly the order of events that will happen just before Jesus Christ returns into this world, including satan's arrival (and don't forget he will be looking like Jesus Christ) preceeding our Savior's return, and in that order only!!!


Winners Chapel Intl surrey ...A place were you will find joy in the prophecies ,were you get divine restoration a place were people are transformed to good Christians ,also were people receive supernatural miracles ,I love winners chapel int'l surrey it increase your Christian faith.Daddy David Oyedepo you are doing a great work of God..


I give God all the glory for winners chapel especially to my pastor,pastor Audu Johnson it was through his teaching I give my life to God and today I am serving as a minster I give Almighty God all the praise that I am able to tell someone about the goodness of Christ.

More about Winners Chapel Int'L Surrey

Winners Chapel Int'L Surrey is located at 245-247 Whitehorse Road, CR0 2HQ Croydon, United Kingdom
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 19:00 - 21:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: 09:00 - 14:00