Yanmo Online -Transformational Coach & Speaker

About Yanmo Online -Transformational Coach & Speaker

Transformational Coach & Speaker

Yanmo Online -Transformational Coach & Speaker Description

Transformational Coach & Speaker



It's an amusing irony that we all want the convenience of the transformation without the inconvenience of the process.
The process is not supposed to be convenient. The "easy" way out hardly ever births lasting solutions or results.
Brace yourself, it will be tough but it will be worth it. June is coming to an end, that's 6 months of 2019 gone.
... Get ready for the next 6 months! Re-strategise if you must Re-plan if you have to Re-fuel if required
Whatever you do, keep moving on!
Beautifully captured 📸 @jamirahpro
Keep smiling 🤗
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The greater the promise the harder the process!
There is nothing ‘great’ that is achieved that just happens. There is a process that underpins it.
Whatever you want to achieve, you have to embrace the process. Be open to the process so you can enjoy the journey and not just the destination!
... Keep smiling 🤗
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Identify and embrace what ‘uniquely’ makes you different!
Thanks to the @thepepnetwork for inviting me 🤗
Beautifully edited by @o4guk
... Keep smiling 🤗
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Life is guaranteed to have ups and downs!
When you are down the only way to go is up!
We all have life happen to us, so I encourage you don’t stay down!
... Get up! Stand up! Stay up!
Beautifully captured 📸 @jamirahpro
Keep smiling 🤗
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Keep Smiling 🤗


Review your goals regularly, it helps you stay on track!
Keep smiling 🤗


Here is my take on the difference between Fulfilment and Contentment.
Thank you @thepepnetwork for inviting me. It was truly an amazing experience 🤗
Fantastically edited 📹 @o4guk
... Keep smiling 🤗
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Too many times we know better yet we don’t do better and then complain when the outcome we get is not what is expected.
I encourage you all to do better when you know better!
Keep smiling 🤗


Learn new habits! To change, one has to be willing to grow! If you are not learning you are not growing.
Keep smiling 🤗


As humans we are wired to be ‘judgmental’ based on our bias and dysfunctions. We ought to stop to think first before we react!
Be kind!
Beautifully captured 📸 @jamirahpro
... Keep smiling 🤗
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If you commit to a thing then as much as possible stick to it! It is so frustrating when one commits to the same thing over and over again and yet does not stick to it!
Consistency builds trust! It shows that you are capable of committing, able to withstand the process and a person of character!
Be CONSISTENT in all that you have committed to do!
... Keep smiling 🤗
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There is no promise without a process. Often times we are trying to look for short cuts to hasten the process.
The process is so crucial! Stick with the process, it may not always be fun however it is important!
Keep smiling 🤗


Life throws curveballs all the time. The struggles we all go through daily are real and some have better coping mechanism than others.
Nonetheless, regardless of what you maybe going through my favourite book called the Bible says ‘Weeping may endure for a night however joy comes in the morning’. It means that what you are going through will pass.
Keep smiling 🤗


STOP! Just stop saying ‘I am busy or I have been so busy!’ My response always is ‘Busy doing what?’
Busy doesn’t make you look cool or intelligent nor do you get a prize for it 🙄
Folks, replace the word ‘Busy’ with the word ‘Productive’.
... When you say you are busy you are actually working harder trying to juggle many things. Being productive is all about working smarter.
When you are more productive, you will have time for other activities and not be tired from being busy.
Be Productive!
Keep smiling 🤗
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Identify your Gifts! We all have been created with gifts! Spend time learning skills that will compliment and enhance your gift.
You can get fired from your job, you can never get fired from your Gift!
Keep smiling 🤗


Know you! Be you! Love you!
Beautifully captured📸 @jamirahpro
Keep smiling 🤗


Validate you!!!
Keep smiling 🤗


If you don’t know who you are, others will tell you who they think you are!
Identify who you are at your ‘core’ and share your true and authentic self with us.
Opinions of others do not determine who you are!
... Keep smiling 🤗
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More about Yanmo Online -Transformational Coach & Speaker

+44 7890 577 593