Yaseen Youth Tours

About Yaseen Youth Tours

A new non-profit organisation that aims to inspire and empower Muslim youth through Umrah development programmes.



Guess who is performing tomorrow inshaallah in the East London Youth Iftar ?
Alhamdulillah over 180 sign ups (we were originally expecting and catering for 80 people) we are now accepting the final ten sign ups!
Sign up now (link on the comments section)


Alhamdulillah, Yaseen Youth tours had an extremely wonderful time with the youth of Birmingham! They were very polite and listening to the reminders attentively followed by great fun with the debate competition and quiz. Thanks you to Masjid quba for hosting and for our speakers: Wasim (aka Waz, our amazing host), Mufti Javed Iqbal, Ali Dawah, Muhammed Hijab and Omar lobinet.
Make sure you join us in East London and West London inshallah.
Www,yytours.co.uk/youthiftar to sign up and for more info!


When you tell the youth free sweets !


🌙 *YYT Ramadan Youth Iftar 2019!* 🌙
It's back again! Join *Yaseen Youth* one more time for a fun and inspirational evening to break our fast together in the blessed month of Ramadan..
Our lord (swt) said:
... ☄ "The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur’aan, a guidance for mankind.." [Eng. Translation Surat Al Baqara]
✨ Activities include:
🎤 Inspiring talks by renowned speakers
🥊 Panel discussions chaired by Ali Dawah
🗣 Spoken word performances
🎭 Quiz competition
🥘 Delicious iftar
🔸 And much much more!
This is an exclusive Youth-only iftar gathering (12 to 25 year olds)
👳‍♀Brothers only
🕐 Different dates, starts at 6pm
📍 Birmingham, West London and East London.
Register here
Enquiries 07399051946 yaseenyouthtours@gmail.com
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Jazakumullahu khaira to masjid al-humera for allowing us to speak to the congregation today. We spoke about the importance of the youth in Islam, the youth at the time of the Prophet (pbuh) and how we can collectively support the youth today in becoming the best people of the ummah - the same way they were at the time of our Prophet (saw). Special thanks to Shiekh Murtuza Khan for adding to the announcement by reinforcing how important this work is and why we should support the cause of youth work.
#inspiretheyouth #inspiretheworld


*West London Islamic Cultural Centre presents.*
🐵GO APE Battersea
📞 Calling all children and parents! Are you up for the challenge to bring out the chimp in you? 🙈
... 🧗‍♂ Join us for this *action- packed* day fuelled with fun and wildness. Live the adventure! Challenge yourself with everyone else.....Enjoy your day being a Tarzan!🐵🐯🦁
🎗Limited Spaces Available.
Adults £30 Children £25
🚌 Accompanied by
Sheikh AbdulKadir Ali Ambe Imam Omar Hajaj Ustadh Musa Abuzaghleh And the wlicc team
📍 Go Ape Battersea, this Tuesday 9th April 2019, 10am
📍 or meet us at WLICC 7 Bridges Place, Parsons Green SW6 4HW. 9am
🖱Sign up by clicking on the link on the bio
Supported by Yaseen Youth Tours
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Beautiful Qur'an recitation by one of the participants of the Youth Umrah.
#inspiretheyouth #inspiretheworld


Day 6 - The day of Umrah: Labayk Allahuma Labayk!
The hearts were sad as we prayed Dhuhr and prepared to depart to Makkah! It was very hard to say goodbye to the peaceful and beautiful city of our beloved Prophet (pbuh). One of the sisters was crying as we came to leave.
A long six hour journey to Makkah was filled with extremely high spirits as the bus was buzzing and vibrating with the Talbya!
... Arriving shortly after Isha, the prayer was performed and the whole group was on their way to the Kabaa to start their umrah! We all decided to look at the floor as we were walking towards it and only lift our heads up when we were in front of the Kabaa. As soon as we got there and were told to look up, it was one of the most emotional feelings ever. After staring, all of the group immediately lifted up their hands and started making dua to Allah. Emotions were high as many saw the kaaaba for the first time which was truly breath-taking and heart--touching to see.
We then began our tawaf circulating the most honourable house in the world. After completing the tawaf and praying two units of prayers behind Maqaam Ibrahim, we went towards As-safa wa Al-Marwa and began our Sa'ee. Everyone was using all their time making so much dua to Allah (swt). After going back and forth seven times, we went to go cut our hair, many of us were laughing at each other when we saw how we looked with no hair! We then all started to hug each other, congratulating one another and made dua that Allah accepts our umrah!
#inspiretheyouth #inspiretheworld
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Saturday night live entertainment: part two


Saturday night live entertainment from the villa in Mecca.


It's Saturday night.... And it's time for some entertainment (halal one)!. Watch the youth perform for you all live. Vote for the best group !
FB: yaseen youth tours


Shiekh Mansour Al Salami


Joining us tonight inshaallah would be Shiekh Mansour Al Salami and co (known for their powerful and effective street-style Dawah) from Jeddah (KSA) for a private gathering.
Please tune in tonight insha'Allah.


Shiekh Abu Thamer Al mutairi! (Jeddah)


Day 5: Horses, Swimming and Villa night with the scholars!
Our penultimate day in Madina started with a horse riding session, which all participants throughly enjoyed. For many of us, this was our first time horse-riding. Many were initially afraid of the horses, but Alhamdulilah we overcame our fear after interacting with them. Many of us didn’t know how to ride a horse, which lead to some very humorous reactions upon seeing each other riding the horses. It was such a fun ex...perience, Alhamdulillah. Ustadth Abu Musa wanted to be brave and get the Arab horse to run fast.... Let's just say, it didn't go according to the plan! It went way faster than he can handle Lol
Meanwhile, the sisters were invited by Yaseen Youth Tours to a free breakfast in Town Pour (one of the best breakfast places in Madina) and then spent the day in the villa. They cooked together and had a great time. They were also invited to a house (more like a palace!) of a female Shiekh and had tea and desserts as well as recieving precious gifts.
After Asr, we headed off to a privately booked beautiful Villa (Andulusian style) with many activities being arranged. The evening started with some brothers taking a dip and splash in the pool while others were doing Hijama conducted by Dr Muhhamad.
A short workshop was conducted by Ustadh Omar Hajaj on how to build a vision and understand what a vision entails. This was followed by group competitions on who can set up the best organisation (presented in front of 3 strict judges). We then had a delicious dinner provided by the organizers.
The long anticipated part of the day begun with advice from Jihad Al Maliki and Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al Hujayli who advised the youth to have Al Khauf (Fear) of Allah. This was followed by advice by Sheikh Abdullah ibn Muhammed Al-Ameen As-shinqitee, who gave the youth life-changing advice on how the youth could remain steadfast in current times. He also gave us tips on the companions we should have, and avoid people that will bring us away from Allah’s remembrance.
Alhamdulilah, the Shaykh gave us his precious time to visit us in the villa and everyone loved the character of our beloved Shaykh.
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Day 5: Horses, Swimming and Villa night with the scholars!
Our penultimate day in Madina started with a horse riding session, which all participants throughly enjoyed. For many of us, this was our first time horse-riding. Many were initially afraid of the horses, but Alhamdulilah we overcame our fear after interacting with them. Many of us didn’t know how to ride a horse, which lead to some very humorous reactions upon seeing each other riding the horses. It was such a fun ex...perience, Alhamdulillah. Ustadth Abu Musa wanted to be brave and get the Arab horse to run fast.... Let's just say, it didn't go according to the plan! It went way faster than he can handle Lol
Meanwhile, the sisters were invited by Yaseen Youth Tours to a free breakfast in Town Pour (one of the best breakfast places in Madina) and then spent the day in the villa. They cooked together and had a great time. They were also invited to a house (more like a palace!) of a female Shiekh and had tea and desserts as well as recieving precious gifts.
After Asr, we headed off to a privately booked beautiful Villa (Andulusian style) with many activities being arranged. The evening started with some brothers taking a dip and splash in the pool while others were doing Hijama conducted by Dr Muhhamad.
A short workshop was conducted by Ustadh Omar Hajaj on how to build a vision and understand what a vision entails. This was followed by group competitions on who can set up the best organisation (presented in front of 3 strict judges). We then had a delicious dinner provided by the organizers.
The long anticipated part of the day begun with advice from Jihad Al Maliki and Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al Hujayli who advised the youth to have Al Khauf (Fear) of Allah. This was followed by advice by Sheikh Abdullah ibn Muhammed Al-Ameen As-shinqitee, who gave the youth life-changing advice on how the youth could remain steadfast in current times. He also gave us tips on the companions we should have, and avoid people that will bring us away from Allah’s remembrance.
Alhamdulilah, the Shaykh gave us his precious time to visit us in the villa and everyone loved the character of our beloved Shaykh.
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Labayk allaham labayk!


Day 4 - The Beauty and the Beach!
An early morning start for the brothers as we met before Fajr so that we could grab spaces close to the front. Following the salah, we went with the burial to the Baqiee. The reflective experience was followed by a short tour and reminder about death led by Ustadh Omar Hajaj and Ustadth Abu Musa. It was a true wake up call for many of the brothers and was well and truly needed. As our Prophet has mentioned, (peace and blessings of Allaah be u...pon him) said: "Visit the graves, for they remind you of the Hereafter." (Narrated by Muslim, 976). Meanwhile our sisters were reciting Qur'an in a circle inside the Prophet's Masjid.
After some rest, the group headed towards Badr and Ustadh Farouq and Ustadh Ahmad (Madina students) gave us an overview of the Battle of Badr and the preluding events which took place. It had left the group in a reflective state as it made us all realise how much the companions had sacrificed for Islam to reach us today.
The rest of the day was spent on the beach 45 minutes drive-away from Badr. A truly enjoyable and relaxing time for the participants of the programme. A wide range of activities were open to all while they were there such as swimming, football and discussions with students from the Islamic University of Madina.
The coach journey back from the beach was perhaps the surprise of the day. The youth were in high spirits participating in recitations, funny debates, nasheeds and much more and you could see that truly a strong brotherhood had formed between the group! Alhamdulilah
The day was concluded with the prayers and the youth were given some free time to ponder upon their day.
#inspiretheyouth #inspiretheworld
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More about Yaseen Youth Tours

Yaseen Youth Tours is located at 99 Uxbridge Road, Shepherds Bush, w12 8NL London, United Kingdom