Yin Yoga Seeme

About Yin Yoga Seeme

A relaxing and yet challenging way to stretch the connective tissues in the body ( joints, fascia. . . ) to detox the body by keeping still, focusing on the breath and taking charge of the mind. Can you hear your own breath. So Hum.

Yin Yoga Seeme Description

'Yin Yoga is a quiet, simple practice. Physically Yin Yoga targets our deepest tissues, our connectives tissues - which incudes our bones, our joints, our ligaments, cartilage and the deep fascia networks of the body. All tissues need exercise to be healthy and as we age, we lose mobility in our joints, our bones begin to degenerate and become weaker, our fascia contracts making us tighter, which in turn restricts our ability to move. Yin Yoga can help us to regain this lost ability.
Energetically, Yoga stimulates the flow of energy within the body and removes blockages and impediments. Yin Yoga can help dramatically improve energy flow. The flow of 'chi' to our organs is enhanced. '
Bernie Clark, Yinyoga.com.