
About Youngminds

We're the UK’s leading charity fighting for young people's mental health. This Facebook account cannot offer a advice - if you're a parent worried about your child please contact our Parents' Helpline for advice on 0808 802 5544.



Join our virtual 10km race this September. You choose the starting line and the finish line and complete the race any way you like! Join the race to join our fight for young people's mental health.
Run with your family in fancy dress, cycle with your colleagues in a lunchbreak, or rollerblade with your friends and the neighbour’s dog – up to you! It's 10K your way! All you need to do is register, submit a photo when you've finished, an...d we’ll send you a special bespoke medal, designed by our Activists!
Register your place now:
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Facebook and Instagram introduce time limit tool


We’re carrying out a major new survey with teachers about mental health and wellbeing in schools. If you teach in a UK school, your views will help us campaign for improved mental health support and produce new resources to help schools. The survey is anonymous and takes less than five minutes.
Take the survey:
... Please share. Thank you.
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North West London Parents and Carers Workshop
What support should young people get when they transition from CAMHS to Adult Mental Health Services?
We're working with NHS North West London Collaboration of Clinical Commissioning Groups to improve the experience of 18 year-olds leaving CAMHS.
... If you're a parent or carer of a CAMHS user from North West London please come and join our workshop on 25 Aug. It is free to attend and we will reimburse reasonable travel expenses.
Book your place here:
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We've been working with Beano Studios to create Mandi, a new character, specifically created to engage children with mental health. Mandi's storylines will see her deal with everyday issues that can create stress and anxiety in children. She debuts in Beano's 80th anniversary comic...
Find out more


Trade For The Kids Day
We were absolutely delighted to have been chosen by Royal Bank of Canada for their 2018 Trade for the Kids Day. Our Activists had a fantastic day! Find out more here


5 things people with OCD hear all the time


What is it really like for parents when their child goes into inpatient care?
After interviewing her parents, our Activist Immi shares her advice for parents who are in a similar situation


We're looking for a Helpline Adviser to work on our Parents Helpline - which is a lifeline for many parents and carers worried about a child's mental health or wellbeing.
If you understand the issues children and young people are facing, and you want to make a real difference, find out how to apply:


We're looking for a Senior Participation Officer and a Participation Officer to make sure young people are involved in all the work we do - from campaigns to project governance.
We're also looking for a Training and Services Admin Officer...
... ...and a Parents Helpline Adviser!
Take a look and please share with anyone who you think might be interested!
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Apologies if you were hoping to join Parents Lounge today at 1pm. We've had to cancel due unfortunately, but we will keep you posted with details about the next one when we have them. Best wishes, Parents Lounge team.


Today, The Mental Health Units Bill, also known as Seni’s Law, faced its last chance to pass through the House of Commons. And at 10:30am this morning, #SenisLaw passed!!
A big THANK YOU to everyone who contacted their MP and asked them to vote - your support made a huge difference!
... This is a huge step for the Bill, which will now progress to the House of Lords. We’re so glad to have worked closely with Steve Reed and many other charities - INQUEST, Rethink Mental Illness, Agenda, Mind, Article 39, National Autistic Society, BILD - The British Institute of Learning Disabilities and Equality and Human Rights Commission– to have got this to the next stage. And thank you to Seni’s family who have fought for this change for years.
Well done everyone, we did it!
Find out more about Seni’s Law, what it will change and our Always campaign here:
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It’s going to be bigger, brighter and bolder than before...
Get ready to say #HelloYellow this World Mental Health Day! Save the date.


To celebrate 70 amazing years of the NHS in the same year as we turn 25th ourselves, we decided to celebrate together earlier this year. Our joint Future Minds Event brought over 100 young people from around the UK together to shape the next 70 years of the NHS.
Find out more about it in our blog: ds-event/


On Friday, a vital mental health law faces a make-or-break vote, and we need 100 MPs to make sure it will pass.
The Mental Health Units Bill, also known as Seni’s Law, is named after a young man, Seni Lewis, who died after being restrained face-down in an inpatient unit by 11 police officers.
... #SenisLaw is a vital mental health law which will reduce restraint that can be harmful, dangerous and some-times life-threatening.
The only way to make sure the Bill goes through is to have 100 MPs present in Parliament tomorrow morning to vote for it.
This is the last chance to email and tweet your MP to ask them to be there tomorrow to vote for this vital mental health Bill. Make sure your MP is there!
Tweet your MP: Email your MP:
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We’re delighted to announce that Ella Purnell, star of Sweetbitter, Ordeal by Innocence, Churchill, Malificent and others, has become our newest YoungMinds ambassador.
After speaking out about her own experience with mental health problems during her teenage years, Ella will be joining our fight for children and young people’s mental health. We’re excited to have her on board 💛
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We saw with the Upskirting Billl how sometimes it just takes one MP to stop an important law passing.
Next Friday, #SenisLaw, a Bill which will reduce the use of dangerous restraint in mental health hospitals faces a make-or-break vote. We need your help to make sure it passes.
... The only way to make sure the Bill goes through is to have 100 MPs present in Parliament to vote for it.
Email and tweet your MP now to ask them to be there and VOTE for this vital mental health bill on 6th July.
Email your MP:
Tweet your MP:
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A new report by the Association of Child Psychotherapists calls young people's mental health services a 'silent catastrophe'.
Our policy director, Marc Bush said:
... “Every day we get calls to our helpline from parents whose children have been waiting months for an appointment with CAMHS, or who have been turned down because the thresholds for treatment are so high. The system is overstretched and disjointed, with a devastating impact on thousands of families across the country.
“This report rightly draws attention to the need for increased, long-term funding for children’s mental health services across the board.”
Read the full article here:
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What an amazing place. I took three pupils to learn about being Young Ambassadors for the Charity. They haven't stopped talking about how amazing everyone was. Thank you to Alice, her colleagues and the volunteers that made the day so special and worthwhile. We will do all we can to spread your message back at The Peterborough School.


My experience of Young Minds has been amazing. From the initial call to the Parents Helpline, through to the follow up call, I felt truly listened too, taken seriously and supported. The constructive advice I received has, in my case, made an instant difference and given me the strategies, strength and confidence to proactively parent and support my child. I can't thank you enough.


I would like to thank Young Minds for all the help they gave us as a family when we had no one else to turn to.

I spoke to Dr Isaacs on two occasions, what a lovely helpful gentleman. He was able to point me in the right direction for my own mental health so in turn able to help my daughter. He advised me to go with my ‘gut’ and get my daughter counselling which I have and now I have a much happier little girl.

Thankyou so much Young Mind and especially Dr Isaacs


I was happy with my overall experience! Thank you for helping me learn how to help our young people. Something I am passionate about! Can’t wait to be back again on Tuesday to learn more!


I used your telephone service in a professional capacity on Wednesday . I was seeking advice and support for a family in need after all other normal channels had failed to offer anything because the child involved was 3. I would highly recommend you and have done already to many other professionals .

A great service for children and adults from 3 years upwards .Keep up this much needed and valuable work ��


I am at Young Minds training to be a parent helpline volunteer this week and next .

I have never been to a more welcoming organization. Thank-you.


How can an online help? Today two girls were buying a packet of sweets each i asked them if they ever read the ingredients label, I said we'll asked them to put the ingredients into google, I did say what's the first ingredient and it's sugar , I said would you eat just sugar! No was the reply. Any internet sites I could ask or prompt young,and to read labels


Hello, I am from new delhi, india. You inspired me lots. Plzz add there message button option on page so everyone can connect easily to you. I want to know your point of view on some topics. Please revert me as soon as possible.��


Having been refused to even be put on a waiting list to see CAMHS I found the parent line today. I spoke to an advisor and am now awaiting a telephone consultation with a professional mental health advisor to discuss my daughter. I can't tell you how much it means to me to have found this service and I feel like someone is finally going to listen and help me get the support I feel my family need.


A great cause and great help for many young people.


What a relief to read some of these experiences that parents, and their children have been open and honest enough to share. Knowing that you’re not alone is some comfort as I support my son through his mental demons. The comment about a growing Mental Health awareness being supported with little action rings so true, I am discovering that timely intervention is so important, waiting for referrals for CBT or counselling need to be addressed. More funding (and staff) for NHS services is crucial, and more social groups to prevent isolation essential!


I was wondering I’m taking lyrica for sciatica problems. Is it addicting. If

I stop cold turkey will I get a withdrawal that could cause depression??


As the mother of a son with mental health issues I was very disappointed to see Rebecca vardy on I’m a Ceebrity. Her bullying of Iain and ignorance about how his mood might affect his behaviour means she is not a suitable ambassador for YoungMinds. I tried to email you but couldn’t find any way of contact other than the FB page


Jo Frost is part of the problem. The way to help people with mental health issues is to prevent it from happening in the beginning - by teaching parents how to raise a child without using techniques that cause lasting harm to a young developing brain.


I am sure this does not reflect the service Young Minds provides but we are in desperate need of help and advice for our daughter and the only help we received from our GP was a suggestion we call the parent's helpline. I have tried to do this 14 times this morning and cannot get through!!! I have resorted to email but actually I need help and advice NOW, not in 3 days time.


I am concerned there is not a contact facility, I ended up on the Facebook site because the website isn't approachable. I am concerned the manifesto to go to the government does not mention the educational curriculum. I work with young people and adults with mental health issues and the education system is the main culprit for stress and low self esteem. Please can someone contact me regarding this issue and I will revise my rating.


Have tryed to call. The number. To. Get some advice. And. There was just a message saying there to bizzy. So I tryed again. And still. Got this message. So. I lefted. It and. Tryed the nexted. Day. And still. Got this. Message. After 9 times off trying I have given up. Wat is the point in This site. Or. Group. U don’t help any one. Not. From wat I can see


Food for mood swaps

25 September 2017 ·

Welcome to my page. 🙏❤️[UK]

I have reversed type two diabetes, reduced a family members cholesterol. I have lost 2 1/2 stone in 5 months. I have disappeared an ovarian cyst. Eczema, asthma, IBS, anxiety, depression, mood disorder [ manic depression,psychosis] a biggy,brain fog, low energy, Sailed through the menopause at 53 and with 2 teenagers in the home. [ got off 8 pills]

My healing protocol is fruits, veg [organic] a tiny amount of red meat on the bone, tiny seafood, healthy fats, milled nuts and seeds like hemp, flax,pumpkin etc, Mushrooms. Chick peas.lentils, Dark 85% chocolate, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil and tiny bit of dairy, thats it. Only coconut milk. I have lots of photos of all my meals, I'm no great cook.

[no nightshades, no grains, no added sugar, no gluten, no alcohol, no coffee or tea, no cows milk,]

I upped my alkalinity foods [and downed the acid forming ones]and drinks and did an anti inflammatory eating plan.

If your health is in a mess, inbox me as I have links to lots of functional Dr's and programs of so called incurable chronic diseases and how to put them in remission. I am a qualified holistic nutritionist, and specialise in mental health.


kelly brogan md holistic psychiatrist check her u tube


Are you serious? Jo frost?? The woman who actively encourages women to clean their nipples with vinegar prior to feeding....

Amongst a collosal amount of rubbish uttered from this woman's gargantuous mouth, complete lack of education and out-dated methods, Frost is an extremely dangerous choice for your campaign.


What an amazing place. I took three pupils to learn about being Young Ambassadors for the Charity. They haven't stopped talking about how amazing everyone was. Thank you to Alice, her colleagues and the volunteers that made the day so special and worthwhile. We will do all we can to spread your message back at The Peterborough School.


My experience of Young Minds has been amazing. From the initial call to the Parents Helpline, through to the follow up call, I felt truly listened too, taken seriously and supported. The constructive advice I received has, in my case, made an instant difference and given me the strategies, strength and confidence to proactively parent and support my child. I can't thank you enough.


I would like to thank Young Minds for all the help they gave us as a family when we had no one else to turn to.

I spoke to Dr Isaacs on two occasions, what a lovely helpful gentleman. He was able to point me in the right direction for my own mental health so in turn able to help my daughter. He advised me to go with my ‘gut’ and get my daughter counselling which I have and now I have a much happier little girl.

Thankyou so much Young Mind and especially Dr Isaacs


I was happy with my overall experience! Thank you for helping me learn how to help our young people. Something I am passionate about! Can’t wait to be back again on Tuesday to learn more!


I used your telephone service in a professional capacity on Wednesday . I was seeking advice and support for a family in need after all other normal channels had failed to offer anything because the child involved was 3. I would highly recommend you and have done already to many other professionals .

A great service for children and adults from 3 years upwards .Keep up this much needed and valuable work ��


I am at Young Minds training to be a parent helpline volunteer this week and next .

I have never been to a more welcoming organization. Thank-you.


How can an online help? Today two girls were buying a packet of sweets each i asked them if they ever read the ingredients label, I said we'll asked them to put the ingredients into google, I did say what's the first ingredient and it's sugar , I said would you eat just sugar! No was the reply. Any internet sites I could ask or prompt young,and to read labels


Hello, I am from new delhi, india. You inspired me lots. Plzz add there message button option on page so everyone can connect easily to you. I want to know your point of view on some topics. Please revert me as soon as possible.��


Having been refused to even be put on a waiting list to see CAMHS I found the parent line today. I spoke to an advisor and am now awaiting a telephone consultation with a professional mental health advisor to discuss my daughter. I can't tell you how much it means to me to have found this service and I feel like someone is finally going to listen and help me get the support I feel my family need.


A great cause and great help for many young people.


What a relief to read some of these experiences that parents, and their children have been open and honest enough to share. Knowing that you’re not alone is some comfort as I support my son through his mental demons. The comment about a growing Mental Health awareness being supported with little action rings so true, I am discovering that timely intervention is so important, waiting for referrals for CBT or counselling need to be addressed. More funding (and staff) for NHS services is crucial, and more social groups to prevent isolation essential!


I was wondering I’m taking lyrica for sciatica problems. Is it addicting. If

I stop cold turkey will I get a withdrawal that could cause depression??


As the mother of a son with mental health issues I was very disappointed to see Rebecca vardy on I’m a Ceebrity. Her bullying of Iain and ignorance about how his mood might affect his behaviour means she is not a suitable ambassador for YoungMinds. I tried to email you but couldn’t find any way of contact other than the FB page


Jo Frost is part of the problem. The way to help people with mental health issues is to prevent it from happening in the beginning - by teaching parents how to raise a child without using techniques that cause lasting harm to a young developing brain.


I am sure this does not reflect the service Young Minds provides but we are in desperate need of help and advice for our daughter and the only help we received from our GP was a suggestion we call the parent's helpline. I have tried to do this 14 times this morning and cannot get through!!! I have resorted to email but actually I need help and advice NOW, not in 3 days time.


I am concerned there is not a contact facility, I ended up on the Facebook site because the website isn't approachable. I am concerned the manifesto to go to the government does not mention the educational curriculum. I work with young people and adults with mental health issues and the education system is the main culprit for stress and low self esteem. Please can someone contact me regarding this issue and I will revise my rating.


Have tryed to call. The number. To. Get some advice. And. There was just a message saying there to bizzy. So I tryed again. And still. Got this message. So. I lefted. It and. Tryed the nexted. Day. And still. Got this. Message. After 9 times off trying I have given up. Wat is the point in This site. Or. Group. U don’t help any one. Not. From wat I can see


Food for mood swaps

25 September 2017 ·

Welcome to my page. 🙏❤️[UK]

I have reversed type two diabetes, reduced a family members cholesterol. I have lost 2 1/2 stone in 5 months. I have disappeared an ovarian cyst. Eczema, asthma, IBS, anxiety, depression, mood disorder [ manic depression,psychosis] a biggy,brain fog, low energy, Sailed through the menopause at 53 and with 2 teenagers in the home. [ got off 8 pills]

My healing protocol is fruits, veg [organic] a tiny amount of red meat on the bone, tiny seafood, healthy fats, milled nuts and seeds like hemp, flax,pumpkin etc, Mushrooms. Chick peas.lentils, Dark 85% chocolate, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil and tiny bit of dairy, thats it. Only coconut milk. I have lots of photos of all my meals, I'm no great cook.

[no nightshades, no grains, no added sugar, no gluten, no alcohol, no coffee or tea, no cows milk,]

I upped my alkalinity foods [and downed the acid forming ones]and drinks and did an anti inflammatory eating plan.

If your health is in a mess, inbox me as I have links to lots of functional Dr's and programs of so called incurable chronic diseases and how to put them in remission. I am a qualified holistic nutritionist, and specialise in mental health.


kelly brogan md holistic psychiatrist check her u tube


Are you serious? Jo frost?? The woman who actively encourages women to clean their nipples with vinegar prior to feeding....

Amongst a collosal amount of rubbish uttered from this woman's gargantuous mouth, complete lack of education and out-dated methods, Frost is an extremely dangerous choice for your campaign.

More about Youngminds

020 7089 5050