Zahra Pedersen

About Zahra Pedersen

Zahra Pedersen is a certified health coach who predominantly helps clients with fat loss through online coaching.



Sometimes I like to look back on my old posts on Instagram - not to look at the pictures but to read my captions.
It’s like going through an old diary. I’m reminded of thoughts, ideas, experiences and emotions that have long passed. It’s exciting to see my own progression through time, even if it’s only in the last year or so that I feel like I have really pushed my own limits and evolved the most.
Yesterday I was reminded of how much emotional growth I’ve done while I’ve b...een travelling and how, today, I’m hugely reaping the benefits of taking the chances I did.
People will try to shame me for being ‘addicted’ to Instagram and Facebook - but these are my diaries of sorts. This is where I keep some of my memories.
I wouldn’t be lost without them because the memories will be there even without social media but how fun it is to share all of it with you guys - those of you who really care.
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I'm going to keep this short and sweet my dear, because sometimes that's the best way to go in life.
If you want to master mindful eating, all you have to do is slow down around meal times.
... It's honestly that simple.
Mindful eating is all about understanding how you feel as you're eating, why you're eating in the first place and what general state you're in, body and mind, as you're eating.
Mindful eating is great for anyone who struggles with emotional eating.
It can help them discover that they want to eat more when they have bad days even when they're not hungry or want the food in the first place and stop themselves before the damage is done.
I practice mindful eating from time to time and definitely recommend you give it a try.
Have you tried it? What do you think about it?
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Some days create happiness for you and other days you have to create happiness on your own.
One is not inherently better but we all seem to demand one more than the other.
I prefer creating my own happiness - I don’t want to rely on other people or circumstances to dictate when I’m happy. I want the power to turn something bad into something good.
... Here’s some ways I create happiness:
- I exercise or move my body every single day
- I relax when I need to and walk away from situations that stress me unnecessarily
- I practice gratitude 🙏🏼 even on days when it’s hard to find something to be grateful for
How do you create happiness?
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"I am very familiar with the feeling of being overwhelmed and because of this, I have developed a few tactics that I use regularly to try to stay afloat in those situations where everything seems to be too much for me to handle."
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HAVE YOUR SAY - What should my Ramadan programme be called?
THUMBS UP üëç if you like Fasting And Still Transforming
... HEART ❤️ if you like Fitness, Agility, Strength and Tenacity
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It may strike you as somewhat of an odd thing that someone you could consider being in the diet industry herself, would sit down and write this blog post but to be honest with you; I do not and have never counted myself as being in that industry myself. In fact, I am so against it and count myself as being in the health industry which by my standards is very different.
And in today's blog post I want to share with you why I think the diet industr...
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Wait for it üôÉ


Such a common weight loss problem - I blame ‘cheat meals’ or the equivalent of them...


If there’s one golden rule to dieting, fitness and health it is that there is no golden rule.
What works for me might not work for you. The way I lose weight you might gain weight. How I train for strength might hurt you. ... How I stay healthy might harm you.
We are all so individual and unique that the assumption that we should all be able to do the same to get the same results is obscure to say the least.
So don’t punish yourself if the diet your friend saw success with didn’t work for you - you didn’t do anything wrong. You just need to do something different.
And don’t hate your body for never getting comfortable running several miles every day even when you continue to hear stories from people who swear by its meditative powers - you just need to do something different.
Do what’s right for you - enjoy the process - love yourself ❤️
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1. It can help with accountability If you're struggling to hold yourself accountable to your new lifestyle of working out at least 3-4 times a week, having a workout buddy can help you with that! Knowing that there's someone who's waiting for you at the gym and expecting you to show up can be the best incentive to get your bum in gear and go the gym yourself.
... Read more here:…/5-rea sons-to-train-with-a…
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"Before anything else, I want to just go through some of the benefits that come with exercising during a fasted state. The reality is, and it may be worth knowing if you’re worried about working out during Ramadan, that the body can benefit greatly from you not sitting still too much in the hours that you fast."


Burkini Body Bootcamp er i fuld sving 💪🏽
Desværre var der to sygemeldt i dag men inshallah er det med et fuldt holdt at vi mødes igen på Lørdag!
Tusind tak tøser - de næste 4 uger kommer til at blive så sjove/udfordrende/hyggelige/asskickery/se je og meget mere ❤️


I want to do something over Ramadan to help the community stay active and fit and I really want to create something that you guys actually want.
So let me know if the following sounds good to you by giving this post a like or commenting below.
... I want to create a private Facebook group for women only where I jump on and do a LIVE workout with you after Iftaar at least 3 times weekly.
These will be home workouts using minimal equipment and would be accessible for all levels and ages.
You can be anywhere in the world to join since the workouts will remain on the page even after I've done them so you don't have to worry about time differences.
I'll be going on to the group daily so it will be a great opportunity for you to have direct access to me and ask questions as well regarding diet or anything else.
There will be a fee for joining this group of £50 with an early bird offer when I first launch and I would need at least 10 women to join before I would create the group.
Would you like me to create it?
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Do you want to know how to continue working out during Ramadan?
Listen to this podcast episode where I share some of the benefits of working out during a fasted state and give you some practical advice on how to do it safely. 45533


"One thing that continues to amaze me, a thing that I’ve learned over the last few years of being committed to trying to make a healthy lifestyle easily accessible to as many people as possible, is how many things are being prioritised before health.
And by that I mean how many things people are ready to sacrifice more time and effort into in order to succeed at before they even begin to look at how they’re bodies and minds are doing. This could be anything from prioritising first – wanting to make more money or please an employer. It could be putting your family’s and friend’s needs before your own – trying to make sure they get everything they want when they want it, no questions asked even if it collides with your own interests and personal energy."
Read more here:…/are-y ou-taking-your-healt…
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We are moving closer and closer to Ramadan - what are you doing to prepare yourself?
I've got a few suggestions for you if you need some. Listen in and find out what they are!
... 44881
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Så er det aller sidste chance for at tilmelde sig mit første gruppe hold BURKINI BODY BOOTCAMP og tage den SIDSTE LEDIGE PLADS!
Vi starter i morgen kl 18.30 på The Gym på Østerbro!
4 ugers forløb med fitness og kost rådgivning hver Onsdag aften og Lørdag morgen - kun for kvinder!
... Tilmeld dig her: ody-bootcamp.html
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I want to do something over Ramadan to help the community stay active and fit and I really want to create something that you guys actually want.
So let me know if the following sounds good to you by giving this post a like or commenting below.
... I want to create a private Facebook group for women only where I jump on and do a LIVE workout with you after Iftaar at least 3 times weekly.
These will be home workouts using minimal equipment and would be accessible for all levels and ages.
You can be anywhere in the world to join since the workouts will remain on the page even after I've done them so you don't have to worry about time differences.
I'll be going on to the group daily so it will be a great opportunity for you to have direct access to me and ask questions as well regarding diet or anything else.
There will be a fee for joining this group of £50 with an early bird offer when I first launch and I would need at least 10 women to join before I would create the group.
Would you like me to create it?
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More about Zahra Pedersen

Zahra Pedersen is located at 2100 Copenhagen