Zealous Fitness

About Zealous Fitness

Welcome! Zealous Fitness is a brand I have created to help others achieve a better lifestyle in Health & Wellbeing through Personal Training & fitness classes!



The process of gaining muscle is a lot longer than losing the same amount in fat! •... Why does this matter exactly? ~ Well, let’s say you’ve been ‘dieting’ and been trying to lose weight for the last few months.. Assuming you’ve been doing it correctly with a calorie deficit, you’ve probably lost some weight! • Great! But where’s the ‘but’? ~ As a result of losing this weight, can you be so sure that the weight you’ve lost is purely fat? Have you considered that you may also have lost muscle!? • How could this happen? ~ To name a few; - You may have miscalculated your total daily calories required and put yourself in a larger deficit than required - You may not have been meeting your protein requirements - You may not have been weight training (Maybe overdoing the cardio too?) • Whether you’ve started or about to start embarking on your weight loss journey, make sure you consider these things to ensure you don’t lose any muscle during the process! As the post states, you can quickly lose fat over a consistent amount of time but it can take more than double that time to gain the lean muscle you may have lost having not executed everything correctly. • So stay ahead of the game rather backtracking! • #fitness #fitnessjourney #fatloss #weightloss #didyouknow #muscle #musclegain #facts #interesting #personaltrainer #gym #workout #diet #tips
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Each type of workout will require slightly different times at rest till you go again! -
... It’s important to consider this to avoid things such as: - Fatigue - injury - Lack of sleep 💤 - Lack of performance
- So make sure you give your body and mind the rest it needs and try not to overtrain unnecessarily! - #gym #workout #rest #training #muscles #cardio #endurance #cardio #strength #hypertophy #personaltrainer #fitness @ Harlow, Essex
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Here’s 4 upper body exercises that you may not have seen before! Give these a try to mix up your routine a little 💪💪 -
... 1- Seated Bradford Rocky Presses (Shoulders) -
2- Incline Bench Pull (Back) -
3- Wide Grip Decline Pullover (Chest) -
4- Wide Grip Bicep Curl (Biceps) -
ENJOY 💪💪 -
#workout #routine #upperbody #muscle #gym #personaltrainer #backworkout #bicep #chestworkout #shoulderworkout #armsworkout #ideas #inspiration
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You can eat and consume anything you like and still lose weight! Yes. That’s right. ANYTHING! What’s the secret, not so secret? Calorie defect! As long as your caloric intake is lower than your output, you will lose weight, regardless of what you stuff in your mouth! ... - **HOWEVER** - Even though you might enjoy a diet of biscuits and ice cream, you might end up hungrier quicker and feasting on it more without realising how many calories you’ve just put down your throat. Consequently, eating this way will leave you with deficiencies in your essential nutrients! So therefore it’s important that you still eat a healthy and balanced diet within your macros. -
What does this all mean in terms of your fat loss goal? Simply put, you can still indulge in your favourite treats and not have to cut out anything you considered ‘bad foods’, as long as you cater for it within your daily or weekly calories, alongside your daily, nutrient dense meals! -
Consider this before you or a friend begins to eliminate certain foods or treats thinking it will hugely influence your goals. -
#info #infographic #didyouknow #diet #calories #nutrients #fatloss #weightloss #goals #nutrition #macros #facts #fitness #personaltrainer
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Have you ever wondered why you can easily SMASH your workout some days, but on others you have NO ENERGY to spare? It could be related to what and when you’re eating before you go the gym! ... -
Although nutrient timing can make a difference in your training, don’t get overwhelmed and focused by it. At the end of the day, you’re overall calorie intake and quality of food is what matters! -
As always, stay hydrated while you workout as this has a huge impact in your performance! Also, why not drink a coffee 30mins before your workout! This will enhance your performance by decreasing fatigue and increasing mental alertness! -
#info #infographic #food #diet #macros #carbs #fats #proteins #workout #training #gym #bestfoods #fatloss #weightloss #musclegain #energy @ Harlow, Essex
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Here are 6 exercises that you may not have known about or seen before for the cable machines! -
... Lower Body:
1- Squats 2- Deadlift
Upper Body:
3- Incline Pushdown 4- Overhead curls
5- Russian Twists 6- Reverse Crunches -
ENJOY 💪💪 -
#workout #exercise #video #gym #fitness #cablemachine #ideas #inspiration #squats #deadlift #abs #absworkout #muscles #fatloss #weightloss #upperbody #lowerbody #personaltrainer
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So, there’s a pretty big misconception that you need to do cardio in order to lose weight. However, this isn’t entirely true! All you need is for your body to use dat as fuel. This will happen when a calorie deficit is created. -
... **HOWEVER** -
Exercise in general from your typical cardio or resistance training or a combination of both, can greatly enhance your weight loss success. -
Research has typically found that a combination of reduced calories and exercise is superior to dieting alone. Not to mention all the health benefits that come with regular exercise! -
#didyouknow #fitness #exercise #calories #weightloss #fatloss #info #facts #infographic #cardio #diet #food #gym
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Sitting behind a desk for example can be taxing on both mind and body. Generally, while we are at work, we may neglect our health and well-being so it can be a good idea to implement a little exercise throughout the day with some quick and easy calorie burners! -
... Not only are these exercises efficient, but did you know, that getting up every 30 minutes will help increase your productivity and focus! It’s a win win! -
#fitness #exercise #work #info #infographic #inspiration #ideas #calories #burn #fat #workout #cardio @ Harlow, Essex
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Here are 5 different ways you can perform a bench press as opposed to your average flat bench press. -
... Varying your movements can be incredibly beneficial as each movement can stimulate different areas of your major muscles. Not just for chest (bench press). Not to mention it will add something a little different to your workouts to keep you interested and motivated! -
Here’s the 5 exercises: -
1- Decline Bench Press
2- Chained Bench Press
3- Reverse Grip Bench Press
4- Wide Grip Bench Press
5- Pin Press
Good luck! 💪 -
#exercise #fitness #chest #benchpress #inspiration #workout #ideas #barbell #compound #decline #chained #reversegrip #widegrip #pinpress #gym #personaltrainer
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- Our bodies are constantly burning calories just to maintain normal bodily functions and your usual everyday activities that we normally wouldn’t think twice when it comes to calorie burn.
... The totals amount of calories your body burns is called Total Energy Expenditure (TEE). TEE is a combination of the following: -
1- Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) This is the amount of energy your body needs to maintain your basic functions that you cannot control like breathing, blood circulation etc. This accounts for roughly 60-75% of your total calorie burn each day. -
2- Non-Exercise Activity Thermogensis (NEAT) This is the amount of energy required for your daily activities such as walking around at the office, typing on the computer, washing dishes etc.. This will of course greatly vary from person to person. -
3- Calories burned during exercise! This ones pretty self explanatory.. The total amount of calories burned will depend on intensity and duration however the total burn will account for roughly 15-30% each day. -
4- Thermal Effect of Food (TEF) This dictates the calories burned from things such as chewing, digestion and food storage. Each macronutrient has a different TEF. This accounts for roughly 10% of your total calorie burn each day. -
#info #infographic #facts #didyouknow #interesting #calories #calorieburn #exercise #fitness #nutrition #macros #energy #diet #fatloss
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The number one most frequent thing I see as a trainer are people incorrectly using a machine or trying to perform an exercise with awful form!
There’s only so much I can do and help others to try and correct these movements but if you know you’re somebody whose not entirely sure how to do or use something, please ask a professional!
... We’d all like to be injury free right? Good!
#exercise #fitness #muscles #biggest #mistakes #gym #machines #inspiration #correct #form #technique #facts #info #infographic #personaltrainer @ Harlow, Essex
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Here’s 2 exercises you can do with resistance bands!
Resistance bands have a number of benefits. In addition to their ability to help you strengthen muscles groups, they are also affordable, portable and accessible.
Not only do they add resistance to any exercise, but that can also assist certain exercises too. For example, you can use them to assist you with your pull ups by attaching it to the bar at the top and around your knees or feet at the bottom!
... They can also be great for stretching and rehabilitation from a sports or muscle related injury!
Give them a try if you or your gym has one!
#gym #exercises #resistance #bands #weight #lift #training #inspiration #ideas #workout #muscles
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If you wanted to burn 1 pound of fat, be that over a period of a week or two, you would have to burn 3500 calories over that time.
You could interpret this into burning the calories through physical activity in the form of going to the gym or daily activities, or you could create this from being in a calorie deficit.
... For example, if you were to create a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day, this would amount to a deficit of 3500 calories a week which would mean a loss of 1 pound.
Keep this in mind if and when you are trying to shred a pound or two!
#didyouknow #diet #food #fitness #calories #goals #weight #fatloss #facts #exercise #nutrition
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Have you ever wondered why you may have stopped losing weight over a period of time? Here’s 5 reasons why that may be!
It’s not sometimes a negative reason why the weight may have stopped dropping. It could indicate a positive! If you have been consistent with your eating and workouts, yet still stayed the same weight, it could mean that as well as having lost a pound of fat, you may have gained the same in muscle! That’s a huge thumbs up 👍
It’s so important that while you’...re in a calorie deficit, you maintain if not gain, muscle! Therefore make sure your deficit is not larger than it should be, and that you lift some weights too 🏋️‍♂️
At this stage, let me also point out that the scales is not always the most accurate way of measuring weight, considering all the reasons I gave, so make sure that you also get your measuring tape out too!
#fitness #gym #weight #fatloss #exercise #diet #workout #facts @ Harlow, Essex
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Do you have a sandbag at home or your gym? And ever wondered what to do with them?
I always have clients asking me what they can do with a sandbag.
... So, I’ve put together some exercises that you can try that will not only give you a full body muscular workout but also test your endurance.
Get ready to sweat! 💦
#gym #exercise #workout #sandbag #ideas #routine #muscles #fitness #fullbodyworkout #fitnessmotivation #inspiration #circuit #amrap #emom
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Per gram of each macronutrient has a different value in calories. This is very important to know and understand so you can calculate how much of each nutrient you need on a daily basis.

... It’s important to consume the right balance of protein, carbs and fats into your everyday life as they can help you maintain a healthy weight and optimise your energy levels.
On the subject of alcohol, our bodies cannot store it therefore it is used and burnt as a source of energy. This will interfere with other processes such as burning fat which may hinder your goals of fat loss for example. Something to keep in mind if Barry or Sandra wants to neck two too many as you try to keep up 😛
#didyouknow #diet #food #macros #nutrients #calories #carbs #fats #proteins #alcohol #goals #weight #loss #facts #fitness
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If you’ve ever wondered how often you should workout, read each slide for a little more info on the subject. The answer is not as straight forward as you may think. I often get asked, ‘do I have to exercise everyday?’ Answer: No.
Here are some extra things you should know in short: - 2 to 4 days of strength training will give you results in strength and definition - Movement is always a good idea for general health... - You should aim for 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercises each week
Good luck! 👊
#gym #workouts #exercise #muscles #often #goals #fitness #facts #fat #loss #weights #cardio
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More about Zealous Fitness

Zealous Fitness is located at CM18 6 Harlow, Essex