Ziggurat Books International

About Ziggurat Books International

Books published by Ziggurat Books International

Ziggurat Books International Description

Ziggurat Books International publishes art theory, fiction, poetry, and topical writing of a sociological nature. We also publish books of painting and photography



Tableaux: Paintings 2002-2012 by Marcus Reichert Preface by Adam Adelson Introduction by Donald Kuspit Available on the internet from The Book Depository: http://www.bookdepository.com/Tableaux-Pa int…/9780957391154…


13: Stories by Sally MacLeod Available on the internet from The Book Depository: http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/13-Storie s-S…/9780957391147…


The Defeated The Exalted: Poems by Marcus Reichert Introduction by Stephen Barber Comment by Donald Kuspit ISBN 978-0-9573911-3-0 ... 68 Pages Paperback 25 x 120 cms £9.95 UK / $15.95 US / €12.00
http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/Defeated% 2C-E…/9780957391130
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Les Fleurs: The Studies Digital variations of works on paper by Marcus Reichert Introduction by Adam Adelson ISBN 978-0-9573911-2-3 ... 62 Pages — 51 Pages in colour Paperback 25 x 120 cms £20.00 UK / $30.00 US / €24.00 http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/Les-Fleur s-St…/9780957391123
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An exceptional book on a rare subject, the Sinai Desert.


Sinai: The Abundant Emptiness Photographs and text by Henry Ralph Carse Edited and designed by Marcus Reichert ISBN 978-0-9573911-0-9 158 Pages — 124 Pages in colour... Paperback 25 x 120 cms £34.95 UK / $53.95 US / €42.00 http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/Sinai-Abu ndan…/9780957391109
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Now in production at Ziggurat Books International for September release.


Ziggurat Books' poets and artists in the May Issue of State/F22 Magazine, London


Available on-line from The Book Depository: http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/Behind-Un ion…/9780956657961…
Behind Union City: The Making of an Independent Film Photographs by Amos Chan... Texts by Deborah Harry, Marcus Reichert, Amos Chan ISBN 9780956657961 146 pages in colour 178 pages Paperback 25 x 20 cms £36.00 / $56.00 / €45.00
Stunning photographs of Deborah Harry and the making of the film Union City (1979) taken by the esteemed photographer Amos Chan. With over 200 images in colour and personal accounts by Deborah Harry, writer/director Marcus Reichert, and photographer Amos Chan, this book is destined to become a cult classic like the film itself. It is rare that a film is documented so beautifully or so intimately. Especially fascinating are the images of Deborah Harry being transformed by make-up artist Richard Dean into the character Lillian. Film clips and stills from lost scenes are also included.
There are fascinating images of Pat Benatar, Tony Zito, Everett McGill, C.C.H. Ponder, Sam McMurray, and Dennis Lipscomb. Naturally there are also many images of the crew at work, with especially interesting shots of the Director of Photography Edward Lachman who was nominated for the Academy Award for Far From Heaven and Kathryn Bigelow whose film The Hurt Locker won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 2010 – she was Marcus Reichert’s script supervisor. Edward Lachman has also worked with Bernardo Bertolucci, David Byrne, Win Wenders, and Robert Altman.
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Music and the Spiritual: Composers and Politics in the 20th Century by Antony Copley
Paperback 20 x 13 cms... 354 Pages — Illustrated ISBN 978-0-9566579-8-5 £14.95 UK / $24.95 US / €20.00
Orders from Central Books Ltd. orders@centralbooks.com
Available on-line from The Book Depository
http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/Music-Spi rit…/9780956657985…
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More about Ziggurat Books International

Ziggurat Books International is located at 27 St. Quentin House, Fitzhugh Grove, SW18 3SE London, United Kingdom
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