Zoe Meakin Lactation Consultant

About Zoe Meakin Lactation Consultant

Private Lactation consultant and tongue tie practitioner offering professional education, helpful and practical support to new and experienced parents in Colchester and surrounding areas.
I am a midwife, mum of two and accredited IBCLC practitioner



Ladies please fill in the form below if you are expecting or have a newborn baby, free pocket guide for baby first aid
https://email.sja.org.uk/sjalz//WebCaptur e.aspx?pID=5066


See you all soon! I have my Xmas jumper on 💖 feel free to put yours on if you have one x


Last bf support group before Xmas! Put your Xmas jumpers on if you have one 💖


Crochet boobies 💖#breastfeeding #breastfeedinginpublic #breastfeedingproblems #nippleshowing #invertednipples #flatnipples #wearealldifferent #breastfeedingyourbaby #breastfeedingsupport #lactationsupport #essex #lactating #lactationconsultant #ibclc #ibclccertifiedlactationconsultant


Come and join us for the last support group before Christmas! Feel free to wear a Christmas jumper, we will be providing drinks and cakes and Christmas laughs, please let me know if you can attend as we will be bringing a little gift for you 😍


Ladies!!! So our lovely Liz has found us a venue! So Friday will go ahead! It will be the last meet before Xmas! Please come along for cake and a warm drink ( please let us know who’s coming as we have a little gift for you) I’ll post an event. Great work Liz Sands Bfs 💖💖


Love this 💖 however I would move babies position so the nose is slightly more free 💖


Ladies please note I have to cancel this wks support group 😩 so sorry guys!! It will be back in the new year with a new venue! I will be texting you all to let you all know but I wish you all a merry Christmas 💖


What would you think/feel if this was given to you whilst you were feeding in public? Would you like it or hate it?


See you all soon! Remember Iauren is coming along with her bespoke hand made jewellery 💖


Ladies I am looking forward to my lovely friend bringing her bespoke jewellery along on Friday, all orders will be delivered before Xmas 😬


💖💖For those of you that have attended the support group, and have a couple of minutes and wouldn’t mind leaving feedback or a recommendation I would be really grateful 💖 💖


A regular support group to women who are feeding their babies who want to come along to see a friendly face and have a cup of tea/coffee. You will be able to relax, have a chat and meet like minded parents. This is the first feeding support group in Colchester that has access to a registered midwife and IBCLC (certified lactation consultant) the group was created because there is not much support for breastfeeding mums. I believe support is the key to any breastfeeding experience however long you decide to feed your baby for. You don't have to be experiencing problems to come along to the group. Just come along to get out of the house and meet new friends. So please drop by and say hi 💖
Our special guest Lauren will be with us sharing her exclusive bespoke hand made jewellery


What a lovely relaxed group yesterday day was. We talked about different subjects like pressures on new mums, different feelings we have towards our babies and actually we don’t always feel that bond straight away but it will come 💖


Frequent feeding is normal 💖
https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu .be&v=Brhq-Z11zos


There are many different ways to feed your baby/babies. Different feeding positions below 💖


For those mums and dads interested in slings for Colchester and Ipswich 💖
https://m.facebook.com/ipswichandcolchest erslinglibrary/


Ladies here is more lovely bespoke jewellery hand made by a lovely friend 💖 if you order I am more than happy to collect and bring to the group for you x




Zoe saw us the day after Our daughter was born in 2015 and I 100% credit her for me being able to breastfeed because of the time she gave us... managed to breastfeed until our daughter self weaned at 16months, and couldn't have done it without her!!!! She gave me the tools and advice I needed and am so thankful. Not only that, but after a lot of complications and surgery, I had no idea really what had happened to me, Zoe went through my notes and got the surgeon to talk to me until I was happy and understood what had happened. I will always be grateful for the time Zoe took out of her day for us... and anyone who is under her care is in extremely good hands. Such a kind and considerate lady.

Thank you so much again. �


Zoe really is one of a kind. Her passion for her role and, more importantly, for the families that she works with shines through beyond belief.

Having faced a few challenges with breastfeeding, Zoe was there to provide invaluable advice, support and compassion for us and our baby when we needed it most, making such a huge difference to our experience and giving me the best chance possible to fulfil my wish to breastfeed.

She gave up so much of her time for us - despite being in ridiculous high demand - coaching me through feeding, giving me the confidence that I needed in myself, listening to my concerns, fighting our corner and solving potential problems, taking the time to explain every detail of our care and (above all) picking me up when I felt low with her infectious smile!!

Zoe has a heart of pure gold. She really cares, she puts her all into her work and she does an amazing job of it too! Thank you Zoe, I can’t praise you enough xxx


Zoe popped by to the postnatal ward when I had my 2nd daughter and helped me get some milk into the sleepy little thing! I'd fed my first but I wasn't sure what to do with a baby who didn't want to wake, new territory. She helped me hand express and syringe feed her and by the time we went home we were set. Zoe was so friendly and encouraging.


Zoe is amazing. I can honestly say, without her help, I would have given up on breastfeeding on the first day. Zoe took the time to sit with my husband and I on the ward at Colchester, for almost 2 hours. My son had had to have some formula one his first night as we couldn’t get the latch right. Following Zoe’s calm advice and methodical approach to our issue, we were off on our breastfeeding journey. We’re still going almost 9 months on. I cannot thank her enough.


Zoe is amazing !!!

My daughter had tongue tie and Zoe dealt with the procedure!

She could tell I was a bag of nerves and really helped to calm me down and my daughter loved her!

Super professional and super kind!

The right mix of everything you want as a parent!


Zoe helped me to feed my son whilst we were in hospital still and has followed up with messages and advice during those scary first few days home. Having attended a breast feeding class with her in pregnancy I knew her advice would be great but she’s given me so much confidence and gone above and beyond to help me establish successful feeding with my baby.


Zoe has been amazing with helping me with my newborn’s feeding. Available all hours to answer questions, she really went above and beyond to help us get a good outcome.


Zoe answered me in my hour of need. It was about 4 in the morning, I had been trying to feed my baby who was in NICU and I wasn’t producing any milk. I messaged her in a panic and in a couple of hours she responded, even though she was on holiday. She was so reassuring and just what I needed. She made sure someone else was able to come and see me in person as she wasn’t able to and advised me on the phone constantly. Checking in to see how I was doing. As a result I now have a good supply, my baby feeds well and we are out of hospital. Thank you Zoe. You are amazing �


Thank you Zoe so much for all your help with breastfeeding support and guidance following the birth of my daughter. Our breast feeding journey has had its ups and downs but 11 days in there is no looking back. Thank you you are amazing xx


Such an amazing helpful lady! I was struggling with breastfeeding & ready to give up. I contacted Zoe & she came round to me the next morning. She helped & gave me the boost of

confidence I needed, even continued to message me with her support and encouragement. Would highly recommend for anyone out there having any problems with breastfeeding! Thank you X


I’m so happy I found zoe , my baby’s tongue tie was quite bad right to the tip he was 9 weeks old and was suffering all that time with it she looked at it and snipped it straight away and what a difference it has made to me and him � I’m so grateful ty


I had my little girl in 2016. Zoe was amazing!! She helped out and messaged to check how I was getting on. From then on has always kept in touch and helped me with my next baby in 2017. I couldn’t of got through the breast feeding stage without her support!


I had my daughter in 2015 & this women was amazing to me! From being on shift Mrs M noticed my name on the board and popped her head around the door to see if we was okay but I already delivered her and she was in my arms so of course a snuggle was on the cards hehe. To her being there face to face, up the road from me, to messaging day and night when I was struggling with huge amounts of breast milk that wouldn't stop pouring/leaking (7weeks) later it stopped! Sore nips to padding the bra and most of all having a baby who was tongue tie which wasn't a problem with feeding but didn't get any easier when she was growing up as weening was a task! Couldn't fault her in anyway she was my back and call! Big Thankyou to Mrs Meakin #thankyouforeverythingyoudidforus xx


I gave birth to my little boy on Sunday and, after struggling to feed my little girl previously, I was determined to breastfeed this time. Zoe came to see me on the Lexden Ward and was incredibly patient and encouraging giving me lots of hints and tips. Every day is a learning curve when it comes to breastfeeding so it’s great to have Zoe on hand with any questions. Thanks for the support x


I contacted Zoe when I was very emotional and totally stressed out due to really struggling to get my new born to latch on in my first few days motherhood. It was extremely important to me to persevere with breast feeding and I was getting to the point where I was going to give up due to simply not working and I was heart broken. Zoe was brilliant, the guidance, advice and reassurance she gave me was invaluable. I learnt so much from her and I am truly grateful for the care and attention she gave to me during what was such a difficult time. I would thoroughly recommend her as she goes above and beyond what I expected and I honestly will be forever grateful.


I cannot thank Zoe enough for the support she has given me during a difficult time on my breastfeeding journey. Her advice has been amazing and she has been able to really set my mind to rest after I stressed myself out!

Thank you Zoe!


I cannot thank Zoe enough for her advice, guidance and ongoing support. Baby Zachary was born at 37 weeks weighing only 5lbs. He had some difficulty latching on initially and due to his size and the delay in my milk coming in, he was admitted to the neonatal unit for 5 days as he was unable to maintain his blood sugars. Zoe visited me on the postnatal ward and on the neonatal until and formulated a plan. Whilst I was trying to express and give him whatever I had, it was necessary to supplement him for a short time with formula via cup feeds in order to maintain his blood sugars. I would come down every 2 hours to the neonatal unit and attempt to latch him on but we he had great difficulty as Zachary was very sleepy. It was a really emotional and difficult time. Zoe helped me with expressing so that gradually I could offer more and more of my milk and less of the formula. This worked well, and whilst initially I was still unable to breastfeed him, it felt so wonderful to know he was getting my milk. After a few days I was double pumping and practically filled the milk fridge! Once I was discharged from the postnatal ward, we were offered a room downstairs on the neonatal unit. Zoe spent hours with me trying different positions to latch him on. Eventually he latched on and it was so wonderful! My milk had come in and Zachary was strong enough to feed! I am so thankful to have had Zoe’s reassurance during this time. Additionally Zachary had a tongue-tie, and Zoe very kindly got us referred to tongue-tie clinic so that this could be resolved quickly.

In the weeks and even months after we were discharged, Zoe has continued to be there to support and reassure me.

Zachary is 5 months old tomorrow and still breastfeeding � Thank you Zoe x


Had my haaka breast pump delivered today and it is money well spent ..After feeling like I was letting my baba down with the minimal amount of breast milk i was expressing in any one go with my electric pump, I now feel much satisfied after telling Zoe my concerns . Not only did I double the amount of milk I normally express within 20 minutes of receiving my Haakaa pump but received great advise and techniques about expressing from the lovely Zoe . She was kind, tolerant and made me feel at ease. Thank you Zoe. I will most definetly be spreading the word about my Haakaa.


Can not thank you enough Zoe for all your help when I had my little girl in 2016! Such a good help and you was there when ever I needed advice! Wouldn't of made it though the first few weeks without your advice Zoe!

More about Zoe Meakin Lactation Consultant

Zoe Meakin Lactation Consultant is located at Rowhedge, CO57BA Colchester, Essex