16Th Mba Postgraduate Conference

About 16Th Mba Postgraduate Conference

The Marine Biological Association Postgraduate Conference heads North in 2019 for its 16th anniversary at the University of Newcastle.



Congratulations to everyone who had an abstract accepted today!! рҹҸҶрҹҺү We can't wait to meet you all in May! Have a look at mbapg19.co.uk for all details and buy your ticket before April 7th @ https://webstore.ncl.ac.uk/вҖҰ/the-marine -biological-associatвҖҰ


It's the LAST DAY for abstract submissions to our #marinescience postgrad conference at Newcastle University in May! рҹҺҹпёҸрҹҘҪрҹҸҠвҖҚвҷӮпёҸ Be sure to go to http://mbapg19.co.uk for details and the link to submit! Purchase tickets here! #MBA19 https://webstore.ncl.ac.uk/вҖҰ/the-marine -biological-associatвҖҰ


рҹҡЁFINAL 2 daysрҹҡЁ for abstract submissions to The Marine Biological Association 16th annual #postgraduate conference in May! Deadline is midnight this Sunday 31/03! рҹҢҷ All submissions and ticket details @ http://mbapg19.co.uk You have until 12pm on Sunday 07/04 to purchase your conference tickets!! рҹҗірҹҰһрҹҢҠ #marinescience #research #phdchat #Newcastle #MBA19


We have an exciting announcement on our conference PRIZES! Here's what the winners for 1st and 2nd place for talks and posters will be courtesy of the incredible The Fifth Point Diving Centre #ThankYou!! рҹҸ„вҖҚвҷҖпёҸ рҹҘҲ Second Place Talk and Poster: THE GULPER https://life.fourthelement.com/product/gu lper/вҖҰ рҹҘҮFirst Place Talk and Poster: A RASHGUARD made from recycled ocean plastic! (or - swimsuit, bikini or leggings!) https://life.fourthelement.com/product-ca tegвҖҰ/вҖҰ/rashguards/вҖҰ рҹҸ…Won...dering what you can get for just participating? Well 1 year free membership Marine Conservation Society, a conference dinner, free drinks tokens and other goodies! Tickets and info @ mbapg19.co.uk
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Need some May Bank Holiday Plans? We've got you covered!!! вҳҖпёҸрҹҸ–рҹҡҢрҹҚ» #Northumberland #NewcastleUponTyne #MarineScience #Postgraduates


Dave Skinner is a translator, editor and speechwriter. After years of wading through unnecessarily complicated technical and specialist material in several languages, he and colleagues started a Fight the Fog campaign consisting of guides and lectures on clear writing. In his workshop he will explain tips and techniques, backed up by exercises, to help you make your scientific documents more accessible to the general public (sorry: вҖңвҖҰ he will show you how to make your work easier to readвҖқ)! We can't wait! #lifeskills #writing


Call for abstracts рҹҢҚ


CALL FOR ABSTRACTS! Are you researching these areas? Do you love talking about your research? Or just like to practice presenting in front of your peers? Check out the list below and submit! Deadline: 31/03/2019 mba2019@newcastle.ac.uk The Marine Biological Association #MBA19


Hi all! Did you know there is one month (a full 31 days!) until abstract submissions for presentations/posters close for The Marine Biological Association Postgraduate Conference in May!!вҸ°рҹ—“пёҸрҹҘҪрҹҗірҹҰҲрҹҰһрҹҰҖрҹҰ рҹ ”¬ 1) рҹ’» Make sure to check out our website http://mbapg19.co.uk for all information on abstract submissions, the programme and events! 2) Submit your oral presentation or poster abstract to mba2019@newcastle.ac.uk 3)рҹҺҹ Buy tickets from https://webstore.ncl.ac.uk/вҖҰ/the-marine -biological...-associatвҖҰ 4) рҹ“§ Email queries to mba2019@newcastle.ac.uk #marinescience #MBA19 5) рҹҗҰFollow us on Twitter @MBAconference19 for information and to be featured during the conference рҹҳ„
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6 weeks are left for abstract submissions to The Marine Biological Association 16th Annual Postgraduate Conference! Both posters and oral presentations welcome! Closing Sunday March 31st! http://mbapg19.co.uk/ рҹ“ҡрҹ§ӘрҹҰһвӣөпёҸрҹҢҠ #MBA19 #phdlife #phdchat #marinescience #earlycareer


Early-Bird tickets are available until TOMORROW!! рҹҗҰрҹҺҹ


We're committed to #sustainability! #MBA19 will be paperless, our merch is eco-friendly and only #reusable alternatives to #SingleUsePlastics will be available. Wherever possible we'll be donating leftover food to local food banks too! #lowenvironmentalimpact рҹ’ҡвҷ»


Wrapping up the #MBA19 postgraduate conference on Wednesday 8th May in Newcastle city centre at Pleased to Meet You! рҹҘірҹ“Ҡрҹ“ҡрҹҚ» don't forget to join our event page before the conference!


Another evening event organised by the committee! 4 course deliciousness and music! вңЁрҹҳӢ


Already excited for this!


We have tons of fun social stuff planned to make this conference even more exciting рҹҘӮ


For all the information about the conference be sure to go to mbapg19.co.uk!

More about 16Th Mba Postgraduate Conference

16Th Mba Postgraduate Conference is located at Lindisfarne Room, Newcastle University, NE1 7RU Newcastle upon Tyne