8Th Darlington (Cockerton Green) Scouts

Monday: 18:30 - 20:00
Tuesday: 18:30 - 20:00
Wednesday: 19:30 - 21:30
Thursday: 19:00 - 21:00
Friday: 18:15 - 19:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About 8Th Darlington (Cockerton Green) Scouts

An independent Scout Group based in Cockerton, Darlington. We provide Scouting for ages 6-24 through Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and beyond. (See 'About' for more information)

8Th Darlington (Cockerton Green) Scouts Description

The 8th Darlington Scouts was founded in April 1915 and has met in a variety of locations in and around the Cockerton area during it's 90 years, we have been meeting at our current Headquarters (The Den) since the 1960's.

There are currently over 100 members in the group including our Leaders and lay Committee members, who preside over fund raising and day to day running of the Headquarters.

Both Leaders and Committee are all volunteers, many having passed up through the Group themselves.

We are a registered charity and all our funds are received through either charitable donations or at various fund raising events throughout the year.



As you may be aware, the Group's latest fundraising project is getting a new roof for our Main Hall.
We'd like to ask you, our dedicated supporters, for help putting our Project Plan together. If you know anyone who would be able to help by providing quotes for the work, help with project timetables or even give us a hand with our fundraising efforts we'd be very happy to hear from you!
Please share this post far and wide! Contact us through our email address (scouts8thdarlington@outlook.com) if you'd like to help out!


Don't forget that Sections restart from tonight!
Make sure you have your full uniform ready! If you're missing anything just check in with a Leader and they'll try to get you sorted!


We've got some great news about our fundraising programme for our New Roof! Scout Toby can explain:
"My Godmothers dad, Ian Young, has decided to run for the 8th Darlington Scout Group at the Great North Run. Ian has ran for many charities before. This year will be his 30th Great North Run and he has chosen to raise money for the Group which will help towards getting the money needed to get a new roof for the Scout hut. The run will be happening on Sunday 9th September."
We'...re very grateful for Ian's support and we're sure everyone in the Group will be cheering him along next Sunday!
Through his help we'll be another step closer to replacing our 50 year old roof and making the Den a much nicer place for our 100+ members to meet in.
If you'd like to sponsor Ian in the GNR there will be a sponsor form at the desk during Section meetings next week!
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Issue 17 of 8th Mag is out now. It includes full reports on summer camp 2018 and 100 years of Rovering, as well as news from the wider Scouting world, columns, illustrations, brain-teasers, and more! All pieces are written by the Scouts, Seniors and Rovers.
Available online here: https://issuu.com/liampape/docs/8th_mag_- _issue_17_online or on dead trees in the den. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as the Rovers do!


HOT OFF THE PRESS! The latest edition of 8th Mag is here. It includes full reports on summer camp 2018 and 100 years of Rovering, as well as news from the wider Scouting world, columns, puzzles, quizzes and a camp agony uncle!
Available to read online shortly or at the Den from the beginning of September


Unfortunately the Summer Holidays are nearly over but we hope you've all had a fantastic time! Luckily it means that we're about to restart and the Leaders are really looking forward to it!
Here are the Section restart times for September:
Squirrel Cub Pack - Monday 3rd September... Panther Cub Pack - Tuesday 4th September Scout Troop - Thursday 6th September Beaver Colony - Friday 7th September Senior Scout Troop - Wednesday 26th September
See you all soon!
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This weekend the Rover crew went camping at Boldron.
Whilst they set up camp on Friday afternoon, the cows gave John's car a thorough clean with their tongues. That evening everyone partook in a TV and film trivia quiz.
On Saturday, Lynne and Tom joined the Rovers for a 14-mile hike through Deepdale towards Bowes. For tea that evening they had a BBQ, before sitting around the fire and engaging in stimulating conversation.
... As a treat, this morning they cooked a full English breakfast which was delicious (if you exclude the mushy smiley faces). They then dismantled camp and returned to the den, ensuring they left the QMs spick and span (Rob King 😉)
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Good luck to our Rovers getting their A-level results today!
We're very proud of all the effort you put in for the Group around your academic work!
We're sure you'll have done great!


On this day in 1942:
Rover Scout William Barnett Richardson died during an attack on a convoy supplying Malta with Spitfires. He was only 23 years old.
William Richardson was a Leading Writer aboard the Aircraft Carrier H.M.S. Indomitable.
... He was in the Group from at least 1936 as a 'Junior Scout' of a Troop of around 40 Scouts. At least 4 more of his generation of Scouts were killed during the Second World War.
It's likely that William attended the Summer Camp in 1936 that saw the Troop spend an amazing 17 nights under canvas! They spent 2 weeks around Ullswater hiking, playing games and enjoying the beautiful area followed by a week at Raby Park for the Northern Counties Jamboree where they heard Baden-Powell speak.
The below links include information on the HMS Indomitable and the action that Rover Scout William Richardson died in.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Indomit able_(92) (photo shows attack on his ship) https://film.iwmcollections.org.uk/record /1285 (video shows details of the convoy run he was part of. At about 6.30 in the video is the the day he died)
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While we were away at camp last week our Co-Op Local Cause total has shot up to over £3,100!!
Thank you to everyone for your support and don't forget we still have a few months to go.
https://membership.coop.co.uk/causes/1553 7/
... We'll be doing a full inventory of the Quartermaster's Stores during the summer holidays to prioritise what new equipment we need and what we can repair.
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Today is the last Beaver Meeting of the term!
As a special treat, we'll be meeting at Archers Ice Cream at 6.15pm for a walk and ice cream treat. Pick-up will be at the usual time of 7.30pm from Archers.
... Enjoy your summer!
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Tonight is the Panther Packs End of Term Party so they don't need uniform tonight.
There'll be plenty of games and some party food to end the term.
We hope you'll have a great summer and we hope to see you back on Tuesday 4th September!


Another update on our Co-Op Local Cause status:
You've now helped us reach over £2,700 for new camping equipment!
Thank you so much for using your Co-Op cards and selecting us as your Local Cause!
... If you haven't registered yet you can follow this link to give us a bigger share of the donations pot:
https://membership.coop.co.uk/causes/1553 7/
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Don't forget that everyone who helped out at the Garden Fete this year is invited to a 'thank you' drink at the Mowden Pub from 7pm this Saturday (14th).
We'd love to see as many of our supporters as possible!


Don't forget that there is NO CUB MEETING TONIGHT.
Instead, both Cub Packs will be having their joint Sports Night on Tuesday night. Same time as normal - 6.30-8pm.
Make sure you come in full uniform - you can take jumpers off before the games get started.
... The Leaders don't get a night off though as they'll be planning our Summer Camp programme as it's only a few weeks away!
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The Friends of the Denes Summer Fair has been brought forward an hour so you can still watch the football this afternoon!
Pop along to the Denes now to support them!


As a THANK YOU to everyone who helped out at the Fete this year we'd like to invite you for a celebratory drink at The Mowden Pub on Saturday 14th July from 7.00pm.
We're very grateful for all your help and we'd like to show our appreciation at this little get together!


We reduce the time children spend on Xbox's and Ipads and show them the great outdoors is better than virtual reality.

More about 8Th Darlington (Cockerton Green) Scouts

8Th Darlington (Cockerton Green) Scouts is located at 80-82 Cockerton Green, DL3 9 Darlington, Co Durham
Monday: 18:30 - 20:00
Tuesday: 18:30 - 20:00
Wednesday: 19:30 - 21:30
Thursday: 19:00 - 21:00
Friday: 18:15 - 19:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -