Adriann Strickland Personal Training

About Adriann Strickland Personal Training

I am a Personal Training at The Gym Hartlepool! My goal is to help others improve themselves, both body & mind.

Adriann Strickland Personal Training Description

Personal Trainer



🔥 Hello August sale 🔥
For a LIMITED TIME ONLY I’m offering y’all 15% off your first personal training package 💪🏻
These packages include: ... • 1-2-1 sessions • Nutritional advice pack with custom macros and meal plan guidance • Training programme • Tracking of your goals • Measurements and before & after photos • 24/7 support
Message me now to arrange your FREE consultation!💪🏻
Keep your eyes peeled for more discounts, offers and comps 👀
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🏋🏻‍♂️ Working on those weaknesses! 🏋🏻‍♂️
Yes, weaknesses, we all have them! A weakness in my deadlifts is the stage from the floor to the knee, the initial lift!
I’ve been working on deficit deadlifts. Normal deadlifts, just standing on a plate, this causes more space for you to lift the bar from the floor. Yes making the deadlift harder BUT getting my strength up on that initial lift as I’m putting more work in to get it up that little bit extra 💪🏻
... If your weakness on deadlifts is the lock out, the top half of the lift, try working with Rack Pulls! This starts the “deadlift” from your knees (on the safety bars of a squat rack) allowing you to work on just the top half 💪🏻🔥
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🔥 🏋🏻‍♀️TRY PT FOR FREE 🏋🏼‍♀️🔥
⚡️So I have decided to put aside a whole day for a Personal training taster day!🙌🏻
⚡️This is for ANYONE who is curious about PT and wants to make sure it’s right for them before jumping in!💪🏻
... ⚡️Personal training is a great way to kick-start your fitness journey and work towards your goals at a much faster pace! Giving you accountability, motivation and education to guide you in the right direction!👌🏻
⚡️This taster day will take place MONDAY 30th of July! DM me NOW to book in and for any further info!👊🏻
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🏋🏻‍♀️ you wont hit every lift you attempt! And that’s okay!
It’s also okay to have a little strop about it too 😂 I’ve hit this lift before and I know with abit of work and dedication I’ll smash it again💪🏻
... You will reach your goals... you just have to work for them!
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I’ve got some space available next week!
Get in touch for your FREE consultation and kickstart your fitness journey!
... 💥 Individual sessions, monthly packages and paired sessions available
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First back session of the week and smashed it! Hit a new PR on deadlifts finally seeing my strength going up!
Let me know what you think and don’t forget to like and subscribe 🍑
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👋🏻 Quick Fix Fridays 👋🏻
I see sooo many people doing these wrong, keeping the top of their back on the bench or even hanging their head back! This is going to put sooo much strain on your spine!
... Try tucking your chin in, and have your back act like a seesaw on the bench, lower your hips down and back straight then squeeze your bum at the top having your body parallel to the floor!
REMEMBER squeeze your bum at the top to grow the peach 🍑
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Remember where you started!
First photo is August ‘16 vs now!
The first photo you can clearly see how skinny yet bloated I was! Scared to even come close to 8st with a very unhealthy relationship with food, barely eating because the thought of it knocked me sick... I seen something then that’s totally different to what I see now when I look back! ... NOW! Around 2 years later, 9.9st weightlifting 6 times a week and I can actually sit down and eat without feeling guilty, I have an understand of food, a healthier diet and a strong mindset💪🏻 yes I still have bad days, with low self confidence, when I don’t want to eat or I go all day without even thinking about it, BUT I know it’s just 1 bad day, and I can get myself back up and motivated! I used to be so weak and always tired, now I finally feel strong! Both mentally and physically.
Everyone has a different reason to why they started, and everyone has a different starting point...
It’s so easy to doubt your work, compare yourself to others and wonder why you’re not as far and them, but look back to where you started, and see just how far you’ve come!
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Finally gave myself that kick up the backside and got another YouTube video uploaded 🍑
Check it out and don’t forget to give it a 👍🏻 thumbs up if you enjoyed it and subscribe for more!
... Aiming to get one up every week or so! Wish me luck 🤞🏻😂
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💪🏻 Monday Motivation 💪🏻
☀️ The sun is finally out and good vibes all round!
The only thing stopping you from starting your fitness journey is YOU! The first step is always the hardest, but always worth it 💪🏻
... No one has ever said “I regret that workout”
Make that move, take that step and reach your goals 🙌🏻
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💥 Wildcard Wednesdays 💥
Let’s talk supplements!!
I get asked sooo much about what I take, when, why and if you really need to take them!
... The answer to whether you need them is no, the only supplements I would say everyone should be taking is a multivitamin 💪🏻
Here is a little bit about what benefits these have...
🌱 Vegan blend protein powder: protein is great for muscle repair and growth! We all need protein but if you get enough from your diet then you won’t need to use protein powder (unless you like it I suppose 🤷🏻‍♀️)
💪🏻 Creatine: Creatine helps regenerate ATP, our body’s main source of energy, therefore Creatine helps to boost our energy and enhances performance in the gym, in time helping with strength aswell as recovery!
👀 L-Glutamine: Glutamine is an amino acid, it helps minimise and prevent muscle breakdowns BUT it is also great for gut health and the immune system!
🤛🏻 Iron: iron contributes to the formation of red blood cells, which helps reduce tiredness/fatigue and maintain normal energy metabolism.
1️⃣2️⃣ B12: This vitamin helps keep the body’s nerve and blood cells healthy.
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💪🏻 Motivational Mondays 💪🏻
It’s a new week! Which means a fresh start!
I’ve created myself a new programme to kick my ass into shape and get back on it😝
... What’s your next step??
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Well done to Lorna Burns on winning 1 month of PT!
💪🏻 Drop me a message and we can get you in the gym and started 💪🏻
... 💥 Thank you for everyone who entered! WATCH THIS SPACE for future competitions and offers!
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Well it’s about time! Am I right 😂
💪🏻 To win 1 MONTH of personal training sessions with myself all you need to do is ...
... 1. Like the post 2. Share this post 3. Like this page ☝🏻 4. Comment someone who might be interested
Winner will be announced Friday 22nd!
🤞🏻 Good luck!
• DM me for any info on PT sessions, prices or to book in for your free consultation •
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So the stress recently has been REAL and I havnt trained since Friday and been eating like crap 💩 Decided to go out for a lil walk today to stay active, and I always find a nature walk quite a good stress relief 🌲🌿🌾


💪🏻 Motivational Monday 💪🏻
When starting your fitness journey remember that it’s a PROCESS!
Step by step getting closer to your goals but you won’t wake up after 1 gym session and have the body you want!
... 🍑 focus on the little achievements along the way... • losing a couple pound in a week • having more energy • enjoying your time working out • smiling more when looking in a mirror
💥 it’s not always about the big picture! Just remember you WILL hit your goals! One pound at a time 💪🏻
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👋🏻 Quick Fix Fridays 👋🏻
Lat pulldown!
👎🏻 I see this almost everyday in the gym, someone not paying attention, no real muscle contraction and taking the bar down to far! ... 👍🏻 try controlling the bar! Pulling it into your chest (not any further) squeezing your back and releasing it back up all the way 💪🏻
💥 Take your time and get that contraction!
• useful tip - mind to muscle - think about where you’re meant to feel this exercise, think about it working and that you’re using it to pull the bar down •
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💥 wildcard Wednesdays 💥
•body positivity•
Left - what you see ... Right - what I see
We can’t be posed, in good lighting and at the right angle all day, everyday!
We always see ourselves in the most vulnerable times for our body positivity! We can defiantly be too hard on ourselves BUT we need to embrace these “flaws” because they are what make us unique.
🤷🏻‍♀️ I have fat, I have cellulite and I have stretch marks...they’re not always visible to others but visible to me!
💪🏻 we are all beautiful in our own way and these things do not define us, and do not change who we are!
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🍑 quads quads quads 🍑
Easing myself back into training legs properly after slacking for soooo long!
Not every week is going to be the best week for training, and boy do I know it😂! ... • Set yourself goals! • Revamp your training routine! • Start fresh!
Don’t let a few bad sessions ruin your mindset!
▪️ 35kg front squats ▪️
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🍑Same gal, same leggings, different year🍑
Everyone has a different story, different goals and different reasons!
Few years ago I would have cried if I looked at the scale and I was getting close to 8 stone, so Ide run, and run, and run until I felt like Ide dropped some weight!
... This first pic is 1 year ago, 56kg, still struggling with eating, but finally realising why I need to eat, how good it makes me feel and how much more confident it made me. Started weightlifting and I’ve never looked back!
💪🏻 NOW, a year on, 62kg, and I LOVE food and I mean it, I’m always hungry and if I’m not it’s because I’m eating 😝 *dont judge me food is life ✌🏻* but now I have more of an understanding of what I’m eating, why, and how to do it in a healthy way! Finally having a healthy relationship with food 🍌
Everyone has a different story, different goals and different reasons!
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I have been training with Adriann since February and honestly she has been amazing. The progress I have made in nearly three months is crazy and she is always so supportive and motivating. We have had some funny moments in our one hour training sessions and I wouldn't have it any other way!


Adriann’s dedication to her job and clients is 110%, the care and effort she puts into her personal training plans is beyond brilliant. On top of that she’s a super friendly, lovely individual with a heart of gold. I guarantee if you choose to work with Adriann you’re in capable hands and will leave your sessions feeling like you’re capable of anything.

Thank you so much! 🌟

More about Adriann Strickland Personal Training

Adriann Strickland Personal Training is located at The Gym, TS24 0YA Hartlepool