Al-Pass School Of Motoring

About Al-Pass School Of Motoring

Driving lessons around the South Shields, Gateshead and Newcastle areas. Contact David on 07939657911.



There’s times when this job can be a bit stressful and challenging. But it’s always a massive boost when you receive something like this off one of your pupils for helping them pass their test. We don’t expect anything, as it’s our job after all but knowing you’re appreciated is fantastic.
So a massive thank you to Sean Coffell who passed on Friday and sent me this lovely message and gift. Much appreciated! ūüĎć


Phone is now sorted. Unfortunately my ICloud wouldn’t back up my contacts so could everybody please text me with their names as I’m going to have to save them all again. Thank you.


Hi everyone. My phone is currently knackered at the minute. This will hopefully be sorted today ASAP so if you have tried to contact me and haven't had a response that's why. I will post again once it's sorted. sorry for any inconvenience.


*** PASS ALERT ***
Congratulations to Sean Coffell who passed his driving test FIRST ATTEMPT today from Elswick Test Centre with just 5 minors. Great effort Sean! Happy, Safe driving! ūüĎćūüŹĽ‚úÖ
If you wish to join Sean on the road and book lessons, contact David on 07939657911 ‚ėéÔłŹ


Very best of luck to Gateshead Rutherford Under 17’s who kick off their league campaign this morning against Seaham Coast FC.
Hopefully they can take their pre-season form of 3 wins out of 3 into today and start as they mean to go on.
They will be playing in their brand new kits sponsored by AL-Pass S.O.M (pictured below)
... ūüĒī‚öęÔłŹūüĒī‚öęÔłŹ
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Needing driving lessons around the Gateshead/Newcastle area?
Why not join these people below who are just some of the recent clients who have passed their test with AL-Pass S.O.M?! ūüöô
- Reliable, friendly instructor ‚úÖ
... - Reasonable prices/offers ‚úÖ
- Extremely high pass rate ‚úÖ
If you wish to find out more information or book your lessons, contact David on 07939657911 ‚ėéÔłŹ
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*** PASS ALERT ***
Massive well done to Joe Hill on passing his driving test first attempt this afternoon From Gateshead Test Centre. It‚Äôs been a pleasure Joe. Happy, safe driving! ūüöô
If you‚Äôre wanting to join Joe on the roads and have lessons with AL-Pass S.O.M, contact David on 07939657911 or give me a message on here. ‚ėéÔłŹ


A very warm welcome to the first ever set of twins that have learned with Al-Pass S.O.M. A little bit of competition between Hannah & Niamh Cowie to see who will get passed first.
Iv got every faith that they will both fly through the lessons and add to the list of passes for us. Best of luck girls ūüĎćūüŹĽ
If anybody else is after lessons with AL-Pass S.O.M, contact David on 07939657911 to book ‚ėéÔłŹ


AL-Pass S.O.M are delighted to announce that we will be the shirt sponsor of Gateshead Rutherford under 17’s football team next season.
After getting involved with the club to help with coaching, I decided it would be a great opportunity for the business to grow even bigger by having our logo on the strips next season and also on the official Gateshead Rutherford FC website.
As the business is going from strength to strength as is our pass rate, I feel this can only be a pos...itive decision and aim to attract even more potential customers to learn to drive with AL-Pass S.O.M.
The team will be in the Russell Foster Under 17’s league next season and aswell as the business side of things, I hope I can help the team have a successful season.
A big thanks to everyone at the club for giving me this opportunity, especially Ian Lattimer who is the official manager of the team.
Pictures of the strips will be posted once arrived. We can not wait to get started and hopefully make this a success. ūüĒī‚öęÔłŹ
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*** PASS ALERT ***
DOUBLE FIGURES!! That’s 10 passes in a row now for AL-Pass S.O.M and it was done in style by Stephen Butler who passed this afternoon, FIRST ATTEMPT with just 4 Minors from South Shields Test Centre.
Stephen done it by completing a 30 hour intensive course over just 2 weeks. Magnificent effort mate! Happy, safe driving. ‚úÖūüöô
... If you wish to get on the road like Stephen, contact David on 07939657911 ‚ėéÔłŹ
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Well I best not drink these tonight as I‚Äôm working tomorrow but a huge thank you to Rhys Dawson who got me this to say thank you for helping him pass his test recently. Lovely gesture mate cheers ūüĎćūüŹĽ


A warm welcome to the following pupils who have started lessons with AL-Pass in the last month:
Stephen Butler Anam Choudhury Juthi Choudhury... Sean Coffell Stephen Graves Emily Watson
We wish you’s all the best of luck and hopefully will see your pass photo on here sooner rather than later ✅
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*** PASS ALERT ***
Massive well done to Rhys Dawson on passing his driving test today 1ST ATTEMPT from Elswick Test Centre with only 2 minors. Quality effort Rhys. Happy, safe driving ūüöô
That’s 9 passes in a row now for AL-Pass S.O.M ✅
... If you‚Äôre wanting to book lessons, get in touch with David on 07939657911 ‚ėéÔłŹ
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ūü¶Āūü¶Āūü¶Ā The World Cup is under way and England play their first game on Monday evening against Tunisia. Here at AL-Pass S.O.M we are giving the chance for one person to win a free lesson if you can guess the correct score. For a chance to win, follow the steps below ūü¶Āūü¶Āūü¶Ā
*** Like the AL-Pass S.O.M page (if you haven’t already) *** ✅
... *** Share this post *** ‚úÖ
*** Comment below with your score prediction. If you’re going for anything other than a draw make sure you state what team will win *** ✅
Only ONE prediction per person. If there is more than one winning prediction then it will go down to a draw with a name being picked out of a hat randomly. This closes at 5pm on Monday where all comments will be screenshot to avoid any editing of comments.
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Huge well done to Rebecca Leen on passing her driving test 1st attempt this morning from Elswick Test Centre with just 5 minors. Great effort Rebecca, massive credit where it‚Äôs due for only having 3 lessons in the new car before your test! Happy safe driving! ūüöô
That’s 8 passes in a row now and the first of many passes in the new Citroen. ✅
If you want to join Rebecca on the road and need lessons, contact David for prices & availability on 07939657911 ‚ėéÔłŹ


AL-Pass S.O.M is now back in full swing after a weeks holiday and will return to lessons in the brand new Blue Citroen C3 tomorrow.
For availability and prices including offers contact David on 07939657911. ‚ėéÔłŹūüöô


** Welcome the new Citroen C3 everybody **
AL-Pass S.O.M can’t wait to get more people through their tests but now in a brand new smart little Citroen C3 1.2 car.
... Im relishing teaching people in this beauty and I’m sure this will provide the same amount of success as the previous Peugeot.
If you wish to book lessons with AL-Pass please contact David on 07939657911 ‚ėéÔłŹ
From Sunday 3/6 until Sunday 10/6 I am on holiday so unfortunately won’t be able to answer any calls. However, don’t let that put you off...leave a message with me and I will reply ASAP. Thanks.
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More about Al-Pass School Of Motoring

Al-Pass School Of Motoring is located at Coniston, Heworth, NE10 Newcastle upon Tyne