All Saints Church, Easington



A great way to support our fantastic village hall - the Easington Film Club! Saturday 13th - the film (Fisherman's Friends) starts at 7pm.


SUMMER FAIR! Celebrate the beautiful weather today by joining us at our summer fair. 2-4pm at Easington Village Hall. Also includes our infamous grand raffle, plus a whole host of other stalls. You could be one of our cash prize winners this year! Hook a duck, home made cakes, refreshments, craft stalls, tombola and more!


Camino De Santiago Talk - Monday 17th June, 6.30pm, Easington Village Hall
Alan Chape (Treasurer at All Saints, Easington) will be presenting stories from the Camino De Santiago walk he completed in May this year. It took him 28 days, walking from St Jean Pied De Port in France to Santiago De Compostela in Spain. He walked it in memory of his long-distance walking friend Bob, who died recently from dementia. Bob's widow Angela wanted to complete the walk in aid of a dementia and Alan offered to accompany her. It started as a long walk to honour a like-minded friend, but became an eye-opening, intricate journey, filled with rewarding and enriching experiences. Find out what made him cry with both sadness and happiness and what drove him to walk 800km without a day of rest. Learn more about the touching stories others had to tell, revealing their reasons for completing the pilgrimage.
We would like to invite you to attend Alan's presentation, and join us in a Mediterranean style supper. We will not make a charge for the refreshments, but if you would like to contribute a donation at the end of the night towards the chosen charity it will be greatly appreciated. We estimate that between £3,500 and £4,000 has been raised so far. The final amount will be determined once paper forms are collated. You can see more about the charity here (and donate if you wish): gela-prowse
Even if you have never considered completing the Camino De Santiago you will find the evening insightful, emotive and inspiring. If you are intending to come along please drop us a message by the end of Saturday so we can ensure no-one goes hungry and we have enough seating.
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Angela has finished! A fantastic achievement; congratulations from all of us at All Saints Church. :-)

More about All Saints Church, Easington

All Saints Church, Easington is located at Grinkle Lane, TS13 4NT Saltburn-by-the-Sea