Allison Thompson Well-Being

Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 18:00

About Allison Thompson Well-Being

I offer a range of massage therapies to manage stress levels and improving overall well-being.



What makes me feel good? Lots of things, including spending time with friend this afternoon and singing our little hearts out. Singing has been in the news a lot this week and the benefits it can bring - social interaction, making our lungs and diaphragm work better, standing up burns more calories and generally making a vocal sound that does not offend (hopefully). I am an advocate of pushing my comfort zone and in doing so I continue to surprise myself. Whilst I have not necessarily put myself forward for certain experiences, I am so grateful to those who have encouraged me to try new things (including singing) and for the support I have had in doing so. Thank you to you all x


Today I feel a sense of accomplishment. I was at a Macmillan Oncology Wellness day in Ditton, near Maidstone, arranged to support those experiencing cancer. There were speakers and organisations present who provided information, support and signposting. I was there as a Therapist for The Harmony Trust, providing taster hand massages to both those who suffer with cancer and also those providing support. I am clearer than ever that this is the direction I want to travel in. Thank you to Janet for your words of wisdom, they did not fall on deaf ears.


I am not sure what has come over me in the last 24 hours - I clearly need to get out more. I have agreed to stand in as a Dwarf in the local Panto as the lovely Jan is unable to do it - I will try and do you proud Jan. One of my daughter-in-laws says I am actually a professional dwarf as I am vertically challenged already. I also took myself out for an Interval Session this morning at the recreation ground. I got some very strange looks from the guys at the garage, oh well. I am really enjoying my running, maybe because I am the lightest I have been for too many years to count...


Now started the more in depth Anatomy etc course. 90% for first self assessment - chemistry. After 56 years I now have a bit of insight into the periodic table! Met with The Harmony Therapy Trust this morning and I am most excited to be working with them to provide complementary therapies to those who are seriously ill in Kent.


I am currently 5 hours behind the UK in Cape Cod and conversing via Facebook with a couple of chums about bizarre things such as VW Beetles; my family (via Whatsapp) about weightloss and how the grandsons (all 3 of them now) are. Our latest grandson was born, the day after we arrived, in the early hours of the morning and curiously 3 quarters of the grandparents were in Dallas, leaving Nanna Amanda to hold the fort and administer lots of cuddles to the new baby and his big b...rother. Meantime, our other 7 month old grandson seems to have decided that he IS able to go to sleep afterall. Woo Hoo! Those who know me well know that I am a reluctant IT user, especially Fb, but I must say it, and Whatsapp have been fabulous in keeping us up to date with what's important - our family and good friends. Although we are having a fabulous time, we are looking forward to catching up with them all first hand next week. Onwards to Boston tomorrow...
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I love it when a plan begins to come together. I have now signed up to undertake 2 more courses...(I could easily be a permanent student). Firstly I am doing a more indepth Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology course as part of a longer term plan. I have also signed up with Jennifer Young, Beauty Despite Cancer to undertake their Face and Body Masterclass course.This is an area I am keen to work in. I am also hoping to be able to work with a local charity to help their clients benefit from massage treatments. In the meantime I have a busy week of treatments to give, which is really nice for me. I am meeting some lovely people, which is always a bonus.


For anyone who has a dog (including my Canicross chums - no pun intended), I have been reading an article about Canine Massage - you may be interested in having a look.


Given that it is breast awareness month, you may be interested in looking at this:


Just on the train on the way home from Olympia. I have learned about some exciting work and treatments for those suffering with, or have suffered with cancer. The work is inspiring and humbling at the same time. I have made some contacts and plan to follow these up. Bumped into a fellow therapist I met on a recent business workshop in Kent! It's a small world!


I have just been reading an interesting article about Foam Rollers - a tool to help maintain healthy muscle tissue and increase mobility. I have one of these (in 3 parts) and use it on and off. Given the issues I have with trying to give myself a massage (I just can't reach those places where I really need it), I am going to get mine out again and give myself the once over (or twice, or thrice). Take a look at…/The-Fundamentals-o f-Foam-Rolling-Exerc…


What a busy 24 hours - outdoor cinema last night at a friend's garden to celebrate their 25th Anniversary - Sister Act was the film, one of my favourites, although not sure the rest of the audience enjoyed Sara and I singing along. More baking today, 7 mile run (4 mins quicker than that route 10 days ago), just sat chilling and watching my guilty pleasure of Big Bang - I see a bit too much of Sheldon in me sometimes, scary. Lots of bags and boxes waiting to be filled for Center Parcs tomorrow - woo hoo.


Busy cooking some meals to take to Center Parc on Monday but find myself drawn to the Triathlon Grand Final in Rotterdam on TV. I never looked that good on a bike in my swimming costume or tri-suit...oh well. I never looked that good on a bike full stop!


I have just been reminded of a conversation I had with a friend quite a few years ago. We were out running one night and chatting (in the days when I could do both of those things) about doing a Marathon. I had completed 2 already and my friend was thinking about it. On both occasions I thoroughly enjoyed the training, but as I crossed the finish line my first thought was "well, was that it?" I realised after some time that I had "done" these marathons as it seemed the right... thing to do, ie. other people expected it of me as I was running so much and enjoying it. I recall recommending to my friend that if and when she does such a thing, then it needs to be meet her own expectations and not those of other people. My point is that whatever we do we need to be sure we are doing it for the right reasons. Sometimes working out what "right" means can be harder than actually doing whatever it is. We owe it to ourselves to have some emotional space to allow this process to happen. A bit profound maybe, but there we are. I am off to stir the curry now...
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I decided that I would take advantage of my qualifications and extend my services to include luxury manicure, pedicure and facials. Again, these have (in my view) a therapeutic element to help us feel better about ourselves. They include massage, although if you are really ticklish (like me), then you may not want a foot massage! That said, firm strokes really help stop the tickles. It just takes a bit of getting used to. In relation to the steam treatment for the facials, I have both cool and warm steamers so that even sensitive skins can benefit from this method of aiding cleansing.


It's your age! If I hear those words again, I will probably hit something. As a 50 something female, I seem to hear these words a lot, mostly from medical professionals who I think need to learn another way of phrasing this when I complain of those pesky menopausal symptoms. I have been looking into complemetary therapies in relation to the Menopause (there's a label for you). I have recently been steered towards Menopause Matters ( and their 7 page leaflet: Alternati...ves to HRT. Whilst HRT may suit some, others prefer to try other methods to deal with these menacing symptoms. Have a read - it highlights diet, exercise, complementary such as massage, supplements. Again, some of these will be appropriate to the individual and some not.
I find exercise in the fresh air really helps me. I am back in the swing of my running again and I am really enjoying it. Actually now I think about it, I am really enjoying my dancing and all the music I seem to be making at the moment too. I am also enjoying providing the massage therapies to my clients and am expanding my treatment menu to include some Beauty Therapies as well - more details in the next few days.
I guess we could say my own well-being is pretty good at this time.
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To undress or not to undress...
There is an assumption that you can only have a massage if you undress. UNTRUE! Do not let your unwillingness to undress deny you the benefits of massage. The main thing is that you are comfortable, physically and emotionally.
I had a lovely client this week who was nervous about removing her clothes, but she was brave enough to want to try massage. She kept her clothes on and we used my massage chair rather than the couch...there is always a ...solution. At some point she may remove her clothing, but if she does not want to, then that is OK too.
Therapists should be willing to adapt their treatment to suit the client, not the other way round.
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More about Allison Thompson Well-Being

Allison Thompson Well-Being is located at The Street, ME9 0BH Doddington, Kent
Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 18:00