Anne-Marie Yoga

About Anne-Marie Yoga

Yoga classes in West Penwith and private one to one tuition. Yoga for well- being of mind body spirit.

Anne-Marie Yoga Description

Hatha Flow Yoga for increased strength and flexibility, peace of mind, increased awareness, stress reduction, ease of body, increased fitness, and harmony of mind, body, spirit.
Both dynamic and restorative, classes incorporate asana, breathwork, relaxation and meditation. All levels catered for. Group classes and private one to one sessions tailored to your needs.
Take some time out to tune in, restore and rejuvinate!

I also teach Yoga for people in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction, both at a rehab unit in Truro and for Addaction in Penzance and Redruth. Please email or phone me for any more info : )



This is now full, but I can put people on a waiting list as spaces do very often become available closer to the time. I will also be holding another one later in May or June, dates to follow. Pm me for more info or if you want to be on the waiting list 💛


I’m not usually one to post personal things and I don’t have my own profile other than my yoga page, so going out on a limb a bit here. My yoga this weekend is the practice of Seva (service), caring for my mum who has advanced Alzheimer’s. Yoga is so much more than physical postural practice. Ultimately it’s a state of being in Union or Oneness. And a practice to help us drop into that state. Caring consciously for someone is so helpful for this. There are so many gifts there within the giving. I am often moved to tears here, not of sadness but of beauty. The circle of life, caring for the one who cared for me. My mum and I haven’t had an easy journey in this life, but through the process of her dementia we are healing old wounds/ samskaras in a beautiful and life altering way. What an honour. Feeling truly blessed 💛


Such a wholesome yoga class. Always nourishes my soul as well as my body. Thank you Anne-Marie x


I had a taster this weekend, Anne Marie is a great teacher with healing skills and a gentle energy :)


Had a Recovery Yoga session with Anne Marie at a camp out this weekend, I've always liked yoga but this session really resonated with me on such a deep and spiritual level, I feel like something has shifted permanently for the better. I feel better in myself and have had such a sense of inner peace and calm since the class. Thoroughly recommended :)


Being mindful while doing mindfulness..

A skill in its self.


Such a wholesome yoga class. Always nourishes my soul as well as my body. Thank you Anne-Marie x


I had a taster this weekend, Anne Marie is a great teacher with healing skills and a gentle energy :)


Had a Recovery Yoga session with Anne Marie at a camp out this weekend, I've always liked yoga but this session really resonated with me on such a deep and spiritual level, I feel like something has shifted permanently for the better. I feel better in myself and have had such a sense of inner peace and calm since the class. Thoroughly recommended :)


Being mindful while doing mindfulness..

A skill in its self.


Such a wholesome yoga class. Always nourishes my soul as well as my body. Thank you Anne-Marie x


I had a taster this weekend, Anne Marie is a great teacher with healing skills and a gentle energy :)


Had a Recovery Yoga session with Anne Marie at a camp out this weekend, I've always liked yoga but this session really resonated with me on such a deep and spiritual level, I feel like something has shifted permanently for the better. I feel better in myself and have had such a sense of inner peace and calm since the class. Thoroughly recommended :)


Being mindful while doing mindfulness..

A skill in its self.

More about Anne-Marie Yoga

01736 786424