Be Good To Yourself - Complementary Therapies

Monday: 09:30 - 11:30
Tuesday: 09:30 - 19:30
Wednesday: 09:30 - 19:30
Thursday: 09:30 - 19:30
Friday: 09:30 - 19:30
Saturday: 09:30 - 18:00
Sunday: -

About Be Good To Yourself - Complementary Therapies

Level 5 qualified, insured and experienced therapist, specialising in massage, reflexology and aromatherapy.



Hi everyone, just checking in with you all as you may have noticed I've not been active on my business pages for a while. Well, as my regular clients know, I am on holiday in the beautiful Morocco ­¤śŹ but the reason I have not been active at all is that on the morning we left to come on holiday, I dropped my phone and it broke ­¤ś▓­¤ś¼ so now the only way for you to contact me is on here.
I've just been checking through my diary and I have 3 appointments left for May ŌĆó 23rd May - 12...:30 (60 mins) ŌĆó 30th May - 11:15 (60 mins) - gone ŌĆó 30th May - 5pm (45 mins) Remember if you can't decide which treatment you would like you can always just decide on the day. All of my treatments are the same price, so you can make up your time with any mix of treatments you like, or we can have a brief chat during your consultation to determine which treatment/s will be best for you. Just message me on here if you would like to book in ­¤Æå­¤ī╣­¤æŻ
Samia ­¤Æø
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It's the last day of the Mums In Business Association challenge and the prompt is #ilovemiba and I do because it brings together women in business who support each other and learn from one another. Just like the great Maya Angelou, I would hope to be known by these qualities. It's said that we are most like the people we surround ourselves with, and interacting with mums in business from the MIBA tribe this week has certainly inspired these traits in me as I see these qualities in all of them ­¤īĘ­¤Æø #mibafb #day7


Hi everyone, I'm just in the process of setting up a closed group where I plan to share tutorial videos, competitions, special offers and such like. The videos will feature things like massage and reflexology movements, short routines, techiques, plus aromatherapy blends and products you can make at home. I will be sending out invitations once it's all set up, or you can request to join, however there is not a lot on there just yet, I will post the link below Ō¼ć’ĖÅ 965193/
#mibafb #day6 #whatsnext


ŌØż Today I would like to give a shout out to one of my lovely clients Diane who is running the London Marathon on Sunday 28th April. She is running for Crisis, which is the national charity for homeless people. Follow the link to read Diane's story. To support please share, as she's nearly at her target and it would be amazing if we could help her reach it! ­¤ÅāŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤ÅāŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤ÅāŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤ ÅāŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤ÅāŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅŌĆ”/ showROFundraiserPageŌĆ”
... #mibafb #day5 #shoutout
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#mibafb #day4 #newideas


Day 3 of the #mibafb challenge and the prompt is #goaldigger.
In my opinion you cannot determine your path to reaching your goals without clearly marking out your intentions, as a part of your strategy they are like stepping stones that keep you on the right track towards achieving your goals.
Here's a few of my goals..... ŌŁÉ to have a good work/life balance - to achieve this I intend to continue to not work weekends, as my husband also has weekends off so this is our quality family time. Also once my children start school I intend to work during their school hours and be home for most of they time they are. ŌŁÉ to get my website up and running - it's been in the making for a few months, but now as I am increasingly busy it's becoming vital that I have my website to manage my bookings - I intend to achieve this by adopting an attitude of 'done is better than perfect' I just need to add a booking system to make it functional, publish and share, I can always tweak things later. ŌŁÉ to be the best or among the best at what I do - this is my career, it may take many years to get to the top but I intend to achieve it by always giving my best and delivering top quality treatments and also by being consistent with my learning, research and communication. ŌŁÉ to be a good person, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, citizen - I intend to achieve this by being good to myself, looking after myself well in body, mind and soul in order to give out my best to the world.
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A typical work day for me..
Ōśå 9:30am - I arrive at my treatment room, it takes me around 20 minutes to set up the room ready for my first client at 10am. Set up includes, making the bed, putting all the clean towels away, setting up the hot stones and facial cloth heaters, arranging my facial table and all of my massage and essential oils. Then I have a quick look in my diary to double check who I have in, if its a previous client I will look over their consultation form, if ...its a new client I will leave out a clean consultation form ready to be filled in. Ōśå 10am - (90 minute treatment) I have my first client. We go through the consultation form together, which I fill in and the client signs. Depending on which treatment they are having I ask them if they would like a plain oil or balm or one with essential oils, and they almost always say with essential oils, I also ask if they would like me to use hot stones during their massage, and about pressure preference and areas of specific aches and pains. I create a bespoke blend for each client and for each treatment for their specific needs, and they can also take home a 10ml rollerball of their bespoke blend for just ┬Ż5. Ōśå 11:30 - the first treatment concludes and I softly say to the client that their treatment is complete, to take a couple of minute to come round and when they're ready to get themselves dressed. I wait outside the room for a few minutes and when I re-enter the treatment room I give the client their aftercare, take payment and make their next appointment. I may offer a bespoke blend, if I think it will be beneficial, for example muscle ease balm for runners or an anti-aging facial oil for a regular client who likes her anti-aging products. I turn the room around, changing towels, cleaning equipment, getting consultation forms ready and go out to greet my 2nd client. Ōśå 11:45 - (60 minute treatment) I follow the same process I explained above. Ōśå 1pm - lunch break - 30 mins Ōśå 1:30 - 90 minute treatment ­¤Öī­¤æŻ­¤Æå­¤Å╗ŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅback massage, reflexology & a facial. Ōśå 3:15 - 60 minute treatment ­¤æŻ reflexology. Ōśå 4:30 - 60 minute treatment ­¤Æ¬­¤æŻ deep tissue back massage & reflexology. Ōśå 5:45 - 15 minute break ŌśĢ Ōśå 6pm - 90 minute treatment ­¤Æ¬­¤æŻ­¤Æå­¤Å╗ŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ Ōśå 7:45 - 60 minute treatment ­¤Æå­¤Å╗ŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤æŻ Ōśå 8:45 - I clean and put everything away, pack the things I take home, lock up and go. I don't always fill the last appointment sometimes I like to have an early finish at 8 instead of 9. Hope you enjoyed my day! ­¤śä­¤Æ£
#mibafb #workworkwork #day2
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I am taking part in a Facebook challenge this week through the Mums In Business Assocation (MIBA), and the first prompt is to write a little about me, so here goes..
This is me! Samia, married to my soulmate, we have 2 beautiful children ­¤æ©ŌĆŹ­¤æ®ŌĆŹ­¤æ¦ŌĆŹ­¤æ” My husband is Moroccan and we try to take a long holiday in his country every year, as it's important to keep up family connections, especially when living in different countries. This family picture of us was taken in Morocco last s...ummer ŌØż and the car selfie is my most recent picture after getting my hair done back to my natural colour on Saturday ­¤Æć­¤ÅĮŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ We live and work in Darlington ­¤īŹ I am a level 5 qualified and insured complementary therapist, specialising in advanced massage, aromatherapy and reflexology ­¤Öī­¤ī┐­¤æŻ I graduated with my complementary therapies degree (FdA) in 2012 ­¤æ®ŌĆŹ­¤Äōand prior to this studied NVQ 2 & 3 Beauty Therapy ­¤Æģ­¤Æå­¤Å╗ŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ I took my first paid post in a therapy centre while still studying for my degree. After graduating I worked in a spa for a short time before getting married and moving to Spain in 2013, where I worked in a beauty salon and also as a freelance reflexologist. We lived in Spain for a year and when we returned to Darlington I was 32 weeks pregnant with our son­¤ż░­¤Å╗ so of course took some time off work, but continued doing my treatments for family and friends from home and practiced baby massage and reflexology on my boy which was lovely. When our boy was 10 months old I started working in a local 5* spa. And I worked there for 3 years, we welcomed our daughter into the world during this time ­¤ż▒ and I was still working there for a few weeks into starting my business. I officially opened 'Be Good To Yourself - Complementary Therapies' on 1st October 2018 and I am absolutely loving it. What I love most is meeting women from all walks of life, their stories and helping them to improve their health and wellbeing. My treatment room is based inside Pilates & Beyond on Grange Rd. I offer lots of massage treatments, facials, reflexology and aromatherapy and I also make bespoke natural skincare products and aromatherapy remedy blends, although the latter is more of a hobby at the moment, I love it, but the main part of my work as a therapist is delivering my hands on therapies. I always think how blessed I am that through my work I get to help people heal and feel better, and improve their lives in some small way ­¤Æ£ . #begoodtoyourself #complementarytherapies #advancedtherapist #thisisme #mibafb #day1
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A little treat for #selfcaresunday ­¤ī║ I'll be using these later and featured is the recipe if you'd like to try these home blends for yourself. Cellulite is the build up of fat, water and waste deposits under the skin, giving it a dimpled appearance. Essential oils can be an effective remedy, when used alongside a healthy diet and exercise. The body scrub will help lessen cellulite through exfoliation and also improved circulation which loosens up excess fluid and speeds up t...he elimination of toxins. For each blend just mix all ingredients together in 2 separate bowls/bottles/pots whichever you have or prefer, and add the same amount of essential oils to each blend. The essential oils featured have been specifically selected as they are all excellent anti-cellulite oils and blend well together. Directions - lather the body scrub onto effected area and massage in using small, circular movements. Rinse off and follow with the massage oil. Apply, rub, knead, knuckle, massaging effected area firmly. Repeat 2-3 times per week. P.S if you don't have all of these essential oils or would just like to buy a couple to make an anti-cellulite treatment blend, using the rosemary and grapefruit oils will do, just use 10 drops of each instead of 5. . . #begoodtoyourself #craftskincare #diyblends #cellulitetreatment #bodyscrub #massageoil #essentialoils #homeblends #complementarytherapist #aromatherapy
@ Darlington, Co Durham
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Hope you all have great Saturday! And enjoy doing whatever you're doing! ­¤Æø . . #lovethisquote #quoteoftheday #gurumayi #theweekendishere #happysaturday #healingquotes #healingvibes #positivity #queserasera


I just saw this and thought it was too good not to share ­¤śé­¤Æ¢­¤żŻ
Please try and show a little empathy, support and understanding towards self-employed people who don't have the luxury of a regular salary, and yet work so hard to build their business, support their homes and do their very best so they can build their businessŌĆØ which can take many years ­¤ÆĢ
­¤ÆĢA little story ­¤ÆĢ
... "... ...A lady wanted to purchase a beautiful handmade cake and spotted a cake maker who did absolutely amazing work, but she charged a good price too.
The lady thought that her price was way too high so she approached the cake maker and in quite an abrupt fashion stated "I want to buy a cake from you, but I think you charge too much!"
The Cake Maker was a little taken aback but replied "Ok, how much do you think I should charge?"
The lady replied ŌĆ£I think you should charge ŌĆ£XŌĆØ much, because the flour will cost this much, and eggs this much, and fondant this much etc. I have even factored in the price of a pan."
The final price the lady had calculated was a lot cheaper than the cake makerŌĆÖs original price, but she said "Ok, deal. You will get your cake in a week".
The customer is very pleased with herself and she canŌĆÖt resist telling all her friends what a fabulous deal she has negotiated and how smart she is, and that in a week she will have her gorgeous cake.
A week later her cake arrives. She opens it and inside is flour, eggs, fondant etc. and even a pan. Angrily she contacts the Cake Maker asking ŌĆ£How could you do this to me? I asked you for a cake and you sent me a box of flour, egg, fondant and a pan?!"
The cake maker quietly replies "My dear, you got exactly what you paid for, if you think that there is something missing, then you are absolutely right and you need to pay for it.
Moral of the story, when you buy a bespoke service you are not just buying just the materials and goods you are buying the, time, effort, skill, training, costs of daily running of a business, tax but more importantly love, passion and dedication that goes into providing a bespoke service. ­¤Öī­¤Å╗
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Reflexology foot charts featured in a #tisserand book The Art of Aromatherapy which was first published in 1977. When I was studying for my complementary therapies degree I asked my tutor why the main 3 therapies of the degree are massage, aromatherapy and reflexology in particular and she said it's because they all complement one another and it's true, a lot of times I will find a book that's primarily about one of those therapies but will still feature elements of the The same when I've been in training learning new massage routines, they'll include a few reflexology moves and of course aromatherapy always comes into play when learning about the ingredients and benefits of beauty and spa products as essential oils are widely used ­¤æŻ­¤ī┐­¤Öī . . #massage #aromatherapy #reflexology #complementarytherapist #booklover #footchart #essentialoils #naturalhealth #begoodtoyourself #maketimeforyou #selfcare @ Darlington, Co Durham
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Massage works on both physical and psychological levels and has the ability to relax and energize the person receiving it. Techniques can ease pain or tension from stiff and aching muscles, boost circulation, eliminate toxins and nurturing touch soothes away mental stress and restores emotional equilibrium simultaneously. The alleviation of tensions generates an integration between the physical body and underlying emotions, and so breaks the vicious cycle of tensions between body and mind.
#begoodtoyourself #peaceandlove #massagetherapy #bodymindsoul #holisticmassage #deeptissuemassage #hotstonemassage #holistichealth #benefitsofmassage #complementarytherapy #naturalhealing


This morning I had microblading done for the first time at Katerina Victoria Beauty who is based in the treatment room next to mine at Pilates & Beyond. Thank you Katerina, I'm very happy with them ­¤śŹ . . #microblading #nofilter #naturallook #naturalbrows #begoodtoyourself #beautytherapy #selfcare #nomorebrowpencil


What does your muscle tension say about you?


Every Sunday I give myself a facial ­¤Æå­¤Å╗ŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ Of course selfcare is not always about facials, massage, treatments etc, but it's part of it and it works for me! There are many ways to practice good selfcare, here's are a few ideas I like.. ­¤Æ£ . . #selfcaresunday #begoodtoyourself #nourishtoflourish #nurtureyourself #selfcareisntselfish #nealsyardfacial #organicbeauty #naturalskincare #maketimeforyou #selfcareideas #complementarytherapist @ Darlington, Co Durham


Another set of the lovely chakra rollerball sets posted out this morning. It's just ┬Ż30 for the box of 7 10ml chakra balancing blends. Message to order. Samia ­¤Æ£
... Chakra Balancing Rollerballs Root ŌØż Centres upon our core needs for survival, security and livelihood. When the Root Chakra is unbalanced you will feel ungrounded, confused and lack the ability to move forward. Without a balanced Root Chakra, it is difficult to fully balance the other chakras. Location ŌĆō Base of spine Blend ŌĆō Vetiver, Cedarwood, Patchouli
Sacral ­¤¦Ī Influences personal creativity ranging from artistic expression to creative problem solving. Healthy sexual desire and expression is also affected by the Sacral Chakra. Location ŌĆō A few inches below belly button Blend ŌĆō Sweet Orange, Ylang Ylang, Lavender
Solar Plexus ­¤Æø Strongly influences your identity and sense of self worth. Imbalances can take on polar opposites ranging from low self esteem all the way to arrogant, selfish behaviour. Location ŌĆō A few inches above belly button Blend ŌĆō Bergamot, Grapefruit, Cypress
Heart ­¤ÆÜ Strongly influences the ability to give and receive love in a healthy way. The Heart Chakra also influences our ability to cope with the sadness of betrayals, losing a loved one due to breakuo, abandonment or death. Location ŌĆō Centre of chest Blend ŌĆō Cypress, Rose, Geranium
Throat ­¤ÆÖ Strongly influences our ability to effectively communicate our thoughts, opinions, desires and feelings ŌĆō and just as importantly, our ability to hear, listen and understand those in our daily lives. Not only does it influence what we hear and say, but it also influences body language and written communication methods. Location ŌĆō Between collar bones Blend ŌĆō Bergamot, Cypress, Peppermint
Third Eye ­¤Æ£ Influences the areas of our mind that control our common sense, wisdom, intelligence, memory retention, dreams, spirituality and intuition. Location ŌĆō Slightly above centre of brow between eyebrows Blend ŌĆō Clary Sage, Lavender, Frankincense, Lemongrass
Crown ­¤æĖ Influences our deeper understanding of ourselves beyond the physical or material. Location ŌĆō Top of head Blend ŌĆō Frankincense, Rose, Geranium, Lavender .
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More about Be Good To Yourself - Complementary Therapies

Be Good To Yourself - Complementary Therapies is located at 85 Grange Rd, DL1 5NN Darlington, Co Durham
+44 7963 741752
Monday: 09:30 - 11:30
Tuesday: 09:30 - 19:30
Wednesday: 09:30 - 19:30
Thursday: 09:30 - 19:30
Friday: 09:30 - 19:30
Saturday: 09:30 - 18:00
Sunday: -