Bespoke Rustic Design

About Bespoke Rustic Design

Here at bespoke rustic shelves we provide best quality timber, made to measure service, and customer satisfaction is paramount.

Get in touch today



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This lovely coffee table with double opening for storage is beautiful
Made for a lovely couple
... Order yours today
Free local deliver
Any size
Any colour
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Nest of tables anyone ?
Can be made any size
... These look lovely рҹҳҢ
Get in touch for for an instant quote
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Still a massive favourite of mine
Any size
... Stained to match your home
20% off this weekend
Get in touch for and instant quote
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20% off this weekend across the full range
Starting right now
... Some shelves and mantels ready to gooooo
Get in touch fassssst
First 20 people will get a further 10% off
Go go go
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These radiator shelves are becoming more and more popular !!
Just send us the length you need for an instant quote.
... Starting from as little as ВЈ50
Brackets included
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Just puting this out there to see what people think ?
Good idea or not ?
... Let me know ... feed back appreciated
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Another beautiful dining table made and delivered
Make your dining room stand out !
... Looks stunning
Cast iron legs
First 5 people 20% this item
Inbox dining20 to qualify
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I have 18 off cuts that Iam going to be making as Shelves ... prices starting form ВЈ15
Inbox for more details , pics available рҹҳҠ
... They will go fast !
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This will be the last time this table and benches set will be for sale as it's in the way and needs to be gone.
Comes with legs
... Sold as seen
Only covering materials
Extremely cheap !
Grab a bargain !!
Inbox any offers .. highest bidder takes it !
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Just been welded together and painted
These look stunning ! And will look even better with chunky wood on top.
... Get in touch for an instant quote
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Wow !! Look at this , absolutely stunning !!!
Customers designs brought to life
... If you have any designs or ideas let us know рҹҳҠ
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Some shelves and mantels are all made up ready to go with brackets if needed
Message me with any prices you need


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This need to go ASAP
It's in the way
... Sold as seen
Inbox me an offer !
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Beautiful round table
Any size
... Choice of stain
Come with hair pin legs
Get in touch today for an instant quote
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We need these table and benches gone ASAP
Price dropped again
... Extremely cheap
Get in touch for a bargin
Sold as seen
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Love returning customers !!
Little job finished and sets the room off lovey рҹҳҠ
... Get in touch for an instant quote
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This table set had been returned
It's sold as seen
... More detailed pictures are available
Open to sensible offers
It won't be around long
Grab a bargain
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With the sad disappointment of the World Cup and every 1 feeling down and upset.
The first 20 people to inbox me will get 40% off anything they like рҹҳҠ
... First 20 only ... so be fast ...... gooooooooo !
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Different brackets available
Any length
... Stained to suit your home
Get in touch for a free instant quote
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love my rustic looking door frame, great service quick delivery would definitely recommend


We ordered a shelf/mantle it was bespoke made and delivered within one week. Fantastic! We love it. Thanks Eamon x


Very helpful and patient. Very responsive to messages and happy to answer any questions.


Ordered a hardwood fire surround and it was delivered within a week. Great service, lovely customer service when came to measure up & absolutely love the finished product. It finishes our small front room off perfectly! Needed something to warm it up & the rustic effect put on to the wood fits with my decor ideally! Would definitely recommend and would use Bespoke Rustic Shelves again. Thank you!


Ordered a couple of shelves, and they look great, would defo recommend and will be ordering more shortly


Ordered a TV stand, Coffee table, dining table & 2 benches and could not be happier with the quality and appearance of the furniture. Exactly What we wanted & then some! Amazing service and really good prices!! Will be a returning customer for sure! пҝҪ Thankyou Eamonn for all your hard work


Ordered TV unit which was made to exact requirements. I am so pleased with the finished product it's gorgeous and excellent customer service. Can't wait to order my next item пҝҪ


Mantle piece not fitted yet but will look great very nicely done very good communication and service would recommend рҹ–’рҹ–’рҹ–’


Love my new table and benches well made and love the quality finish a good looking set in my kitchen пҝҪ


I would highly recommend 'Bespoke Rustic Shelves' to anyone.

I first ordered about 7 months ago, and since then i have ordered several times more. It has become a running joke now that my house is like a show home for his work. He is very polite, orders are done promptly and to a high standard. Wonder what ill have made next...


Highly recommended, my dining table is beautiful. Customer service also brilliant!!


Finally got our mantle up today and it looks fantastic; really finishes off the room

Have never had a real fire before until moving to this house but just felt like something was missing. Not anymore! Our mantle is exactly what I didn't even realise I wanted. Gorgeous piece, exactly the right colour and size.

Very happy customer


Fantastic service. Our fire place looks amazing and we couldnвҖҷt be happier with it. Great communication right from the start. We will look forward to dealing with bespoke rustic shelves in the future. Highly recommended x


Excellent service from eamonn.asked for a length.width and colour.made to perfection.and great communication all the way through.

100% genuine.definately use again.

Thanks mate.


Brilliant fireplace mantle made exactly to our requirements. Great communication throughout the whole process. Cannot recommend highly enough. Will certainly use again.


Brilliant customer service, very helpful and very quick with our order. Can't wait to have the mantles fitted to finish off our fireplaces


Absolutely love my fire surround from bespoke rustic shelves, has made my room! Such an eye catcher, Totally recommend brilliant friendly service and was very impressed with how quick it was made and delivered, also got a cute little shelve that matches the surround! Thank you very much :)


Absolutely in love with my table!! What a lovely man and such a lovely service. IвҖҷll definitely be buying from you again - thank you. I cannot recommend enough!!


My fireplace and shelves look amazing, it took longer than liked but got there in the end, rustic only sell the wood so had to get joiner separate, so the end result comes mainly from the joiners work, but it does look beautiful пҝҪ

More about Bespoke Rustic Design

Bespoke Rustic Design is located at Middlesbrough, Stockton on tees Stockton-on-Tees, United Kingdom