Bow Wows

About Bow Wows

Bow Wows is based in Eaglescliffe and is a dog walking service . Fully insured.

Bow Wows Description

I Live close to a beautiful park with my dog Max, we love meeting our doggy friends and going for walks and runs. I provide dog walking, home boarding and pet sitting.



Gorgeous Olives fun day yesterday with sweet Murphy , Maxie and big Willow рҹҳҠрҹ’•рҹҗ¶рҹҗҫрҹҗ¶рҹҗҫрҹҗ¶рҹҗҫрҹҗ¶рҹҗҫр ҹ’•


Love this picture of me and my gorgeous boy Max enjoying the last summer рҹҳҠрҹ’•рҹҗ¶рҹ’• the special bond between dogs and humans cannot be put into words вқӨпёҸ


Had a fabulous day рҹҳҠ nothing like the love and warmth of my little pack . Lots of walks and fun had by all , especially me . вқӨпёҸ Dougie , Elvis , Max , Olive and Murphy xxxx


Willow Boo , Buster, Dougie, Elvis , Olive , Teddy, Murphy , Ruby , big Willow , Ted , little legs Teddy , Henry and Lottie , louie , cheeky Charlie , Summer and Maxie I love you all вқӨпёҸрҹҗҫ it's such an absolute pleasure рҹҗҫрҹҗҫвқӨпёҸ each and everyone . Also I must say I have the best customers who are nearly as gorgeous as their woofs but not quite рҹҳӮ. Happy new year Eve to you all . Love Michelle and Max xxx рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹҗҫрҹҗҫрҹҗҫрҹҗҫрҹҗҫрҹҗҫ


I won't be throwing these balls around Teddy рҹҷҲрҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹҗҫвқӨпёҸ


Merry Xmas from Dougie and Elvis вқӨпёҸрҹҺ„рҹҗҫ


Willow boo IвҖҷm going to miss you so much over these next two years. IвҖҷve had the pleasure of looking after you from seven months old and have been on many adventures together , you Have always been so gentle with the new Pack members рҹҗҫрҹҗҫ YouвҖҷre very special bonds with Buster and oliveпҝјпҝј and not forgetting all the family members. IвҖҷve Lovedпҝј looking after you over these yearsпҝјпҝј вқӨпёҸ пҝјEnjoy Your move to Scotland .вқӨпёҸрҹҗҫрҹ’•рҹҗҫрҹ’•рҹҗҫрҹ’•рҹҗҫ


The weather doesnвҖҷt stop my little pack from having fun xxxрҹҳғрҹҗҫрҹҗҫрҹҗҫрҹҗҫпҝјрҹ’Ұрҹ’Ұ


Absolutely love the dogs I have had pleasure to look afterпҝј, just a few Photos Of some of themпҝј рҹҳҠрҹ’•рҹ’• Feeling Christmassyпҝј рҹҺ„рҹҗҫрҹҺ„


Beautiful Max taking it all in, love the countrysideпҝј . рҹ’•рҹҗҫрҹ’•рҹҗҫрҹ’•рҹҗҫ


Buster , Max and big girl Willow out this morning for a run рҹҗҫрҹҗҫрҹҗҫрҹҗҫрҹҗҫ mud what mud рҹҳӮрҹ’Ұрҹ’Ұ рҹҗҫрҹ’•рҹҗҫрҹ’•рҹҗҫрҹ’•рҹҗҫрҹ’•рҹҗҫ


рҹ’•рҹҗҫрҹ’•рҹҗҫрҹ’•рҹҗҫрҹ’•рҹҗ¶рҹ’•рҹҗҫр ҹ’•рҹҗҫрҹ’•рҹҗҫрҹ’•рҹҗҫ


This is one of my favourite pictures of my sweet Max вқӨпёҸрҹҗ¶вқӨпёҸ IвҖҷm interested to see what Pictures my doggie friends have of their gorgeous woofs xxxx


Very wet week рҹ’Ұрҹ’Ұрҹ’Ұ but me and the woofs have made the most of it рҹҳғ very satisfying washing away the mud and wrapping up my furries all nice and warm рҹҳҠ рҹҗҫвқӨпёҸрҹҗҫвқӨпёҸ


Dogs can sometimes become bored with the same walks рҹҗҫрҹҗҫрҹҗҫ itвҖҷs always a good idea to mix things up , walk different routes , play a mixture of suitable games and meet up with different people and dogs you know that your dog or dogs get along with рҹҳғрҹҗҫрҹҗҫрҹҗҫрҹҗҫрҹҗҫрҹ’•рҹҗ¶рҹ’•


We all need to try and smile more рҹҳғ beautiful Olive рҹҳҠрҹ’•рҹҗҫрҹ’•


This is very true вқӨпёҸрҹҗҫ

More about Bow Wows

Bow Wows is located at TS16 9 Stockton-on-Tees, United Kingdom