Business Optimisation Services Hexham

Monday: 09:00 - 15:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 15:00
Friday: 09:00 - 15:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Business Optimisation Services Hexham

Helping small business owners attract more local clients into their business. Helping people start a business income using the internet. Busines marketing.

Business Optimisation Services Hexham Description

Business Optimisation Services was set up to aid local businesses get themselves listed in the front of the search engines for their particular products and services. Most small to medium businesses do not have their own marketing departments or the knowledge base to set up effective marketing for themselves on the internet. We step in to become their marketing team for them.
We also help people who want to start in business use the internet to get set up. We give advice and guidance, as well as practical help.



Promote your newsletter at every marketing touch-point!
Whenever you share your PowerPoint or webinar presentations, make it easy for audience members and associates to subscribe by including a link to your newsletter subscription page. Hand out sign-up forms when speaking to groups or at seminars. Don’t forget to ask for them at the end of your presentation! Imagine how many sign-ups you’d get if every incoming caller had the opportunity to subscribe! Have call-center a...nd sales employees ask customers and prospects if they’d like to receive newsletters or promotional emails, once they’ve established rapport. It only adds seconds to the call and is an ideal source of qualified subscribers! If you use hard-copy collateral, get some of those print costs back by encouraging email subscriptions on Direct Mail, Catalogs, and Print Ads.
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Be active on similar websites
Search for similar websites and newsletters using Google Blog Search or Technorati. Post relevant, helpful comments and a trackback to your blog or squeeze page, including, of course, your newsletter sign-up form! Visit discussion boards, forums, Yahoo Answers and similar sites to provide helpful comments and information, including a signature linking to your subscription page.


Promote your newsletter in Article Directories
Research and submit topical articles to article directories like GoArticles, SubmitYourArticle or EzineArticles. Be sure to include a bio box at the bottom with a link to your website or an autoresponder email address for instant sign-up to your email list. It enhances your reputation, builds your brand, and attracts quality subscribers.


Content Marketing is Not… Content marketing is not a blog post. It is not an infographic. It is not a video, gifographic, free guide, or any other type of content. There is no doubt that engaging content must be the foundation of content marketing, but without a holistic strategy those pieces are simply content and that’s it. To add the "marketing" contact me at


Content Marketing Is… Content marketing is the art of providing relevant, useful content to your customers without selling or interrupting them. Instead of pitching your products or services, you are delivering information that makes your customers more informed before they buy. If you deliver consistent, ongoing, valuable information to your customers, they ultimately reward you with their business and loyalty.


Get Ranked
As a business owner, you can control your own listing in Google search from Google Plus or from My Business in the Google apps on the home page. And its all free! Customise your listing and link it to your website to increase local traffic to your business.


How long is it going to take for my search engine ranking to rise?
Sometimes, your search engine ranking will skyrocket all at once (back to the metal detector example: if Chicago O'Hare purchased metal detectors from you and linked to you on their site, you would see a quick jump in your search engine ranking!), but more often than not, you will need a bit of patience. Continue incorporating keywords and drumming up backlinks - and continue monitoring your search engine - and you will soon find that you are climbing higher and higher. And of course, the higher you climb in search engine rankings, the more successful your site will be! Optimizing your SEO is incredibly valuable to your business site. Using tools like Omnileads and Macroleads Fire, can help you get backlinks and content on frequently visited forums and blog. The wide array of Keyword tools in Webfire's membership page can be a great resource for getting those ever-important keywords, while Webfire's Site and Market Analysis tool can help analyze you site and any keywords you choose for their effectiveness and desirability.
Access to free copy of website building software at
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How do I focus on SEO myself? There are two primary keys to SEO: keywords, and backlinks. Keywords are certain words or combinations of words that you aim to incorporate throughout the content of your website, so that your website will be more likely to show up on search engines when people search those keywords. For example, if someone searches "find a good deal on slippers," and you have incorporated these exact words into the content of your website, you will be more likel...y to show up near the top of the search! Backlinks, on the other hand, are links that other people have posted, directing readers to your site. Each time someone posts a backlink that takes readers to your site, search engines see this as a "vote of confidence" for your site, which will bump you up in their rankings (the higher-ranked the website that provides this backlink, the more valuable it will be for you!). You can gain backlinks by simply providing quality content on your site and encouraging people to share it, or you can gain backlinks with a backlink builder - which allows you to provide content for other sites while linking back to your own!
Or, to make it easy, get some free software to do it all for you! Visit
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What is SEO, anyway? When you are setting up a website, you will see the term "SEO" all the time, and you may have started wondering what the heck SEO is in the first place! SEO stands for "search engine optimization," and it essentially is the science of setting up a website in such a way that it shows up highly in search engines.
Why is SEO important? A website can be one of the best tools for your business (in fact, for some people, their website is their business!), but i...f you fail to understand SEO, your website is unlikely to do you much good. For instance, if you sell metal detectors, you may have a website, but when someone searches "buy metal detectors," you might be back on page 80 of the search - in which case, anyone searching for metal detectors will never stumble across you! If you understand SEO, however, you could get your website on the first few pages when someone searches "buy metal detectors" - which would make it far more likely that people will stumble across your site (which means it is far more likely you will make more money!).
We are giving away free software to enable you to make money-making websites. A Christmas gift from us to you. Visit
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This is the time of year that lots of people become weight conscious. Party season, season of overindulgence and then the season to make resolutions for the better upcoming year ahead. Fitness products are a multi-million pound industry and make a great business opportunity for anyone at this time of year.
Try out our membership site for fitness at home at You could check it out for your own fitness and also become an affiliate to recommend it to others and get paid monthly for doing so.


Free Software!
Hey, good news! We are giving away this really great software which lets you build money-making websites in just minutes. tin.php No cost. No purchase necessary - although people have bought this software for $47 normally. Just a gift from us to you. So grab your copy of this terrific software now by clicking on the link... tin.php
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Email Marketing Squeeze Page
A squeeze page is designed to help you build your list of email addresses of potential customers for your business. It needs to be compelling and convincing. It should have an attention-grabbing headline and include some juicy information on the benefits enjoyed by your subcribers. The aim is get people gagging to join up! Audio or video messages work particularly well and create a more intimate experience for the viewer. You could even get customer reviews and remember to direct their attention to the sign-up form on the page.
Call for squeeze page design, Jacky on 01434 344852
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Email Marketing Sign-Up Incentives
Be as consistent as possible when using incentives to sign-up for your list. The most popular incentives are free downloads of reports or other useful information for your prospective clientele. Also use special offers, free give-aways, VIP programmes and discounts. Make sure these are financially acceptable for you should your email sign-up programme suddenly take off! Thought leadership - papers, emails, ebooks, useful information - costs nothing and can be a very valuable incentive for people looking for that type of information. It makes sure your subscribers are of the correct quality and they learn that you are a source of valuable information on your industry, an expert in your field.


Email Marketing Privacy Concerns
These days, almost everyone is aware of internet scams, hacking, spam and viruses. People are much more wary of giving out their email address. You need to address these types of privacy and security issues straight off. Tell prospective subscribers that you respect their privacy and will not swamp them with emails or pass along their address to others. You can link this to your privacy policy page on your website, if you have one, and also li...nk to your customer support contact, if anyone may have further questions. This then looks trustworthy and professional to the prospective sign-up and they are going to be a lot happier to give you their email address.
Further information can be obtained from Business Optimisation Services Hexham. We'd be happy to help.
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Email Marketing Boost your sign-ups
All you need for your emails is a first name and an email address, so keep your form quick and easy to fill out, to increase your responses. Be clear and persuasive about what benefits there are to signing up. Let people know how often to expect contacts and don't inundate subscribers with daily emails. Link sample newsletters to your forms so that people can get a preview which should improve your sign-up rate. When blogging, include information concerning your newsletter content as a teaser in your posts.


Email Marketing Add a sign-up form to everywhere your prospects go!
Sign-up opportunities to your email marketing list should be easily accessible on every page of your website. Make sure they are visually appealing and clearly let people know what they can receive by subscribing. This also needs to be valuable information for your prospective clientele or there will be no incentive to subscribe. Don't forget to include your blog, if you have one. Blogging is a great form of communication so include a sign-up form in your posts and you can continue the conversation!


Email Marketing Email marketing can be very profitable, in many ways, for any business; no matter the size or product or service being offered. Emails are as intimate as old-fashioned letters as a form of communication and in terms of connecting with people, can be invaluable.
However, success depends largely on the quality of your permission-based list of customers or prospective customers. If you can build a list of subscribers who trust you and regard you as an expert in ...your field of business, your response rates for your emails will constantly climb.
Developing and maintaining a responsive opt-in list can be challenging and time consuming for the business owner. Small investments in list management can reap big rewards in terms of return on investment and marketing efficiency.
Call Jacky on 01434 344852 for more information
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Word of Mouth Advertising Involve Communities
Get people connecting about you by creating something valuable they can use that they will want to tell others about. For example, an American resort company used an app to embed into lift tickets and season tickets to allow skiers to see how far they rode, where they rode and to challenge them to go further while sharing their stories with family and friends. They achieved more than 35 million social media impressions as a result...! How's that for marketing... What can you do to achieve these sorts of results?
Call us for information or visit
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More about Business Optimisation Services Hexham

Business Optimisation Services Hexham is located at Hindleysteel, NE49 9NL Haltwhistle
01434 344852
Monday: 09:00 - 15:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 15:00
Friday: 09:00 - 15:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -