Charlotte Welton Fitness Coach

Monday: 06:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 20:00
Friday: 06:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 06:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Charlotte Welton Fitness Coach

Personal Trainer based in Darlington.

Charlotte Welton Fitness Coach Description

Personal Trainer



First session using these little 18kg beauties! Thanks @coffee_kettlebells_and_chat for the new programme and coaching.
Now time for an Epsom Salt bath and some cold curing home-made chicken soup - recipe courtesy of @sjt_fitnesscoach
#justkeeppushing #progress #kettlebells #kettlebellsport #familykettlebells #tunova #gymlife #lovelife


The C3 Group Training back to it after a festive break.
These sessions are deigned to get you fitter, stronger, leaner and happier.
In addition to the group training, we give you support with nutrition, measurements are taken, a free 30 day fat loss guide and home workouts are included to keep you on track while you're away from the gym.
... Get in touch for more information on how to get involved!
#thec3programme #fitnessjourney #newyou #fatlosschallenge #fatloss #weightloss #getlean #buildingconfidence #newyou #fitforlife #darlington #darlo #darlingtonfit #tunova #happy @ TU NOVA Strength and Fitness
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One to one coaching session with the lovely Danielle Williams followed by a full body circuit to kick start my day!


Starting 2019 with a full body circuit to blow away the cobwebs!
The women only sessions follow a structured training plan with results measured every 6 weeks so we can ensure you're reaching your goals.
In addition to the three sessions every week, there's support with nutrition and exercise while you're away from the gym to help you stay on track.
... Places are limited so get in touch for more information on how to get involved!
#womensfitness #womenstraining #newyou #fitnessjourney #fitnesscoaching #fatloss #weightloss #getlean #buildingconfidence #darlington #darlo #darlingtonfit #tunova @ TU NOVA Strength and Fitness
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Top tip Tuesday
Tumeric is believed by many to be the most powerful herb on the planet at fighting and potentially reversing disease. This is due to one of its compounds Curcumin. This is what gives tumeric its distinctly yellow colour. Try sprinkling it onto your roasted veggies, add it to a warm cup of coconut milk and honey, and of course in your delicious and nutritious home-made curries! It's also widely available in supplement form. - -... #toptiptuesday #healthyeatinghabits #phytotherapy #nutrition #nutritioncoach
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#mondaymotivation #willpower #determination #strength


Plan ahead and schedule your training into your diary. Then it becomes a habit, then it becomes your lifestyle. Lets do this! - - #thec3programme #maketimeforyou #metime #newyou #fitnessjourney #fitforife #beactive #behealthy #behappy #fitterandstronger #fatloss #weightloss #inchloss #strengthtraining #cardio #conditioning #darlingtonfitness #darlofit #darlingtonfit #darlingtongyms #darlo #tunova #gymlife #happy


Top tip Tuesday
Chop or crush garlic 5-10 minutes before you cook with it. This allows the compound Allicin to develop. Studies show that in addition to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits, Allicin can also help to fight cancer and heart disease. Add it in the last few minutes of cooking to prevent the enzymes from being destroyed in the cooking process. - -... #toptiptuesday #healthyeatinghabits #positivechange #nutrition #nutritioncoach
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#mondaymotivation #youonlyliveonce #maketodaycount


See you next year everyone!


Top Tip Tuesday
Don't forget about the poor broccoli stalk! It's packed with nutrients such as Vitamin C and folic acid. The stalk is actually fresh and quite sweet - even when raw. It's really tasty chopped into batons and dipped in hummus. Steaming broccoli is the best way to retain all of its nutritional benefits.
#toptiptuesday #healthyeatinghabits #nutrition #nutritioncoach


Let's keep moving over the festive period! - Sign up for FREE daily home workouts emailed directly to your inbox! - There's no catch. We just know how hard it can be to stay motivated over the Christmas. No equipment needed, just you, a bit of space and 30 minutes a day. What have you got to lose? ... - - - - #freefitness #freebie #homeworkouts #hiit #12daysofchristmashiit #justkeepmoving #newyou #fatlosschallenge #fatloss #fitforlife #fitnessjourney #fitnesscoach #darlington #darlo #darlingtonfit #tunova #happy
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#mondaymotivation #youcandothis #positivity


Plan ahead and schedule your training into your diary. Then it becomes a habit, then it becomes your lifestyle. Lets do this! - - #thec3programme #maketimeforyou #metime #newyou #fitnessjourney #fitforife #beactive #behealthy #behappy #fitterandstronger #fatloss #weightloss #inchloss #strengthtraining #cardio #conditioning #darlingtonfitness #darlofit #darlingtonfit #darlingtongyms #darlo #tunova #gymlife #happy


@coffee_kettlebells_and_chat @sjt_fitnesscoach I can't decide if day 1 or day 2 has hurt me the most! 🤣 Today my lats feels very tasty indeed.
#shouldvekeptmymouthshut #doms #loveitreally #fitnessjourney


Love my Great Barrier Island Manuka Honey. Thank you my lovely faraway sister @thebetheffect
I hope one day we'll come and get some in person! 😘😘😘
#manukahoney #needtowinthelottery #missher #family


Little boxes of @eatcleanbecky delight for all my clients and members!
#christmas #thankyou


Fantastic C3 session tonight. These three smashed it once again! Farmers Walks, single leg deadlifts, farmers walks and a tasty little timed finisher to boot! - - Two more sessions before Christmas then we've got a well deserved week off!... - - #thec3programme #fitnessjourney #newyou #fatlosschallenge #fatloss #weightloss #getlean #buildingconfidence #newyou #forforlife #darlington #darlo #darlingtonfit #tunova #happy
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Top tip Tuesday!
Try putting veggies on your plate first - make them the centrepiece not the afterthought. Then add your protein, and finally your carbs. By doing this you should naturally reduce your calorie intake as you'll have less room on your plate for the calorie dense carbs. - #toptiptuesday #healthyfoodhabits #positivechange #eatrealfood #nutrition #nutritioncoach


So last Friday I had my first personal training session with Charlotte. I’ve got to admit I was slightly nervous but there was no need to be, I loved it! Charlotte you are amazing! I’m really looking forward to my next session this week.


I’ve been training with Charlotte for over a year now, she is one of the most experienced & committed trainers around. I started training once a week to increase my cycling strength, and having never liked the gym I found myself really enjoyed the variety & challenges Charlotte put into the one to one sessions Charlotte is focused on helping me achieve my goals and makes every session challenging (& somehow fun). My fitness has increased noticeably and I’ve seen improvements in my ability both on and off the bike, I can now lift progressively heavier weights & generally push myself harder throughout each session. Charlotte ensures that my technique is always correct to avoid any injuries and extremely reliable always set up & ready to start training ahead of time, with an exercise routine planned. I couldn’t recommend Charlotte highly enough no matter what goals you set for yourself.


I’m only two sessions in with Charlotte and I’m loving it!

I’m 54 and never trained before so was really nervous but Charlotte put me at ease immediately and within 5 mins I was thoroughly enjoying myself!

I’ve given myself a realistic goal of 12 months to make a big difference in my health weight and fitness and will track each month with a pic to see my results

Yes I ache a little in places I didn’t know I could but I feel so energised and can’t wait to get back for the next session!


If your looking to get FIT and stay Fit choose Charlottle.����.


I went to Charlotte for training advice but mainly nutrition and a diet plan. She provided me with a complete package of what to eat and when that fit in with my lifestyle but also gave me everything I needed to hit my goals. Charlotte took into account the supplements I like to use and the foods I like and dislike, this has made Charlotte’s plan comfortably part of my life and I’ve noticed huge physical changes in a few weeks and she’s always in contact to track progress. I 100% advise everyone to use Charlotte as she’s exceptional and knowledgable in what she does!


I have been training with Charlotte for about 3 years, 2 of which she has been my personal trainer. Through her guidance she has helped my complete, what at the time seemed like impossible goals, in 2016 I did the GNR, and October 2017 I completed the York marathon. Charlotte has helped me every step of the way with training plans, food (me panicking) I am now focusing on strength training and am looking forward to this part of my journey with Charlotte, as I completely trust her that I will achieve my goals! I couldn't imagine training with anyone else and can't recommend her enough, anyone thinking of giving it a go - do it!


Charlotte is an amazing PT. I enjoy all my sessions and not only do I feel like I have worked hard but that my technique is improving every time. I can’t recommend Charlotte enough, she really does go that extra mile to help you achieve the results you want and tailor a programme to suit you. Her nutritional advice is second to none and I just feel like I progress every week under her guidance. I feel stronger and more confident than ever. Everyone should have a Charlotte kicking their butts into shape!


Charlotte is a truly excellent trainer, she is the perfect combination of tough and warm. If strength, motivation and flexibility with a personal approach is what your looking for in a training session, Charlottes Woman’s Groups Sessions are for you. Because of her efforts, I am stronger and more flexible; working out has become fun X


Charlotte has been my personal trainer for 4 years. She has helped me with my battle to lose weight. She has been there every step of the way when I’ve needed help & advice. Charlotte can’t do enough to help. I have also been able to contact Charlotte if I’ve needed any dietary help. She’s given me advice on healthy eating & helped me change my outlook towards food. Now I enjoy actually enjoy eating a healthy balanced diet.


So last Friday I had my first personal training session with Charlotte. I’ve got to admit I was slightly nervous but there was no need to be, I loved it! Charlotte you are amazing! I’m really looking forward to my next session this week.


I’ve been training with Charlotte for over a year now, she is one of the most experienced & committed trainers around. I started training once a week to increase my cycling strength, and having never liked the gym I found myself really enjoyed the variety & challenges Charlotte put into the one to one sessions Charlotte is focused on helping me achieve my goals and makes every session challenging (& somehow fun). My fitness has increased noticeably and I’ve seen improvements in my ability both on and off the bike, I can now lift progressively heavier weights & generally push myself harder throughout each session. Charlotte ensures that my technique is always correct to avoid any injuries and extremely reliable always set up & ready to start training ahead of time, with an exercise routine planned. I couldn’t recommend Charlotte highly enough no matter what goals you set for yourself.


I’m only two sessions in with Charlotte and I’m loving it!

I’m 54 and never trained before so was really nervous but Charlotte put me at ease immediately and within 5 mins I was thoroughly enjoying myself!

I’ve given myself a realistic goal of 12 months to make a big difference in my health weight and fitness and will track each month with a pic to see my results

Yes I ache a little in places I didn’t know I could but I feel so energised and can’t wait to get back for the next session!


If your looking to get FIT and stay Fit choose Charlottle.����.


I went to Charlotte for training advice but mainly nutrition and a diet plan. She provided me with a complete package of what to eat and when that fit in with my lifestyle but also gave me everything I needed to hit my goals. Charlotte took into account the supplements I like to use and the foods I like and dislike, this has made Charlotte’s plan comfortably part of my life and I’ve noticed huge physical changes in a few weeks and she’s always in contact to track progress. I 100% advise everyone to use Charlotte as she’s exceptional and knowledgable in what she does!


I have been training with Charlotte for about 3 years, 2 of which she has been my personal trainer. Through her guidance she has helped my complete, what at the time seemed like impossible goals, in 2016 I did the GNR, and October 2017 I completed the York marathon. Charlotte has helped me every step of the way with training plans, food (me panicking) I am now focusing on strength training and am looking forward to this part of my journey with Charlotte, as I completely trust her that I will achieve my goals! I couldn't imagine training with anyone else and can't recommend her enough, anyone thinking of giving it a go - do it!


Charlotte is an amazing PT. I enjoy all my sessions and not only do I feel like I have worked hard but that my technique is improving every time. I can’t recommend Charlotte enough, she really does go that extra mile to help you achieve the results you want and tailor a programme to suit you. Her nutritional advice is second to none and I just feel like I progress every week under her guidance. I feel stronger and more confident than ever. Everyone should have a Charlotte kicking their butts into shape!


Charlotte is a truly excellent trainer, she is the perfect combination of tough and warm. If strength, motivation and flexibility with a personal approach is what your looking for in a training session, Charlottes Woman’s Groups Sessions are for you. Because of her efforts, I am stronger and more flexible; working out has become fun X


Charlotte has been my personal trainer for 4 years. She has helped me with my battle to lose weight. She has been there every step of the way when I’ve needed help & advice. Charlotte can’t do enough to help. I have also been able to contact Charlotte if I’ve needed any dietary help. She’s given me advice on healthy eating & helped me change my outlook towards food. Now I enjoy actually enjoy eating a healthy balanced diet.


So last Friday I had my first personal training session with Charlotte. I’ve got to admit I was slightly nervous but there was no need to be, I loved it! Charlotte you are amazing! I’m really looking forward to my next session this week.


I’ve been training with Charlotte for over a year now, she is one of the most experienced & committed trainers around. I started training once a week to increase my cycling strength, and having never liked the gym I found myself really enjoyed the variety & challenges Charlotte put into the one to one sessions Charlotte is focused on helping me achieve my goals and makes every session challenging (& somehow fun). My fitness has increased noticeably and I’ve seen improvements in my ability both on and off the bike, I can now lift progressively heavier weights & generally push myself harder throughout each session. Charlotte ensures that my technique is always correct to avoid any injuries and extremely reliable always set up & ready to start training ahead of time, with an exercise routine planned. I couldn’t recommend Charlotte highly enough no matter what goals you set for yourself.


I’m only two sessions in with Charlotte and I’m loving it!

I’m 54 and never trained before so was really nervous but Charlotte put me at ease immediately and within 5 mins I was thoroughly enjoying myself!

I’ve given myself a realistic goal of 12 months to make a big difference in my health weight and fitness and will track each month with a pic to see my results

Yes I ache a little in places I didn’t know I could but I feel so energised and can’t wait to get back for the next session!


If your looking to get FIT and stay Fit choose Charlottle.����.


I went to Charlotte for training advice but mainly nutrition and a diet plan. She provided me with a complete package of what to eat and when that fit in with my lifestyle but also gave me everything I needed to hit my goals. Charlotte took into account the supplements I like to use and the foods I like and dislike, this has made Charlotte’s plan comfortably part of my life and I’ve noticed huge physical changes in a few weeks and she’s always in contact to track progress. I 100% advise everyone to use Charlotte as she’s exceptional and knowledgable in what she does!


I have been training with Charlotte for about 3 years, 2 of which she has been my personal trainer. Through her guidance she has helped my complete, what at the time seemed like impossible goals, in 2016 I did the GNR, and October 2017 I completed the York marathon. Charlotte has helped me every step of the way with training plans, food (me panicking) I am now focusing on strength training and am looking forward to this part of my journey with Charlotte, as I completely trust her that I will achieve my goals! I couldn't imagine training with anyone else and can't recommend her enough, anyone thinking of giving it a go - do it!


Charlotte is an amazing PT. I enjoy all my sessions and not only do I feel like I have worked hard but that my technique is improving every time. I can’t recommend Charlotte enough, she really does go that extra mile to help you achieve the results you want and tailor a programme to suit you. Her nutritional advice is second to none and I just feel like I progress every week under her guidance. I feel stronger and more confident than ever. Everyone should have a Charlotte kicking their butts into shape!


Charlotte is a truly excellent trainer, she is the perfect combination of tough and warm. If strength, motivation and flexibility with a personal approach is what your looking for in a training session, Charlottes Woman’s Groups Sessions are for you. Because of her efforts, I am stronger and more flexible; working out has become fun X


Charlotte has been my personal trainer for 4 years. She has helped me with my battle to lose weight. She has been there every step of the way when I’ve needed help & advice. Charlotte can’t do enough to help. I have also been able to contact Charlotte if I’ve needed any dietary help. She’s given me advice on healthy eating & helped me change my outlook towards food. Now I enjoy actually enjoy eating a healthy balanced diet.

More about Charlotte Welton Fitness Coach

Charlotte Welton Fitness Coach is located at Tu Nova Strength and Fitness, Barton Street, Albert Hill, DL1 2LP Darlington, Co Durham
Monday: 06:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 20:00
Friday: 06:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 06:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -