Dazzling Ladies

Monday: 08:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 22:00
Friday: 08:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00

About Dazzling Ladies

Beauty Treatments & Luxury Beauty Products not easily found on the high street.
For all your Beauty needs visit our site: www. dazzlingladies. co. uk
Twitter: @Dazzlingladies
Instagram: dazzlingladies

Dazzling Ladies Description

Launched in February 2016 www. dazzlingladies. co. uk is one of Europe's fastest growing online beauty retailer.
Bringing you outstanding value beauty products, not easily found on the high street, straight to your door.
Shop online - www. dazzlingladies. co. uk
The Beauty Treatment side of the business was launched 2013 & has grown from strength to strength every year, From backstage at V Festival 2015 styling the bands & artists to delivering specialist beauty treatments to clients, all over the North East.




My personality nd me being REAL pisses people off..рҹҳӮ WOW IвҖҷm ME deal with it, but all these single fella,s out there complaining about all the birds are toxic coke whores just look on my Facebook nd peopleвҖҷs Instagram or peopleвҖҷs Facebook my names in a few status,s so iv been told IвҖҷm in bed being a good mother 2 my boys bearing in mind he has ADHD & autism he,s a full time job himself nd iv got a booming buisness 2 run on my jack jones but thatвҖҷs what us QUEENS do smash it ...with a smile on our face...рҹҳҒ Boys take all the scruffy rats names down whoвҖҷs toxic & stay well clear they wonвҖҷt get there happy ending they are vile nd Will break youвҖҷs down...рҹӨў Little le le now has 2 get her baby up & sorted 4 the day & back 2 work...рҹҳҒ Have a good day now...рҹҢҲ Toxic people every were in such a small city all cityвҖҷs you canвҖҷt buy class, manners, morals, respect, unconditional love & happiness happy familyвҖҷs tho can yous..рҹҳҒрҹ‘‘ Oh iv supposedly been the topic of conversation all while IвҖҷm all happy picking wedding dresses..рҹ‘°рҹҸҪрҹҺ©вқӨпёҸ GET YOUR OWN LIFE PEOPLE itвҖҷs getting like youвҖҷs are stalkers now..рҹҳӮрҹ‘‘рҹҳҒ Www.dazzlingladies.co.uk вңЁ link in bio! #Dazzlingladies #Imgettingmarried #positivitybreedspositivity #crownedforsuccess #REAL #Honest #100%ME #Goodmorning #Happynesslooksgoodonme #glowing рҹҳҒрҹ‘‘
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Shine on u crazy diamonds positive vibes & the universe ONLY...рҹ’Һ Feel negativity around you send them positive vibes & thoughts they need it the most... рҹ’Һрҹ’Әрҹ’ӮрҹҸјвҖҚвҷӮпёҸвқӨпёҸрҹ’ҡрҹ’ӣрҹ ’ӣ ONLY Positive vibes & the universe...рҹ’Һ Time 2 shine QUEENS..рҹ‘‘ Www.dazzlingladies.co.uk вңЁвңЁ link in bio!!! #Dazzlingladies #Headgamestrong #goodmorning #Queens #Strongwomen #PMA #Sendpositivevibestoeveryone #higherconcicousness #Jeliousyisadisease #changeyourmindsetchangeyourlife #Positive #Happy #Magical #askbelievereceive #theuniversehasyourback #theuniverse #spirituality #Workhard #Happy #selflove #sun #Summer #Shopping #motivation #Positive #Women #Beauty #Makeup #onlineboutique #onlineshopping #Repost #theuniverselovesabeliever #Solidasfuck рҹҳҒрҹ‘‘рҹ‘‘рҹ‘‘


ThatвҖҷs 1 of her past family members soul coming back 2 help her through her tough time.... Its been scientifically proven when u pass your soul goes back in2 the universe (look on the status link on there) & you will keep on coming back until you have learn your lesson from passed lives & fix your family karma... рҹ’ҺAmazing... рҹ’Һ


You think bad thoughts about others say bad things & do bad things to others you are bringing them bad things back on to yourself or your family members thatвҖҷs karma & family karma... Silly people are that backward they donвҖҷt realise that tho....рҹҳӮ Karmas a mirror of you nd your thoughts & actions you get what u deserve be nice get nice back be vile nd rotting nasty then u get that back or ur kids or ur grandkids... What goes around comes around thatвҖҷs how the universe works......вңЁрҹ’«вҳ„пёҸ People judging donвҖҷt even like themselves remember that...вңҢрҹҸј Www.dazzligladies.co.uk вңЁвңЁ link in bio!!! #Dazzlingladies #Karma #Universe #Nicetobenice #Loveyourself #beautyaddict #instagood #makeupartist #makeupjunkie #glamour #Goodnight #Beautiful #Work #Gratitude #PMA #Beauty #Makeup #Shopping #Presents #Giftsets #instabeauty #Onlineshopping #onlineboutique #Lawofattraction
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Positive Mind рҹ’– Positive Vibes рҹҰ„ Positive LIFE рҹҢҲ рҹ’ңрҹ’–рҹ’•рҹ’«вңҢрҹҸј Www.dazzlingladies.co.uk вңЁвңЁ link in bio!!! #Dazzlingladies #Positivemind #positivevibes #Positivelife #Happy #Magical #askbelievereceive #theuniversehasyourback #theuniverse #spirituality #Workhard #Happy #selflove #sun #Summer #Shopping #motivation #Positive #Women #Beauty #Makeup #onlineboutique #onlineshopping #Repost #theuniverselovesabeliever


Happy Friday Linda,s...рҹҳҒрҹҳӮ ItвҖҷs better 2 stand out then follow the crowds... You were born to be unique not a flock of sheep...рҹҳҒрҹ‘‘рҹҢҲрҹ§ҡрҹҸҪвҖҚвҷҖпёҸвқӨп ёҸрҹҺҖрҹ’ҷрҹ’ҡрҹ’ӣрҹ§ЎвқӨпёҸ ASK, BELIEVE , RECEIVE рҹ’«вңЁвҳ„пёҸрҹ’ҘрҹҢҲрҹҢҢрҹ”®рҹ“ҝ Www.dazzlingladies.co.uk вңЁвңЁ link in bio!!! #Dazzlingladies #goodmorning #Queens #Funny #PMA #lindas #Gimmegimmegimme #Unique #Different #Fridayfeeling #Ownit #changeyourmindsetchangeyourlife #Positive #Happy #Magical #askbelievereceive #theuniversehasyourback #theuniverse #spirituality #Workhard #Happy #selflove #sun #Summer #Shopping #motivation #Positive #Women #onlineboutique #onlineshopping #Repost #theuniverselovesabeliever #Solidasfuck рҹҳҒрҹ‘‘рҹ‘‘рҹ‘‘


People enter your life for a reason 2 teach us a lesson we need 2 learn if the go let them go...рҹ‘ӢрҹҸј Hold the door open 4 them they are not your people keep moving forward & donвҖҷt look back..рҹ‘‘ Your vibe attracts your tribe..рҹҢҲрҹ‘‘ Www.dazzlingladies.co.uk вңЁ link in bio! #Dazzlingladies #Keepmovingforward #Goodmorning #Nevergoback #Theyarebehindyouforareason #Trusttheprocess #knowyourworth #Selflove #goodthingsarecoming #positivevibes #Budda #positivity #Beauty #Makeup #Onlineshopping #Onlineboutique


Not happy with your life change it... Simple as that....рҹҢҲ Have a good day...вқӨпёҸвңЁрҹ’Ӣрҹ’«вңЁвҳ„пёҸрҹ’ҘрҹҢҲр ҹҢҢрҹ”®рҹ“ҝ Www.dazzlingladies.co.uk вңЁвңЁ link in bio!!! #Dazzlingladies #goodmorning #Goddess #LOVE #positivevibes #PMA #theuniverselovesabeliever #Thesecret #Sage #Crystals #Positiveity #Nice #smileatstrangers #changeyourmindsetchangeyourlife #Positive #Happy #Magical #askbelievereceive #theuniversehasyourback #theuniverse #spirituality #Workhard #Happy #selflove #sun #Summer #Shopping #motivation #Positive #Women


People judging donвҖҷt even like themselves remember that...вңҢрҹҸј Fuck what people think live YOUR Life for YOU...рҹҢҲ вқӨпёҸWild Hearts вқӨпёҸ рҹҰҒ Feisty Spirits вңЁ рҹ’– Stay TRUE to yourself вңҢрҹҸј рҹ’Ӣ DON'T be a people pleaser..рҹҳҒ... вҳ®пёҸWE ARE THE BEST ONES!!!! Goodnight рҹ’–рҹ’ӢвқӨпёҸрҹҢҲвңЁ Www.dazzligladies.co.uk вңЁвңЁ link in bio!!! #Repost @jimcarreyhere #Dazzlingladies #Wildhearts #speakyourtruth #Messyhair #feistyspirits #Karma #Universe #Nicetobenice #Loveyourself #beautyaddict #instagood #makeupartist #makeupjunkie #glamour #Goodnight #Beautiful #Work #Gratitude #PMA #Beauty #Makeup #Shopping #Presents #Giftsets #instabeauty #Onlineshopping #onlineboutique
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Fab day with mini me... рҹ§ңрҹҸҪвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹ§ңрҹҸҪвҖҚвҷҖпёҸвқӨпёҸр ҹ’ҷ ItвҖҷs still absolutely roasting at this time .. рҹ”Ҙрҹ”Ҙрҹ”Ҙ #Spain #Waterpark #Minime #Boilinghot #Familytime


рҹҳӮрҹҳӮрҹҳӮрҹҳӮ love it...рҹ’ғрҹҸҪрҹ’ғрҹҸҪрҹ’ғрҹҸҪ Yes all about the self love nd confidence like this 1...рҹҷҢрҹҸјрҹҷҢрҹҸј #Funny #Owningthedancefloor


Good Morning QUEENS...рҹ‘‘ As if people think they can tell me what I can put on my social media...рҹҳӮ Behave donвҖҷt u have a life of your own if shoe fits nd all that..рҹҳҒрҹ‘‘рҹҢҲрҹ§ҡрҹҸҪвҖҚвҷҖпёҸвқӨпёҸ рҹҺҖрҹ’ҷрҹ’ҡрҹ’ӣрҹ§ЎвқӨпёҸ ASK, BELIEVE , RECEIVE рҹ’«вңЁвҳ„пёҸрҹ’ҘрҹҢҲрҹҢҢрҹ”®рҹ“ҝ Www.dazzlingladies.co.uk вңЁвңЁ link in bio!!! #Dazzlingladies #goodmorning #Queens #Funny #PMA #Jeliousyisadisease #changeyourmindsetchangeyourlife #Positive #Happy #Magical #askbelievereceive #theuniversehasyourback #theuniverse #spirituality #Workhard #Happy #selflove #sun #Summer #Shopping #motivation #Positive #Women #onlineboutique #onlineshopping #Repost #theuniverselovesabeliever #Solidasfuck рҹҳҒрҹ‘‘рҹ‘‘рҹ‘‘


With a big smile on my dial рҹҳҒ Because IвҖҷm a QUEEN..рҹ‘‘ Queens donвҖҷt compete with whores IвҖҷm a total different League luv.. рҹҳҒрҹ‘‘рҹӨ‘ 1 you will never be able to reach just remember that, While you are still below me....рҹҳүрҹӨ©рҹӨ‘рҹӨ‘рҹӨ‘ Straighten that crown QUEENS...рҹ‘‘рҹ’• Www.dazzlingladies.co.uk вңЁвңЁ link in bio!!! #Dazzlingladies #Dazzlingwhite #Queens #Welcomeback #superstar #Morning #Coffee #loveyourself #spirituality #Positive #inderpendant #Women #Girlboss #Queens #quoteoftheday #Shopping #Beauty #Makeup #onlineboutique #No1isyouthatisyourpower #Queensfixeachotherscrowns #Strongwomen #Realwomen #LivemylifeforME #onlineshopping #Repost


1 life live it for you...рҹ’• Make yourself happy..рҹ‘‘ Shine like the precious diamond you are queens...рҹ‘‘ рҹҰ„ вҡЎпёҸвңҢрҹҸјвңЁрҹҢҲ рҹ’• рҹ’«Www.dazzlingladies.co.uk вңЁвңЁ link in bio!!! #Dazzlingladies #ownyourfierce #scorpiorevolution #Brave #Loud #goodnight #Unicorn #PEACE #LOVE #positivevibes #PMA #theuniverselovesabeliever #Thesecret #changeyourmindsetchangeyourlife #Positive #Happy #selflove #sun #Summer #Shopping #motivation #Positive #Women #Beauty #Makeup #onlineboutique #onlineshopping #Repost #theuniverselovesabeliever


Good Morning QUEENS...рҹ‘‘ Friday Feeling...рҹҢҲрҹ’ңрҹ’–рҹ’•рҹ’«вңҢрҹҸј ASK, BELIEVE , RECEIVE рҹ’«вңЁвҳ„пёҸрҹ’ҘрҹҢҲрҹҢҢрҹ”®рҹ“ҝ Www.dazzlingladies.co.uk вңЁвңЁ link in bio!!! #Dazzlingladies #goodmorning #Queens #Strongwomen #PMA #Hatersgonnahate #Jeliousyisadisease #changeyourmindsetchangeyourlife #Positive #Happy #Magical #askbelievereceive #theuniversehasyourback #theuniverse #spirituality #Workhard #Happy #selflove #sun #Summer #Shopping #motivation #Positive #Women #Beauty #Makeup #onlineboutique #onlineshopping #Repost #theuniverselovesabeliever #Solidasfuck рҹҳҒрҹ‘‘рҹ‘‘рҹ‘‘


That's why I keep my karma right...вңЁ People's lost limbs, ended up in intensive care 4 hours after doing me wrong nd even 6ft under вңҢрҹҸј U would think I had a voodoo doll but I just keep my karma right what goes around comes around u get what u deserve...вңЁрҹҢҲ That's how the universe works....рҹҳҒ Happy Thursday...вңЁрҹ’ӣрҹ’ңрҹ’ңрҹ’•рҹ’ҷвқӨпёҸр ҹҢҲ... Be Nice it gets you further in life...вңЁвңҢрҹҸјвңЁрҹ’ңвңҢрҹҸјрҹ‘‘рҹҢҲ People need lessons in KARMA seeing so many rats nd vile people these days don't have a clue...рҹҳі Till it's 2 late!!!
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Shine like the precious diamond you are queens...рҹ‘‘ Be YOU...вңЁ Be BRAVE...рҹ“ҝ Be LOUD shout it from the rooftops вңҢрҹҸј BE A FUCKING UNICORN рҹҰ„ вҡЎпёҸвңҢрҹҸјвңЁрҹҢҲ рҹ’• рҹ’«Www.dazzlingladies.co.uk вңЁвңЁ link in bio!!! #Dazzlingladies #ownyourfierce #scorpiorevolution #Brave #Loud #goodmorning #Unicorn #PEACE #LOVE #positivevibes #PMA #theuniverselovesabeliever #Thesecret #changeyourmindsetchangeyourlife #Positive #Happy #selflove #sun #Summer #Shopping #motivation #Positive #Women #Beauty #Makeup #onlineboutique #onlineshopping #Repost #theuniverselovesabeliever


It's a waist of money u may as well go nd stick your head in the fridge... Get more info from the box of eggs in there... рҹҳӮ Don't crack soilders рҹ’ӮрҹҸҪрҹ’ҷ Good night... рҹҢҲрҹ’ңрҹ’–рҹ’•рҹ’«вңҢрҹҸј ASK, BELIVE, RECEIVE рҹ’«вңЁвҳ„пёҸрҹ’ҘрҹҢҲрҹҢҢрҹ”®рҹ“ҝ Www.dazzlingladies.co.uk вңЁвңЁ link in bio!!! #Repost @jimcarreyhere #Dazzlingladies #headgamestrong #denzelwashington #changeyourmindsetchangeyourlife #Positive #Happy #Magical #askbelievereceive #theuniversehasyourback #theuniverse #spirituality #Workhard #Happy #selflove #sun #Summer #Shopping #motivation #Positive #Women #Beauty #Makeup #onlineboutique #onlineshopping #Repost #theuniverselovesabeliever


just had a dermaplaning & blood facial face feels amazing will definitely be any g more skin treatments x


Went for a top up on brows (microblading) amazing work totally professional as always eyebrows are perfect not a hair out of place 100% recommend this treatment and I will be returning рҹҳҚI have previously had my eyebrows tattooed at a city centre salon and the results were shocking thanks do Leanne they have never looked better x


Thank you Leanne for our amazing new pearly whites , excellent results for all of the girls! xxx


Really happy with my results from my teeth whitening , leanne is so lovely makes you feel welcome and relaxed . And the prices are brilliant .! Will be booming up for more treatments .. Highly recommended .


Over the moon with my teeth whitening done today off Leanne. Will be booking in for a top up. Lovely lass, very friendly and professional. Highly recommended x


Leanne is so down to earth and such a lovely woman! Does all kinds of treatments, can't wait to try the body wraps пҝҪ you won't be beaten on price when it comes to the lip voltage and mascara which are absolutely unreal! Wouldn't get my products from anywhere else xxx


Leanne is brilliant so lovely and fun and makes you feel at ease she does so many treatments and they're all fab highly recommend xxx


Just had my teeth whitened by Leanne and wow what a difference, so happy with them, my friend was with me and she has booked in for hers done to, can not recommend enough, fab results, fab price and fab down to earth girl, thank you Leanne x


I have just had microdermabrasion and the dermapen last night, it's amazing would highly recommend my face is soo clean and all lines have faded with just 1 session.........


Highly recommend Leanne absolutely love my teeth went from a shade 30 to 12 so in love with my new mascara and lip gloss too my lashes look so thick and long and my lips more plumped and defined had such a giggle throughout my treatment too book her now !!!!


Had a microdermabrasion facial on Monday. Leanne removed a tonne of dead skin and grime from my Pores.. Afterwards, when I got home and steamed as advised, my face was still releasing dirt from my Pores.. I didn't think my face was THAT dirty. I'd recommend to anyone who has breakout, blocked pores, or sweats whilst wearing makeup, like dancers or fitness people. I will definitely be booking up again soon.. And recommended my best friends.


Got our teeth done yesterday off Leanne and we are over the moon with the results we can't wait to book again in the future for our top ups рҹҳҒ


Got my teeth whitened yesterday, love them their so white!!! My teeth changed so much from the before and after colour chart! amazing service and even better chat, thanks so much LeanneпҝҪ


Got my teeth whitened from here for the first time and glad I never went anywhere else! Lovely women very friendly and I'm really happy with the shade of my teeth after my first session! Can't wait to book for my top up xx


Got my teeth whitened amazing, can't wait for my top up in around 6 weeks, just need to stop drinking as much coffee рҹҳӮ, fantastic Leanne great job xx


Fantastic teeth whitening treatment look like a different person. So friendly and we had a right chuckle too. Lovely girl will defo be recommending to my friends xx


Another teeth top up

Great results !!

Purchased the eye cream off Leanne


After a week nearly my eyes feet soft and tighter

Also Using the lip voltage

At first I thought this is doing nothing then woomph !! Amazing results

Just with half mil in

Will post pics soon

Once again fab customer service and professional :)


Amazing service and brilliant teeth results after just one session! can't wait to try out some other treatments X


Amazing results, especially for my first time can't wait to see them after I get a top up would 100% recommend!


just had a dermaplaning & blood facial face feels amazing will definitely be any g more skin treatments x


Went for a top up on brows (microblading) amazing work totally professional as always eyebrows are perfect not a hair out of place 100% recommend this treatment and I will be returning рҹҳҚI have previously had my eyebrows tattooed at a city centre salon and the results were shocking thanks do Leanne they have never looked better x


Thank you Leanne for our amazing new pearly whites , excellent results for all of the girls! xxx


Really happy with my results from my teeth whitening , leanne is so lovely makes you feel welcome and relaxed . And the prices are brilliant .! Will be booming up for more treatments .. Highly recommended .


Over the moon with my teeth whitening done today off Leanne. Will be booking in for a top up. Lovely lass, very friendly and professional. Highly recommended x


Leanne is so down to earth and such a lovely woman! Does all kinds of treatments, can't wait to try the body wraps пҝҪ you won't be beaten on price when it comes to the lip voltage and mascara which are absolutely unreal! Wouldn't get my products from anywhere else xxx


Leanne is brilliant so lovely and fun and makes you feel at ease she does so many treatments and they're all fab highly recommend xxx


Just had my teeth whitened by Leanne and wow what a difference, so happy with them, my friend was with me and she has booked in for hers done to, can not recommend enough, fab results, fab price and fab down to earth girl, thank you Leanne x


I have just had microdermabrasion and the dermapen last night, it's amazing would highly recommend my face is soo clean and all lines have faded with just 1 session.........


Highly recommend Leanne absolutely love my teeth went from a shade 30 to 12 so in love with my new mascara and lip gloss too my lashes look so thick and long and my lips more plumped and defined had such a giggle throughout my treatment too book her now !!!!


Had a microdermabrasion facial on Monday. Leanne removed a tonne of dead skin and grime from my Pores.. Afterwards, when I got home and steamed as advised, my face was still releasing dirt from my Pores.. I didn't think my face was THAT dirty. I'd recommend to anyone who has breakout, blocked pores, or sweats whilst wearing makeup, like dancers or fitness people. I will definitely be booking up again soon.. And recommended my best friends.


Got our teeth done yesterday off Leanne and we are over the moon with the results we can't wait to book again in the future for our top ups рҹҳҒ


Got my teeth whitened yesterday, love them their so white!!! My teeth changed so much from the before and after colour chart! amazing service and even better chat, thanks so much LeanneпҝҪ


Got my teeth whitened from here for the first time and glad I never went anywhere else! Lovely women very friendly and I'm really happy with the shade of my teeth after my first session! Can't wait to book for my top up xx


Got my teeth whitened amazing, can't wait for my top up in around 6 weeks, just need to stop drinking as much coffee рҹҳӮ, fantastic Leanne great job xx


Fantastic teeth whitening treatment look like a different person. So friendly and we had a right chuckle too. Lovely girl will defo be recommending to my friends xx


Another teeth top up

Great results !!

Purchased the eye cream off Leanne


After a week nearly my eyes feet soft and tighter

Also Using the lip voltage

At first I thought this is doing nothing then woomph !! Amazing results

Just with half mil in

Will post pics soon

Once again fab customer service and professional :)


Amazing service and brilliant teeth results after just one session! can't wait to try out some other treatments X


Amazing results, especially for my first time can't wait to see them after I get a top up would 100% recommend!

More about Dazzling Ladies

Dazzling Ladies is located at UK, NE5 4 Newcastle upon Tyne
Monday: 08:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 22:00
Friday: 08:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00