Driftwood Float Spa

Monday: 12:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 12:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 20:00
Friday: 12:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00

About Driftwood Float Spa

Reduce stress, relieve aches and pains and experience a new level of relaxation with floatation therapy.

Driftwood Float Spa Description

We are Driftwood and we are bringing floating back to Newcastle.
Floating is one of the most effective all natural therapies available today. The almost unique ability of Floating is to allow individuals to experience deep relaxation, significant improvements to the symptoms of chronic pain and mental /physical stress and all without the need of a therapist, medical professional or prescribed drugs. Without the need to fight gravity or take-in external information you'll likely experience the most complete relaxation you've ever felt.



A charming cartoon around the float tank experience 😍
#Floatnow #DriftwoodFloatSpa #ShutOffTheBrain
... https://medium.com/the-nib/flip-the-switc h-2801d727a6d2
See More


Want to know what Floating is really like?
Read the feedback from our customers and see..... #FloatyBook


A book located in our Spa, full of feedback from Customers and descriptions of their experiences.


How did we miss this?


#EinsteinKnows #FakeQoutes #ButItISTrue


Book for a Float and FLoW now - the most relaxing experience you will ever have!


Looking for a relaxing herbal?
We always finish our float with a herbal tea 😍


Thank you for getting involved and sharing your experiences.....
We had so many people telling us why they wanted to float that we have decided to pick two winners, one that has floated before and one who hasn't.
Congratulations to Kelly McGeough and Julie Paul!
... Well done :-)
See More


#JohnCLilly #AloneTime #BookNow #FloatNow


Joanne of IndiGo Flow Holistics is holding another taster event this Saturday. Get booked in now! 😍


#FirstFloat #Whatisitlike #whyfloat


Recently we have had a few people call for on the day appointments, due to availiability they have been left disapointed.
Don't forget, although we do occasionally have last minute appointments - Don't be let down, book in advance #NoWalkens 😂😂😂😂


Spaces left today....give us a ring to take advantage!


#TellUsAboutYourFloat #Win #FreeFloat


Smashing Facts
Want to know a bit more about float tanks, but not sure what questions to ask?
This should cover it :-)
... #FloatingFacts #FloatNewcastle #CanIfloatallnight? #softskin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHmu5WQOO Wc
See More


Floating to alleviate the systems of PTSD?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RidxwY2- ow


Exciting times, bag yourself a bargain with a holistic taster session 😁


Taster event today!


Just had a fantastic #Float, feeling Zen and my body feels amazing.
As I was Floating I felt as if I was bobbing along a still lake, under a clear night full of stars!
Would love our Float Clients to share a picture that represents their Float experience.
... #MyFloat
See More


We would like to announce our new pricelist for Singles, Packages and Memberships, which will be available from March 1st 2018.
We have pulled together more new fantastic packages to offer you value for money - and a special package for those that haven't floated before 😁
We will honour all our current prices for bookings taken before the above date, so if you want to take advantage - get booked now!


Yesterday, I had my first 'float' - I didnt know fully what to expect and had set no real goals for it. I just always wanted to do it and finally bit the bucket...

The place oozed professionalism - from the phone call booking it in to the hour long discussion about how AJ Styles should be the next face of the WWE, I was made to feel at ease and talked through every step of the way!

The float itself was amazing and something I think everyone should try at least once! It brought me to a level of calm I haven't reached for a long time - was perfect prep for the exam I had to sit today...

Best advice that was given was to 'trust the water' and once I did it really enhanced the overall experience...

I will be going again and would recommend Driftwood to any and every one!


Today I had my first float at driftwood float spa. Stung a little due to silly skin but was definitely an experience I'll repeat. Staff are friendly and welcoming and facilities are spotless :-) the float itself was lovely I thought I'd be scared and would keep the light on but I was brave and very pleased I turned the light off. I find it hard to switch off but found my thoughts drifting in and out without realising it was happening. I would thoroughly recommend and will defo visit again . Great business - give it a go :-)


So I've just had the pleasure to experience the newly opened Driftwood Float Spa on Heaton Road. This has to rate as one of the most relaxing treatments you can EVER have. One hour of floatation and it simply melts all of the stress in your life away.

Driftwood Float Spa is a new business on Heaton Road. The facilities are pristine and honestly you should just give it a go. All the build up of tension in your muscles just disappears and you feel completely relaxed.

I can't wait for my next treatment. £35 for 1 hour, worth every penny!


My partner, Chris, and I went for our first floats yesterday and absolutely loved them! Chris went for relaxation and I wanted to go for pain relief as I suffer from chronic back issues and we both got the results we wanted! We both had amazing sleep that night too. Andy was so lovely, he was stuck with each of us for an hour and was so friendly and easy to talk to. We'll definitely be back!


My first visit to try the floatation tank didn't go that well - it was nothing to do with the spa at all - I just had quite a bit of discomfort in my neck which meant around half way through I had to get out.

I had a good chat with Andy and the owner who had popped in, they listened to what I had experienced and gave some advice as to why it might have happened. I booked up straight away to go back the following week and try again.

I read up on some advice to ease neck pain and discomfort during a float, apparently it's very common and not something to be concerned about. Andy also sent me some information which was really helpful and just showed how much those running Driftwood care about those using their spa.

For those that need it, putting your hands above your head releases tension in your neck �

I had my second float yesterday and it was a completely different experience! The advice I'd been given worked a treat, I had no discomfort whatsoever. I managed to stay in the entire time and felt really relaxed afterwards. I loved it so much I've booked back for my third float at the end of the month.

All in all, I would certainly recommend Driftwood Float Spa! It's a lovely calm environment and well worth trying.


Just had my first float at Driftwood Float Spa! I had no idea it was possible to be that relaxed. A hugely unique experience. Definitely gonna go again soon! If you want to see what it feels like to be warm and relaxed while floating through infinite space then visit them!


Just got back from my float and feel totally relaxed :) amazing experience and staff were lovely and explained everything would definitely recommend xxx


It was the first time I have ever 'floated' and I LOVED it!

The only place I'd ever seen sensory deprivation stuff before was on an episode of the Simpsons, and in that the tanks were much smaller - they were kind of coffin-sized, which is what I was expecting for this (which I thought might make me feel a little claustrophobic), but the tank was much bigger than I was expecting! For reference, I'm about 5ft 3in, and the tank was chest-height on me, and large enough that I could stretch out completely (full starfish!) when I was lying down in the tank. This was a really nice and unexpected aspect, as I ended up moving around a reasonable amount once in the tank, and I don't think I would have enjoyed it so much otherwise.

After having a quick shower and putting in earplugs (to help lessen noise and stop the salty water from getting into my ears), I got into the tank, closed the doors (they don't lock, and you can leave them open if you want to), turned off the light inside the tank, and lay down. At first, it was pretty disorienting - I kept having "ahh where's my body gone!?" moments, and it surprised me how loud my breathing and heartbeat were when all other noise was removed. After stretching out a bit, I was able to settle down and stop moving so much, and noticed immediately that all the tension that I had had in my neck, shoulders, and back had seeped away - the feeling of total weightlessness, while still being cradled/supported, allowed me to relax muscles that I didn't realise I was tensing - and had probably been tensing for months!

Mentally, it allowed me to come the closest to what I imagine meditation is supposed to be like (I have a very buzzy brain), thoughts floated across my mind, but then floated away again with little to no judgement or acknowledgement from me. It was very peaceful, and I can't wait to make another appointment to go - I would love to take a specific goal (something to think about) or problem with me and see what transpires!

One small thing I'll be doing differently - take a proper shower afterwards! I had only a cursory wash down, but as I dried off, I realised that there was SO MUCH SALT left on my skin and hair, and that I should have showered properly - I looked like I had the worst dandruff for the rest of the day!

The staff were lovely - I had a cup of herbal tea afterwards (they have a list of teas to try) and an interesting chat while I got ready to leave. In all, the experience was everything I hoped it would be, and I would (and have been) recommend it to everyone!


It was my first visit yesterday and I was amazed how quickly the time passed and how relaxed I was afterwards.

I have complex health issues and for the first time in a very long time my pain was lessened and the tension in my neck and also my pelvis and hips was greatly reduced.

I came home and was chilled out for the rest of the day. Some pain and tension did return during the evening/night but this morning I managed a short walk with minimal discomfort which is a great achievement for me.

Sadly the pain has built up again during the day but it was well worth it for a few hours relief and I will definitely be returning.

Fabulous experience, Thank you


I'm in the middle of writing a masters dissertation and had been reading about the benefits of floating to induce deep relaxation and boost energy and creativity! As the stress levels are rising I thought now would be a good time to try this out and was not disappointed! It is as good as people say. What a lovely experience. Free from the usual sensory distractions of our mad world, my mind switched off completely...I can only describe it as that dozy state between awake and sleep ...but better somehow... like the deep relaxation of lying in the sun all day on your jollies. It's a lovely warm, safe feeling when you're in the water, a bit like an hour-long hug. Don't quite understand the science yet but it's definitely something special. Go in with an open mind and you will love it. Guaranteed. I've felt extremely relaxed all afternoon and have been enjoying that a bit too much... so the masters work hasn't quite gone the way I wanted it to... oops! But I have a feeling after a good nights sleep I will be ready to rock tomorrow! All very well explained and looked after by Cinzia throughout. Will defo be going back! �


I have just completed my first ever float today. I was unsure of whether I would enjoy it as I am not one for relaxing in the bath preferring a shower. I am a stress head with busy and challenging life so I hoped that I would be able to find benefit from an hour on my own with my thoughts.

It is amazing to float in a warm dark space! Weightlessness is a good feeling, I slowly drifted in and out of full awareness and when the music stopped I felt like I was in the womb or how I imagine that to be. I then had some interesting visuals. My experience may be different to others as I think it maybe quite individual but it has left me feeling relaxed and content and ready for the week ahead so for me it was exactly what I needed and will book next float soon.

Thank you Driftwood Float Spa for the experience and lovely cup of tea after.


I had my first floating experience last Saturday, and ... can't quite put into words how great it was!

I was drawn to floating after suffering from depression and finding a loss of motivation to keep up creative work outside of my job. I was looking for some mental space to be able to switch off, and step away from the day to day, and I have to say - that's exactly what I got.

There was a little bit of time spent adjusting to the experience once in the tank, but it became comfortable very quickly, and my thoughts seemed suddenly less pressing. I'd think of things lightly, without dwelling on them, and eventually my imagination began to take over. I remember thinking about the shapes water makes, and the way the ripples swirl like birds flying or snakes winding across sand... and then I woke up!

When I got out, it almost felt as if I was putting my body back on again - reconnecting to seeing and feeling, but still with a sense of calm. I also felt like I wanted to draw what I'd been thinking about - so, an absolute success!

I felt very relaxed for a few days afterwards, and will definitely be coming back to try again (as well as telling anyone who'll listen!). Thanks again for a brilliant experience!


I had my first experience of a floatation last night a great and unusual gift from my two sons for Father's Day

Where did that hour go? I thought I would be bored but no as soon has the light went out and my mind went blank (quite easy for me) it was the most restful hour I've had in a long time, so much so I've got another hour to take very soon

Would recommend this for everyone


I had Reiki with Joanne today. Amazing as always. Came out feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. Thank you �


Had my first floating experience today... As one who loves a massage I am always on the lookout for an alternative to de-stress. I can gladly say that the float is the best stress-relief I have tried - you feel as if you are floating in space for a solid part of the experience once you have acclimatised and I found myself waking up to the ambient music which plays at the end. Never imagined I would relax enough to fall asleep but there you go! Would highly recommend and will be going again!


Had my first float experience on earlier this week after wanting to try it for a while, and I was not disappointed. After taking a little while to settle into the environment I think I was the most relaxed that I have been since I can't remember when! Taking some time to totally shut out the world and just be with yourself is something I would recommend to anyone.

It's definitely something I'll be doing again, and I'm already looking forward to it!


Had my first ever float on Wednesday and I loved it . Such a new experience that left me feeling relaxed, rejuvenated and inspired. The neck & upper back pain I have been experiencing for months was instantly relieved. I had a very meditative experience which allowed me to observe my thought patterns as an outsider looking in. It was amazing...and to top it all off I LOVED the organic shower gel & shampoos for use at the end of the float. I am very excited to incorporate this into my lifestyle so thank you everyone at Driftwood xxx


First float today...takes time to adapt to surroundings but I feel so relaxed some 10 hours later and have less tension in shoulders and back (have quite bad lower back pain) guy on reception amazingly helpful and professional and was able to answer all questions...great experience and will certainly return soon :0)


Finished my first float at Driftwood Spa... its been worth the wait! What an amazing experience - silent, relaxing and completely calm. Lee and the team are welcoming and talk you through the entire process from start to finish (great for a beginner like me!) and the facilities are excellent.

Can't wait for the next one!


Yesterday, I had my first 'float' - I didnt know fully what to expect and had set no real goals for it. I just always wanted to do it and finally bit the bucket...

The place oozed professionalism - from the phone call booking it in to the hour long discussion about how AJ Styles should be the next face of the WWE, I was made to feel at ease and talked through every step of the way!

The float itself was amazing and something I think everyone should try at least once! It brought me to a level of calm I haven't reached for a long time - was perfect prep for the exam I had to sit today...

Best advice that was given was to 'trust the water' and once I did it really enhanced the overall experience...

I will be going again and would recommend Driftwood to any and every one!


Today I had my first float at driftwood float spa. Stung a little due to silly skin but was definitely an experience I'll repeat. Staff are friendly and welcoming and facilities are spotless :-) the float itself was lovely I thought I'd be scared and would keep the light on but I was brave and very pleased I turned the light off. I find it hard to switch off but found my thoughts drifting in and out without realising it was happening. I would thoroughly recommend and will defo visit again . Great business - give it a go :-)


So I've just had the pleasure to experience the newly opened Driftwood Float Spa on Heaton Road. This has to rate as one of the most relaxing treatments you can EVER have. One hour of floatation and it simply melts all of the stress in your life away.

Driftwood Float Spa is a new business on Heaton Road. The facilities are pristine and honestly you should just give it a go. All the build up of tension in your muscles just disappears and you feel completely relaxed.

I can't wait for my next treatment. £35 for 1 hour, worth every penny!


My partner, Chris, and I went for our first floats yesterday and absolutely loved them! Chris went for relaxation and I wanted to go for pain relief as I suffer from chronic back issues and we both got the results we wanted! We both had amazing sleep that night too. Andy was so lovely, he was stuck with each of us for an hour and was so friendly and easy to talk to. We'll definitely be back!


My first visit to try the floatation tank didn't go that well - it was nothing to do with the spa at all - I just had quite a bit of discomfort in my neck which meant around half way through I had to get out.

I had a good chat with Andy and the owner who had popped in, they listened to what I had experienced and gave some advice as to why it might have happened. I booked up straight away to go back the following week and try again.

I read up on some advice to ease neck pain and discomfort during a float, apparently it's very common and not something to be concerned about. Andy also sent me some information which was really helpful and just showed how much those running Driftwood care about those using their spa.

For those that need it, putting your hands above your head releases tension in your neck �

I had my second float yesterday and it was a completely different experience! The advice I'd been given worked a treat, I had no discomfort whatsoever. I managed to stay in the entire time and felt really relaxed afterwards. I loved it so much I've booked back for my third float at the end of the month.

All in all, I would certainly recommend Driftwood Float Spa! It's a lovely calm environment and well worth trying.


Just had my first float at Driftwood Float Spa! I had no idea it was possible to be that relaxed. A hugely unique experience. Definitely gonna go again soon! If you want to see what it feels like to be warm and relaxed while floating through infinite space then visit them!


Just got back from my float and feel totally relaxed :) amazing experience and staff were lovely and explained everything would definitely recommend xxx


It was the first time I have ever 'floated' and I LOVED it!

The only place I'd ever seen sensory deprivation stuff before was on an episode of the Simpsons, and in that the tanks were much smaller - they were kind of coffin-sized, which is what I was expecting for this (which I thought might make me feel a little claustrophobic), but the tank was much bigger than I was expecting! For reference, I'm about 5ft 3in, and the tank was chest-height on me, and large enough that I could stretch out completely (full starfish!) when I was lying down in the tank. This was a really nice and unexpected aspect, as I ended up moving around a reasonable amount once in the tank, and I don't think I would have enjoyed it so much otherwise.

After having a quick shower and putting in earplugs (to help lessen noise and stop the salty water from getting into my ears), I got into the tank, closed the doors (they don't lock, and you can leave them open if you want to), turned off the light inside the tank, and lay down. At first, it was pretty disorienting - I kept having "ahh where's my body gone!?" moments, and it surprised me how loud my breathing and heartbeat were when all other noise was removed. After stretching out a bit, I was able to settle down and stop moving so much, and noticed immediately that all the tension that I had had in my neck, shoulders, and back had seeped away - the feeling of total weightlessness, while still being cradled/supported, allowed me to relax muscles that I didn't realise I was tensing - and had probably been tensing for months!

Mentally, it allowed me to come the closest to what I imagine meditation is supposed to be like (I have a very buzzy brain), thoughts floated across my mind, but then floated away again with little to no judgement or acknowledgement from me. It was very peaceful, and I can't wait to make another appointment to go - I would love to take a specific goal (something to think about) or problem with me and see what transpires!

One small thing I'll be doing differently - take a proper shower afterwards! I had only a cursory wash down, but as I dried off, I realised that there was SO MUCH SALT left on my skin and hair, and that I should have showered properly - I looked like I had the worst dandruff for the rest of the day!

The staff were lovely - I had a cup of herbal tea afterwards (they have a list of teas to try) and an interesting chat while I got ready to leave. In all, the experience was everything I hoped it would be, and I would (and have been) recommend it to everyone!


It was my first visit yesterday and I was amazed how quickly the time passed and how relaxed I was afterwards.

I have complex health issues and for the first time in a very long time my pain was lessened and the tension in my neck and also my pelvis and hips was greatly reduced.

I came home and was chilled out for the rest of the day. Some pain and tension did return during the evening/night but this morning I managed a short walk with minimal discomfort which is a great achievement for me.

Sadly the pain has built up again during the day but it was well worth it for a few hours relief and I will definitely be returning.

Fabulous experience, Thank you


I'm in the middle of writing a masters dissertation and had been reading about the benefits of floating to induce deep relaxation and boost energy and creativity! As the stress levels are rising I thought now would be a good time to try this out and was not disappointed! It is as good as people say. What a lovely experience. Free from the usual sensory distractions of our mad world, my mind switched off completely...I can only describe it as that dozy state between awake and sleep ...but better somehow... like the deep relaxation of lying in the sun all day on your jollies. It's a lovely warm, safe feeling when you're in the water, a bit like an hour-long hug. Don't quite understand the science yet but it's definitely something special. Go in with an open mind and you will love it. Guaranteed. I've felt extremely relaxed all afternoon and have been enjoying that a bit too much... so the masters work hasn't quite gone the way I wanted it to... oops! But I have a feeling after a good nights sleep I will be ready to rock tomorrow! All very well explained and looked after by Cinzia throughout. Will defo be going back! �


I have just completed my first ever float today. I was unsure of whether I would enjoy it as I am not one for relaxing in the bath preferring a shower. I am a stress head with busy and challenging life so I hoped that I would be able to find benefit from an hour on my own with my thoughts.

It is amazing to float in a warm dark space! Weightlessness is a good feeling, I slowly drifted in and out of full awareness and when the music stopped I felt like I was in the womb or how I imagine that to be. I then had some interesting visuals. My experience may be different to others as I think it maybe quite individual but it has left me feeling relaxed and content and ready for the week ahead so for me it was exactly what I needed and will book next float soon.

Thank you Driftwood Float Spa for the experience and lovely cup of tea after.


I had my first floating experience last Saturday, and ... can't quite put into words how great it was!

I was drawn to floating after suffering from depression and finding a loss of motivation to keep up creative work outside of my job. I was looking for some mental space to be able to switch off, and step away from the day to day, and I have to say - that's exactly what I got.

There was a little bit of time spent adjusting to the experience once in the tank, but it became comfortable very quickly, and my thoughts seemed suddenly less pressing. I'd think of things lightly, without dwelling on them, and eventually my imagination began to take over. I remember thinking about the shapes water makes, and the way the ripples swirl like birds flying or snakes winding across sand... and then I woke up!

When I got out, it almost felt as if I was putting my body back on again - reconnecting to seeing and feeling, but still with a sense of calm. I also felt like I wanted to draw what I'd been thinking about - so, an absolute success!

I felt very relaxed for a few days afterwards, and will definitely be coming back to try again (as well as telling anyone who'll listen!). Thanks again for a brilliant experience!


I had my first experience of a floatation last night a great and unusual gift from my two sons for Father's Day

Where did that hour go? I thought I would be bored but no as soon has the light went out and my mind went blank (quite easy for me) it was the most restful hour I've had in a long time, so much so I've got another hour to take very soon

Would recommend this for everyone


I had Reiki with Joanne today. Amazing as always. Came out feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. Thank you �


Had my first floating experience today... As one who loves a massage I am always on the lookout for an alternative to de-stress. I can gladly say that the float is the best stress-relief I have tried - you feel as if you are floating in space for a solid part of the experience once you have acclimatised and I found myself waking up to the ambient music which plays at the end. Never imagined I would relax enough to fall asleep but there you go! Would highly recommend and will be going again!


Had my first float experience on earlier this week after wanting to try it for a while, and I was not disappointed. After taking a little while to settle into the environment I think I was the most relaxed that I have been since I can't remember when! Taking some time to totally shut out the world and just be with yourself is something I would recommend to anyone.

It's definitely something I'll be doing again, and I'm already looking forward to it!


Had my first ever float on Wednesday and I loved it . Such a new experience that left me feeling relaxed, rejuvenated and inspired. The neck & upper back pain I have been experiencing for months was instantly relieved. I had a very meditative experience which allowed me to observe my thought patterns as an outsider looking in. It was amazing...and to top it all off I LOVED the organic shower gel & shampoos for use at the end of the float. I am very excited to incorporate this into my lifestyle so thank you everyone at Driftwood xxx


First float today...takes time to adapt to surroundings but I feel so relaxed some 10 hours later and have less tension in shoulders and back (have quite bad lower back pain) guy on reception amazingly helpful and professional and was able to answer all questions...great experience and will certainly return soon :0)


Finished my first float at Driftwood Spa... its been worth the wait! What an amazing experience - silent, relaxing and completely calm. Lee and the team are welcoming and talk you through the entire process from start to finish (great for a beginner like me!) and the facilities are excellent.

Can't wait for the next one!

More about Driftwood Float Spa

Driftwood Float Spa is located at 86 Heaton Road, NE6 5HL Newcastle upon Tyne
Monday: 12:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 12:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 20:00
Friday: 12:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00