Elite: Cramlington

Monday: 05:45 - 21:00
Tuesday: 05:45 - 21:00
Wednesday: 05:45 - 21:00
Thursday: 05:45 - 21:00
Friday: 05:45 - 21:00
Saturday: 06:45 - 13:00
Sunday: 07:00 - 11:00

About Elite: Cramlington

elite: Together is the home of the transformation centre, a new way to see health, fitness and well-being designed for everybody.



🌟 Week 4 weigh ins 🌟
Half way there! There are some fantastic weight losses and success stories so far 🙌🏼
‼️This could be YOU‼️
... Get in touch now to get started on our next Transform programme starting 17th September 💪🏼🏋🏻‍♀️
📧 cramlington@elitetogether.com 📞 01670 335945 www.elitetogether.com
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How many Mondays have been and gone since you said ‘I’ll start next week’? Take action now.
📧 cramlington@elitetogether.com 📞 01670 335945
... www.elitetogether.com
https://www.instagram.com/elitecramlingto n/?hl=en
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Have you seen our AMAZING results?! Some of these in just 6 teeny tiny weeks... Life changing!
If you'd like to look like this and want more information, our next programme starts on 17th September! Make sure to get in touch...


Our version of ‘hanging’ on a Sunday 🤟🏼 One to many glasses of wine 🍷 last night? No regrets, but also no excuses we’re waiting and ready, so see you all in the studio.


👇🏼‼️ HOME WORK TIME ‼️👇🏼
Something a little bit different for you guys... Whatever month you were born in, that is the exercises which you will do for the homework and whatever colour top you have on as you’re reading this post, that will be the number of reps you will have to do for that exercise.
Once you complete your reps for that exercise you will then rest for 60 seconds and go back into that same exercise for the same amount of reps.
... Again, once you have completed your reps, you will then get a rest of 60 seconds.
You will keep this pattern going until you have completed your reps on your exercise for a total of 7 times. Enjoy and good luck 💪🏻💪🏻
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Have you seen we are 2018's lead sponsor for the Newcastle Stampede @ High Gosforth Park?!
We can't wait to get involved and see all you guys taking part - its going to be a fun-filled day! (As well as super muddy...)
If you're interested in taking part - send us a message or speak to your studio manager!


Are you interested in our life-changing elite: Transform programme?! Spaces for our Transform programme starting 17th September are filling up fast and we'd hate for you to miss out!
If you're interested in...... ⏱ 6 weeks of an unrivalled support network 🥦 A perfected (and delicious) meal plan 🏋🏼‍ Awesome group sessions (like nothing else)
This is the programme for you - send us a message to get signed up now! You won't regret it... 📩💪🏽
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thefamilyfoodfairy is a former elite: Transform member at elite: Stockton! They had some amazing ideas to make the meal plan that little bit more flavoursome and exciting!
Check out these pancakes with a side of salmon... Get alternative to Eggs & Salmon!


I joined elite after hearing lots of good reports. I took the 6 week 20lb challenge and managed to complete this with loosing 22.2lbs. I could have not done this without the full teams support. I would recommend elite to anyone, I have no sensation in both my lower legs and feet and was surprised I was able to build my confidence in just trying new things. Thanks to you all Denise x
... 📧 cramlington@elitetogether.com 📞 01670 335945 www.elitetogether.com https://www.instagram.com/elitecramlingto n/?hl=en
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An amazing Non-Scale Victory from Stacey @ Elite: Leeds! We help with so much more as well as weight-loss...
It's week 3 and we're sure you've starting seeing some changes! Pop us a comment below and let us know your elite: Transform NSV!


This is made with Apple, yoghurt and peach. My brain is not ok with this.....🤔


elite: LOVE getting feedback like this!
We are here to change lives as well as change the idea around the dreaded 'diet' or 'exercise'... We're here for YOU and to help you reach your goals!
Let us know your thoughts on the elite: programmes below!


It's week 3 of our elite: Transform programme and you're cravings are probably starting to set in!
Check this out and see how we can fix those craving's for healthy alternatives...
Please check these all with your trainer beforehand!


💪🏼 Come along to up to 3 sessions this week for FREE!
📧 email cramlington@elitetogether.com to get booked in for a session
... 💪🏼 Members you can bring along your friends and family for free too - just let us know when!
*Fusion timetable only *You must fill in health questionnaire upon arrival
Check in at elite: Cramlington during your session/s and be in with the chance to win a protein bundle worth £29.99!!
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18th August at 12:15pm
Our 6 weeks Transform programme starts on 17th September we’d love to get you involved.
... Do you have 20lbs to lose? Do you want to excersise and have fun at the same time? Do you need elite loving and support?
There will be a small presentation about the programme on the day. This is where you will find out all of the exciting details of the programme, answer all your questions and give you the confidence to start your journey with us. We are also going to be giving each person who attends on a golden envelope and one of these envelopes contains a lucky Golden Ticket giving you guys the chance to win a FREE 6 WEEKS TRANSFORM PROGRAMME!
So please drop us an email at cramlington@elitetogether.com with “IM IN” and we’ll email you back with confirmed space. 01670 335945
Our Address is:
elite: Cramlington Studio: Unit 8 Network Centre, Nelson Park, Colbourne Avenue, Cramington NE23 1WD
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Punching our way into this week 🥊😅👊🏼
📧 cramlington@elitetogether.com 📞 01670 335945 www.elitetogether.com


Check this little carousel of amazing before & after photos!
Some amazing and life-changing results ladies & gents! Well done 👏🏽😱❤️🌟


Are you ready to lose 20lbs or more?! Our 6 weeks Transform programme is back and we want to get you involved! Starting 17th September we’d love to get you signed up!
We have very limited spaces available for our sell-out programme and we want to make sure you don't miss out...
... We are running a Willy Wonka's Golden Ticket Inspired Opening Evening around our unique Transform Programme and we would love to see you there!
At the Open Evening we are going to be giving out golden envelopes and one of these envelopes contains a lucky Golden Ticket giving you guys the chance to win a FREE 6 WEEKS TRANSFORM PROGRAMME!
If you are not the lucky winner - Don't worry... You will still receive a prize!
Please let us know you're coming so we can book you a space - Our Address is:
elite: Cramlington Studio: Unit 8 Network Centre, Nelson Park, Colbourne Avenue, Cramington NE23 1WD
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Where to start! I can’t begin to recommend elite enough! After all these years of avoiding exercise I have finally found a programme and trainers who motivate me! I’ve lost 25.9 in 6 weeks and my whole outlook has changed! I had all intentions of taking my money and going at the start but having enjoyed this 6 weeks I can’t imagine not training with elite so look forward to starting fusion on Monday!! Thank you again to all the amazing trainers x


This is the first time in 2 decades I have really enjoyed exercising. It's hard but fun, you do it all as a team and you push each other and support each other. You really are in it together. The trainers are all fantastic at keeping you motivated and sometimes making you giggle. I I'm a lifetime elite fan now I feel amazing and so proud of what I have achieved and it was all so easy if you just turn up.


Just finished the 6 week transformation, lost 24.3lb and a dress size and gained like minded friends and a mentality to continue my journey.

After having my first baby I became reliant on high sugar foods and convenience and ultimately put on a stone and a half after the baby was born. I was not in a healthy mindset.

Joining elite and having the structure of classes and a meal plan and the accountability at weigh ins has definitely worked for me. It takes commitment to say no when you’re out for a meal eating fish with a salad and a lot of will power at a bbq when people are eating burgers and drinking vino and you’re eating chicken salad and drinking water but it’s worth it and the motivation to get your money back is strong.

I am going on to fusion to continue my journey and lose this last 2 stone �


Just finished my 6 week transform and I've definitely achieved more than I thought I would. I'd become such a sloth and doing any form of exercise just seemed so unachievable. I was terrified before we started - I thought I wouldn't be able to do any of the exercises, that I'd hurt my already aching knees and back and that I'd have to drop out half way through. I can't believe how far I've come. I loved the sessions, my body only aches with hard work now which I love and I can't wait to keep going with the exercise. And to top it all off...I lost 25.6lbs! If you're thinking about it...just do it!


Just finished my 6 week elite transformation - lost 36.1lbs in total.

Has been a great experience - I had got myself into a rut - was eating badly and not exercising - best thing I did was take the plunge and sign up to elite.

The transformation programme gave me a structure to work within - a meal plan that was easy to follow and brought the discipline I needed to start my journey. Every one of the 18 sessions at the elite gym has been different and everyone has really pushed me.

The social media has helped to keep in touch with other transformers and share our problems and look to find helpful ways forward for every situation - it also meant that my friends and family have had visibility of what I'm doing - so I couldn't cheat as too many people would find out!!

A great programme - I feel so much stronger and fitter after it - thanks to the elite team for a great experience - cheers!


Just finished elite and lost a total of 22.4lb!

I’m so proud of myself and so happy, thanks to elite I’ve changed so much and my habits are now so healthy. I’ve loved the classes and the diet was so hard but so worth it, the trainers are amazing and pushed me so hard and I’m so thankful that they did! Thanks elite! I smashed it!�


Just completed a second transformation with Elite and have to say it was the best late minute decision I've ever made. In total I have lost 49.8 pounds which I never thought was achievable for myself but it goes to show what you can do when your mind is in the right place.

I found the layout of the program helped best as there is a weekly meal plan to follow along with exercise sessions that were never boring, always different, and high engaging to your whole body.

My biggest challenge was more getting used to foods I never really ate on a regular basis but now I can say I can honestly fill my plate with more salad and veg and eat without turning my nose up at it.

I'd like to think my mindset has changed and is definately more focused in doing what I should have done awhile ago and Elite has really helped me do that. I can't thank all the people involved enough for how much it has changed me. They have all been friendly and funny to be around which had made me glad to have met them.

If anyone is hestitant about doing this I'd say just dive right in! You won't regret the decision and you -will- see a benefit from it, even if you don't right away.


Just completed a 6 week fusion. I am not going to lie and say it was easy as it wasn't. I have never done any exercise since school and even then I would not participate fully.

The first class had me questioning my sanity after 5 minutes, and boy was it hard. But by the time I got home, I was wanting more. The classes at elite are all varried and no two were the same. And as someone who was extremely unfit, the trainers were all fantastic. They had the right balance of encouraging you to put in more effort, and realising when something was out of your limitations and helping you make adjustments. What I can say is do not give up. My first session I was unable to do a sit up took to week 4, but I can now do them. Same for other exercises. I struggled at first but there is no question I am fitter now, then 6 weeks ago and can manage so much more. Everyone in the group are supportive and help each other along. My final thing to mention is the food. Yes it is repetitive, and the first week is a killer to get use too, but just remember This is for 6 weeks! You can do it!


I’ve just finished my first ever transformation with a cracking 21.2lb loss. Absolutely over the moon. It has been the hardest 6 weeks both physically and mentally, nothing is done by halves but if you want it bad enough and put in 100% you will hit your target. Massive thank you to our group 1 leader Brogan, always bringing fun to the group but kept with a serious focus of a hard workout. If you have been thinking about signing up but are on the fence, just do it you won’t regret it. Along with getting my fitness mojo back, I’ve met some amazing life long friends and I’m extremely grateful to Elite for that. �


If your sat at home thinking i can't do this, your wrong! Get up, get signed up and watch the weight fall off. Don't get me wrong, the pt's push you hard and they should, the food plans not everyones cup of tea but its only 6wks! I personally enjoyed the food. Just remember to stick to the plan, do your own exercise beween sessions, i guarantee you'll love it and will feel great about your end results. ������


I've just finished my 6 week transformation, lost a staggering 29.5lb, buzzing to basically hit 2 stone and this is only the start. Can't thank the trainers enough because they pushed me more and more just when it felt a little bit tougher so they made it a little easier. So thankyou to all the trainers and to anyone who is starting this, good luck yous will blast it with the help of the trainers.


I would recommend the Elite transformation challenge to anyone debating on it.

6 weeks ago I had no energy, had terrible eating habits and was so unhappy with the way I looked and felt. After the support and encouragement from the amazing staff and fellow members I now feel so much better and have bags of energy. I still have a long way to go but I’m ready to take on another transformation with the confidence that I know I can do it. Elite has changed my life for the better.


I signed up hoping the money back incentive would keep me accountable and allow me to “suck it up” after all it was “just for 6 weeks”. I actually didn’t need the incentive as from the 1st training session I was completely hooked. I’ve loved the variety, the support from others, the team work and that bit of competitiveness. I’m so sorry not to be coming back (I live quite and distance away and it’s not fair on the family to commit to it long term) but I have plans to make sure this weight stays off. 6 weeks ago I was sceptical I could make anywhere close to a stone and half off and in the end I got over 2 stone off- 32.1lbs in six weeks...what’s not to love?!


I joined elite after needing to do something g drastic, I couldn't stick to a diet for a morning, never mind 6 weeks so I knew things needed to change.

From the induction onwards the motivation and support given to us was brilliant. The trainers have all been really good, keeping us positive and pushing up to the max.

I lost 29.5lbs and feel completely different and 100% recommend the transformation to anyone as it's one of the best things i have done!


I highly recommend this to anyone out there. All the trainers are great and helpful and are funny and witty. great atmosphere this has changed my views on everything I love training now the session or fun and never do the same routine twice . If you can put 100 % in I can promise you will get a 1000% back . Look good feel good sleep good all round glow in life thank you elite and brogan and my total loss was 29.5 lbs �����


I have just finished my transformation with Elite and what can I say other that I’ve loved it.

I have lost in total 31lbs and feel amazing I feel so much fitter and I’m starting to fit into some of my favourite clothes.

I struggled with the food but made it through, the classes are just amazing and I will proper miss them each week.

I have never been pushed and encouraged like that before and it has worked wonders.

All the trainers at Elite have been great very encouraging and fun to work with.

Best thing I ever did

Thanks Elite for helping me feel better about myself.

X x


I have just completed my 6 week transformation with Elite:Cramlington and managed to lose 22.8lbs.

I’d fallen into bad habits with both my diet and exercise and needed something to kickstart my motivation and give me something to aim for.

The exercise classes you have to attend are made fun by the experienced trainers. They are super approachable and if you struggle with any of the exercises they adjust them to suit your abilities.

The diet was challenging at times but definitely doable, and it’s a great basis for when you’re finished the transform.

You can reinvest your money into more transformations or they have a Fusion program which focuses on maintaining the weight loss. I’m taking a refund as the transform has successfully got me back on track.

If you’re on the fence about whether to do it or not- just go for it. You’ll definitely come away lighter.


I have just come to the end of my 6wk transformation with Elite & it was the best decision I’ve ever done!

It’s amazing what one can do if you’re in the right frame of mind. I believed I could achieve the 20lb weight loss in 6wks & I did- 27.6lb in total to be exact! I can honestly say for me to have that belief was through the constant support from Tony Hood PT & the rest of the Elite family esp Grp 4. You guys are simply amazing & I’ll see you all when I come back from SA in Sept for fusion.

My NSV- I can now fit my work phones & bleeps in my uniform pockets ��


I can’t recommend Elite enough. Not only has it made me 28.7lbs lighter but has also given me the confidence in myself that I had lost after having my second baby 9 months ago. The support you get from the trainers is second to none and it’s amazing being surrounded by people who are all in the same boat and hoping to achieve similar goals. Yes it’s hard but it is 10000% worth it. I would pay £200 10 times over (if I could afford it) just to bottle up that feeling of pride and accomplishment that I got following my final weigh in. Thank you Elite, from the bottom of my burpee hating heart �� x

More about Elite: Cramlington

Elite: Cramlington is located at Unit 8 Nelson Park, Network Centre, Colbourne Avenue, NE23 1WD Cramlington
Monday: 05:45 - 21:00
Tuesday: 05:45 - 21:00
Wednesday: 05:45 - 21:00
Thursday: 05:45 - 21:00
Friday: 05:45 - 21:00
Saturday: 06:45 - 13:00
Sunday: 07:00 - 11:00