Enargy Fitness

About Enargy Fitness

A private gym facillity in Maghera for small groups of men and women looking to build strength, improve conditioning, lose fat and build muscle.



Weight maintenance is often overlooked. ⠀ You are either losing or gaining right? WRONG Maintaining is still progressing!!... I see this a lot when it come’s to people trying to get in shape. They are “all or nothing”. ⠀ If you find yourself always alternating between the two, try just maintaining your bodyweight for a few months. You might find you’re actually happier with your current weight. ⠀ P.S. scale weight is only one form of measurement. Photo’s and body measurement’s will tell a better story.
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Calories in vs calories out is all that matters right? ⠀ In terms of fat loss? Yes ⠀ Health? Maybe not... ⠀ Improving your body composition (the amount of body fat you have) can improve health. But if you’re eating mainly crappy foods your health can also be declining. Just because someone “looks healthy” doesn’t mean they actually are. Being lean doesn’t mean healthy. ⠀ Concentrate on food quality. 80% of your food comes from good, nutrient dense foods. The other 20% from the foods you love. ⠀ Food quality matters!!
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Some client progress for a Wednesday! ⠀ Karen is absolutely killing it. ⠀ This is only the start for Karen with her wedding fast approaching at the end of the year.... ⠀ 12 pounds down in 8 weeks. All it takes is commitment and patience. ⠀ I’m looking forward to the next few months to see what she can achieve. Keep up the good work Karen. 👌🏻
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Following on from yesterday’s post. How many times has this happened to you? ⠀ The scales drop consistently for 2-3 weeks. Then the 4th week comes and you gain some weight back.... But you’ve been “good” all week. You’ve hit your calorie targets everyday. Hit your step targets. Made all your training sessions and worked hard. ⠀ What gives? There are a few different reasons why. You could be retaining some water. Maybe you ate later the night before. (This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat after 6PM 🙄) Could you have ate a higher volume of food (I.E. Vegetables have less calories but weigh more when compared to the likes of a chocolate bar which has more calories but weighs less). Did you eat more carbohydrates (which means you’ll be holding more water) Could be due to your menstrual cycle. ⠀ Stop stressing over your week to week weight. Think 3-4 weeks at a time. If you are maintaining or gaining weight over 3-4 weeks, then it’s time to change something.
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Has the scales not moved in the last week? Maybe 2 weeks? Don’t panic. ⠀ There are loads of reasons this can happen and thinking that you will lose weight every week will set you up for failure.
... How far have you came? If you are just starting out stick with it. It can take time for everything to come together. Or maybe you have been dieting a while. You lost 6lbs in the last 3 weeks, but gained 1 lb back this week. You’ve still lost 5lbs in 3 weeks. ⠀ Always look at the bigger picture
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If you want fast weight loss, be prepared to feel hungry often


⠀ Starting your fitness journey? There’s going to be times where you just don’t want to leave the house. ⠀ Going on a diet?... You’re going to feel hungry at times. ⠀ Starting resistance training? You’re going to feel sore for a day or 2. ⠀ Sometimes you have to suck it up and realise it’s not going to be easy. Accepting this can be half the battle.
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🏋️‍♀️ 🏋️‍♂️!!SPACES AVAILABLE!! 🏋️‍♀️ 🏋️‍♂️ ⠀ Women’s & Men’s strength classes (separate classes) ⠀ Want to get;... * get fitter 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️ * get stronger 💪🏻 * have more confidence 👸🤴 * have fun 😆 * look and feel better 🥰 Then this is for you. ⠀ What’s involved with your membership; * choose from 2-4 SMALL group classes per week from our timetable. 🗓 * sessions are tailored to your ability. If you can’t do something, we’ll make it easier. If it’s to easy, we’ll make it harder 🚶‍♀️- 🏃‍♀️ * each group session is kept SMALL (no large groups, 4-8 people) and is looked after by a qualified coach to make sure you’re doing everything correctly 🏋️‍♂️ * workout in a group of like-minded people with similar goals * full access to a PN1 qualified nutrition coach to help with diet habits and control 🍎🥗🍗 * accountability with weekly check in’s with full support towards your goals 📃📈 ⠀ If you think this is for you get in touch now before the spaces fill up. And as usual like and share 😁
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Some client progress for a Thursday morning!🙀 ⠀ Here we have Rebecca ⠀ Rebecca joined the gym just under a year ago and hasn’t looked back.... I don’t like using the word transformation but this is definitely one! Not only in terms of weight loss, but in body shape. She is super strong and is always the hardest worker in the room. ⠀ What has she done?? * trained 3 days per week * tracked her food intake * upped her activity * learned about nutrition * checked in every week * SHE HAS BEEN CONSISTENT!!! ⠀ I don’t take the credit for what she has achieved. Don’t think if you join a gym you will suddenly get in shape. It’s all down to what SHE did. I only spend 3 hours a week with my clients. It’s what they do with the other 165 that matters most. If you want something enough, you’ll work for it. ⠀ Well done Bex 😁👌🏻 @ Maghera
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How many do you implement consistently?


It says protein on the packet so that must mean it’s better for you? . Organic? It’s definitely better than the original. . I hear this a lot when it comes to choosing foods.... Surely the extra protein is better right? Organic must be better for you. . Well it depends... Health is a relative word. Take these Weetabix for example The calories are pretty much the same in all 3. Per serving the “protein” one will only give you an extra 3 grams of protein. . Don’t be fooled by the “healthier” option. Just because it says protein, organic, or low fat on the package doesn’t mean it’s going to be good for you or your goals. . Calories are calories. If you’re trying to get lean and lose weight, too much food is still too much food.
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Stop focusing on the things you can’t control and start focusing on the things you can




Following on from yesterday’s post. Here’s a list of thing’s you can do less of to help improve health. ⠀ If you find benefit from these infographics like, share, and tag a friend/family member and spread the word.😁


Everyone has a different opinion when it comes to health. ⠀ Can you have a high BMI and still be healthy? Can you weigh heavier than you “should” and still be healthy? Can you eat chocolate, ice cream, and drink alcohol and still be healthy?... ⠀ Simple answer....Yes. But that needs explaining in a different and more detailed post. ⠀ If you want to improve your overall health and longevity in life, here’s a list of tips you can do more of to help. How many do you currently do consistently?
If you find benefit from these infographics like, share, and tag a friend/family member and spread the word.😁
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Q. How many meals are better for fat loss?? ⠀ A. It doesn’t matter. As long as calories are equal it won’t matter if you eat 3 or 6. Energy balance will determine whether you are gaining or losing. Get your calories right, get enough protein, and be consistent. The results will come.


If your goal is to look better naked, then you would probably do best doing both. ⠀ * Lift weights * Eat in a calorie deficit * Eat enough protein... ⠀ Don’t over complicate it
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Everyone that wants to improve their knowledge about all things nutrition and health need to follow @martinnutrition. . Great days learning and improving my ability to help my clients. Also some great jokes/innuendo’s 😂 . Seriously...follow this guy ☝🏻


Are you a man looking to get stronger, fitter, and look & feel better? ----- Have you never been to the gym before and don't know what to do? ----- Or have you been going to the gym for a while but not getting the results you're after?... ----- Don't like training by yourself and would like to try small group training? ... If any of these sound like you or your mates then check out our membership packages!!
What do you get with our membership?
* 2 group classes per week (or more depending on what you choose) * Work in a small group with a coach so you know you’re doing everything correctly * Workout in a group of like minded men with similar goals * Full access to a certified PN1 nutrition coach to help with diet and eating habits * Weekly check-ins to keep you accountable * Train for FREE on a Saturday morning
If you have any queries get in touch. Groups are kept small so if you’re interested DM me.
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Great gym with a friendly atmosphere and no nonsense. Would highly recommend to anyone wanting to improve strength for any sport. Adam will listen to what you want to achieve and will do whatever he can to help you achieve your goal.


Great gym setup, everything you need and want in a gym and personal trainer and gives a great sports massage,an absolute gentleman.


Great gym with a friendly atmosphere and no nonsense. Would highly recommend to anyone wanting to improve strength for any sport. Adam will listen to what you want to achieve and will do whatever he can to help you achieve your goal.


Great gym setup, everything you need and want in a gym and personal trainer and gives a great sports massage,an absolute gentleman.

More about Enargy Fitness

Enargy Fitness is located at 151 Moneysharvin road, BT46 5HZ Maghera