Esh Winning Primary School

Monday: 08:30 - 16:30
Tuesday: 08:30 - 16:30
Wednesday: 08:30 - 16:30
Thursday: 08:30 - 16:30
Friday: 08:30 - 16:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Esh Winning Primary School

Welcome to the Esh Winning Primary School Facebook Page. Our School serves the children of the village of Esh Winning in the Deerness Valley.



Stars of the Week
Very well done to our Stars of the Week :- Alfie, Carter, Jack, Kersha, Olivia, Oliver and Ruby!ŌĆ”/Ō Ć”/01/SotWJan19-1FB.jpg


Headteacher Postcards
Well done to the following children who received Headteacher postcards at the end of last term.
Spencer (Rec)... Aubree (Rec) Oliver (1) Abbie (1) Carter (1) Holly (1) Kai (2) Grace (2) Summer (3) Alfie (3) Ciaran (4) Sophie (4) Lily (5) Jordan (5) Evie (6) Brogan (6)
They were nominated for this award for their achievements throughout the term.
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Get yourself comfortable and enjoy a story with Miss Tweddle in the first of what we hope will become a regular feature on our Facebook page.


Esh Winning staff would like to wish all of you an enjoyable and fun filled holiday. It has been an incredibly busy term with a huge range of activities and events, from our Family Learning Day in September to our KS2 Carol Service yesterday. Your ongoing support is invaluable and allows our children to engage in such a variety of experiences.
We look forward to seeing you all in 2019. We canŌĆÖt wait to see what the New Year holds for us!


Website Update
Year 2 and Year 6 have updated their class pages with pictures and details of the activities they have experienced this term. lasses/year-2/
... lasses/year-6/
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Take a look at the beautiful angels the children have been creating in our Reception class.


Non-Uniform Day
Children can wear something Christmassy to school tomorrow to celebrate the last day of term.
No donation/contribution required for this non-uniform day.


There are lots of items of 'pre loved' school uniform available for free at the school office before the end of term if anyone is interested.
Also, the school office have some pairs of children's glasses that have been handed in as lost property. If your child is missing some glasses please speak to the school office.


If anyone has any quality street or similar sweets over the holidays Reception would be very grateful if you could keep the wrappers for their collage basket. They are great for making pictures and models.


Games Console Advice from Durham Police
In Durham Cyber Safety we LOVE games consoles, and we're sure a lot of you do too. However, please bear in mind some key advice when using games consoles, especially when purchasing them for children this Christmas:
ŌŚÅ All consoles come with built in parental settings. Take the time to look at these and set them in relation to the age of any children using the console. ... ŌŚÅ Create a master account on the console that controls settings/purchases/parental settings. Make it password protected so that people who shouldn't be accessing it can't. ŌŚÅ Make sure that any passwords for the devices, including online payments, are secure and complex. Just because it is not a computer, does not mean that there are no risks associated when buying items online. ŌŚÅ Set the Internet browser, and apps such as YouTube and Netflix in accordance with the age of the console users. ŌŚÅ Limit chat, messaging and friend request functions if they are not required. For younger children, these should be limited or disabled. ŌŚÅ Make sure that there is not personal information displayed in your account, such as real name, date of birth, email address and location. ŌŚÅ Make sure that all users have a gamertag or gaming ID (name when online gaming) that does not reveal any personal information-avoid using real names and dates of birth. ŌŚÅ Find out what games have online functions including chat facilities and purchases. ŌŚÅ Follow age ratings. Age ratings are there for a reason, and not only do they refer to the content of the game (eg sex, violence, language) but also the online capabilities. You wouldn't let an 8 year old watch an 18 rated film-same principle applies to games! ŌŚÅ When conducting online transactions for games, only do so via a legitimate store such as PlayStation Store or Xbox live.
The following sites have more advice on games consoles:
Message Sent By Katie Bartle (Police, Cyber Harm Reduction, Durham)
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The collection of food items for the elderly organised by one of our parents will be taken for distribution soon.
If you have anything you would like to contribute please place it into the collection box in the main entrance of the school or the box in the village library by Friday 14th December.
Non-perishable items only please. Soup (packet or tinned), biscuits, teabags, tins of fruit and tins of rice pudding would be extremely useful.
... Thanks!
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If anyone has any empty plastic celebrations tubs they no longer need Reception would be able to make use of them. Thanks!


New School Governor
We are pleased to announce a new Co-opted Governor who has been elected by the Governing Body, Mrs Pamela Mee. We would like to welcome Mrs Mee to our Governing Body and we wish her well in her new role.


Christmas Fayre
Yesterday saw another very successful school fayre take place at Esh Winning Primary with a wide variety of stalls and activities to enjoy. In total we raised a massive ┬Ż900!


New Parent Governor
We are pleased to announce following our expression of interest for a new Parent Governor, Mr Chris Ellis has been successful in gaining the position. We would like to welcome Mr Ellis to our Governing Body and we wish him well in his new role.


Food Collection for the Elderly
A local residents group are collecting food items to help elderly people in the area who would benefit from some support this winter.
If you would like to contribute there are collection boxes in the main school entrance and also in the village library.
... Suitable items to donate are the same type of non-perishable foods we were collecting for harvest festival, such as tinned and dried goods.
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Mr Miller Retires
Yesterday the village Post Office closed its doors.
A group of children from Esh Winning Primary and Our Lady Queen of Martyrs visited to say thank you to Mr and Mrs Miller for running this valuable facility in our village for so many years. We would also like to thank them for their generous support of both schools.
... We wish Mr and Mrs Miller a long and happy retirement.
Post Office facilities should be available in the NISA shop starting today.ŌĆ”/2 018/11/PostOffice.jpg
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More about Esh Winning Primary School

Esh Winning Primary School is located at The Wynds, DH7 9BE Durham, Durham
0191 373 4701
Monday: 08:30 - 16:30
Tuesday: 08:30 - 16:30
Wednesday: 08:30 - 16:30
Thursday: 08:30 - 16:30
Friday: 08:30 - 16:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -