Exceed Nutrition

About Exceed Nutrition

Helping health, fitness and wellness professionals become agents of change & create better client transformations using our resources 💡

Exceed Nutrition Description

We are on a mission to make high-quality nutrition and coaching information simple and accessible to everyone

I'm sure you're curious as to what we do here, but before that, I want to tell you why Exceed Nutrition exists, what it means to me, and what I hope it will mean to you. . .

When we experience something that brings us great results or pleasure, we want to share it with others. If we discover a new exercise in the gym, we tell a friend to try it out, or if we eat something delicious we ask them to taste it.

For me, I've learned a ton of nutritional information that I feel is so beneficial or important, that I have to share it with everyone I can.

I can provide you with all the tools to finally be in control of your nutrition business, giving you the power to be at your best and to go beyond your very own expectations.



Healthy Recipes 🍎
They are the simplest yet most effective method of conveying your nutrition coaching information to your clients.
By delivering on this you will not only increase their levels of adherence to your coaching, but you will also boost your client retention rates.
... Healthy recipes make this SO easy to do.
Read more about how recipes can maximize your client results & increase your income in the article below ⬇
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We now live in the digital revolution and it’s time to embrace it or get left behind. 🤳
If you want to reach more people with your expertise, then technology is how you do it.
If you want to take more time off, then technology is essential for automation.
... You can’t sit and wait for technology to adapt to your business; you have to adapt to the technology and figure out a way to help your business. 🙇‍♂
Technology is making a big impact on businesses and the change is happening faster than ever before.
It’s time to learn from it and embrace it. 🙌
The best way to assess what technology is best for your business is to limit yourself to a few technologies that you have seen work for your industry and give it a chance.
So in this FitPro Masterclass Podcast for online personal trainers, I’m going to share with you the key strategies for effortlessly managing this essential tech. 👍🚀
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Our acceptance of fats has come a long way over the recent years, and the latest research surrounding them has mainly driven this. 👩‍🏫
In just a few short years the majority of us, including fitness professionals and athletes, can usually come to some agreement that specific fats in sufficient amounts can benefit body composition and health. 💪
Learn more about this macronutrient below 🥑⬇


One common struggle I’ve uncovered a lot is the fight to stand out when the online world has become so saturated. 👨‍💻
And here’s the thing—it is tough to stand out.
I’m not going to sugar coat it. It can be incredibly frustrating. 🤦‍♂
... I’ve been working online for a long time now. I’ve worked with hundreds of trainers and have gotten pretty darn good at finding patterns.
Patterns that can make all the difference between standing out and making it, or not.
So, in this FitPro Masterclass podcast, I wanted to share my 3 best performing strategies to use in this noisy online world, and in turn, help get you noticed. 🔥📢
Tune in now 🎧 https://exceedmasterclass.com/noticed-onl ine-personal-tra…/…
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Learn everything you need to know about stress, its effects on the body and how to support yourself with the right nutrition during those stressful times. 🍏💪 http://exceednutrition.com/stress-and-its -effects-on-the-…/…


5 Simple Ways Healthy Recipes Can Maximize Client Results & Increase Your Income:
1⃣ Improved coaching for your existing clients 2⃣ Create an additional ‘paid for’ service (do it yourself model & done-for-you model) 3⃣ Grow your list of prospects... 4⃣ Create an online product or program 5⃣ Grow your social media following and website visitors
Learn more here ➡ https://exceednutrition.com/5-ways-health y-recipes/…
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Supplements can be a minefield these days, with so many different options and promising claims, it can be difficult to know what exactly, as coaches, we should be recommending and if they will even work. 💊💊💊
When truth be told, if a supplement claims to do something that sounds too good to be true, then this is usually the case, and we are better off saving our hard earned cash. 💰
However, not all is wasted, there are a small number of supplements that have been scientificall...y researched, and field tested to show they work. And guess what, the ones that work do not have any fancy names or shiny packaging and are usually consumed already via our diets. 🍏
The supplements recommended in this guide are merely vitamins, minerals or oils that can be sourced to natural origins, not artificial powders or liquids made in a factory. Read more ⬇
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The debate over the inclusion and requirement of carbohydrates in our daily diets and where they should fit into it continues. 🥖🥐🍚
Some claim we do not need them in our diets, while others suggest they should never be excluded. As a result, we now have many different diet protocols based on how they manipulate carbohydrates in the body. 💪
Read my article about carbohydrates to understand the importance of this micronutrient in the human diet, how it is metabolized, how to measure quality, assess daily intake, compare types and debunk some of the myths that surround it…


If a supplement claims to do something that sounds too good to be true, then this is usually the case, and we are better off saving our hard earned cash. 💊💊💊
However, not all is wasted, there are a small number of supplements that have been scientifically researched, and field tested to show they work. 💪


Some of our clients are just getting started with improving their nutrition, and don't need customization information just yet, so instead we must outline the basics first and leave the individualization for later. 👍
Even those who consider themselves advanced would do well to review the basics first, even if it's just a refresher. For basic habit coaching, there is no mention of calories, food logging or complicated training plans - it's all about their habits. But please do...n't underestimate how effective this coaching system can be at changing your client's body, health and performance. 🏋♀
I’ve been applying these habits with hundreds of clients for years now – testing them, experimenting with them, and modifying them until I had a system that could guarantee results in any client who uses it faithfully. Apply this system and have your clients truly master their daily habits, and they will see great success. 💪💥
In this episode of the FitPro Masterclass podcast for online personal trainers, you'll learn how important your clients habits are to a healthy and lean body, while showing you the most essential habits they should be doing every day.
Learn more below 🎧
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The basics never fail to deliver results, and by having a detailed understanding of the fundamentals provides us with the perfect platform to further enhance our learning. 🎓 By having that deeper understanding of how the basics of nutrition work, we can not only provide more focused help to our clients, but also provide ourselves a foundation for learning more advanced information. The basics need to be in place because they will dictate every step afterwards. Miss them - or fail to give them the respect that they deserve - and it’ll result in a constant struggle.
In this article we will look in detail at fats, their structure, how they work within the body and the benefits they can provide. 🥑🥓🍳


By having that deeper understanding of how the basics of nutrition work, we can not only provide more focused help to our clients, but also provide ourselves a foundation for learning more advanced information. 👩‍🏫💪
Lear all about fats, their structure, how they work within the body and the benefits they can provide in this article ➡ http://exceednutrition.com/all-about-fats /…


Tune in over on iTunes and discover the Perfect Nutrition Consultation Every FitPro Needs ➡ ➡ https://exceednutrition.com/nutrition-con sultation/…


There are no magic ratios, techniques or programs that will create the Holy Grail macronutrient split. So stop looking. 👀
The key to it is getting a good starting point. Get someone started on a macronutrient diet plan, assess the progress and tweak the plan to achieve the results required. 💪
Learn how to create a personalized macronutrient diet plan, by focusing on some very simple and easy to follow guidelines ➡ https://exceednutrition.com/macronutrient -diet-plan/…


Everyone can tell their clients to eat fewer processed foods, or cut back on the alcohol, but how do you actually make that happen for them? 🍔 🍺
That’s why being a good coach is of paramount importance in getting real results for your clients. This is the mistake many trainers make when they first start providing nutrition advice to clients – they simply tell the client what to do.
In fact, to become a trusted coach, you must learn so much more about every single client while... providing some fundamental teaching, guidance, support, and accountability along the way.
A great coach must, therefore, understand the current situation with their client. By doing this, we can provide the right level of information at the right times. 🙋‍♂
A common trend with trainers is to overcomplicate their nutritional advice and coaching. They believe it needs to be complicated and advanced to obtain the best results – it doesn’t.
As the saying goes – ‘if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough’. Most trainers don’t understand nutrition well enough and shouldn’t be giving out advice.
Keep it simple, to the point and actionable. 💪
As you can see, being a trusted nutrition coach isn’t just telling people what to eat. You must prepare for your client, collect preliminary information, evaluate this information and establish the correct starting approach to coaching for this individual client.
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Did someone order a pizza? 🍕
Enjoy this delicious and healthy pizza alternative without guilt, as it's super high in protein and super low in carbs. 💪
It's also gluten and dairy free (if made with dairy-free cheese). You can't go wrong!


I chat a lot about the difficulties and struggles of being a good coach. But I don’t always mention the big word ‘success’. 💥
That’s because it’s hard to quantify what that term really means. It’s likely very different for each one of us.
There’s no right or wrong answer, but here’s what success means to me:
... 1️⃣ It means having a great way of life, with the ability to enjoy each day, do things I love and share it with friends and family.
2️⃣ It means working 3-4 days per week, keeping a small yet focused team around me, while earning enough to travel the world and buy what I need.
I’m creating a lifestyle, not just a business.
The most important takeaway point here is that you need to understand what you define as success.
This will be a key driver in keeping you focused on what you need to do in order to achieve YOUR success (and then keep it that way). 🙋‍♂ Your coaching business will perform based on the way you are designing it.
Either way, I believe many coaches are failing in our industry because they haven’t defined what success means to them.
They are caught up in all of this ‘grind’, ’hustle’, ‘get shit done’ crap that Guru’s spit out daily, but they have yet to ask themselves if that’s what they really want, or need to do for success.
Instead, the question I always ask is ‘Does it fit my lifestyle?’
If it does, it stays, if it doesn’t it goes. 👎
So let me ask you this...
What does success mean to you?
The answers to all of these questions will have a massive impact on your life. 💪🏼
So think hard, choose wisely.
Let me know in the comments below ⬇️ ⬇️
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How great would it feel if you could get life-changing results for every client? 💪
Well, that’s precisely what I’m going to help you with!
I've just updated our most popular free online training workshop called The Proven Nutrition Coaching Strategies of Elite Trainers. 💥
... Interested in watching it?
💻 Claim your FREE spot now! ⬇ https://exceednutrition.com/free-online-t raining/…
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More about Exceed Nutrition
