Fat Loss Feast

About Fat Loss Feast

Let's make healthy eating tasty, family friendly, affordable and fit into the most hectic of lifestyles!

Fat Loss Feast Description

Fat Loss Feast came about due to me being a personal trainer who struggled with his own weight. At one point I gained a massive four stone of pure body fat and looked like what can be described as a little cannonball. I didn't want to leave the house, I hated my body and walking up a flight of stairs was a exercise session in itself. I knew at this point my whole approach needed to change because how could a food lover (mmmm pizza) do well on a diet. I realised I had always struggled with strict diets so instead worked on the most sensible approach I could think, a healthy balanced lifestyle. I developed really healthy Fat Loss Feast recipes, healthier alternative Fat Loss Feast recipes and the occasional not so healthy (mmmmm cake) Fat Loss Feast recipes. At this point something crazy happened, I started to lose weight. Not just that, 100s of people world wide started eating these recipes and they started to lose weight too. This has led me to be published in magazines and even my own cooking TV show.

Now I want to help you.

Make sure you give my Fat Loss Feast a like and try out all of the tasty recipes I post.

Stop dieting and start living.



Anyone can get results like this in 3 months!!
I'm not going to sugar coat it and say it will be super easy though. You have to be super motivated and focused to achieve something like this.
Casey sent me food pictures daily and instead of making excuses as to why she couldn't, she always found a way for why she could.
... It's only you stopping you.
You can do this!
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Honey Chilli Chicken and Egg Fried Rice
Want the recipe sent directly to your inbox?
Comment 'Me' and give the video a share and it'll be over to you in a few minutes.


Something is coming at 4.30pm TODAY!
It could be anything...


'Big Mac' Dirty Fries! Would you like the recipe?
Comment 'Me' below if you would like the full recipe sent to your inbox.


The Essentials!!
What is always on your list?
Every shop differs slightly but the same healthy eating essentials seem to stick most weeks.
... The lean mince will be used for a big batch of mince, onion and gravy dinner and a big batch of bolognese.
The big pack of chicken will be used for a batch of curry and I will be going live to make a honey chilli chicken recipe sometime this week (the one I keep promising)
Chicken sausages will be used for a healthy fry up and sausage and egg super salads that I will have for my lunch.
0% yog and berries for snacks.
Ham and bagel thins to have with a little low fat cheese in the morning for a very tasty ham and cheese bagel melt.
I have salad already in the fridge as well lots of herbs and spices to use in the cooking.
So like I asked above, let me know what is always on your essential shopping list.
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Has your weight loss stopped?
No Idea why?
First off be REALLY honest with yourself. Many peoples weight loss stalls due to one too many little unhealthy things slipping back into their diet and they don't account for it. Was your weekend a little too heavy? Did you have one too many biscuits?
... Secondly look at your healthy snacks. Your healthy meals may have been spot on and took you to the perfect weight loss calorie number but add in 2 healthy snacks and you're closing in on a calorie number perfect for staying the same weight. If you want healthy snacks or even unhealthy snacks, you have to slightly drop your portion sizes down to allow for extra eating.
Thirdly you may just have to get up and move a little more. A few thousand extra steps per day and an extra workout or two really does boost the amount of calories you can eat daily and still lose weight.
This works for SW, WW or what ever other diet your doing.
Make tweaks instead of giving up and I promise results will come!
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Are you a new parent? Would you like to lose 4 stone in the first 4 weeks of parenthood?
Of course you would! Here are my top tips on how you can get drop that post pregnancy weight.
... Tip 1 - Crying.
Picture this. It's 3am and your new bundle of joy hasn't slept a wink yet. This is the 10th night running and your partner is using the old "I've got work in the morning" excuse so you're holding down the baby fort. You've had enough and start to uncontrollably cry. Normally this is a bad this but not today! Each one of those tears is now weight your body is not carrying anymore. Cry enough of them and soon enough them scales will start to move.
Tip 2 - The Winning Formula.
Next time you're making your baby it's formula, make extra for you. A 4oz serving of formula is around 100 calories and contains some really good baby building proteins making it the perfect diet drink. Even easier if you're breast feeding because you don't even have to walk to your tommy tippy prep machine.
Tip 3 - Play the Squat Game.
I wanted to make this as fun as possible so I devised a little exercise game you can play. Every time your lovely sleep free baby does a wee, poo, vomit or cry, you have to do 100 squats. You will have thighs like Arnie within a week. Team this up with tip 1 for an even more effective weight loss workout.
Tip 4 - Get Fighting.
Look at most boxers and you'll notice one thing, they're all toned and have a low percentage of body fat. Now that fight with your partner because he said "why are you so tired, you've just been in the house all day looking after the baby" isn't wasted. Every punch you throw towards his stupid head is now taking you one step closer to your #bodygoals
Tip 5 - No Pressure
This is actually the only one that you should listen too. Unless you have the perfect baby that sleeps, doesn't vomit all over itself 24/7 and doesn't scream the house down, stop putting pressure on yourself to get back into pre pregnancy weight. Being a new parent is hard enough without thinking about meal prep, working out and avoiding chocolate binges. Spend your time getting sleep when you can and enjoying your new family life. Everything else can wait. Once you get into a routine and you don't feel like death, then start making some healthy changes and working towards some health and body related goals.
So I hope my top tips really helped. If you're reading this and know someone who might benefit from this, give them a shout ❀️
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The Fat Loss Feast Plan Works!


It's Coming!!
Due to technical difficulties, the honey chilli chicken recipe couldn't be cooked up yesterday BUT...
I promise that sometime this week I will cook up a super tasty honey chilli recipe for you all to try.
Would you also like a new home workout? If so, what would you like to see from a home workout?
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Facebook live keeps disconnecting. Oooh noooooo! 2 secs I'll try again...


TONIGHT AT 6.30pm!!!
Meal Prep Sundays LIVE presents...
Honey Chilli Chicken, Egg Fried Rice and Chinese Spiced Roast Veg.
... Super taster, low in calories/syns and full of goodness.
It's also going to be a double whammy as straight after the video, I will be doing a 10 minute beginners workout LIVE.
Oh and I will be joined by my wife who has lost 5 stone all whilst being a busy mum, working full time and doing a degree so I'll be asking for her top busy parent tips on weight loss.
Will you be watching?
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New meal prep live video coming on Sunday which will also be a first as I'll be joined by my lovely wife.
We will talk about how she lost 5 stone all whilst working full time, being a mammy and doing a degree.
Oh and the recipe will be super tasty too!


Let's get serious for a second.
The hardest, most upsetting, most stressful and most mentally tough few months of my life should of been some of the happiest.
The morning my daughter was born amazing. This little thing was going to be my world for the rest of my life. Me and my wife Lucy couldn't of been happier and our first day with Olivia was full of joy and love.
... That lasted until around 10pm when we turned the lights off to go to sleep and Olivia started screaming. She basically didn't stop or settle until the nurses came in to help at around 4.30am that morning.
Here's the thing, that screaming all night every night seemed to continue for months.
Now I want to stress at this point that Olivia was NEVER in danger but at 3am in the morning for the 7th week in a row, I could fully understand why someone would hurt a baby.
I nearly lost control a few times when trying to settle her but thankfully I put her down in her cot, walked away and cried uncontrollably. That feeling of extreme anger, frustration and sleep deprivation will stick with me forever.
The crazy thing is we had plenty of amazing family support and it was still the hardest thing I've ever went through. Anyone goes through this as a lone parent with little support needs a medal.
I've always been open with how much I struggled and I think it's healthy to talk about it a little more. I wish I looked for a little more support, help or advice when I was at my lowest as It would of made things a little easier before things actually did get easier.
For any parents going through this right now, look for the light at the end of the tunnel.
I now have a 3 year old best friend who's loving, caring, funny and literally my world.
Talk about it, seek out help and advice and look for that light.
https://www.theguardian.com/…/fathers-m en-get-posnatal-depr…
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'Big Mac' Dirty Fries!
Low calories, low syns and very very tasty!
Comment 'Me' below if you would like the full recipe sent to your inbox.


Tonight at 6.20pm I will be going live to cook up my new 'Big Mac' Steak Dirty Fries Recipe.
I'll say it again just so you know you're not dreaming.
'Big Mac' Steak Dirty Fries <3
... If that wasn't enough...
My wonderful wife who is a busy mum that works full time, has lost 5 stone and is also currently doing her fitness qualifications will be giving her top 'busy mum' weight loss tips over at the Fat Loss Feast Instagram page.
Head over and give @fatlossfeast Insta a follow.
Will you be watching?
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Two Questions!
What is your biggest weight loss struggle?
What are your health, body and fitness goals?


What's your biggest weight loss struggle?
I want to know!


Sorry I've been quiet this last week.
I'm slightly mental so have done nothing but wait for this email all week.
The good news is I'm in.
... This means big things for Fat Loss Feast!!
More recipes, more workouts, more help and generally big growth for the Fat Loss Feast brand which I'm so excited about.
Anyways, I promise I will put up a new recipe in the next few days.
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More about Fat Loss Feast
