Fibro Flutters Hq

About Fibro Flutters Hq

Community Support & Advice group also advocating for chronic / invisible illnesses including Fibromyalgia, Chronic pain, CFS /Me, HMS /EDS Mental Health + others like on our cover picture.
Patient, health, research & pharma advocacy

Fibro Flutters Hq Description

FibroFlutters is a support group based in Sunderland, North East, UK & is there for people with Fibromyalgia, Me /CFS, Chronic illness, Chronic Pain, EDS /HMS & other #invisibleillness.

FibroFlutters HQ is the hub of our Facebook network of groups and pages for our online advocacy and support group, which also spans many social media platforms including our Twitter Account which has our largest number of supporters and followers.

Our connected profiles across social media are also used to help spread awareness of chronic / invisible illnesses, share up to date information and help advocate for other groups / organisations and charities within our World of chronic Life.

Our wish is to give people the opportunity to share their experiences with others and know they are not alone, advice & share useful information & also to help raise awareness of our Chronic /Invisible Illneses.

The aim is to support the fundraising efforts of the charities to help educate where needed and provide literary material to those who'd like it. Alongside that of course is our wish to encourage present and future research into Fibro, Me /CFS, EDS /HMS, & other illnesses in the hope that one day a group of scientists will say 'I've cracked it all we need to do is. . . . . '

Our Motto is:

Fight 4 Fibro,
SHOUT it LOUD 4 Invisible Illness
& Let's help to make ourselves VISIBLE

We all live in hope, and we all know that without faith and hope there is no positivity. We all share the pains and discomfort of illness but recognise the time to hold out a hand to help others sometimes who may need it more : )

I hope to share as much useful info, articles, research, polls, campaigns and real-life stories to help make us stand out visible and educated about our #chronicillness #fibro #Me #CFS #EDS /HMS #ChronicPain #invisibleillness

This page is our hub, our main Head Quarters (which is open to the Public) for information and news in relation to our interests.

Finally, laughter!
A very important tool when battling any chronic illness whether you are the patient, family member, friend or care-giver : )

Fun Posts always welcome

Location: Sunderland – Tyne & Wear – UK

Find us on:

Twitter: @FibroFlutters
E-mail: www. fibroflutters.
and also google +

We currently Advocate for:

Charity - FMAUK
Charity - HMSA
Charity – Sunderland Mind Centre

Wishing you all wellness : )