Fiona Swinburne Acupuncture

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 11:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 13:00
Thursday: 11:00 - 19:00
Friday: 11:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Fiona Swinburne Acupuncture

I am a member of the British Acupuncture Council and a registered GAPS (Gut And Psychology Syndrome & Gut And Physiology Syndrome) practitioner.

Fiona Swinburne Acupuncture Description

I am a member of the British Acupuncture Council and a registered GAPS (Gut And Psychology Syndrome & Gut And Physiology Syndrome) practitioner.



Just want to say a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who has shown support for my page 🙏.
I started this page 7 years ago when I first started to practice from my home in Jesmond. I didn't publicise my practice in any other way, other than Facebook and word of mouth. I still don't even have a website set up. I run a full practice with a waitlist now and that is down to ALL of you helping to spread the message on just how powerful and effective Traditional Chinese Acupuncture... is.
I feel enormous gratitude and thanks that I get to share some of the amazing things I have learned and continue to learn over the past 16 years, exploring how we can perhaps be more active in our own healing by engaging more intimately with what we choose to eat, how we interact with ourselves, others and our environment. Forever thankful for the people who read the truth in what I do and please hang in there with me as my time becomes more structured I will hopefully be adding much more content.
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Following on from posting @themedicinalchef book recipes for Anxiety & Depression. I cooked tonight Chicken Satay with red cabbage sesame salad. Winner with the kids too. ☯️ More than 1 in 10 people (UK) are likely to have a ‘disabling anxiety’ disorder at some point in their lifetime. It is one of the most common neurotic disorders along with depression. If you are living with this right now, well done for getting through another day dealing with a condition which on the fa...ce of it no one else may even notice you struggling with. If you feel your anxiety creeps over you at night or grips you in the dead of night then please take a breath and hang in there. This doesn’t need to be your reality and as frightening as it may seem in the moment remember ‘YOUR THOUGHTS ARE NOT FACTS’ There are things you can do to help yourself if you would rather avoid medication. My top tips are below: ☯️ - Clean up your diet, include foods high in vitamins B6, B12 and magnesium rich foods. - Reduce or eliminate high sugar foods and processed foods - Limit caffeine and alcohol - Consider investigating supplementing with vitamin B complex and magnesium - Include physical activity into your daily routine, outdoors if you can - Try to get enough rest - Meditate - Get support, talk to someone or a professional - Try acupuncture!
Fiona Swinburne BSc (Hons), Dip Ac, MBAcC Registered Acupuncturist & GAPS Practitioner 07786-333-699 @ Jesmond, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
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Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries! Every time people step up to define theirs, life changes, feel the power of setting boundaries to make sure your needs are being met and your ability to speak your truth is being heard. Claim it! And feel your power grow 💥🙅‍♀️☯️💕 . . Also, totally rad reason to finally use a @tomhardy quote, phew! Not a bad vision to see before dreamland. You are welcome! Night, night.


As you lay to sleep, If your mind is running in a million directions or round and round with the same thoughts. Help yourself by trying this: ☯️ Finish scrolling now, turn your phone off ☯️ quickly type a few ‘to dos’ that you need to do tomorrow ☯️Resolve that you have removed the ‘to dos’ from your mind and will pick them back up in the morning ☯️ Tap into the fact that all of the worries and thoughts you are running with can be picked up again in the morning, what you nee...d more than anything right now is rest. ☯️ EVERYTHING is more manageable/ achievable with a rested body and mind ☯️Tune into the sound of the rain against the window or the sound of the city moving on as you lay there. If it feels comfortable, feel the support of your bed beneath you, let your muscles melt against it. Then bring your attention to slowly breathing into your abdomen, hold the breath for a couple of seconds then release, do this again sending the breath to your lower rib cage, then the sides of your ribs, feel the expansion, finally rising the breath to the top of your lungs then let your breath settle and just rest.😴😴😴 night night. Tomorrow is a new day 🌈👌☯️🙅‍♀️💕
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A veritable feast for the eyes. Variety is key when looking to improve your diet. Easiest way to achieve this is by increasing the variety and volume of vegetables with your meal. My two current favourite books for inspiration are Simple by @ottolenghi and Much More Veg by @urban_deriver. All of the dishes here were cooked by @bakerycottage and I together to share with our families and friends last night🙏💫. Love breaking bread with this crew! Paleo Brownies also supplies by ...@bakerycottage she sells them on-line, check them out they are incredible and without any nasties at all 😋 🙅‍♀️💥💕💕 Eat a rainbow 🌈 . . . #eatarainbow #varietyisthespiceoflife #vegetarianrecipes #10aday #foodismedicine #bakerycottage #yotamottolenghi #ottolenghi #hughfernleywhittingstall #nomnompaleo #breakingbread #foodwithfriends #friendswhocooktogetherstaytogether #familymeals #simplemeals #acupuncture #guthealthy #fionaswinburnewellness #jesmond
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Monday morning up and at it hitting the commute. 😴😴😴 So many people dragging themselves out of bed to join the rat race and get through another weeks work. I’m asking you this morning if you are you following your dream path or the one that society/someone told you was the gold standard for success ....... If life is feeling like you are constantly swimming against the tide or feeling completely soulless or empty then perhaps you are being called to make a move. Make a change, follow the path you want, follow your own dreams and not the ones we are sold. 💫🙏 Embrace change, be curious and be you!


Sunday morning moments. Kids watching Narnia me getting quiet time to enjoy coffee and a morning read. Set the clock ⏰ I may only get 5 mins. If parenting teaches us anything it’s that quiet moments should be savoured and enjoyed. Mostly because they are so rare 🤪😂🙏 . . Claim some time for you today. I’m learning to do this more and more. Nobody will come and hand it too you so go forth and claim it! You deserve it! 🙅‍♀️


Heading out seeking adventure with my cubs today. Peace out ✌🏻 Hope you find some adventure time this weekend. 🐻 🐻 🙏💕 Can’t find the name of the photographer 😬sorry


I’ve finally joined the #biohacking geek squad. Been wanting a pair of these for ever! Why? If you are in the business of seeking optimal balance of health and wellness and or you suffer from insomnia then read on. 😴 . . Being exposed to blue light can have a direct effect on your circadian rhythm by suppressing melatonin (the hormone that tells your brain to go to sleep) It seems a good idea to test these since I recommend them to certain clients struggling with insomnia. An...d I too get exposed blue light. . Blue light comes from computer screens, phones etc, fluorescent and LED lights and also the ☀️ . If you work in front of an electronic device, under fluorescent/ LED and struggle to sleep you may wanna try these. . Blue light overexposure can also have huge impact on your health by increasing your risk of illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Quick google scholar will show you some nice research to back this up. . Who do you may know who might need to read this? Please share or tag👇🏻💥
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Friday feels. So difficult not to get rigid and tough in the face of life’s challenges. Today’s mantra, stay soft, how about being curious to that idea today? 💫☯️✨


A client told me last week that their spouse actually asked when their next appointment was with me..... 😂 . . . If your family are noticing a difference in you post pins, then that’s one of the best compliments acupuncture can get. 👌💫... . . . Quite often I hear my clients say things like ‘my friends/family see a difference in me since starting treatment’ to which I think, ‘we are on to a great start’! 💥💫🙅‍♀️ . . . ☎️Call me if your family think you need a change in mood, pain management, immunity or just general well-being. You don’t need to be ill or in pain to receive treatment. 07786-333-699. . . . In fact once many of my clients resolve the issue/s they initially came with, they still return for maintenance treatments. Historically Chinese Doctors were paid to keep their clients well, if they got sick, they didn’t get paid! 👌☯️ Tag or share with a friend who should read this💕
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Finding my happy place, sitting under our 100 year old grape vine. Hoping to soak up some of its wisdom. 🤲🏻Looking up and observing its twisted, trunk, it’s interesting to observe how some branches have gone in the opposite directions to how they perhaps should have, some off shoots have just died off and others are flourishing. All the while it’s still there surviving and producing in all of its glory. Lessons in nature 🌿✨🙏 @ Jesmond, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom


Wise words from a @bluezones sage👌💥 Love, kindness and positivity..... I know my blood chemistry is a lot sweeter when I’m tapped into nourishing my body, being more love and offering warm smiles to those I connect with 💕 Let’s be more loved up people. ☯️💫💖


It’s another winner from @ottolenghi ! Prep and cook time in under 30 mins! If sharing with kids, add less harissa and perhaps a little more Greek Yoghurt 👌Perfect meal for maximum flavour, you can make extra sauce and keep in the fridge for a super quick meal later in the week too. . . Pappardelle with @belazu_co rose harissa, black olives and capers. Served with a lazy but fresh herb salad with roasted seeds. 💫💥 @ Jesmond, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom


Friday funny 😂 there ain’t no greater time to practice compassion and calmness than when in your car🙄🙅‍♀️ Keep it cool today, it’s Friday, send some love to block those vibes instead 💖💖☯️


It’s a beautiful day, don’t forget to notice it 🌞Even if you are working today, stepping outside to drink your morning coffee, walking to work or sitting outside to eat your lunch will give you so much more space and lightness to your day. Leave the phone in your bag and suck it up. Finding space and time to breathe in a busy day always rewards. ☯️👌💫


What’s not to love about Mexican night? 🇲🇽 Fajitas! Ok so I made organic turkey breast fajitas, home made guacamole, pico de gallo, spicy cashew and lime dip, vegetable tortillas chips and corn tortilla wraps. Served with corn on the cob and mixed salad. Quick, vibrant and delicious with more left over for lunch tomorrow 👌🙅‍♀️☯️ great high protein, good fats and veg. supper. . Drop the cheese, add coconut wraps or standard gluten free wraps and drop the turkey then add more veg for a gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian / vegan meal. DM for the recipe. This was a major win with the kids. 🙆🏻‍♀️💥🙏☯️💫 @ Jesmond, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom


Mental health awareness week is finished.... mental health awareness continues..... I deliberated over whether to post this for fear of upsetting but in this age of social media perfection I can’t not.
5 years ago today, this very day, I captured myself in this state. Normally we capture ourselves looking fierce, beautiful, happy and relaxed but here I was feeling utterly broken, so broken I couldn’t even speak a word.
Almost like someone had their hands wrapped around my ...throat. Muted by loss and sadness at yet another miscarriage, 3 months of illness and feeling so very pregnant couldn’t save me from loosing my baby.
Here I am broken, eyes swollen, heart shattered, turned inside out and back to front, again! Medical invasion! Me? That’s not fair! I couldn’t hold this little one to stay with us, it was, is, painful still to think, so very painful. . This is me, being comforted by my eldest child, his little hand tenderly against my cheek in this photo still brings warmth to my heart. . In the wee small hours on this very day, it’s bigger, perhaps not many will read this. But it’s big! Bigger than you’ll know, unless you know of course..... I captured this as some sort of respect for the magnitude, the utter loneliness of knowing how monumental this moment was for me, my baby I lost, my son I had and my husband who felt it so very deeply with me. The Gram isn’t all sunshine and flowers, just like your life..... I captured this and today I re look at these images with so many mixed emotions. . . Please read this with hope, I went on to have another healthy child, I recovered, I feel and I remember but I honour the process of loss so very respectfully and still bring this experience to be with others who know it too. In honour of #mentalhealthawarenessweek we move on, we can look back and honour our pain but it’s ok to look forward too 🙏💕
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More about Fiona Swinburne Acupuncture

Fiona Swinburne Acupuncture is located at Newcastle Clinic, 4 Towers Avenue, Jesmond, NE2 3QE Newcastle upon Tyne
07786 333 699
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 11:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 13:00
Thursday: 11:00 - 19:00
Friday: 11:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -