Fluent Futures

About Fluent Futures

Fluent Futures is a small business offering language learning to the Community.

Services Available:
After School Kid's Clubs, Adult Beginners Courses in French, Adult Beginners Course in Spanish, Family French & Family Spanish, One to One tuition (inc GCSE). . . . . . . .

Open to all - an opportunity to learn a new skill in a relaxed and sociable environment.

Teaching French and Spanish with a smile!

Fluent Futures Description

Fluent Futures is a small business offering language learning to the Community.

Services Available:
After School Kid's Clubs, Adult Beginners Courses in French, Adult Beginners Course in Spanish, Family French & Family Spanish, One to One tuition (inc GCSE). . . . . . . .

Open to all - an opportunity to learn a new skill in a relaxed and sociable environment.

Teaching French and Spanish with a smile!



Starting in Consett in Spring, a Spanish for Beginners Course. A perfect chance to get you ready for your holiday in the sun! Suitable for all - no experience necessary. An opportunity to meet new friends and socialise while you learn Spanish. A fun 10 week course delivered by an experienced tutor, in a relaxed and informal setting. Contact me (Emma) via Facebook or on 078334493532 for more details. Visit my website www.fluentfutures.co.uk to read testimonials from previous happy learners.


Well after giving out my 360th chocolate Santa lolly and making almost as many Christmas cards, I'm so happy to see the end of term! Let the countdown begin! Xxx


What a 'fantastique' afternoon teaching French with the utterly amazing Y3 & Y4 children of Bishop Ian Ramsey School! They were noisy and it was a little bit crazy at times, however their number French 'hakas' were unforgettable. This afternoon will keep me smiling for days! X


Last Spanish lesson of our 10 week course tonight followed by a cheeky vino with the fabulous estudiantes! So impressed with every one of them. A follow on course is starting for them in May, but for tonight it's going to be recaps, revision, role - plays and a trip to el bar! X


Buenas noches! Great news we have a new Spanish for Beginners course starting on Thursday 7th May at St Patrick's Church Hall Consett. The course will run for 10 weeks until 9th July. Classes run 6.30pm to 8.30pm and promise to be plenty of fun and not a bit like school! The cost for the course is £80 per person. Enrolling now! Please share far and wide. Check out my website www.fluentfutures.co.uk to read some testimonials from some of my past learners. Looking forward to hearing from you! X


Oh dear....today was going so well. Sitting in the kitchen with a cuppa (& half an Easter egg sssh don't tell my boys) and the laptop. Planning for lessons was going so well and if I'm honest I was feeling pretty pleased with myself when....DISASTER! I've spilled an entire pint glass of water over the laptop. The laptop has lost it's marbles and is going crazy... .I'm trying to think positive thoughts! Just praying all of the lessons, power points and resources from the last few months aren't lost. Note to self. ..always back up your files! X


Wonderful Spanish class last night with the best learners ever! They are complete superstars! If you fancy learning Spanish, please get in touch as a new course will be starting in May. X


Spanish lesson number 7 tonight. Full of chuckles, chocolate biscuits and of course some Spanish! My lovely learners are completely amazing! X


I'm considering running another Spanish for Beginners course from May 11th for 10 weeks. The current course is going so well it would be good to help another group of budding linguists get ready for the Spanish sunshine! Please post a comment if you'd be interested. Please can you share this post far and wide?! Mucho amor xxx


Looking forward to Spanish Class tonight....ooh what do I have planned for you budding linguists?! X


Spanish class number 4 was a hoot last night! How often in life do you get to play pretend hotel receptionists?! We made Fawlty Towers look professional! The learners are doing amazingly well - super proud!!! It just shows it's never too late to learn a language. X


Aaaaaah unfortunately I had to cancel tonight's class due to technical issues (not my doing honest!). Gracias to my fab learners Jackie, Tom, Carrie, Tony, Dan, Kirsty, Vicky and Shaun for being so understanding! Extra biscuit treats next week! X


Spanish class was fab last night despite my battle with the smartboard . Everyone did so well, proud of them all! X


Spanish class numero dos tonight! Looking forward to seeing my lovely learners. If you're interested it's not too late - come along tonight. Class 6.30pm St . Patrick's Church Hall, Consett. X


A raucous hang-man session in Kid's Spanish Club today, my goodness what a competitive lot they are! Old school games are the best! X


Wowzers a fab start to the Spanish course tonight! A brilliant bunch of learners who all did so well. Muy bien! X


Very excited to meet the lovely new learners coming along tonight to the first of a 10 week Spanish Course! Still not too late to join them. St. Patrick's Church Hall, Consett 6.30pm. Amigos and amigas please share! X


Woohoo, another new recruit for the Spanish for Beginners course starting Monday evening in Consett! Can I tempt you too? As well as teaching you, I'll spoil you with biscuits and a cuppa in our coffee break! You lucky lot! x


A busy afternoon at one of the lovely schools I teach French in.......the children never cease to amaze me or make me smile! X

More about Fluent Futures

Fluent Futures is located at 6 Holwick close, DH87UH Durham, Durham