Friends Of Li Yuan Chia

About Friends Of Li Yuan Chia

Li Yuan-chia was one of the most important Chinese artists of the 20th century. He lived in China, Taiwan, Italy and Britain.

Friends Of Li Yuan Chia Description

Raising awareness of this Li Yuan Chia s spirit:

As well as making his own art, between 1972-1983 Li organized the LYC Museum and Art Gallery in Cumbria. It was made in his own house, a small farm building originally, which he extended year by year with his own hands, until it contained a gallery, library, theatre, printing press, childrens’ art room and darkroom. LYC Museum was open to the public every day of the year and exhibited the work of more than 300 artists in its ten years of existence. Li designed and printed a catalogue for each one. A unique atmosphere was created at LYC.

Li’s philosophy of art was his philosophy of life. His methods were simple and direct, but not simplistic. He understood the paradox that underlies communication. As he said, “This tiny dot can mean all or nothing to you. . . ”

http://www. /




On bbc I player at around 15 min and 34 seconds Li is featured. Whoever Heard of a Black Artist? Britain's Hidden Art History: via @bbciplayer

User -on/news/lycmuseum


The wonderful dream Ali Yuan Chia had: /lyc-museum/


Old article yet good info on Li Yuan Chia /271179236314898


Saddened to hear Li Yuan-Chia house/museum and art has been sold. I happened upon this place via a local friend, I was inside and out in the gardens, it is/was a beautiful place. His wish to leave this to the public has not been achieved.

User…/a toz/li-yuan-chia-ar…/


Thank you June Indocci for sharing.


Missed this yet good to know LYC s work is still being remembered‚ Ķ/friday-night-sal‚Ķ/


This is one of my favourite stories. Please take some time out to watch this animated version. You'll be well rewarded.


“When I was twenty-four I lived and worked at the LYC for six months and remained friends with Li until he died … When the last visitor had gone, we would cook at 6pm. I had never been interested in cooking but I learnt Li’s simple technique of cooking a whole meal in one pan. We would each have our own separate pan (Li like a lot of salt, I didn’t!). And then we would just eat out of our pan - it saved washing dishes! One night Li looked at me, laughing, and said, “Ah, we are medieval people!”….. Peter Clark, carpenter


Time is a coming when we need to rouse the custodial s of the LYC museum.


Happy weekend friends, we are gonna get some updates soon on what is happening to the house LI Yuan Chia left as a museum and where his work will be on display


"We are in the process of collecting memories and reminiscences of Li Yuan-chia’s life and his work. If you knew Li, in China, Taiwan, Italy or Great Britain, if you saw an exhibition of his work, if you are an artist who exhibited at the LYC Museum and Art Gallery, if you were a regular visitor to the LYC Museum, or a passerby who came across it during a walk along Hadrian’s Wall - we would love to hear from... you, so please send us an email.
Extending a project we began with the publication Li Yuan-chia: Tell me what is not yet said, we are building up an archive of personal memories of Li, for future scholars and for anyone interested (see example below). Any contribution you can make - however short - will be greatly appreciated (we know how difficult it is to write!). We will post a selection of these memories occasionally on our website, if you as author agree. “When I was twenty-four I lived and worked at the LYC for six months and remained friends with Li until he died … When the last visitor had gone, we would cook at 6pm. I had never been interested in cooking but I learnt Li’s simple technique of cooking a whole meal in one pan. We would each have our own separate pan (Li like a lot of salt, I didn’t!). And then we would just eat out of our pan - it saved washing dishes! One night Li looked at me, laughing, and said, “Ah, we are medieval people!”….. Peter Clark, carpenter
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More about Friends Of Li Yuan Chia

Friends Of Li Yuan Chia is located at NE2 1 Newcastle upon Tyne