Georgina Hall Personal Trainer

Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -

About Georgina Hall Personal Trainer

Personal trainer and nutrition advisor based in Newcastle upon Tyne.

Georgina Hall Personal Trainer Description

As a fully-qualified personal trainer, fitness instructor, nutritionist and boxer I have a lot of experience to help people in different areas of health and fitness. I draw on my own training as a boxer to train others in a
motivating and fun way. As a passionate and determined individual I aim to inspire and encourage clients to achieve their goals driven by clear results. I study and research my profession relentlessly to gain
knowledge that I can share with my clients and most importantly, I practice what I preach!



FRIYAY! Remove negativity from your life...


Here’s a throwback Thursday transformation for you. One of my favourite because it’s my really good pal... can’t wait to have @laurenhands back in the gym post maternity...


So putting some stuff away tonight and came across these. These are the only item of clothing I have left from the old me. These used to be my fav jeans and now loving my new favs along with stuff I’d never dreamt of wearing before. It’s not been easy but I’ve loved every minute of this journey and my 3rd year of training with GH.(and doing what I’m told ) 😂 Trust the process 💁‍♀️


“Change happens through movement and movement heals.” - Joseph Pilates Repping the the lonewolfpack co tshirt yogalillies today. Awesome local brand close to my heart that support the mind charity through sales of their clothes. Have a look at their website to support 💙


Does your neck ever hurt when you’re performing ab prep (ab curls/crunches) ? Here’s a little technique you can try to take the strain off the neck and start working the abs... Let me know if you find it useful 😎🤙🏻 Pilates today @yogalillies 12.30 - lush. One to ones available. Real time pilates workouts to do any time on my online platform


One of the many benefits of a good Personal Trainer is getting a full postural analysis and having a training programme designed on the foundation of your personal posture and biomechanics and developing your physique or fitness based on your current set up - weak, tight, misaligned muscles. Your programme should be progressive as your body develops better strength, alignment and functional movement patterns. The standard goal of wanting to "tone up/lose weight" is effectivel...y achieved when based on corrective form and posture work with a good mind to body connection. MEANING it's all very well and good busting your butt in the gym or in classes but you are less likely to develop a great physique and more likely to acquire injuries if your muscles aren't firing on the right way. I like to train my clients in an educational and technical way so they achieve better results and are able to train themselves more effectively as well. "When all your muscles are properly developed, you will, as a matter of course, perform your work with minimum effort and maximum pleasure." - Joseph Pilates
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Some exercises to put into your lower body routine this week... - banded back squats - single leg hip extensions - dumbbell stiff leg deadlifts - kettlebell over head lunge... And a little finisher I like to throw in sometimes... 10 kettlebell swings, 10 burpees, 9 kB swings, 9 burpees, 8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... Let me know if this is helpful to you and if you’d like to see more of this kind of content... thanks 😎🤙🏻
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Why do you train? ...I don’t expect you to come training because you want to look like someone off Instagram, you might want to be able to run around after your kids or feel confident enough to wear a bikini on holiday, learn how to lose weight while still drinking alcohol or have a full body picture as your tinder profile... There always has to be a reason there at the back of your mind to get you going. Find your WHY and keep a hold of it. If you fancy coming and giving my sessions a go over Easter holidays I’ve got drop ins Wednesday and Friday 9.30 at sculpt. Drop me a DM and see what I can do for you, divant be scared 😎🤙🏻


You can want to look good for summer and go to five exercise classes a week and hope it works. Or you can commit to three planned training sessions and changing your nutrition to make an impact that guarantees results. If you’ve got the commitment I’ve got the time. Online arsekick places and drop in sessions at sculpt available now ☝🏻🔥check out these recent results if you want some bikini inspiration 😎🤙🏻


Here’s a little HOW TO on AB PREP, a basic pilates move that works well to warm the abs and core up and is so much better for your spine than a traditional sit up... Power pilates at Yogalilies today 11.30-12.30 Real time pilates workouts to do at home available to all my GPTarsekick clients online too 😎🤙🏻


Just two lesbians smashing balls... ... ... ... Had a great afternoon today with @bex7185 pro golfer at the driving range. So nice to learn something from one of my clients and be coached by her in her natural habitat! You can learn something from everyone, there are lessons to be had everywhere if you choose to see them. Also lush to be out in the fresh air being active 😎🤙🏻




Look at the progress you can make in only 4 weeks on the transformation programme if you trust the process and do what you’re told! Aside from the fat loss and posture improvements, Julie is so much more confident at lifting weights 🏋🏼‍♀️ How good is this? Give her some love 😎🤙🏻


Throwback to when boxing was life... 😎🥊


“Concentrate on the correct movement each time you exercise, lest you do them improperly and thus lose all vital benefits.” -Joseph Pilates - he knaaaas Pilates Yogalilies Wednesday 12.30 Power pilates Saturday 11.30


“Concentrate on the correct movement each time you exercise, lest you do them improperly and thus lose all vital benefits.” -Joseph Pilates - he knaaaas Pilates @yogalillies Wednesday 12.30 Power pilates Saturday 11.30


Tuesday training tip... SQUATTING WITH A MINI BAND... Serves as a reminder to externally rotate the femur promoting glute med and abductor/adductor recruitment (useful if weak VMO - knees fall in while squatting) The tension on the band increases mind to muscle connection - helps to strengthen proper squat form. Engages all these muscles in the correct order with the band there , therefore correcting alignment and mind mapping the muscles correctly . ... The band also forces you to open up your hips, which allows you to go deeper into a squat position without rounding your back. Belta 😎🤙🏻
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Check this out - another amazing set of pictures from @carolynwoodgate off my transformation programme. We’re currently half way through the second programme @sculpt__ and I’m already taking bookings for May so if you want to be involved you need to let me know. Please tell Carolyn how well she’s done. Her confidence has improved soooooo much but she still says sorry a lot! 😎🤙🏻


Hello. My names Georgina and I’m a personal trainer. I’m not a personal trainer because I want to help people lose weight... I’m a personal trainer because I want to empower people to feel bad ass, fuck with the lights on, live their best lives ✊🏻 I love it when a client comes to me and says they “can’t” do something. And then they smash it. Fills my little black heart with joy. That’s why you’re never going to hear me tell you not to eat “naughty” things or not to go to Zumba because it’s not lifting... I’m going to encourage and support you to do whatever you ENJOY doing to help you reach your goals and feel fucking mint! I’m gonna advise you on calories and protein and resistance training... but around that let’s just have a laugh eh? Cos life’s hard enough isn’t it without another person pissing on your chips 😎🤙🏻


Where do I start?

Amazing pt and a amazing person . She has helped me so much on my journey, taking me out of my comfort zone.

Georgina is best of the best so don't waist any time and get in touch 😍


What a lovely lass! Recommended by my other half - he was right! Have specific targets to work towards in order to compete in total warrior next year and, with Georgina's guided support, her experience and knowledge in what is needed, I am already (just) managing 7 of those monkey bars on the rig in only 3 sessions! Great at improving my confidence in what I am capable of doing - confidence in myself is not something I'm good at! She really pushes you - exactly what I wanted - and I genuinely enjoy our sessions. She clearly enjoys her job - and that is such a help with motivation - thank you Georgina �


She’s just fantastic! My son loves his sessions and she’s helped me with my training. Highly recommend this trainer!!!!!!


Professional, commited, role model.

Georgina is such a mukti skilled personal trainer. As a working mother she fits into my lifestyle and accomodates my training to my needs. She always has time for her clients and builds great working relationships. Cant reccomend her enough.


I’ve been a member at Vision for ages and always just half heartedly used the machines for cardio. After training with Georgina for the last five weeks I can safely say I’ve now used 80% of the weight machines in the gym and am no longer scared of them !!! Also actually enjoying spinning for the first time ever. She’s helping me with a nutrition plan that fits around my lifestyle working away, love that she can support you outside of the gym with that as well. Totally recommended ��


If you want to get fitter, tone up and/ or lose weight get in touch with Georgina. Nobody and no class has kept me coming to the gym every week before and its now 16 months which is a miracle. PT sessions are fun, hard at times but always varied and different. You won't regret it. Never thought I would love exercise and the gym but I do now. Its taken me a long time but thanks to Georgina I am getting stronger as i get older x


I'm in the best shape I've been in for a long long time thanks to Georgina. I've been doing her classes now for a few months and absolutely love them, she is a fabulous trainer. Towards the end of last year I decided to ask her to help me with my eating habits/nutrition and thanks to her expertise, guidance and support so far I'm 21lbs lighter and feel totally amazing. Thanks Georgina xx


I was apprehensive about starting the arsekick programme that it wouldn’t work for me but half way and people are noticing the huge difference in me, feeling motivated and encouraged by GH - great info lovely girl can’t recommend highly enough !


I started training with Georgina 8 weeks ago. The bulk of my exercise was running based but I found I was struggling with injuries. Georgina has helped me to strengthen those areas that were underprepared for running and to work on my overall body strength. I can see and feel some positive results already.

Georgina strikes a great balance between pushing me hard yet still making the sessions manageable and enjoyable.

I have full confidence in her ability and knowledge and can thoroughly recommend her.


I signed up for the arsekick in May, it’s the best thing I ever did, Georgina really knows her stuff, she’s mint craic and her classes are great fun. I’ve had amazing results not only in weight loss but also in confidence, I’ve been training for over 20 years and been on every diet going but seeing no results. 6 weeks with Georgina I was a changed women � ��


I have been training with georgina since July and thought it was time I posted a review.

Pros of training with her:

Decent banter �

Lots of different training methods so you never get bored

She will push you but not in an evil way.

Increase in confidence with using all of gym equipment

Getting to know the fit fam


Non of my clothes fit any more as I've lost so much weight (12lbs and counting)


I have been training with Georgina since the beginning of march. Having gained a lot of weight over the previous few months I really wanted to make a change- I had developed terrible eating habits and wasn't training properly at all. I seen Charlotte's amazing results and I was completely inspired and decided to get in touch and I'm so glad I did! Not only have I lost over a stone and 11cm from around my waist in 7 weeks, I really feel like a new person! Doing this with Georgina has really made me care about myself again -it's made me feel like I'm worth the effort, even with little things- bothering to put some tan on to painting my nails, I even feel more confident at work. Georgina is a lovely trainer to work with, she is professional and has a fantastic positive attitude to her work! There's so much support from Georgina and the group of shredders - they all help to keep me motivated! I never thought I could get results like this in such a short space of time- thank you for everything so far Georgina, I can't wait to see my final results!


I am currently on the last week of the six week programme and plan to stay in the group. As someone who has tried and failed every conceivable diet on the market I have finally found a nutrition and exercise regime that both works, is sustainable and has been great fun. This programme is healthy, no catches, no silly fads, no banning of entire food groups, nothing is a ‘syn’ it’s common sense and a bit of discipline. Can not recommend this enough .


Hello madam how are you i m rider al shahania stud if you need rider please contact me then i send you experience letter thank you


Georgina is the only PT that's got me to my target weight and in the best shape , I've trained for a few years and I looked and felt my best when training with Georgina . She's very professional and is full of knowledge .


Fantastic pt knows exactly what to do to get the best from her clients 😊 Completely recommend


Can't thank this lass enough been training with Georgina for a few months now. She has kept me motivated and focused. Great crack and am down 4 stone looking forward to many more sessions


Best thing I’ve ever done started PT and kickass with Georgina ! Learned a lot in the last 6 months regarding nutrition and exercise ! I’m stronger fitter and more confident than I’ve ever been and still have a laugh and enjoy myself along my journey ! I’ve learned by training with Georgina it’s a lifestyle change not a quick fix no more fad diets good nutrition is key ! “you have to fuel the fire to burn the fat “ some crazy lady once told me (but she is correct as I have progress pictures to prove this works) �


Best PT/Person I have ever met. Fixed my bad posture and helped me achieve my biggest goal of being able to run. I love her


Where do I start?

Amazing pt and a amazing person . She has helped me so much on my journey, taking me out of my comfort zone.

Georgina is best of the best so don't waist any time and get in touch 😍


What a lovely lass! Recommended by my other half - he was right! Have specific targets to work towards in order to compete in total warrior next year and, with Georgina's guided support, her experience and knowledge in what is needed, I am already (just) managing 7 of those monkey bars on the rig in only 3 sessions! Great at improving my confidence in what I am capable of doing - confidence in myself is not something I'm good at! She really pushes you - exactly what I wanted - and I genuinely enjoy our sessions. She clearly enjoys her job - and that is such a help with motivation - thank you Georgina �


She’s just fantastic! My son loves his sessions and she’s helped me with my training. Highly recommend this trainer!!!!!!


Professional, commited, role model.

Georgina is such a mukti skilled personal trainer. As a working mother she fits into my lifestyle and accomodates my training to my needs. She always has time for her clients and builds great working relationships. Cant reccomend her enough.


I’ve been a member at Vision for ages and always just half heartedly used the machines for cardio. After training with Georgina for the last five weeks I can safely say I’ve now used 80% of the weight machines in the gym and am no longer scared of them !!! Also actually enjoying spinning for the first time ever. She’s helping me with a nutrition plan that fits around my lifestyle working away, love that she can support you outside of the gym with that as well. Totally recommended ��


If you want to get fitter, tone up and/ or lose weight get in touch with Georgina. Nobody and no class has kept me coming to the gym every week before and its now 16 months which is a miracle. PT sessions are fun, hard at times but always varied and different. You won't regret it. Never thought I would love exercise and the gym but I do now. Its taken me a long time but thanks to Georgina I am getting stronger as i get older x


I'm in the best shape I've been in for a long long time thanks to Georgina. I've been doing her classes now for a few months and absolutely love them, she is a fabulous trainer. Towards the end of last year I decided to ask her to help me with my eating habits/nutrition and thanks to her expertise, guidance and support so far I'm 21lbs lighter and feel totally amazing. Thanks Georgina xx


I was apprehensive about starting the arsekick programme that it wouldn’t work for me but half way and people are noticing the huge difference in me, feeling motivated and encouraged by GH - great info lovely girl can’t recommend highly enough !


I started training with Georgina 8 weeks ago. The bulk of my exercise was running based but I found I was struggling with injuries. Georgina has helped me to strengthen those areas that were underprepared for running and to work on my overall body strength. I can see and feel some positive results already.

Georgina strikes a great balance between pushing me hard yet still making the sessions manageable and enjoyable.

I have full confidence in her ability and knowledge and can thoroughly recommend her.


I signed up for the arsekick in May, it’s the best thing I ever did, Georgina really knows her stuff, she’s mint craic and her classes are great fun. I’ve had amazing results not only in weight loss but also in confidence, I’ve been training for over 20 years and been on every diet going but seeing no results. 6 weeks with Georgina I was a changed women � ��


I have been training with georgina since July and thought it was time I posted a review.

Pros of training with her:

Decent banter �

Lots of different training methods so you never get bored

She will push you but not in an evil way.

Increase in confidence with using all of gym equipment

Getting to know the fit fam


Non of my clothes fit any more as I've lost so much weight (12lbs and counting)


I have been training with Georgina since the beginning of march. Having gained a lot of weight over the previous few months I really wanted to make a change- I had developed terrible eating habits and wasn't training properly at all. I seen Charlotte's amazing results and I was completely inspired and decided to get in touch and I'm so glad I did! Not only have I lost over a stone and 11cm from around my waist in 7 weeks, I really feel like a new person! Doing this with Georgina has really made me care about myself again -it's made me feel like I'm worth the effort, even with little things- bothering to put some tan on to painting my nails, I even feel more confident at work. Georgina is a lovely trainer to work with, she is professional and has a fantastic positive attitude to her work! There's so much support from Georgina and the group of shredders - they all help to keep me motivated! I never thought I could get results like this in such a short space of time- thank you for everything so far Georgina, I can't wait to see my final results!


I am currently on the last week of the six week programme and plan to stay in the group. As someone who has tried and failed every conceivable diet on the market I have finally found a nutrition and exercise regime that both works, is sustainable and has been great fun. This programme is healthy, no catches, no silly fads, no banning of entire food groups, nothing is a ‘syn’ it’s common sense and a bit of discipline. Can not recommend this enough .


Hello madam how are you i m rider al shahania stud if you need rider please contact me then i send you experience letter thank you


Georgina is the only PT that's got me to my target weight and in the best shape , I've trained for a few years and I looked and felt my best when training with Georgina . She's very professional and is full of knowledge .


Fantastic pt knows exactly what to do to get the best from her clients 😊 Completely recommend


Can't thank this lass enough been training with Georgina for a few months now. She has kept me motivated and focused. Great crack and am down 4 stone looking forward to many more sessions


Best thing I’ve ever done started PT and kickass with Georgina ! Learned a lot in the last 6 months regarding nutrition and exercise ! I’m stronger fitter and more confident than I’ve ever been and still have a laugh and enjoy myself along my journey ! I’ve learned by training with Georgina it’s a lifestyle change not a quick fix no more fad diets good nutrition is key ! “you have to fuel the fire to burn the fat “ some crazy lady once told me (but she is correct as I have progress pictures to prove this works) �


Best PT/Person I have ever met. Fixed my bad posture and helped me achieve my biggest goal of being able to run. I love her

More about Georgina Hall Personal Trainer

Georgina Hall Personal Trainer is located at Sculpt fitness, NE15 6LN Newcastle upon Tyne
Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -