Global Policy

About Global Policy

Peer reviewed research and cutting edge analysis on global collective action problems by world class academics and practitioners.

Global Policy Description

Global Policy, a Durham University and Wiley-Blackwell journal, is one of the world's top 20 IR journals by h-index
https://scholar. hl=en& vq=soc_diplomacyinternationalrelations

The journal focuses on understanding globally relevant risks and collective action problems; policy challenges that have global impact; and competing and converging discourses about global risks and policy responses. It also includes case studies of policy with clear lessons for other countries and regions; how policy responses, politics and institutions interrelate at the global level; and the conceptual, theoretical and methodological innovations needed to explain and develop policy in these areas.

Global Policy will be invaluable to those working in economics, global politics, government, international law, international relations, international political economy, and many other disciplines that contribute to developing global policy. The journal is also designed to inform and engage senior policymakers, private and public corporations, non-governmental organisations, and international bodies. The overall objective is to stimulate deep policy learning, relevant for the academy and for governments and key non-governmental players.



Out Now - Special Issue – Science Diplomacy
The past decade has witnessed the emergence of science diplomacy, both as a formalized set of operations and new field of study and research. A number of factors are driving this trend, but central is the recognition that more and more, major challenges are international in nature and that science and its applications are part of the cause as well as the cure. As a result, while much of the international science regime is still focused on discovery, there is an increasing demand for the integration of science cooperation in international relations. This special issue provides a overview of the evolution of science diplomacy, explores recent developments and unpacks burning issues.
#Science #Diplomacy #Research #InternationalRelations #CERN #Diplomats #Tech #ClimateChange


Out Now
This special issue of Global Policy examines the role of domestic and international institutions in the study of global value chains. The contributions focus on the multiple causal pathways linking global value chains and these institutions. They underscore that the politics engendered by global value chains, as well as how they evolve, can only be fully understood by paying attention to the contexts in which they are embedded.
#GlobalValueChains #Food #Commodities #WTO #Trade #Politics


Stable families, good jobs, strong schools, abundant and safe public spaces, and pride in local cultures and history – these are the essential elements of prosperous societies. Neither global markets nor the nation-state can adequately supply them, and sometimes markets and states undermine them.
#community #values #economy #growth #progress #development


After World Forum for Democracy talks about creating safe spaces in cyberspace, we asked five delegates What Would a Feminist Internet Look Like?
#Internet #women #tech #gender #safespaces #cyber


Branko Milanovic explores 'globalist' authors.
#India #Fiction #VSNaipaul


The impact of new technology on children and new forms of media is a constant area of concern among policy makers and educators (as well as among parents!) During US-based ‘Digital Citizenship Week’ LSE visiting fellow Ioanna Noulaaddresses the idea that children need education in the concept of ‘digital citizenship’ and explains how current approaches might be lacking.
#digital #children #education #citizenship The London School of Economics and Political Science - LSE


Opinion & Analysis
Our statistical tests indicate a clear BRIC-effect in markets for short-term portfolio equity investments, but not in markets for long-term foreign direct investments. The findings have broader implications for how we think about investment ‘fashions’.
#BRICS #Investment #Brazil #Russia #India #China #SouthAfrics


In this interview, world-renowned scholar and public intellectual Noam Chomsky discusses how the major issues confronting the United States and the world at large were barely addressed by the majority of candidates of both parties in the USA's recent midterm elections.
#Trump #USA #globalchallenges #Elections #Democrats #Republicans Truthout


How enemies might harness AI to drive a new generation of attack vectors, and how the community might respond.
#AI #Intelligence #security #crime


Funded #PhD competitions opening now. Interested in studying Durham University Law School or Durham Global Security Institute on #peacemediation, #womenmediators or #transitionaljustice? Get in touch: nances/#PGR


Haixin Dang and Joshua Habgood-Coote strike a note of caution over a new journal that allows academics to publish papers on controversial topics under a pseudonym.
#academia #research #controversies #publishing


OUT NOW - Vol 9, Issue 4, November 2018
The November 2018 issue of Global Policy has a Special Section on 'Climate Governance After Paris', edited by David Held and Charles Roger. There are Research Articles on trade agreements, the EU's conflict minerals regulations and climate change tipping points. There are Survey Articles on the Paris agreement, and the BRICS and new development banks. The issue concludes with a Review Essay on private security providers in Africa.
#climategovernance #minerals #security #Trade #Africa #China


Climate change is the greatest existential crisis facing humanity today. Capitalist industrialization has led us to the edge of the precipice, and avoiding the end of civilization as we know it may require the development of a view in direct opposition to the way in which capitalism “values” nature, according to John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at the University of Oregon and editor of the socialist magazine Monthly Review.
#deforestation #enviroment #capitalism #climatechange


Early View Article
Gridlock is a term to describe the breakdown in cooperation of countries in international institutions to address policy problems that span borders; it refers both to deadlock in existing organisations and the difficulty of countries to come to new agreements as issues arise. Global science mega‐projects and their communities have seemingly been remarkably effective in evolving complex processes and mechanisms to enable collaboration. Previous research into... CERN has focused on recounting the stories of CERN's scientific feats and technical innovations. This research has investigated the reasons behind these triumphs from a social sciences’ perspective to see why it is an exemplar of organisational success. The CERN communities’ governance and leadership regimes are examined. Extensive field work has added insights into two themes that emerge from the literature: the primacy of the state and the employment of combined routes through and beyond gridlock. Through exercising consensual governance with its Member States to manage multi‐polarity and using a light leadership approach with collaborative partners and international staff, CERN consistently achieves outstanding results. This research contributes to the global gridlock debate by being part of the examination of pathways and mechanisms in successful international collaborations.
#CERN #GlobalGovernance #Nuclear #Cooperation
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Trade and technology present an opportunity when they are able to leverage existing capabilities, and thereby provide a more direct and reliable path to development. When they demand complementary and costly investments, they are no longer a shortcut around traditional manufacturing-led development.
#tech #jobs #development


How we can develop global and local ecosystems to create, upscale and sustain entrepreneurial endeavors that contribute to the social good.
#ntrepreneurs #innovation #socialresponsibility

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