Hani'S Kitchen

About Hani'S Kitchen

Welcome to Hani's Kitchen! We are a brand new street food business. Making the best quality meatballs and nacho's in the north east.

Hani'S Kitchen Description

If you love your traditional style Italian meatball or something hot and spicy or maybe something a little different with our cool Greek pitta's, There is a meatball for you! We use the best quality meats and turn them into the best tasting meatballs from all around the world. Our homemade nacho's complement our sloppy joes and hot and cold salsa's. In the winter months we make our meatballs miniature style and they star in our beautiful handmade italian, mexican and thai soups.



Evening , another good day at quayside, brought a few scraps home but a very good day's trading . Chilling now with an ice cold beer and my two little boys. Harry and Bailey were welcomed to their new home on Friday and they have settled in really well, looking forward to getting to know them in the next few weeks. I'm not at quayside next week , but hopefully se you in a couple of weeks. Enjoy your Sunday evening and take care.


Afternoon, enjoying a rare Monday off after another very busy day at the quayside, although it was very dull and cold yesterday we still had the massive bank holiday crowds the quayside is famous for. Enough about yesterday the reason for my post is to give a puppy update, Bailey and Harry are now 7 weeks old and we will be bringing them home this Friday, I have to say they have gone off the cute scale as this picture from Saturday shows. Bailey on left Harry on the right ... A few of you know that Harry and Bailey are only half of the story ( well 2 thirds to be precise ) because in 5 weeks ( June 9th , my birthday) our puppy family will be complete when our Rhodesian Ridgeback pup Coco will be coming home. SheвАЩs only 3 weeks old and currently with her mother and 13 brothers and sisters in Doncaster рЯШ≥рЯШ≥ . So we really looking forward to several months of puppy mayhem, and donвАЩt worry IвАЩll keep you posted how we all getting along, enjoy whatвАЩs left of your bank holiday Monday and maybe IвАЩll see you on Sunday at the best market in the north east, take care
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Evening, all cleaning jobs complete, nice hot shower, enjoying ice cold corona while flicking between the golf and football. The weather completely caught us out today , no one was expecting any rain and at one point it was coming in sideways рЯШ≥рЯШ≥ and it was freezing. Fast forward to the bank holiday weekend and the forecast is predicting 17-18 degrees so IвАЩm giving you all fair warning the legs will be out next week. Anyway I had a pretty decent day today, took a load of food and sold enough to keep me smiling. Enjoy whatвАЩs left of your Sunday and maybe see you next week, take care. Before I go may I introduce you to our newest members of our family As you look Harry is on the left Bailey is on the right, they currently with their mother in Ashington and will be joining us at their new home in 4 weeks.рЯСНрЯШАрЯША


Evening, clean down complete, me showered and in вАЬ lounge ware вАЬ enjoying a very cold corona while listening to the rain bounce down on my conservatory roof. The quayside continues to amaze me, good weather through the early part of the day resulted in huge numbers walking through the market and lots stopped by for lunch meaning a 2:30 sell out for me, unfortunately ten minutes after I sold out it started spitting and we ended up loading up in the heavy (ish ) rain. IвАЩm not there next week due to work commitments ( viva Las Vegas рЯНї) but all being well back to normal week after. Have a good Sunday evening and be happy. рЯСНрЯНїрЯНїрЯНї


Evening, all cleaning jobs complete and before I shower IвАЩm enjoying an ice cold beer after another wonderful day at the quayside. We eventually got sunshine around 10:30 ish but the crowds were growing from 9 am onwards. Massive afternoon crowds again resulted in another 2pm sell out, tons of very complementary feedback on my food made it a very enjoyable day. Nice to see a few old familiar faces stopping by to say hi and have a bite to eat. Hopefully this freaky weather continues and we get to do it all again next week. Until then be happy and look after each other рЯСНрЯШОрЯШБвШАпЄПрЯНїрЯНї


Evening, all done and dusted after what turned out to be a crazy busy day at the quayside, you donвАЩt normally see crowds like today until peak summer . So much so I sold out shortly after 2 hence a quick getaway and early feet up, contemplating on what has been a difficult week. On Wednesday, Carol finished work early and because it was a nice bright day we took Sally for a walk along the beach. Sally loves the beach , we had been walking for a good 40 minutes when she sudden...ly became unwell , to cut a very sad story short we raced through to the vets but before we could get there she died in my arms. After we lost her brother a couple of years ago Sally became the centre of our universe, we literally took her everywhere with us, she was walked on a daily basis, and I mean proper walks. For a dog about to turn 12 she was very fit and loved her time outside. ItвАЩs going to take a long time to get back toвАЭnormal вАЬ if thereвАЩs such a thing and she will be missed terribly. Sorry for sharing a sad tale but I think itвАЩs part of the healing process . Non dog owners will think itвАЩs only a dog , however every dog owner will understand what we are going through. Take care and see you soon .
My beautiful girl
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Evening all the usual cleaning jobs complete, showered , loungewear on, enjoying one or two ice cold beers while a cheeky bottle of red breathes in the corner contemplating on a good day at the quayside. Beautiful weather ( for mid February) massive crowds and enough food sold and positive feedback to make me happy boy . Heard a whisper I was going to get a visit from one of THE top butchers in the county but alas it never happened ( maybe next time) Enjoy whatвАЩs left of your weekend and take care.


Evening, just a quick post to say weather set decent this Sunday so should see you all down the quayside. IвАЩve really come on to beat the Mcmurchie drum, IвАЩve told you all many times that I work in one of the best Butchers (bakery/deli) in the uk and because of there skill and craftsmanship I produce top quality street food. Well today we were crowned the Q Guilds Smithfield supreme champion for the second year running, a remarkable achievement . Come along this Sunday and IвАЩll bore your arse off with all the details, and also indulge in some quality street food. John Mcmurchie receiving our awards from Saturday kitchens Matt Tebbut


Evening, all done and settled after a very good day at the quayside, the weather was a bonus for late January. We had big , big crowds and many of them stopped by for lunch. Sold a lot of food with my haggis meatball dish going down well, IвАЩll be doing my haggis dish again next week then put it away for another yearрЯСНEnjoy whatвАЩs left of your weekend and take car рЯСНрЯШО


Evening, all cleaning jobs completed after my first days trading at the quayside in yonks рЯСНwhat started off as a very breezy day turned into a lovely bright mild afternoon with a not to breezy breeze. Sold enough food to make it worth my while. Already looking forward to next weekend, time for a new dish I think so will be working on that during the week. Enjoy whatвАЩs left of your weekend and until next week take care of each other.
You know these beautiful summers days are just around the corner рЯСНрЯШОрЯМЮ


Evening, hope you all had a good peaceful Christmas and best wishes for what hopefully with be a healthy and prosperous new year.рЯСНрЯШОNormality retuned for me this week with mid week prep for my return to the quayside this Sunday. Starting with some old favourites of mine, chipotle chilli, lamb kofta, fajita chicken tacos and Korean pork tacos, as always scratch made with the finest ingredients, have some great new dishes planned for the new year. Weather is set decent for Sunday so stretch your legs and visit what is still the best market in the north east. Finally a quick happy birthday to my beautiful and talented youngest daughter who is 30 today, I know what youвАЩre thinking IвАЩm way to young to have a 30 year old daughter рЯЩДрЯЩД anyway have a great birthday weekend.


Hi, well IвАЩm back from my travels and still adjusting to the dramatic change in temperature рЯШЃрЯШЃHad a brilliant time in Mexico and returned completely recharged and ready for the crazy onslaught that December will inevitably bring. Was hoping to get a couple , at worst one quayside in before my real job takes priority. As most of you know I work in one of the best butchers / bakery / deli in the UK ( current Smithfield supreme champions) and due to our hugely successful year w...e have a crazy workload just to get organised for what will be a phenomenally busy December. And because of this I will be unable attend the quayside for the remainder of the year. So good luck to all the traders who will be working hard throughout the festive period and I will see you all in the new year. I would like to wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas and thanks for the support throughout the year.
HereвАЩs a couple of pictures from my вАЬresearch вАЬ travels
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Evening, a decent day down the quayside today, never threatened to break any records but being steady away made it an enjoyable day. That's me done for the next 3 Sunday's, this time next week I'll be wandering around Piccadilly gardens in Manchester city centre trying to work out where to eat, before flying off to the beautiful Mexican carabean coast for 2 weeks of indulgence, the following day. The quayside has many brilliant , talented traders , so please keep supporting the best Sunday market in the north east and hopefully I'll see you back there end of November. So be happy and take care .рЯШОрЯЗ≤рЯЗљрЯНїрЯПЭрЯЗ≤рЯЗљрЯНєрЯЗ≤рЯЗљ рЯПЭрЯНЊрЯНївШАпЄПрЯНЊрЯПЭрЯЗ≤рЯЗљрЯНїрЯ МЮвШАпЄПрЯНЈрЯЗ≤рЯЗљрЯПЭрЯНЊрЯНє


Evening, already cleaned down , showered and enjoying an ice cold bud light . The quayside was as grey as you could get without it being black this morning, but it was also very calm and mild ( well I thought it was mild) depending which forecast you read it was either going to chuck it down all day or maybe an couple of hours around 12 ish. We got a spitty / drizzley spell that never really turned into anything . It certainly didn't keep the public away, the market was steady away from the off, I was never crazy busy but again steady away and sold every scrap of food before 3 pm. So thanks to everyone who popped by and all being well we can do it again next week. Enjoy what's left of your weekend and be happy. Mexico рЯЗ≤рЯЗљ рЯПЭ is 3 weeks away , not quiet soon but almost soon рЯСНрЯШО.
Cheers , dilly dilly рЯНїрЯНїрЯНї


Evening, chilling out now after a decent day at quayside, sold a lot of food , got lots of excellent feedback a good day all round. Not there for next 2 weekends due to work commitments ( enjoy you jollies Mr and Mrs Elder рЯНЊрЯНєрЯПЭрЯЗ≤рЯЗљрЯЗ≤рЯЗљ) As I'm not at quayside next week and therefore wont be posting anything, I'd like to say good luck to anyone who is taking part in " sober for October " and a huge WELL DONE to my gorgeous wife who ironically will be starting to drink on October 1 st after successfully challenging herself to give up alcohol for 12 months рЯШ≥рЯШ≥рЯШ≥
P.S. 6 weeks to Mexico.


Hi, it's just after 4:30 and already all necessary jobs done, im showered and in conservatory enjoying a very cold beer. What a difference a week makes, today we had a full market ( traders) and from the off the market was buzzing. Big, big crowds and they were hungry. My food isn't breakfast food but I was selling tacos and chilli from just after 10 and a steady flow all day resulted in a very early sell out ( 2pm ) I had a wander around the market to say hi to some traders... I don't see that often , but was cleaned down and ready to go just after 3, it meant carrying my gear over to the crown court side as we can't pull on market until 4, but it was worth it to get home before 4. Thanks to the many who tried my food and hopefully it was nice enough to come back another Sunday and try some more. Has a good Sunday evening , keep smiling and be happy.
Cheers Mexico 7 weeks and counting рЯЗ≤рЯЗљрЯНєрЯНЊрЯМЮрЯПЭрЯПЭ
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Evening, Great north run , quayside = рЯШ°рЯШ°рЯШ°рЯШ°рЯШ°рЯШ°рЯШ°рЯШ°рЯШ§рЯШ§р ЯШ§рЯШ§рЯШ§ So frustrating , it's always rubbish I convince myself it will be good ITS ALWAYS RUBBISH... Get me another beer рЯНїрЯНїрЯНїрЯНїрЯНїрЯНїрЯНїрЯНїрЯНїрЯНїр ЯНїрЯНїрЯНїрЯНїрЯНї Take care . рЯШД Best part of day Red Devils flyover Mexico , 8 weeks today and counting
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Evening, all jobs finished ,sitting in a part sunny, very warm back garden enjoying very cold cider why I wait for bbq to settle down. After last weeks wash out , summer retuned to the quayside along with crazy massive crowds, sold a ton of food resulting in a late sellout. Tons of positive feedback, chatted with lots of happy customers. I have tasty Thursday this week where I always do my hoagie sandwiches, and itвАЩs back to Quayside next Sunday for the great north run. Have a great, safe week .

More about Hani'S Kitchen

Hani'S Kitchen is located at City of Sunderland