Harrowgate Hill Primary School

About Harrowgate Hill Primary School

Harrowgate Hill Primary School is a large primary school of over 600 pupils in Darlington.



HHPS does Children in Need. Everyone has had a fantastic day. Thank you to all parents and children for supporting this charity.
Here's a few pics of us all dressed up :)


Just a reminder that children are welcome to come in their own clothing tomorrow for Children in Need for a Β£1 voluntary donation. School shoes must be worn πŸ™‚Just a reminder that children are welcome to come in their own clothing tomorrow for Children in Need for a Β£1 voluntary donation. School shoes must be worn πŸ™‚


The Fire Service visited some of our youngest children today. They all had a great time. Many thanks to the Fire Brigade for spending time educating us all this afternoon. πŸ”₯


We hope you all had a wonderful time at the School Discos. πŸ™‚We hope you all had a wonderful time at the School Discos. πŸ™‚


We will be holding a Christmas Fayre in School on 14th December,2pm-4pm. If any parents run their own business and would like to run a stall- please contact the School Office to book by 28th November.
Many thanks HHPS πŸ™‚


The interest forms for Extended Schools groups for January 2019 have now been sent out via Parentmail. Please ensure you have registered on Parentmail to receive these forms.
Many thanks for your cooperation with this.


Good morning Parents,
We are beginning to gather the information for interest in places for Extended Schools clubs for the Spring term. Please ensure you are registered on Parentmail to receive this information, as it will all be sent electronically.
Please check with the School Office for registration details for Parentmail if you’re unsure.
... Many thanks HHPS.
See more


Just a reminder that Choir and β€˜paid’ After School Club are still on today. All other Extended Schools clubs are cancelled due to Parents’ Evening, please ensure you have made arrangements for your child to be collected from school.


Last week was very busy as usual in Harrowgate Hill.
Here is a snippet of what some of our children have been learning about;
Year 5 have learning about The Solar System and have been using fruit to make it.
... Year 1 have been forming their numbers, counting in twos and finding number bonds to 7, 9 and 12.
Our Sewing and Knitting clubs have been very popular with the children. These clubs have encouraged children to make things at home too. Well done everybody.
See more


Miss Wright in Nursery has set Nursery children a challenge this weekend to take an Autumn selfie and add it to this post. 🍁 🍁 πŸ‚ πŸ‚ πŸƒ πŸƒ Have fun!!


Just a reminder for Year 6 parents only. If you would like a place for your child on the Dukeshouse Wood residential trip in June 2019, please ensure you have paid your Β£40 deposit by tomorrow via Parentmail or via the School Office. Unfortunately if the deposit is not paid by tomorrow, we will not be able to add your child onto the trip at a later date.
Many thanks for your cooperation with this.


Please can we ask all of our wonderful families to share this for us. πŸ™‚


Just a reminder that the following After School Clubs start today;
Eco, Film, Outdoor Schooling, Recorders, Rock Band, Zumba and Yoga.


We will be offering tours of School for Reception starters, September 2019 on 16th October 2018. Please contact the School Office to book a place. πŸ“šWe will be offering tours of School for Reception starters, September 2019 on 16th October 2018. Please contact the School Office to book a place. πŸ“š


Just a reminder that the following Extended Schools Clubs start today;
Adventure Club, Year 1 and Year 2 Football, Hi Five, Sewing Club and Advanced Guitars.

More about Harrowgate Hill Primary School

Harrowgate Hill Primary School is located at Thompson Street West Darlington Co Durham, DL3 0HZ Darlington, Co Durham