Helping Others Together

5 star rating



Tuesday night brilliant. The thank yous go to Davidson Bakery of Darass Hall your support is fabulous. Pret A Manger for your end of day food, Lesley Tye for last week's curry, this week we had sausage casserole served with potato, plus spaghetti bolanise. Sheila Weir who made homemade shortbread biscuits, also a big thank you goes to Edna, who's been saying her pennies gave the money to Sheila who has bought toiletries. Edna they all will go to Laura she makes our care packs to hand out. Karen thanks for the clothes they were really needed, Gillian who makes all our sandwiches thank you so much, Last but not least to the volunteers who work hard, serving hot and cold food, lots of tea, coffee and juice x


Hi as you all know I'm doing another fund raiser, yep tombola tables one for adults another for children. Please if you work ask if bosses if they can give, ask family and friends. I need to raise funds to buy essential things for our street friends and those in need. Thanks x


Today we picked up from Ellis Signs, a banner for our table. This amazing company have made the banner as a donation, so very kind we are blown away with their generousity. Pictures to follow xxx


Last night at the Monument was calm, happy vibes good night. The thank yous go to Mrs Jenny Pearson for your monitory donation, and to Maggie Paiton for running with it to buy ingredients for chicken casserole and dumplings, served with roast potatoes. Janet Tomlin thank you so much for the soup. Davidsons Bakery of DarrasHall once again thank you so much for you donations of bread and baps. Pret A Manger for your end of day food thank you so much. Julie and Ellie for your Chocolate Crispys. Gillian who makes all our sandwiches many many thanks. Last but not least to a volunteer Cheryl get well soon xx


Busy night last night, we all ended up soaked but to us that’s nothing as we can go home and dry off, heartbreaking to think our street friends have to sleep in this weather, soaked and cold 😞 we handed out coats, scarfs, socks,gloves and hats. Hot food, we served sausage casserole and rice, thank you to Lesley Tye for the casserole!always appreciated is the bread we get given from Davidson’s bakery of Darras Hall and the amazing work from Gillian each week for sandwiches, plus Julie’s beautiful chocolate crispies, all served with tea,coffee,hot chocolate or juice along with biscuits,cakes and all end of day goodies donated from Pret A Manger, fab work by all! Karen and Keith were a big miss! Hope to see you all next week peeps xxxx


A few pics from last night of all the food and drinks we had to help our street friends and less fortunate, a big thank you to Lesley Tye for making sausage casserole, Davidson Bakery of Darass Hall for bread, Rose Hayland for making iced buns and 2 cakes, My mother in law for corned beef and mince pies,Sheila Weir for making homemade shortbread biscuits, Gillian for making our sandwiches, Pret A Manger for coming on board giving us end of day food to hand out.Also huge acts of kindness by two lady’s who came to chat with us (volunteers)then left and came back with bags of fresh fruit,crisps and biscuits-and everything went=a huge smile on our faces!Fab work by all volunteers and supporting donations #teamwork #helpingotherstogether ❤️


Just to let everyone know David’s mam has been to drop off two corned beef & one mince pie for us to hand out tomorrow! All I need to do is cook them xxxx


Hi everyone just to let you know that Lesley is making her delicious broth for all our friends xx


Hi everyone, just had a lovely surprise from Mick Bunn and Tracey Howe they rocked up to mine tonight to pass on Handwarmers plus emergency rescue Blankets for our street friends, Yet again a massive thank you to the Gunnars Mcc for your continued support Helping Others Together are truly blessed to have your support, thank you so much xx


This ring was found in the doorway by a street friend while we were round on Nelson Street facing End clothing, I think a lot of people who work in the restaurants in Eldon Square use it for having a cigarette. It is silver & has an inscription inside, it would be lovely to get it back to it's owner so plz share & if the person can tell us what's on the inside of the ring we would be happy to return it 😊


Great night as usual feeding our street friends in town! We get such a lovely mix of people who are all so grateful for a hot meal & a conversation! Really hope they can get some shelter tonight, it’s such a cold night 😔 thanks to everyone who volunteers & gives up there time!


Tonight was great as usual fed a lot of people who are always grateful to see us as we are them, unfortunately we had to take care of a young girl who was talked down from the bridge because she felt she was to tired for life & that was her only option, nowhere to live & two lovely members of the public brought her to us because 3 homeless charities said they couldn’t help her! This makes me so angry & upset, although I’m pleased to say we got her to a safe place (the police) & hope she really gets the help she needs 💔


Had a run up to Berwick today , meet a lovely guy Craig who passed over to Helping Others Together 90 sleeping bags


Never mind ho ho ho its donations donations donations and we carnt thank each and everyone of you amazing people enough! Once again a HUGE thank you for the continuous support from Gunnars Mcc xxxx


We’ve had a great turn out tonight lovely crowd, just want to say a massive thank you to Margaret’s biker friends The Gunnars Mcc for our new tables, boxes & flasks also to my lovely aunty for her home made pies, scones & quiche everyone loved them! Our friend Rita scratched off the football card well done to Susan Francis with Southampton it helps with much needed funds! Thank you for all our other donations of sandwiches, clothes & blankets great night had by all