Jesmond Parish Church

About Jesmond Parish Church

An Anglican Church committed to Godly Living, Church Growth and Changing Britain.



Make your own bag of miniature gold chocolate eggs with a professional chocolatier PLUS a talk on why Easter is so important to Christians today. Cost: £7 *Book your place(s) now!*


We would love you all to join us for a BRING AND SHARE LUNCH on Sunday (13th January) after the morning service to celebrate the founding of Jesmond Parish Church 158 years ago!
If you would like to come there is no need to sign up in advance. Please just bring a packed lunch with you to church on Sunday morning and also bring some extra finger food (either sweet or savoury) to share with others. We won't be using the ovens to reheat any food on the day.
The lunch will star...t at 12.30pm in the main hall and there will also be soup and a bread roll available to supplement your lunch for £1 per person.
It would be great to see many of you there!
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It's always a good time to join Celebrate Recovery. If there's something you've been struggling with, why not make the New Year your time to join the programme?
Join us on Monday 7th January in Jesmond Parish Church, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4DJ, at 7.15 for 7.30pm for a warm welcome and the opportunity to find support and learn biblical principles to find freedom from your hurts, hang-ups and habits.
For more information about this weekly programme see JPC's Celebrate Recovery webpage or contact


Happy New Year everyone! If you haven't got a plan for tonight, we would like to invite you to our Indonesian-themed New Year Eve Party! One of the stars for tonight's meal is Rendang - a meat dish originated in Indonesia, slow-cooked for hours in spices and coconut milk, by our very own Gloria Ng from Indonesia and her team! There will also be quizzes and Indonesian dancing.
There is also a short Watchnight Service to reflect on 2018 and welcome the New Year together. Come ...and join us!
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Behind the scenes: getting balloons ready for Family Carols this afternoon. Join us at 3:30pm and 5pm today!


We would love you to come and celebrate Christmas Day with us at this special service for all the family! There will be a short Holy Communion after the service at the front of the church.


Join us this Christmas Eve to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas with a short, informal, fun service for all ages with loads of balloons.
There are two service times to choose from - 3.30pm or 5pm.
Everyone is welcome!


Carols by Candlelight 2018 finishes this Sunday, 16th December, so don't miss out on the opportunity to come along to one of our free services this weekend! Saturday 15th Dec: 5pm Sunday 16th Dec: 4pm, 6pm & 8pm


We still have 7 more Carols by Candlelight services to come this week so it's not too late to get one in your diary!
Tuesday 11th Dec 8pm Wednesday 12th Dec 8pm Thursday 13th Dec 8pm... Saturday 15th Dec 5pm Sunday 16th Dec 4pm, 6pm, 8pm
Creche at 4pm & 5pm services
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Our Carols by Candlelight services start TODAY at 4pm, 6pm & 8pm. We would love to see you there!


Only 5 days until our Carols by Candelight services begin!


We would love to see you at one of our two special Advent Carols services this Sunday 25th November! Services are at 4pm (with crèche available) and 6.30pm.


Still plenty of time to sign up for The BIG Sleep Out. For more info go to

More about Jesmond Parish Church

0191 212 7400