Kbs Sports Therapy

Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 12:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 13:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 00:00

About Kbs Sports Therapy

East Durham's Premier Sports Therapy and Injury Rehabilitation Clinic

Kbs Sports Therapy Description

KBS Sports Therapy offers high quality sports therapy and sports injury rehabilitation including:
- Injury Examination and Assessment
- Sports Massage
- Manual Therapy
- Mobilisations – peripheral and spinal
- Ultrasound
- Early /Intermediate /Late stage rehabilitation
- Gait analysis
- Postural and Technical Corrections
- Strengthening and stretching

I treat all muscular, joint, nerve and spinal conditions including sports injuries, postural corrections, overuse injuries and provide rehabilitation. I offer an integrated approach to injury management, where you will be assessed, treated and rehabilitated back to full performance. I will also analyse the cause of the injury and look to minimise the chance of further injury or reccurrence. Each injury treatment package will be personalised to fulfil your individual needs and requirements. I am an MSc qualified Sports Therapist, affiliated to The Society of Sport Therapists.



After spending the Easter weekend painting and putting up some new artwork the clinic is ready for when the government feel it's safe for me to do my best work.
Stay safe and I'll see you all when we are through this


How many of you started running 2 weeks ago.......
If so you probably a little tight around your hips. Try a few of these exercises and you'll get some relief allowing you to enjoy your running a lot more


And today we are 7 years old. It's surpassed anything I ever thought I was going to achieve when I started my career. A massive thanks to Alan, Mandy and Steve at Hammer Strength for helping me get it from a part time to a full time clinic these last 2 1/2 years.
Strange times right now but I've had the time to look at how I run and there's so much I can improve on to offer you more. I built it from scratch once before so when the world rights itself I'll be back stronger and better ready to help all my current and new clients.


A massive thank you again for the messages and support over the last 2 weeks. And thank you to those that have already contacted myself regarding their current ongoing injuries.
Don't hesitate to keep calling and messaging and I'll continue to diagnose and send you an exercise program to help ease your pain. This is of course free of charge.


Whilst not completely possible if your working at your dining room table at present but try and follow these simple tips for the next few weeks. It'll help stop any tension building up.
I'm still here to help if you feel any pain and discomfort. Give me a call or a message and I'll send across some exercises to help until the clinic reopens.


I'm afraid now is the time that I must temporarily close the door. As of 7pm today I'll will only be offering diagnosis and exercises via messages, emails and calls. This will of course be free of charge. I cannot continue to offer you my best service whilst maintaining your health with the 2m distance required to keep this terrible virus at bay to give our NHS the best chance to fight it.
I would like to thank you all for the support and kind words you have always given me both now in this difficult time and throughout the 7 years I have helped so many of you.


This week has been the most complicated since I opened 7 years ago. After doing a lot of reading and thinking over the weekend I will no longer be treating people in an at risk category. I feel now is the time we need to protect our vulnerable until this improves and think purely of our health. I myself will no longer be seeing my mam and grandparents.
I will also only be treating people in the clinic as I can keep this area thoroughly cleaned.
If anyone cannot get in or is... at risk then simply call or message as usual as I am in the process of creating exercise sheets that I will email to you to help reduce your pain levels until I can help you more effectively. This diagnosis and exercise sheets will of course be free of charge.
I hope to return to delivering my full service to everyone as soon as I possibly can.
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Following tonight's announcement I don't fall under the gatherings group so I will be continuing to work from my room inside the gym. I will simply be letting people in and out of the locked down gym for their appointments.
Ill be in touch with those who have appointments to confirm the arrangements.
I am also still offering home visits for people unable to leave their homes as long as the household is not self isolating with symptoms.


As youll be working from home and home schooling more across the next few months it's really important you keep your posture.
You'll be sitting at dinning room tables, on the couch with the laptop on your knee. A poor posture contributes to the majority of my injuries.
Do these simple exercises once or twice a day.
... If you develop any Increased stiffness and pain I'm still available either in the clinic or I'll come to you.
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If your injured or would like a massage but your in the 'vulnerable group of people' and don't feel comfortable coming to the clinic I'm willing to offer home visits for you.
I'm available 9-9 most days to help you from getting stiff and immobile during long periods of time at home.
I would like to clarify I will not be visiting any homes with symptoms and self isolating even if it is not yourself. Myself, the bed and all equipment used will be sanitized before and after use


I've just played golf with a friend I don't see enough of due to his physio commitments in football.
I'm sad to say we saw 3 other people on the course in that time. Yes it's not a busy golf course but this isn't my definition of social distancing. The outdoors is where we should be right now. Use the fact that indoors isn't the best place to be and get out there. Funnily enough the fresh air is good for you. A physio working with a pneumonia patient will get them up and about moving to clear their lungs.
I'm not saying it's not a serious and worrying time but personally I would rather be outside enioying the vast amount of great countryside we have in the North East of England.... Better than worrying while counting toilet rolls waiting for Boris to shut us down.


I'm open as normal for all your injury and treatment needs. I'm following government and medical founded advice to keep you all safe.
And on a positive note John Hopkins Medical are closely tracking cases and as of this post there's 77,257 recovered cases worldwide.
That's a pretty impressive number. The government's and especially the health services are doing the very best job they can right now. Be hygienic and safe but remember the chances are highly with us getting through this.


We have no cases of coronavirus yet in the clinic or the gym but in order to keep the risk low I am asking that.
You simply wash your hands before and after any treatment session. If you have any symptoms please cancel and there will be no charge. Unfortunately if you display any symptoms on arrival I will be unable to offer any treatment.
... There is hand sanitiser in the clinic and I am sanitising the bed and room after every session.
Thank you for your help in helping me offer an excellent service continually.
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These 2 simple exercises can have a massive benefit on your life, exercise and sport performance.
The Deep Squat improves the strength, flexibility and mobility of the key muscles involved in all athletic movements.
The Deep Hang uses all the fundamental and inituitive muscles vital in any pulling activity as well as strengthening and stretching the upper back and shoulders. It also has the added benefit of decompressing your spine.
... I added these to my exercise routines last week and I've seen improvements in my squat and rotational movements.
Give them a go for 30 seconds a day
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With Manchester, London and Edinburgh marathons fast approaching many of you will be approaching or even already going past distances you've not done in a while or even at all.
These are the distances when niggles start to happen as your body is simply not used to the extra time on your feet......it puts a lot of strain on your knees, ankles and lower backs.
It's at this stage where regular stretching and massages become vital. They help rejunivate tired muscles helping you get the most out of your training.


Recovery from an injury: chronic or acute is never a straight line. Some sessions and exercises may help better than others. Often between sessions you'll feel great then get a little worse before your next one.
But rest assured here we'll do everything we can to get you to your desired goal


Why not treat your significant other to a massage for Valentines Day with prices at £15 for 30 minutes, £20 for 45 minutes and £25 for the hour.
Or if your significant other annoys you or forgets to do the dishes just think of it as pay back with sports massages at the same prices but a lot more painful


What is this pain in the outside of my knee when I run?
Chances are it's ITB syndrome....
It happens because of the overuse of running but mainly due to a glute issues. These muscles are big and powerful and propel you while you run. If they aren't strong enough then your knee or hip rotates pulling the ITB at the knee. Or if they are tight then due to the 80% attachment on the ITB then it pulls at the knee again
... In short glute stretching and strengthening is vital for you to hit any of your running targets this year
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More about Kbs Sports Therapy

Kbs Sports Therapy is located at Hammer Strength Gym. 27 Bracken Hill, SR8 2LS Peterlee
Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 12:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 13:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 00:00