Marina'S Amigos

5 star rating

About Marina'S Amigos

Spanish lessons for children and adults at all levels.
Qualified and experience native Spanish tutor, teaching through engaging, fun and friendly methods.



ūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáł We love our SPANISH lessons! ūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáł
We learn about THE SUMMER while painting ūüĖĆūüĖĆ


ūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłū üá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłū üá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáł
Get booking! Spaces won't be free for long!
ūüďě 07950 500 984 ... ūüíĽ ūüďćHartlepool TS25
ūüĆüFun, engaging, friendly SPANISH sessions for children... Perfect after school activity! ūüĆü
‚ě°ÔłŹ Groups of upto 6 children only ‚¨ÖÔłŹ
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Genial 'fiesta' espa√Īola con mis alumnos adultos ūüá™ūüáł
Comida, bebida y mucho ESPA√ĎOL ūüá™ūüáł ūü•ßūü•ā
ūüŹÜGanadores del 'quiz' de espa√Īol: ... LOS PLAYEROS ūüŹĖ ūü•ąRunner ups: LOS BARRENDEROS ūüöõ
¬°Gracias por venir!
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Very excited for our SPANISH adults' meeting tomorrow evening! ūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáł ūüĎ®ūüŹĽūüĎ©ūüŹĹūüĎīūüßďūüŹĹūüĎĶūüŹĺ
Few last minute things to plan but it all pretty much set now.
Games, quiz, food, drinks... and a lot of SPANISH ūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáł


ūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáł After school SPANISH LESSONSūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáł
ūüĆüLearning a language is one of the most engaging activities for the brain, it helps its development and strengh. As well as opening new ways if thinking and problem solving.
ūüĆą Fun, engaging, friendly SPANISH sessions for all ages from 4 years old (younger child may be considered too).
... ‚úÖ Reduced groups of upto 6 children in the same age gap.
ūüí∑ ONLY ¬£6 per session!
For more details please message the page or phone 07950500984 ‚ėéÔłŹūüďěūüď≤
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Uno de mis peques aprendiendo LOS ANIMALES SALVAJES con este diveetido juego de cartas. ūü¶ćūü¶ĀūüźĮūüźėūü¶Ź


Lovely day at the SPANISH SUMMER SESSION!!
ūüá™ūüáł‚ėÄÔłŹūüá™ūüáł‚ėÄÔłŹūüá™ūüáł‚ėÄÔł Źūüá™ūüáł‚ėÄÔłŹūüá™ūüáł
We have had a great time playing, making, baking and speaking SPANISH...


Just some of the materials to be used tomorrow on our *first* SPANISH SUMMER SESSION for children! ūüá™ūüáł‚ėÄÔłŹūüŹĖ
Lots of FUN coming! ūüĆąūüéČūüéą
-Crafts ... -Cooking -Singing -Games - and lots of... SPANISHūüá™ūüáł
Looking forward to see all the lovely children tomorrow ūüĎßūüŹľūüßíūüŹĺūüĎßūüŹĽūüßí
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¬°Hola amigos! ūüá™ūüáł
Would you LOVE to learn Spanish? ūüá™ūüáłūüíõ Do you not have the time to attend daytime lessons? ūüēź‚ėÄÔłŹūüĆô Do you live too far away from my lessons location or don't have transport available? ūüöóūüö≤ūüõĶūüöē
... Fear no! Now I also do ONLINE Spanish lessons, to both adults and children of all levels!ūüíĽūüĖ•
Just click the link below and you will be able to see my profile, availability and online rates. Trial lessons available!
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Some face painting fun at our Spanish lesson today ūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáł
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1:1 SPANISH lesson ūüá™ūüáł With this clever little lady
We learnt LAS EMOCIONES ūüėĄūüėäūüėćūüėāūü§®ūüėźūüôĄ


SPANISH ūüá™ūüáł GROUP AGED 8-12.
Sadly some of our other students missing in the picture as they are on holiday! ūüŹĖ
Playing bingo to learn LA ROPA ūüĎēūüĎĖūüߣūüߧūü߶


Mini-SPANISH ūüá™ūüáł
Enjoying the summery weather while learning some SPANISH! ‚ėÄÔłŹūüá™ūüáł
Could it get any better? I don't think so!... Our mini-students loved the chalk painting outside, learning ANIMALES ūüźēūüźąūüźĖūüźÄūüź†
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ūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáł SPANISH SUMMER SESSION ūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáł
‚≠ēDATE CONFIRMED‚≠ē ‚úÖThursday 16th August. ‚Źį 10am - 1pm
... 3 hours one-off session for children between 3 and 8 years old ūüĎßūüŹĽūüßíūüĎßūüŹľūüßíūüŹĺ
Join up for the FUN ūüĆą ... and the SPANISH ūüá™ūüáł
‚ě°ÔłŹYou do not need to be a current Spanish student to join the one-off session. EVERYONE IS WELCOME ūü§óūü§ó
ūüĒīThursday 16th August ūüĒī
Learn SPANISH and ENJOY activities with FRIENDS.
Planned activities such as: -Crafts ūüĖĆ‚úāÔłŹūüóā -Cooking ūüćīūüć≥ūü•ě -Story time ūüďöūüďĖ -Games ‚öĹÔłŹūüé≥ūüŹď -Songs ūüĒäūüé§ūüéĶ
Do not hesitate on messaging the page if you have any questions!! ‚ĀČÔłŹ
Location: Hartlepoo l‚úÖ
‚≠źLimited spaces - Book now‚≠ź
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SSpanish session from last week with our *minis* 4 to 7 years old!
We took advantage of the nice weather to learn some MOVIMIENTOS and LOS COLORES.
... We learned:
SALTAR -jump ūü§ĺ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ CORRER - run ūüŹÉ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ CAMINAR - walkūüö∂‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ TUMBARSE -lie down ūüõĆ SENTARSE - sit down ūüßė‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ
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¬°HOLA AMIGOS! ūüėĀūüá™ūüáł
Today we learn how to *complain* about a dish! Useful phrases to use at the restaurant in Spain or Latin America! ūüć≤ūü•ėūü•£ūü•óūüćĚūüćúūüćõ
... Always remember to use: ‚úÖPERDONE (excuse me)
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¬°HOLA AMIGOS! ‚ėļūüá™ūüáł
Here we are with more SPANISH for holidays ūüŹĖūüŹĚ‚ėÄÔłŹūüĆě
Today we learn how to ask for times! ūüēß‚Źį‚ŹĪ‚Ćõ
... Remember to always use PORFAVOR and GRACIAS
ūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáł< br> See More


¬°HOLA AMIGOS! ūüá™ūüáł
Adults beginner group spaces available! ūüĎ®ūüŹĽūüĎ©ūüŹĹūüĎīūüŹĹūüßďūüĎĶūüŹľ
ūüēĖūüēóSunday evenings 7-8pm
... Come along to learn some SPANISH! Fun, friendly,engaging lessons with a NATIVE, QUALIFIED,EXPERIENCED teacher from SPAIN! ūüá™ūüáłūüĎ©‚ÄćūüŹę
Only ¬£8 per lesson* ūüíłūüíł
INBOX ūüď•ūüď© or call 07950500984 for more info ūüď≤ūüďě
What are you waiting for? Join now if you want to *smash* your next holidays in Spain or Latin America! ūüĆćūüĆé
*when you pay for a block of 6)
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¬°HOLA AMIGOS! ūüá™ūüáł
Today we are going to learn how to call for help in an emergency... hopefully you will not need to use this phrases but it is always good to know them, just in case!ūüöĎūüöíūüöď
Always remember to use:... ‚úĒPERDONE: excuse me ‚úĒPOR FAVOR: please ‚úĒGRACIAS: thank you
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My little girl is loving her Spanish lessons with Marina so much fun, she cannot wait for Tuesday’s to come around she loves it that much, thank you so much Marina x x


My kids are 8 and 5, they have a joint Spanish lesson and Marina is able to tailor it to suit both ages. They come away with lots of work they have done in the form of pictures and activities. They get on very well with Marina and look forward to seeing her the following week.


My husband and I have been having lessons for about 6 months now .. Marina is extremely patient and her skills as s teacher are excellent . We are not the quickest when it comes to learning the language but with Marinas support we will get there . Anytime be needing Spanish lessons I would definitely recommend Marina .. 5 stars ‚≠źÔłŹ


My daughter loves learning spanish with Marina! She is so good with her and charlotte is learning so quickly. Another language will be an amazing skill to hold as she gets older.



My 2 girls aged 5 and 9 have a joint lesson along with a few other children. They love going and come out every week smiling. They play games and do activities, learning whilst they have fun. I am impressed with what they have learnt, in a small space of time. Would highly recommend.


Marina is currently tutoring my two year old and she is amazing with him. She is a complete natural with children and she has already got him saying a few words! They play games and have a lot of fun so he doesn't realise he is learning. I couldn't recommend Marina enough.


I am having Spanish lessons with Marina for over a year now and enjoy them really much. Lessons are tailored to my needs and I have learnt a lot. Marina has a great deal of patience and never minds going over things again. She is also flexible with lessons, which helps if you have a hectic life. Highly recommend if you want to learn Spanish at your own pace with a great tutor!

More about Marina'S Amigos