Mark Jensen Fitness

Monday: 06:30 - 20:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 20:00
Friday: 06:30 - 18:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -



First one back tonight! . . I'm buzzing to be back although I'm still not 100%! Lost a lot of energy as I haven't been able to eat in days! So let's see if I can even pick the bar up... 😂 .... . Stay tuned, looking forward to getting back into routine! . .
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The benefits of small group personal training . Thinking about starting group personal training? Well, we’re here to convince you that it’ll definitely be the right move. Here are some reasons why. . You’ll get more personal attention ... . In a small group, every member will benefit from more personal attention from your trainer. In larger groups, the trainer is not always able to see and watch every member to ensure that they have the right form and your risk of injury is reduced. We have the knowledge to ensure that your training routine is right for you and will explain how the exercises you’re doing will benefit you. . You can work with supportive training partners . Having someone right beside you can push you to work harder. After all, what’s a greater motivation than a little competition? Both the personal trainer and other members of the group are there to push you and support you to be the best you can be. The challenges of the workout won’t seem as tough when you have someone by your side every step of the way. . You’ll be part of a community . As well as receiving some much-needed motivation and support, being part of a small group will allow you to foster a sense of community. These people will also become your support structure. . You’ll improve your focus . Focus is one of the most important parts of successful training. With the trainer and other group members keeping a tight program and watching your every move, there won’t be any time for your mind to wander to other things. What’s more, classes will change regularly so you’ll be working a variety of muscle groups and you’ll never get bored! . You’ll be more likely to stick to your goals and achieve results .
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Our small group PT is consisted of 3 sessions per week.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
... Weights based training helping you achieve your goals!
Application only.
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No matter what happens, or what you do...
Your life is YOUR journey.
Why not start your fitness journey today?
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What are YOUR goals?
What do YOU want to achieve?
... Message us today and see how we can help. 🏋️
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Don't ignore the importance of having good posture...
Your posture is affected due to day to day life (or injury in this case)!
Michael has Scoliosis. With the correct program and training, you can see the difference!
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We need to look after our bodies 🏋️💪
Be truthful... Who considers their health as an investment or expense?
... Comment below or tag a friend.
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Personal Training
What is it all about?
- Burpees? ... - Star Jumps? - Sit ups?
NO. (Not here anyways!)
For some people, it's just having a better quality life!
Jemma has Degenerative Disk Desease (DDD) and was in a wheelchair for a good few weeks.
Now her weekly medication has hit ZERO! She's fitter, healthier and her quality of life is a 100x better.
We focused mainly on her posterior chain, strengthening the muscles around the spine. We also strengthened her core, provided healthier eating options and goals to keep her more active.
She also lost over a stone and we're not done yet!
If anyone else suffers from similar problems, and has been told to exercise by a doctor...
Please find a coach you can TRUST. Burpees and star jumps don't solve everything...
You need STRUCTURE 🏋️💪
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115kg Deadlifts for Bob Curry today!
Getting stronger and stronger!


There are so many benefits to drinking water (not to mention it keeps you alive 🙊👀)!
Even if you're not thirsty, that doesn't mean you're not dehydrated.
Who finds it "hard" to drink water?


Wide Grip Pull Ups
A very effective exercise for hitting the lats!
Can't do pull ups yet?
... Not a problem.
You can either do banded/assisted pull ups, or use a lat pull down machine to hit your lats. 🏋️
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Great to have Lindsey back!
75kg deadlifts.
Personal best!
... Deadlifts are one of the best exercises around! Targeting several muscle groups 💪🏋️
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What's stopping you from achieving your goals? 🏋️
YOU! 👊
You are the result of the choices you make.
... Our Group PT is now FULL for September.
However there are spaces available for 1-2-1 training.
If you're serious about wanting to smash your goals... Hit us up a message ✉️
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SCOLIOSIS (Twisty curve in the spine)
Scoliosis is where the spine has a curve throughout. This can be caused from things like injury, disc problems or genuinely poor posture.
Scoliosis can be corrected by exercising specifically, to hit the muscle groups that will help correct the curve of the spine.
... We recently read that "exercise is unlikely going to reduce the curvature of the spine".
Doesn't it?
If you follow us and see clients who come in with severe back problems (such as Digeneritive Disc Desease), we helped reduce their weekly medication to 0.
Please don't be afraid to exercise.
Doing the CORRECT exercises, with the CORRECT coach, will BENEFIT you.
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Wanting to build up your legs? Squats are one of the best exercises to do that. If not, the best.
Squats target your Glutes, Hamstrings and Quads.
... Don't worry if you are unable to squat! There are other exercises you can use to hit these muscle groups.
Here is our client Kelsey Shaw training legs in today's session!
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What's so good about the gym?
So many people see exercise as a burden or a waste of their precious time.
The gym makes you feel happy, confident, positive, fit and healthy!
... What's stopping you from becoming this?
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Monday 8:15pm Tuesday 8:15pm Wednesday 8:15pm
... Now taking bookings for September!
Weights based training getting you back in shape after the summer holidays 💪😀
Drop us a message for more details 💪
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💥 YOU vs YOU 💥 . . Your life is your journey! The choices you make is entirely up to you. .... . These photos are 8 years apart, I've been training for 6. . . Complete different people in so many ways! . . The only thing standing in your way is YOU. . . Now let's all have a laugh at that photo! 😂😂 . . START YOUR JOURNEY TODAY!
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TEAM 🏋️💪


Really good personal trainer :) would recommend him, as he will get you back into shape in no time.


Mark is a fantasitic pt he keeps you motavatied very aprochable keeps sessions fun and intresting still seeing results and very happy with me sessions and able to work around awkward shift patterns :)


Mark is a excellent PT who is very knowledgeable and professional all whilst keeping his sessions fun and light hearted, he is really approachable and friendly helping to resolve any problems you might face when training or with nutrition ,he is helping me understand how to look after my body and see changes that I want to see. And has also taught me that it's not what the scales say but what the measurements and pictures show.


Mark is Very professionable and knowlede able always happy to help would deffo reccomend


Class trainer and a really canny guy. Would recommend to anybody


Can’t recommend Mark enough! I had been struggling with back problems from arthritis in my hip. I had lost confidence in my ability at the gym and due to lack of sport and exercise I had gained weight. Mark has developed a program right for me targeting my problematic area to build strength and prevent future injuries. My confidence is through the roof and I am enjoying training again. I am working towards my ideal body and couldn’t have progressed half as much without Mark’s knowledge, positive attitude and friendly, laid back approach to exercise. Top guy!


Brilliant trainer. Gets you amazing results at a good fair price


Really good personal trainer :) would recommend him, as he will get you back into shape in no time.


Mark is a fantasitic pt he keeps you motavatied very aprochable keeps sessions fun and intresting still seeing results and very happy with me sessions and able to work around awkward shift patterns :)


Mark is a excellent PT who is very knowledgeable and professional all whilst keeping his sessions fun and light hearted, he is really approachable and friendly helping to resolve any problems you might face when training or with nutrition ,he is helping me understand how to look after my body and see changes that I want to see. And has also taught me that it's not what the scales say but what the measurements and pictures show.


Mark is Very professionable and knowlede able always happy to help would deffo reccomend


Class trainer and a really canny guy. Would recommend to anybody


Can’t recommend Mark enough! I had been struggling with back problems from arthritis in my hip. I had lost confidence in my ability at the gym and due to lack of sport and exercise I had gained weight. Mark has developed a program right for me targeting my problematic area to build strength and prevent future injuries. My confidence is through the roof and I am enjoying training again. I am working towards my ideal body and couldn’t have progressed half as much without Mark’s knowledge, positive attitude and friendly, laid back approach to exercise. Top guy!


Brilliant trainer. Gets you amazing results at a good fair price


Really good personal trainer :) would recommend him, as he will get you back into shape in no time.


Mark is a fantasitic pt he keeps you motavatied very aprochable keeps sessions fun and intresting still seeing results and very happy with me sessions and able to work around awkward shift patterns :)


Mark is a excellent PT who is very knowledgeable and professional all whilst keeping his sessions fun and light hearted, he is really approachable and friendly helping to resolve any problems you might face when training or with nutrition ,he is helping me understand how to look after my body and see changes that I want to see. And has also taught me that it's not what the scales say but what the measurements and pictures show.


Mark is Very professionable and knowlede able always happy to help would deffo reccomend


Class trainer and a really canny guy. Would recommend to anybody


Can’t recommend Mark enough! I had been struggling with back problems from arthritis in my hip. I had lost confidence in my ability at the gym and due to lack of sport and exercise I had gained weight. Mark has developed a program right for me targeting my problematic area to build strength and prevent future injuries. My confidence is through the roof and I am enjoying training again. I am working towards my ideal body and couldn’t have progressed half as much without Mark’s knowledge, positive attitude and friendly, laid back approach to exercise. Top guy!


Brilliant trainer. Gets you amazing results at a good fair price


Really good personal trainer :) would recommend him, as he will get you back into shape in no time.


Mark is a fantasitic pt he keeps you motavatied very aprochable keeps sessions fun and intresting still seeing results and very happy with me sessions and able to work around awkward shift patterns :)


Mark is a excellent PT who is very knowledgeable and professional all whilst keeping his sessions fun and light hearted, he is really approachable and friendly helping to resolve any problems you might face when training or with nutrition ,he is helping me understand how to look after my body and see changes that I want to see. And has also taught me that it's not what the scales say but what the measurements and pictures show.


Mark is Very professionable and knowlede able always happy to help would deffo reccomend


Class trainer and a really canny guy. Would recommend to anybody


Can’t recommend Mark enough! I had been struggling with back problems from arthritis in my hip. I had lost confidence in my ability at the gym and due to lack of sport and exercise I had gained weight. Mark has developed a program right for me targeting my problematic area to build strength and prevent future injuries. My confidence is through the roof and I am enjoying training again. I am working towards my ideal body and couldn’t have progressed half as much without Mark’s knowledge, positive attitude and friendly, laid back approach to exercise. Top guy!


Brilliant trainer. Gets you amazing results at a good fair price


Really good personal trainer :) would recommend him, as he will get you back into shape in no time.


Mark is a fantasitic pt he keeps you motavatied very aprochable keeps sessions fun and intresting still seeing results and very happy with me sessions and able to work around awkward shift patterns :)


Mark is a excellent PT who is very knowledgeable and professional all whilst keeping his sessions fun and light hearted, he is really approachable and friendly helping to resolve any problems you might face when training or with nutrition ,he is helping me understand how to look after my body and see changes that I want to see. And has also taught me that it's not what the scales say but what the measurements and pictures show.


Mark is Very professionable and knowlede able always happy to help would deffo reccomend


Class trainer and a really canny guy. Would recommend to anybody


Can’t recommend Mark enough! I had been struggling with back problems from arthritis in my hip. I had lost confidence in my ability at the gym and due to lack of sport and exercise I had gained weight. Mark has developed a program right for me targeting my problematic area to build strength and prevent future injuries. My confidence is through the roof and I am enjoying training again. I am working towards my ideal body and couldn’t have progressed half as much without Mark’s knowledge, positive attitude and friendly, laid back approach to exercise. Top guy!


Brilliant trainer. Gets you amazing results at a good fair price

More about Mark Jensen Fitness

Mark Jensen Fitness is located at 28 Frederick Street, South Shields
Monday: 06:30 - 20:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 20:00
Friday: 06:30 - 18:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -