Natural Silver Jewellery - Sterling Silver From Cornwall

About Natural Silver Jewellery - Sterling Silver From Cornwall

Detailed and unusual handmade sterling silver jewellery from Cornwall, cast from natural objects - seashells, feathers, leaves and flowers.

Natural Silver Jewellery - Sterling Silver From Cornwall Description

Designer Niki Green lives in the rugged and beautiful far West of Cornwall – close to Lands End. She collects natural objects: seashells and feathers while walking on the beaches, and flowers and leaves from nearby fields and hedges; and creates evocative contemporary silver jewellery.
The jewellery is cast in solid sterling silver to reproduce every detail of the original.

“All my work begins with a natural found object which I find beautiful. My aim is to keep all the detail and uniqueness of the original, so I take a very detailed and accurate mould from it and make a life-size prototype. This is cast in sterling silver to produce a solid silver piece of jewellery which retains the qualities of the original”.

More about Natural Silver Jewellery - Sterling Silver From Cornwall
