Neil Rennie Personal Training



🀧🀧πŸ₯ΆπŸ€«πŸ˜‚ It’s that time of the year again where man flu catches the nation! - But should you train through it? -... Here are my 3 tips on dealing with the plague and letting everyone know just how sick you really are...πŸ™ˆ
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πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺπŸ»βš’πŸ”₯ - Big shoutout to @wizkhaleeva caoimhe on her progress in only 8 weeks! - Caoimhe came to me with plenty of previous gym experience, but found it difficult to make linear progress, alongside the stress of undergoing a masters in neuroscience.... - All Caoimhe required was a well structured training, nutrition plan and some accountability. - Following the process to the absolute tee and has reaped the rewards! - 10lb drop and already hitting a personal goal of a 100kg deadlift πŸ’ͺ🏻 - Great girl to work with and excited to see how far we can take this πŸ”₯ - #irishpower #transformationtuesday @ Neil Rennie Personal Training
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****** Everyday checklist for a healthier, happier and leaner life! - 1. Set a regular bedtime and aim for 7-9 hours per night βœ” -... 2. Aim for 3-4 meals per day, include a source of protein with each βœ” - 3. Keep away from refined carbohydrates and highly processed foods βœ” - 4. Eat more green vegetables βœ” - 5. Hydrate more 2-4 litres per day βœ” - 6. Increase daily energy expenditure. Track steps and aim for 8-10k steps βœ” - 7. Aim for 3 resistance sessions per week βœ” - 8. Set aside at least 1hr per day for you #balance βœ” - 9. Aim to do 1 thing each day that scares you βœ” - 10. Take a minute to reflect on the lessons learned from each day.
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πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ”₯πŸ€œπŸ’―βš’ A massive shoutout to the amazing results Liam has achieved over the last 20 weeksπŸ’ͺ🏻 - A complete change of lifestyle, swapping pints for protein shakes. -... Liam made the decision to make an investment in himself and drop the influences that only served to drag him down! - Stronger mind, body and a set of abs was the end result πŸ”₯ - Have you been thinking rather than simply doing? - Liam will be sharing his journey as to how these results where achieved over the next few days πŸ’ͺ🏻 @ Newcastle upon Tyne
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πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ—πŸ₯šπŸ₯© #tistheseasontobebulking - Update on my own current training and nutrition -... Pretty deep into an off season; calories are high for me on around 3800kcal and between 450-500g of carbs per day - Training consists of a push pull leg rotation, however working around some limiting injuries but getting it done - Steps range from 8-10k per day and sleep 7-8 hours per night. - It’s important to keep track all these variables if progress is a priority. - Currently sitting at 13.7 with my lowest weight this year at 11.13! - Truth is I find adding weight quite tough mentally and far prefer dieting. - As a former fat kid, I will be the first to admit I have body hang ups when it comes to putting weight on; however it is a necessity if you want to make real improvements in physique long term. - So far the next few months I will embrace the extra Christmas Calories before a 4-6 week mini dieting phase come February πŸ’ͺ🏻
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πŸ₯œπŸ³πŸ₯‘πŸŒ° Why I don’t like Keto/ high fat diets! - 1. It’s just unnecessary for fat loss -... 2. It’s overly restrictive, especially at most social occasions - 3. Food volume is less as fats contain 9 calories per gram of fat compared to 4 from pro/carbs - 4. Followers often take on a cult like status of the magical fat loss properties of keto.... #itsjustacaloriedeficit chill oot - 5. You can’t even eat a bowl of proats 😭 (my fav) - Don’t get too attached to a particular β€˜diet’ - Whatever you enjoy, can stick too and fuels your goals - Remember calories are key πŸ”‘
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🀨🧐πŸ€₯🀫 - Starvation mode? - Ohhh really?!... - Nice try though! - A respost from one of my insta stories this week that went down well. - Let me know what you think
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πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ’―β˜οΈπŸ˜Ž @mikeymccolm has been an absolute pleasure to work with over the past 2 months - 8 weeks in, 10kg down, stronger, fitter and a different mindset when it comes to food -... Michael came committed and ready to change his lifestyle; the results show the reward πŸ’ͺ🏻 - Excited to see how far this one goes in 2019 βš’ - Not getting the results you want..?🧐 - #transformationtuesday
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Monday inspiration for my guyzzzzzzπŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ˜‚
πŸ€”πŸ§πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ”‘ The more you know, the less you know -... This phrase speaks a lot of truths - Being younger and more naive we often believe that we have life down to a tee. - We know the direction we want to go, the path we need to follow, and how long it will take. - Fast forward 5 years and we realise we knew absolutely f@*k all!! - The truth is, that in order to grow we need to put ourselves in uncomfortable situations, be willing to drop our ego, open up to the possibility of failure and actually listen instead of talking! πŸ‘ŒπŸ» - To be better we need to put ourselves into an environment that actually requires it. - So this week make a promise to yourself that you end the week a better and more well rounded individual than the person who started it πŸ’―πŸ’ͺ🏻 - #mondaymotivation #growthmindset
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πŸŒ²β˜˜οΈβ˜˜οΈπŸŽ…πŸ» So with 4 weeks to Christmas it’s officially Guinness Season! - Unfortunately the English seem to have little concept about how to pour the perfect pint. -... Here are 3 interesting facts about the black stuff - 1. It’s scientifically proven to be 10x more anabolic than chicken - 2. 1 pint increases athletic performance, but after 5 it appears to show a negative effect - 3. Like all the best things in life, it’s Irish! - *Disclaimer* Enjoy responsibly and make sure it fits your macrosπŸ™ˆπŸ‘πŸ»
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πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€” Get Your Priorities Straight - The basics of getting in shape and staying healthy are not that difficult! -... But doing so often can be - We all know that sitting down at night and stuffing a takeaway down our throats isn’t going to get us in shape - So why do you sabotage yourself? - When someone tells me they want to get in shape; but then that phrase is accompanied by a list of excuses as to why they can’t - I have to really question how much they actually want to change their lifestyle! - I don’t have the time to exercise? - But you have the time to watch Eastenders - I don’t have time to prep meals - You really cant find 20 mins twice a week to cook up some meat? - I need my 2 glasses of wine at night - Then you obviously value that more than getting in shape! - At the end of the day it comes down to what you prioritise more. - It’s like a friend telling you they never have the time to call for a catch up. That’s not the case, they just don’t see you as a priority. - So are you actually willing to put the energy into making the necessary changes?!πŸ€”
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πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻 Matty and Alex are off on travels so I will be taking over the @pioneerperformance Instagram stories today! - Get over and check out the page and send me some questions in. -... Will put some of the other guys on the spot so if you have any questions for them get them in too πŸ’ͺ🏻😁
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β˜ƒοΈπŸŒͺβ˜€οΈπŸ˜Ž - I’m dreaming of a 🌲..............drink outside cafe mambo and a rave aff in Ushuaia in 30 degree heat πŸ˜‚ - The weather is bitter now, but remember those summer bodies are forged in these months... - Not in the 6 week crash detoxes before πŸ™ˆπŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻 - Where did my tan and abs run off too?! - #neilrenniepersonaltraining #pioneerperformance #newcastle #gym #northeastfitness #newcastlepersonaltrainer #macros #irishfitfam #progress #instafitness #malemuscle #progresspics #fitfamuk #personaltrainer #transformation #belfastpersonaltrainer #quayside #jesmond #fitnessmotivation #diet #macros #fitnessmodel #ne1 #newcastlefoodies #throwbackthursday #ibiza
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πŸ₯©πŸ«πŸ½ Eating Instinctively vs Calorie Tracking - What’s the best strategy for fat loss? -... In my opinion anybody starting out in their fat loss journey should learn to track and understand the value of food. - Eating instinctively is probably what has lead to weight gain in the first case 🍩 - Have a watch and let me know your opinions πŸ’ͺ🏻
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πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ“ˆ - 16 weeks between the 2 photos (unfortunately I managed to delete The starting pics) - Liam has made tremendous progress in only 4 months, from a complete training novice with limited nutritional knowledge.... - His progress highlights the results of sticking to a progressive approach to training and nutrition alongside patience! - Sometimes we do each other’s head in head but the results speak for themselves πŸ˜‚ - 2 weeks left of a deficit for a few gym snaps, then it’s time to pack on the muscle - Tis the season to be bulking πŸ₯©β˜ƒοΈ
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- β€˜We spend too much time chasing income, rather than outcome’ -... It’s easy to get caught up on the hamster wheel; working every hour of the day, sleeping little, giving up time with friends and family - All to make money and climb the ladder to some notion of perceived success which we paint for ourselves. - Promising that it will all be worth it someday and things will eventually change once we have made it... - However; one thing we can’t control, buy or ever get back is time! πŸ•° - Listen I value hard work and motivation - For the those who say money can’t buy happiness, well that’s bullshit, it certainly helps! - But we need to remember to actually buy it! - Finding the balance between climbing the ladder to success and actually living for the now is something a lot of people (myself included at times) struggle with. - By chasing income we need to remember the outcome of our actions - Learn to make time for yourself; health, spend time with friends, go on a holiday; LIVE. - Some of the wealthiest people I have met and worked with suffer with health issues, broken relationships and stress - Remember money is important but even more so is time and health.
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πŸ’―πŸ’― #deepshitsunday - Sometimes she drives me crazy - Sometimes she’s my biggest support... - Relationships can be like rollercoasters, but 8 years on there have been more ups than downs. - Relationships, like anything require attention, care and work - We make mistakes, hopefully learn and grow stronger - Value the people that stick by you, even when you are at your worst; yet keep coming back.
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πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻😁😁 LEANER, FITTER, HEALTHIER & HAPPIER - Shout out to my fellow Larne yin @madame_olemba_ who I’ve been working with for the last 7 weeks -... It’s sounds cheesy but it genuinely is inspiring seeing someone changing not only physically but mentally in front of your eyes - Always a great laugh and the loudest screamer in the gym too πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚ - We promised her a BeyoncΓ© bum for summer, so watch this space πŸ˜‚πŸ‘™πŸ’ͺ🏻
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πŸ’―πŸ“ˆπŸ’ͺ🏻 Do the basics and do them well! - In my experience as a trainer the 3 key factors when it comes to physique change are: -... Execution, intensity and consistency - Too often I see trainers and trainees alike trying to run before they can walk - Using complicated or just plain unnecessary movements to try and stand out or impress. - Now don’t get me wrong there is a time and a place for thinking β€˜outside the box.’ - Mobility issues, working around injuries or just to keep interest and buy in with training - However a lot can be said for basic compound movements, executed to perfection in a progressive manor. - That’s really where change occurs! - When designing your own training program assuming your main goal is to build muscle tissue and/or lose bodyfat you really won’t go far wrong with: - Push, pull, leg and carry πŸ’ͺ🏻 - Push; Bench, Overhead press, dips, Floor press... - Pull; pull ups, rows, pull downs - Hip hinge; deadlift variation, hip thrusters/ glute bridges - Legs; squat variation, leg press, unilateral movement - Carry; farmers walk - Execute these well and be progressive with weight and reps overtime and I promise this we’ll yield some fantastic results. - So nail down the big stuff then add in the fluff πŸ‘ŒπŸ» - Remember strength is relative, so only beat you! - #strongbodystrongmind
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Top quality. Learned a lot from Neil when I first started personal training. It's one thing to have a lot of knowledge, but it's another to be able to apply it to the wide variety of clients you deal with each day and motivate them to get results. Couldn't recommend him highly enough.


Top notch pt . Knows his stuff and very professional

Would highly recommend


Started training with Neil 4 years ago. In that time I have watched him develop into an excellent trainer, adapting his methods to suit each & every client. I throughly enjoyed my time training with Neil & learnt so much, losing body weight & inches too! I found a love for weights that I never knew I had. Thanks Neil!


Neil makes every training session one to be enjoyed and makes every session so focused of each individual client. His knowledge of training goes above and beyond. Even if your already working out yourself I bet Neil could improve your results from training. Top man οΏ½


Neil Rennie is an excellent PT. He was the trainer who kick started everything for me. As his former business title suggested, he was my 'Foundation' in my fitness journey. Neil helped me to work towards my goal of losing fat, building muscle and entering a fitness modelling competition - which I won! I gained more than muscle, I gained confidence and education about how the body works in line with a fitness programme. The results speak for themselves.


If you are looking a PT to help you discover a new you, then neil rennie is the guy for the job. I started to PT with neil over a year ago, and he helped me discover a passion for something i never dreamt would have existed. POWERLIFTING. With neils support, knowledge and faith in me, i have discovered a new love that is tranforming my life and giving me a focus. I entered my first competition with big lifts and loved every moment of it. He has never doubted me, but has always given me the drive and encouragement that ive needed. I give 110% and in return i get beasted, acheive results and more importantly i have gained a friend. Ive had many PT's in the past. But NONE that have come close to helping me achieve what neil has... happiness within myself and happiness in doing what i love...powerlifting. #no1PT #teamNEILrennie


I've been with Neil Rennie PT for just over 3 months.

I had never stepped inside a gym or squatted correctly in my life before meeting Neil.

Neil has taught me to be more knowledgeable about the food I eat and physically pushed me beyond what I never knew I was capable of.

He's an excellent PT and will be missed.


Having trained with Neil for the past two years I would highly recommend him. I had used gyms before but only self taught, I did what I thought was correct, which turned out to be all wrong! Neil taught and gave me the confidence to use the gym correctly. Using the equipment at the correct weight and using the right body posture has increased my muscle mass, and lost fat and inches. He knows my limits but pushes me to the max, something I wouldn't do training alone. He has a great work ethic, and makes it fun to work out so it doesn't become a chore to train. Every session has something new to keep it interesting. A great PT, worth investing in.


Great guy, very knowledgeable and friendly. Goes above and beyond for his clients and understands everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. Would highly recommend Neil to anyone. Will be sorely missed but I wish him nothing but the best for the future.


Top quality. Learned a lot from Neil when I first started personal training. It's one thing to have a lot of knowledge, but it's another to be able to apply it to the wide variety of clients you deal with each day and motivate them to get results. Couldn't recommend him highly enough.


Top notch pt . Knows his stuff and very professional

Would highly recommend


Started training with Neil 4 years ago. In that time I have watched him develop into an excellent trainer, adapting his methods to suit each & every client. I throughly enjoyed my time training with Neil & learnt so much, losing body weight & inches too! I found a love for weights that I never knew I had. Thanks Neil!


Neil makes every training session one to be enjoyed and makes every session so focused of each individual client. His knowledge of training goes above and beyond. Even if your already working out yourself I bet Neil could improve your results from training. Top man οΏ½


Neil Rennie is an excellent PT. He was the trainer who kick started everything for me. As his former business title suggested, he was my 'Foundation' in my fitness journey. Neil helped me to work towards my goal of losing fat, building muscle and entering a fitness modelling competition - which I won! I gained more than muscle, I gained confidence and education about how the body works in line with a fitness programme. The results speak for themselves.


If you are looking a PT to help you discover a new you, then neil rennie is the guy for the job. I started to PT with neil over a year ago, and he helped me discover a passion for something i never dreamt would have existed. POWERLIFTING. With neils support, knowledge and faith in me, i have discovered a new love that is tranforming my life and giving me a focus. I entered my first competition with big lifts and loved every moment of it. He has never doubted me, but has always given me the drive and encouragement that ive needed. I give 110% and in return i get beasted, acheive results and more importantly i have gained a friend. Ive had many PT's in the past. But NONE that have come close to helping me achieve what neil has... happiness within myself and happiness in doing what i love...powerlifting. #no1PT #teamNEILrennie


I've been with Neil Rennie PT for just over 3 months.

I had never stepped inside a gym or squatted correctly in my life before meeting Neil.

Neil has taught me to be more knowledgeable about the food I eat and physically pushed me beyond what I never knew I was capable of.

He's an excellent PT and will be missed.


Having trained with Neil for the past two years I would highly recommend him. I had used gyms before but only self taught, I did what I thought was correct, which turned out to be all wrong! Neil taught and gave me the confidence to use the gym correctly. Using the equipment at the correct weight and using the right body posture has increased my muscle mass, and lost fat and inches. He knows my limits but pushes me to the max, something I wouldn't do training alone. He has a great work ethic, and makes it fun to work out so it doesn't become a chore to train. Every session has something new to keep it interesting. A great PT, worth investing in.


Great guy, very knowledgeable and friendly. Goes above and beyond for his clients and understands everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. Would highly recommend Neil to anyone. Will be sorely missed but I wish him nothing but the best for the future.

More about Neil Rennie Personal Training

Neil Rennie Personal Training is located at Pioneer Performance, Unit 5 Hawick Crescent,, NE6 1AS Newcastle upon Tyne