Netsda Martial Arts And Fitness

About Netsda Martial Arts And Fitness

Our Martial Art places emphasis on the person within, rather than their ability.

Netsda Martial Arts And Fitness Description

North East Tang So Doo Academy runs classes 5 days a week, so if you are interested in our Little Tigers, Family Martial Arts, or Fitness classes, get in touch its as simple as that. If you would like more information on our classes, or are interested in a free taster class, leave a message or get in touch!

Want to drop a dress size or get into those new jeans?

Now is the time to make a difference. No weights or gimmicks, just join in and enjoy! !

Family Class
Our family classes are for anyone aged 8 years and above

Little Tigers

Come along and enjoy the fun from the age of 4 to 7 years old. The classes are 30 minutes of fun filled action with core skill games & an introduction to our fabulous Martial Art of Tang Soo Do.



Come join the fun, meet like minded people and get fit too! Classes for you and your children, or even just for you!! classes to suit all.


More pictures from yesterday's excellent grading.


Students showing total respect when receiving the grading certificates, discipline honour and respect and the fundermental principles of our martial art. Tang Soo.


Some action shots from yesterday's grading.


Seniors showing us how it's done .... good job everyone


Bit of self defence techniques


Seniors from today's gradings, everyone did an amazing job, so proud of them all


Another amazing Grading at the Academy today. From our Little Tigers to our Family Class, great performances all round with a brilliant 100% pass rate. Be proud guys...a huge thank you to everyone involved with our Brilliant Academy you are all amazing.


Top table already for today's grading... good luck everyone


Good luck to everyone participating in tomorrow's Grading. Go shine and enjoy the experience.


Remember guys, all classes as normal during the holidays and private tuition available through the day. Thank you.

User are never too old to start Martial Arts! 😀😀




Another brilliant evening at the Centre. Two Tang Soo Do groups training together and having fun!! A welcome to Master Fisher and her students attending Master Featherstone's Black Belt class.


New week ahead....go achieve!!!!


What a brilliant afternoon! All smiles and the wind and rain didn't stop us. A huge thank you to all our Academy Family for your support today.


Just a quick update for the dont need a number!! You are all registered!!!! You will see people with numbers but you dont need one to participate.


A little rain wont stop us!! Its fun time with everyone from the m4m w4w team. We have 54 from our Academy participating today, good luck everyone, enjoy the day! 😁😁😁


But cardio first!!!...😂😂😂👍👍👍


What a fantastic school, my 6 year old has been coming almost 2 years now and since joining it's the best decision we ever made. What great staff and pupils we are part of. Big thanks to Sir who all the kids love ❤️


To say something is life changing is normally an exaggeration, but since discovering Tang Soo Do under Master Featherstone I can honestly say that my family has changed. My kids both joined at 4yo, and loved every minute of the Tiger Tots class. After moving into the family class, my daughter has developed so well, and both my wife and i joined after seeing the positive impact it had. My wife and i have now been training for over 3 years, and we're both hooked. The academy is the most challenging yet supportive environment I know - we have made some lifelong friends through the academy, but most of all we have learned what we are capable of.

We're all fitter, healthier and stronger than ever. We still enjoy every class, and the more we learn the more we realise we have to learn. If you're even partially interested in a martial art, give it a go. It really is the best thing we've ever committed to.


The best thing i ever did for my autistic son was enrol him here, Sir is amazing with him, he takes his time to really get to know and understand each individual child, my son is so much more confident and he deals with things in such a different way now it’s amazing we will never leave always be there �


My son started 4 years ago as a little tiger, and has loved it from day 1. He has just gained his red belt now and his enthusiasm is growing with each session. He has gained so much confidence and concentration through learning a discipline with martial arts, and this is evident with school too. It is an ideal, safe, family orientated academy that brings out the best in its students. Master Featherstone and Dans provide an excellent learning environment, where you can learn and progress at your own pace. Very highly recommended


My son joined little tigers in 2014, a little 5 year old who wanted to go and learn some skills but have fun at the same time.

He is now a 9 year old 4th gup with amazing drive and determination to do well in everything he does!

Such positive values from the academy! Strongly recommended by a very proud parent!


My son jack started in little

Tiggers when he was 5 and over the last five years, is not only learning a traditional Korean martial arts but invaluable life skills which have give him more confindence and more focus.


My son has been a member of NETSDA for nearly 6 years having joined first the Tigers and then moving onto the senior class. He's loved every minute of it and has never looked back. Master Featherstone has been a huge part of his life. He is dedicated beyond belief to his students. He teaches hard work, discipline and self confidence and I have seen fist hand the effect that this has had on not just my boy but the other students too.

If your undecided about trying Tang Doo Do out, then please just go for it. You won't be disappointed and it won't take long before your part of the family.

All you need to do to succeed is to commit to hard work and trust in Master Featherstone and the other Dan instructors and you will get it back 10 Fold.

They must be doing something right as my lads only 10 and enjoys it more now than evey.


My son first joined NETSDA as a little tiger at the age of 5. Here Master Featherstone taught him how to concentrate, listen and respect others, as well as get him very fit through playing games. These sessions also helped prepare him for when he may want to take up Tang Soo Do. My son was very keen because you could graduate to a higher belt and also earn badges on a regular basis. Master Featherstone awards badges to children once he has taught them about subjects like Respect, Courage etc. As a little tiger, my son became much more confident. He wanted to start proper Tang Soo Do as soon as possible. When Master Featherstone felt he was ready, he did join. Thanks to his little tigers experience my son fit right in. My son describes everyone who trains with him as his Tang Soo Do family and it is a privilege to be part of it. He trains hard along with his "family", and he receives expert tuition from Master Featherstone and the Dans. My son is now a 2 tag green belt. At the age of 8 he is classed as a senior. He is looking forward to becoming a red belt if his next grading is successful. He knows that Master Featherstone will only put him in for it if he thinks that he is ready for it. So my son continues to train because one of the things he has learned is patience. The good habits that Master Featherstone has taught my son, are also a big help with his school work as well! You should come and join the family. Trust me, you won't regret it and you will be made very welcome.


My son Jay joined the academy 2 years ago. It's one of the best things he has done. He loves going to class and has learned so much. All of the instructors have helped him with discipline, confidence, fitness and listening skills. I would recommend NETSDA to anyone.


My daughter started about 18 month ago and that's how I started and I am so glad I did. We both love it and I couldn't imagine not going again. The instructors are an asset to TSD and everyone is helpful, positive and supportive of each other. This is excellent and I would encourage you to give it a go.


My boys both joined NETSDA little tigers at 3 years old & all I can say is WOW!!! Master Featherstone & his team do an amazing job with there pupils. My eldest who is now 6 has hypomobility in his hands & feet but this isn't seen as a problem him and his brother have both learnt more respect, discipline & much more as well as martial arts.

The fun eliment is always there as well as the boys love coming home telling us all who won the colour game or who knocked over the dummy today.

They can't wait to continue this journey & look forward to there session each week.


Lucy started NETSDA in 2013 as a Little Tiger, she is now a red belt hoping to achieve Cho Dan Bo. NETSDA not only provides discipline and guidance but teaches traditional martial arts. No matter whether you are a student or a parent watching, everyone is made to feel part of this family.

Classes are always varied and Lucy is learning new skills all the time. Master Featherstone has an excellent teaching ethos which is why Lucy loves attending class 🙂


I take my son here. He loves it and it's really helped with his listening and he is so proud of himself when he gets a new belt. I really recommend this class.


I joined the academy approaching 4 years ago, and it is one of the best decisions

I have ever made and I have never looked back. There is a really good atmosphere within the academy. Really good and friendly tuition from Master Featherstone and the Dan Grades.


Fantastic for all the family. My son has attended for 7 years and continues to enjoy every minute of being part of this fabulous group.


Ebony has been going to TSD for about 2 years and in that time she has grown phenomenally.

Ebony was painfully shy, fragile and lacked confidence. She has mild dyslexia and this used to hold her back. Her visual memory and auditory memory wasn't good and so couldn't retain much information.

The discipline, routine, learning of forms, development of motor skills has allowed Ebony to grow beyond anything I could have hoped for. She has massively improved her memory skills by continuously practising the forms. Her ability to retain the forms is amazing. Even the change to her physically is amazing, her balance, core strength, motor skills all incredibly transformed.

More important than any of this is Ebony's attitude. She completely believes in herself. She knows that with lots of hard work and effort, she can do anything she puts her mind to. That is an incredible turn around from the weepy girl she was.

I have to mention the amazing instructors who are always willing to support and guide with the patience of saints!

Master Charlie Featherstone and his great team are an absolute credit to the Tang Soo Do martial art. Thank you for the constant support and belief in my little girl. �


Cody has been coming here for almost 5 years now, and today his little sister got her uniform so we’re gonna be here for a good while longer. Can’t recommend it highly enough, a genuinely brilliant place for kids to learn something new!!


Both my kids started as little tigers and have progressed through beginners class and now into senior class . Can't really add anything that hasn't been said already but I agree with all of it , great atmosphere , everybody always willing to help especially the dans and chief instructor who have endless patience , as they say martial arts are good for the body and mind and builds the confidence of the kids no end , can't recommend enough 👍🏻


What a fantastic school, my 6 year old has been coming almost 2 years now and since joining it's the best decision we ever made. What great staff and pupils we are part of. Big thanks to Sir who all the kids love ❤️


To say something is life changing is normally an exaggeration, but since discovering Tang Soo Do under Master Featherstone I can honestly say that my family has changed. My kids both joined at 4yo, and loved every minute of the Tiger Tots class. After moving into the family class, my daughter has developed so well, and both my wife and i joined after seeing the positive impact it had. My wife and i have now been training for over 3 years, and we're both hooked. The academy is the most challenging yet supportive environment I know - we have made some lifelong friends through the academy, but most of all we have learned what we are capable of.

We're all fitter, healthier and stronger than ever. We still enjoy every class, and the more we learn the more we realise we have to learn. If you're even partially interested in a martial art, give it a go. It really is the best thing we've ever committed to.


The best thing i ever did for my autistic son was enrol him here, Sir is amazing with him, he takes his time to really get to know and understand each individual child, my son is so much more confident and he deals with things in such a different way now it’s amazing we will never leave always be there �


My son started 4 years ago as a little tiger, and has loved it from day 1. He has just gained his red belt now and his enthusiasm is growing with each session. He has gained so much confidence and concentration through learning a discipline with martial arts, and this is evident with school too. It is an ideal, safe, family orientated academy that brings out the best in its students. Master Featherstone and Dans provide an excellent learning environment, where you can learn and progress at your own pace. Very highly recommended


My son joined little tigers in 2014, a little 5 year old who wanted to go and learn some skills but have fun at the same time.

He is now a 9 year old 4th gup with amazing drive and determination to do well in everything he does!

Such positive values from the academy! Strongly recommended by a very proud parent!


My son jack started in little

Tiggers when he was 5 and over the last five years, is not only learning a traditional Korean martial arts but invaluable life skills which have give him more confindence and more focus.


My son has been a member of NETSDA for nearly 6 years having joined first the Tigers and then moving onto the senior class. He's loved every minute of it and has never looked back. Master Featherstone has been a huge part of his life. He is dedicated beyond belief to his students. He teaches hard work, discipline and self confidence and I have seen fist hand the effect that this has had on not just my boy but the other students too.

If your undecided about trying Tang Doo Do out, then please just go for it. You won't be disappointed and it won't take long before your part of the family.

All you need to do to succeed is to commit to hard work and trust in Master Featherstone and the other Dan instructors and you will get it back 10 Fold.

They must be doing something right as my lads only 10 and enjoys it more now than evey.


My son first joined NETSDA as a little tiger at the age of 5. Here Master Featherstone taught him how to concentrate, listen and respect others, as well as get him very fit through playing games. These sessions also helped prepare him for when he may want to take up Tang Soo Do. My son was very keen because you could graduate to a higher belt and also earn badges on a regular basis. Master Featherstone awards badges to children once he has taught them about subjects like Respect, Courage etc. As a little tiger, my son became much more confident. He wanted to start proper Tang Soo Do as soon as possible. When Master Featherstone felt he was ready, he did join. Thanks to his little tigers experience my son fit right in. My son describes everyone who trains with him as his Tang Soo Do family and it is a privilege to be part of it. He trains hard along with his "family", and he receives expert tuition from Master Featherstone and the Dans. My son is now a 2 tag green belt. At the age of 8 he is classed as a senior. He is looking forward to becoming a red belt if his next grading is successful. He knows that Master Featherstone will only put him in for it if he thinks that he is ready for it. So my son continues to train because one of the things he has learned is patience. The good habits that Master Featherstone has taught my son, are also a big help with his school work as well! You should come and join the family. Trust me, you won't regret it and you will be made very welcome.


My son Jay joined the academy 2 years ago. It's one of the best things he has done. He loves going to class and has learned so much. All of the instructors have helped him with discipline, confidence, fitness and listening skills. I would recommend NETSDA to anyone.


My daughter started about 18 month ago and that's how I started and I am so glad I did. We both love it and I couldn't imagine not going again. The instructors are an asset to TSD and everyone is helpful, positive and supportive of each other. This is excellent and I would encourage you to give it a go.


My boys both joined NETSDA little tigers at 3 years old & all I can say is WOW!!! Master Featherstone & his team do an amazing job with there pupils. My eldest who is now 6 has hypomobility in his hands & feet but this isn't seen as a problem him and his brother have both learnt more respect, discipline & much more as well as martial arts.

The fun eliment is always there as well as the boys love coming home telling us all who won the colour game or who knocked over the dummy today.

They can't wait to continue this journey & look forward to there session each week.


Lucy started NETSDA in 2013 as a Little Tiger, she is now a red belt hoping to achieve Cho Dan Bo. NETSDA not only provides discipline and guidance but teaches traditional martial arts. No matter whether you are a student or a parent watching, everyone is made to feel part of this family.

Classes are always varied and Lucy is learning new skills all the time. Master Featherstone has an excellent teaching ethos which is why Lucy loves attending class 🙂


I take my son here. He loves it and it's really helped with his listening and he is so proud of himself when he gets a new belt. I really recommend this class.


I joined the academy approaching 4 years ago, and it is one of the best decisions

I have ever made and I have never looked back. There is a really good atmosphere within the academy. Really good and friendly tuition from Master Featherstone and the Dan Grades.


Fantastic for all the family. My son has attended for 7 years and continues to enjoy every minute of being part of this fabulous group.


Ebony has been going to TSD for about 2 years and in that time she has grown phenomenally.

Ebony was painfully shy, fragile and lacked confidence. She has mild dyslexia and this used to hold her back. Her visual memory and auditory memory wasn't good and so couldn't retain much information.

The discipline, routine, learning of forms, development of motor skills has allowed Ebony to grow beyond anything I could have hoped for. She has massively improved her memory skills by continuously practising the forms. Her ability to retain the forms is amazing. Even the change to her physically is amazing, her balance, core strength, motor skills all incredibly transformed.

More important than any of this is Ebony's attitude. She completely believes in herself. She knows that with lots of hard work and effort, she can do anything she puts her mind to. That is an incredible turn around from the weepy girl she was.

I have to mention the amazing instructors who are always willing to support and guide with the patience of saints!

Master Charlie Featherstone and his great team are an absolute credit to the Tang Soo Do martial art. Thank you for the constant support and belief in my little girl. �


Cody has been coming here for almost 5 years now, and today his little sister got her uniform so we’re gonna be here for a good while longer. Can’t recommend it highly enough, a genuinely brilliant place for kids to learn something new!!


Both my kids started as little tigers and have progressed through beginners class and now into senior class . Can't really add anything that hasn't been said already but I agree with all of it , great atmosphere , everybody always willing to help especially the dans and chief instructor who have endless patience , as they say martial arts are good for the body and mind and builds the confidence of the kids no end , can't recommend enough 👍🏻


What a fantastic school, my 6 year old has been coming almost 2 years now and since joining it's the best decision we ever made. What great staff and pupils we are part of. Big thanks to Sir who all the kids love ❤️


To say something is life changing is normally an exaggeration, but since discovering Tang Soo Do under Master Featherstone I can honestly say that my family has changed. My kids both joined at 4yo, and loved every minute of the Tiger Tots class. After moving into the family class, my daughter has developed so well, and both my wife and i joined after seeing the positive impact it had. My wife and i have now been training for over 3 years, and we're both hooked. The academy is the most challenging yet supportive environment I know - we have made some lifelong friends through the academy, but most of all we have learned what we are capable of.

We're all fitter, healthier and stronger than ever. We still enjoy every class, and the more we learn the more we realise we have to learn. If you're even partially interested in a martial art, give it a go. It really is the best thing we've ever committed to.


The best thing i ever did for my autistic son was enrol him here, Sir is amazing with him, he takes his time to really get to know and understand each individual child, my son is so much more confident and he deals with things in such a different way now it’s amazing we will never leave always be there �


My son started 4 years ago as a little tiger, and has loved it from day 1. He has just gained his red belt now and his enthusiasm is growing with each session. He has gained so much confidence and concentration through learning a discipline with martial arts, and this is evident with school too. It is an ideal, safe, family orientated academy that brings out the best in its students. Master Featherstone and Dans provide an excellent learning environment, where you can learn and progress at your own pace. Very highly recommended


My son joined little tigers in 2014, a little 5 year old who wanted to go and learn some skills but have fun at the same time.

He is now a 9 year old 4th gup with amazing drive and determination to do well in everything he does!

Such positive values from the academy! Strongly recommended by a very proud parent!


My son jack started in little

Tiggers when he was 5 and over the last five years, is not only learning a traditional Korean martial arts but invaluable life skills which have give him more confindence and more focus.


My son has been a member of NETSDA for nearly 6 years having joined first the Tigers and then moving onto the senior class. He's loved every minute of it and has never looked back. Master Featherstone has been a huge part of his life. He is dedicated beyond belief to his students. He teaches hard work, discipline and self confidence and I have seen fist hand the effect that this has had on not just my boy but the other students too.

If your undecided about trying Tang Doo Do out, then please just go for it. You won't be disappointed and it won't take long before your part of the family.

All you need to do to succeed is to commit to hard work and trust in Master Featherstone and the other Dan instructors and you will get it back 10 Fold.

They must be doing something right as my lads only 10 and enjoys it more now than evey.


My son first joined NETSDA as a little tiger at the age of 5. Here Master Featherstone taught him how to concentrate, listen and respect others, as well as get him very fit through playing games. These sessions also helped prepare him for when he may want to take up Tang Soo Do. My son was very keen because you could graduate to a higher belt and also earn badges on a regular basis. Master Featherstone awards badges to children once he has taught them about subjects like Respect, Courage etc. As a little tiger, my son became much more confident. He wanted to start proper Tang Soo Do as soon as possible. When Master Featherstone felt he was ready, he did join. Thanks to his little tigers experience my son fit right in. My son describes everyone who trains with him as his Tang Soo Do family and it is a privilege to be part of it. He trains hard along with his "family", and he receives expert tuition from Master Featherstone and the Dans. My son is now a 2 tag green belt. At the age of 8 he is classed as a senior. He is looking forward to becoming a red belt if his next grading is successful. He knows that Master Featherstone will only put him in for it if he thinks that he is ready for it. So my son continues to train because one of the things he has learned is patience. The good habits that Master Featherstone has taught my son, are also a big help with his school work as well! You should come and join the family. Trust me, you won't regret it and you will be made very welcome.


My son Jay joined the academy 2 years ago. It's one of the best things he has done. He loves going to class and has learned so much. All of the instructors have helped him with discipline, confidence, fitness and listening skills. I would recommend NETSDA to anyone.


My daughter started about 18 month ago and that's how I started and I am so glad I did. We both love it and I couldn't imagine not going again. The instructors are an asset to TSD and everyone is helpful, positive and supportive of each other. This is excellent and I would encourage you to give it a go.


My boys both joined NETSDA little tigers at 3 years old & all I can say is WOW!!! Master Featherstone & his team do an amazing job with there pupils. My eldest who is now 6 has hypomobility in his hands & feet but this isn't seen as a problem him and his brother have both learnt more respect, discipline & much more as well as martial arts.

The fun eliment is always there as well as the boys love coming home telling us all who won the colour game or who knocked over the dummy today.

They can't wait to continue this journey & look forward to there session each week.


Lucy started NETSDA in 2013 as a Little Tiger, she is now a red belt hoping to achieve Cho Dan Bo. NETSDA not only provides discipline and guidance but teaches traditional martial arts. No matter whether you are a student or a parent watching, everyone is made to feel part of this family.

Classes are always varied and Lucy is learning new skills all the time. Master Featherstone has an excellent teaching ethos which is why Lucy loves attending class 🙂


I take my son here. He loves it and it's really helped with his listening and he is so proud of himself when he gets a new belt. I really recommend this class.


I joined the academy approaching 4 years ago, and it is one of the best decisions

I have ever made and I have never looked back. There is a really good atmosphere within the academy. Really good and friendly tuition from Master Featherstone and the Dan Grades.


Fantastic for all the family. My son has attended for 7 years and continues to enjoy every minute of being part of this fabulous group.


Ebony has been going to TSD for about 2 years and in that time she has grown phenomenally.

Ebony was painfully shy, fragile and lacked confidence. She has mild dyslexia and this used to hold her back. Her visual memory and auditory memory wasn't good and so couldn't retain much information.

The discipline, routine, learning of forms, development of motor skills has allowed Ebony to grow beyond anything I could have hoped for. She has massively improved her memory skills by continuously practising the forms. Her ability to retain the forms is amazing. Even the change to her physically is amazing, her balance, core strength, motor skills all incredibly transformed.

More important than any of this is Ebony's attitude. She completely believes in herself. She knows that with lots of hard work and effort, she can do anything she puts her mind to. That is an incredible turn around from the weepy girl she was.

I have to mention the amazing instructors who are always willing to support and guide with the patience of saints!

Master Charlie Featherstone and his great team are an absolute credit to the Tang Soo Do martial art. Thank you for the constant support and belief in my little girl. �


Cody has been coming here for almost 5 years now, and today his little sister got her uniform so we’re gonna be here for a good while longer. Can’t recommend it highly enough, a genuinely brilliant place for kids to learn something new!!


Both my kids started as little tigers and have progressed through beginners class and now into senior class . Can't really add anything that hasn't been said already but I agree with all of it , great atmosphere , everybody always willing to help especially the dans and chief instructor who have endless patience , as they say martial arts are good for the body and mind and builds the confidence of the kids no end , can't recommend enough 👍🏻


What a fantastic school, my 6 year old has been coming almost 2 years now and since joining it's the best decision we ever made. What great staff and pupils we are part of. Big thanks to Sir who all the kids love ❤️


To say something is life changing is normally an exaggeration, but since discovering Tang Soo Do under Master Featherstone I can honestly say that my family has changed. My kids both joined at 4yo, and loved every minute of the Tiger Tots class. After moving into the family class, my daughter has developed so well, and both my wife and i joined after seeing the positive impact it had. My wife and i have now been training for over 3 years, and we're both hooked. The academy is the most challenging yet supportive environment I know - we have made some lifelong friends through the academy, but most of all we have learned what we are capable of.

We're all fitter, healthier and stronger than ever. We still enjoy every class, and the more we learn the more we realise we have to learn. If you're even partially interested in a martial art, give it a go. It really is the best thing we've ever committed to.


The best thing i ever did for my autistic son was enrol him here, Sir is amazing with him, he takes his time to really get to know and understand each individual child, my son is so much more confident and he deals with things in such a different way now it’s amazing we will never leave always be there �


My son started 4 years ago as a little tiger, and has loved it from day 1. He has just gained his red belt now and his enthusiasm is growing with each session. He has gained so much confidence and concentration through learning a discipline with martial arts, and this is evident with school too. It is an ideal, safe, family orientated academy that brings out the best in its students. Master Featherstone and Dans provide an excellent learning environment, where you can learn and progress at your own pace. Very highly recommended


My son joined little tigers in 2014, a little 5 year old who wanted to go and learn some skills but have fun at the same time.

He is now a 9 year old 4th gup with amazing drive and determination to do well in everything he does!

Such positive values from the academy! Strongly recommended by a very proud parent!


My son jack started in little

Tiggers when he was 5 and over the last five years, is not only learning a traditional Korean martial arts but invaluable life skills which have give him more confindence and more focus.


My son has been a member of NETSDA for nearly 6 years having joined first the Tigers and then moving onto the senior class. He's loved every minute of it and has never looked back. Master Featherstone has been a huge part of his life. He is dedicated beyond belief to his students. He teaches hard work, discipline and self confidence and I have seen fist hand the effect that this has had on not just my boy but the other students too.

If your undecided about trying Tang Doo Do out, then please just go for it. You won't be disappointed and it won't take long before your part of the family.

All you need to do to succeed is to commit to hard work and trust in Master Featherstone and the other Dan instructors and you will get it back 10 Fold.

They must be doing something right as my lads only 10 and enjoys it more now than evey.


My son first joined NETSDA as a little tiger at the age of 5. Here Master Featherstone taught him how to concentrate, listen and respect others, as well as get him very fit through playing games. These sessions also helped prepare him for when he may want to take up Tang Soo Do. My son was very keen because you could graduate to a higher belt and also earn badges on a regular basis. Master Featherstone awards badges to children once he has taught them about subjects like Respect, Courage etc. As a little tiger, my son became much more confident. He wanted to start proper Tang Soo Do as soon as possible. When Master Featherstone felt he was ready, he did join. Thanks to his little tigers experience my son fit right in. My son describes everyone who trains with him as his Tang Soo Do family and it is a privilege to be part of it. He trains hard along with his "family", and he receives expert tuition from Master Featherstone and the Dans. My son is now a 2 tag green belt. At the age of 8 he is classed as a senior. He is looking forward to becoming a red belt if his next grading is successful. He knows that Master Featherstone will only put him in for it if he thinks that he is ready for it. So my son continues to train because one of the things he has learned is patience. The good habits that Master Featherstone has taught my son, are also a big help with his school work as well! You should come and join the family. Trust me, you won't regret it and you will be made very welcome.


My son Jay joined the academy 2 years ago. It's one of the best things he has done. He loves going to class and has learned so much. All of the instructors have helped him with discipline, confidence, fitness and listening skills. I would recommend NETSDA to anyone.


My daughter started about 18 month ago and that's how I started and I am so glad I did. We both love it and I couldn't imagine not going again. The instructors are an asset to TSD and everyone is helpful, positive and supportive of each other. This is excellent and I would encourage you to give it a go.


My boys both joined NETSDA little tigers at 3 years old & all I can say is WOW!!! Master Featherstone & his team do an amazing job with there pupils. My eldest who is now 6 has hypomobility in his hands & feet but this isn't seen as a problem him and his brother have both learnt more respect, discipline & much more as well as martial arts.

The fun eliment is always there as well as the boys love coming home telling us all who won the colour game or who knocked over the dummy today.

They can't wait to continue this journey & look forward to there session each week.


Lucy started NETSDA in 2013 as a Little Tiger, she is now a red belt hoping to achieve Cho Dan Bo. NETSDA not only provides discipline and guidance but teaches traditional martial arts. No matter whether you are a student or a parent watching, everyone is made to feel part of this family.

Classes are always varied and Lucy is learning new skills all the time. Master Featherstone has an excellent teaching ethos which is why Lucy loves attending class 🙂


I take my son here. He loves it and it's really helped with his listening and he is so proud of himself when he gets a new belt. I really recommend this class.


I joined the academy approaching 4 years ago, and it is one of the best decisions

I have ever made and I have never looked back. There is a really good atmosphere within the academy. Really good and friendly tuition from Master Featherstone and the Dan Grades.


Fantastic for all the family. My son has attended for 7 years and continues to enjoy every minute of being part of this fabulous group.


Ebony has been going to TSD for about 2 years and in that time she has grown phenomenally.

Ebony was painfully shy, fragile and lacked confidence. She has mild dyslexia and this used to hold her back. Her visual memory and auditory memory wasn't good and so couldn't retain much information.

The discipline, routine, learning of forms, development of motor skills has allowed Ebony to grow beyond anything I could have hoped for. She has massively improved her memory skills by continuously practising the forms. Her ability to retain the forms is amazing. Even the change to her physically is amazing, her balance, core strength, motor skills all incredibly transformed.

More important than any of this is Ebony's attitude. She completely believes in herself. She knows that with lots of hard work and effort, she can do anything she puts her mind to. That is an incredible turn around from the weepy girl she was.

I have to mention the amazing instructors who are always willing to support and guide with the patience of saints!

Master Charlie Featherstone and his great team are an absolute credit to the Tang Soo Do martial art. Thank you for the constant support and belief in my little girl. �


Cody has been coming here for almost 5 years now, and today his little sister got her uniform so we’re gonna be here for a good while longer. Can’t recommend it highly enough, a genuinely brilliant place for kids to learn something new!!


Both my kids started as little tigers and have progressed through beginners class and now into senior class . Can't really add anything that hasn't been said already but I agree with all of it , great atmosphere , everybody always willing to help especially the dans and chief instructor who have endless patience , as they say martial arts are good for the body and mind and builds the confidence of the kids no end , can't recommend enough 👍🏻


What a fantastic school, my 6 year old has been coming almost 2 years now and since joining it's the best decision we ever made. What great staff and pupils we are part of. Big thanks to Sir who all the kids love ❤️


To say something is life changing is normally an exaggeration, but since discovering Tang Soo Do under Master Featherstone I can honestly say that my family has changed. My kids both joined at 4yo, and loved every minute of the Tiger Tots class. After moving into the family class, my daughter has developed so well, and both my wife and i joined after seeing the positive impact it had. My wife and i have now been training for over 3 years, and we're both hooked. The academy is the most challenging yet supportive environment I know - we have made some lifelong friends through the academy, but most of all we have learned what we are capable of.

We're all fitter, healthier and stronger than ever. We still enjoy every class, and the more we learn the more we realise we have to learn. If you're even partially interested in a martial art, give it a go. It really is the best thing we've ever committed to.


The best thing i ever did for my autistic son was enrol him here, Sir is amazing with him, he takes his time to really get to know and understand each individual child, my son is so much more confident and he deals with things in such a different way now it’s amazing we will never leave always be there �


My son started 4 years ago as a little tiger, and has loved it from day 1. He has just gained his red belt now and his enthusiasm is growing with each session. He has gained so much confidence and concentration through learning a discipline with martial arts, and this is evident with school too. It is an ideal, safe, family orientated academy that brings out the best in its students. Master Featherstone and Dans provide an excellent learning environment, where you can learn and progress at your own pace. Very highly recommended


My son joined little tigers in 2014, a little 5 year old who wanted to go and learn some skills but have fun at the same time.

He is now a 9 year old 4th gup with amazing drive and determination to do well in everything he does!

Such positive values from the academy! Strongly recommended by a very proud parent!


My son jack started in little

Tiggers when he was 5 and over the last five years, is not only learning a traditional Korean martial arts but invaluable life skills which have give him more confindence and more focus.


My son has been a member of NETSDA for nearly 6 years having joined first the Tigers and then moving onto the senior class. He's loved every minute of it and has never looked back. Master Featherstone has been a huge part of his life. He is dedicated beyond belief to his students. He teaches hard work, discipline and self confidence and I have seen fist hand the effect that this has had on not just my boy but the other students too.

If your undecided about trying Tang Doo Do out, then please just go for it. You won't be disappointed and it won't take long before your part of the family.

All you need to do to succeed is to commit to hard work and trust in Master Featherstone and the other Dan instructors and you will get it back 10 Fold.

They must be doing something right as my lads only 10 and enjoys it more now than evey.


My son first joined NETSDA as a little tiger at the age of 5. Here Master Featherstone taught him how to concentrate, listen and respect others, as well as get him very fit through playing games. These sessions also helped prepare him for when he may want to take up Tang Soo Do. My son was very keen because you could graduate to a higher belt and also earn badges on a regular basis. Master Featherstone awards badges to children once he has taught them about subjects like Respect, Courage etc. As a little tiger, my son became much more confident. He wanted to start proper Tang Soo Do as soon as possible. When Master Featherstone felt he was ready, he did join. Thanks to his little tigers experience my son fit right in. My son describes everyone who trains with him as his Tang Soo Do family and it is a privilege to be part of it. He trains hard along with his "family", and he receives expert tuition from Master Featherstone and the Dans. My son is now a 2 tag green belt. At the age of 8 he is classed as a senior. He is looking forward to becoming a red belt if his next grading is successful. He knows that Master Featherstone will only put him in for it if he thinks that he is ready for it. So my son continues to train because one of the things he has learned is patience. The good habits that Master Featherstone has taught my son, are also a big help with his school work as well! You should come and join the family. Trust me, you won't regret it and you will be made very welcome.


My son Jay joined the academy 2 years ago. It's one of the best things he has done. He loves going to class and has learned so much. All of the instructors have helped him with discipline, confidence, fitness and listening skills. I would recommend NETSDA to anyone.


My daughter started about 18 month ago and that's how I started and I am so glad I did. We both love it and I couldn't imagine not going again. The instructors are an asset to TSD and everyone is helpful, positive and supportive of each other. This is excellent and I would encourage you to give it a go.


My boys both joined NETSDA little tigers at 3 years old & all I can say is WOW!!! Master Featherstone & his team do an amazing job with there pupils. My eldest who is now 6 has hypomobility in his hands & feet but this isn't seen as a problem him and his brother have both learnt more respect, discipline & much more as well as martial arts.

The fun eliment is always there as well as the boys love coming home telling us all who won the colour game or who knocked over the dummy today.

They can't wait to continue this journey & look forward to there session each week.


Lucy started NETSDA in 2013 as a Little Tiger, she is now a red belt hoping to achieve Cho Dan Bo. NETSDA not only provides discipline and guidance but teaches traditional martial arts. No matter whether you are a student or a parent watching, everyone is made to feel part of this family.

Classes are always varied and Lucy is learning new skills all the time. Master Featherstone has an excellent teaching ethos which is why Lucy loves attending class 🙂


I take my son here. He loves it and it's really helped with his listening and he is so proud of himself when he gets a new belt. I really recommend this class.


I joined the academy approaching 4 years ago, and it is one of the best decisions

I have ever made and I have never looked back. There is a really good atmosphere within the academy. Really good and friendly tuition from Master Featherstone and the Dan Grades.


Fantastic for all the family. My son has attended for 7 years and continues to enjoy every minute of being part of this fabulous group.


Ebony has been going to TSD for about 2 years and in that time she has grown phenomenally.

Ebony was painfully shy, fragile and lacked confidence. She has mild dyslexia and this used to hold her back. Her visual memory and auditory memory wasn't good and so couldn't retain much information.

The discipline, routine, learning of forms, development of motor skills has allowed Ebony to grow beyond anything I could have hoped for. She has massively improved her memory skills by continuously practising the forms. Her ability to retain the forms is amazing. Even the change to her physically is amazing, her balance, core strength, motor skills all incredibly transformed.

More important than any of this is Ebony's attitude. She completely believes in herself. She knows that with lots of hard work and effort, she can do anything she puts her mind to. That is an incredible turn around from the weepy girl she was.

I have to mention the amazing instructors who are always willing to support and guide with the patience of saints!

Master Charlie Featherstone and his great team are an absolute credit to the Tang Soo Do martial art. Thank you for the constant support and belief in my little girl. �


Cody has been coming here for almost 5 years now, and today his little sister got her uniform so we’re gonna be here for a good while longer. Can’t recommend it highly enough, a genuinely brilliant place for kids to learn something new!!


Both my kids started as little tigers and have progressed through beginners class and now into senior class . Can't really add anything that hasn't been said already but I agree with all of it , great atmosphere , everybody always willing to help especially the dans and chief instructor who have endless patience , as they say martial arts are good for the body and mind and builds the confidence of the kids no end , can't recommend enough 👍🏻

More about Netsda Martial Arts And Fitness

Netsda Martial Arts And Fitness is located at Unit 1, Belle Business Park, Greatham Street Hartlepool TS25 1PU, TS25 1PU Hartlepool
07974 169 229