Nicola Burt-Skinner

About Nicola Burt-Skinner

Helping working women be well through advice, motivation and mentoring

Nicola Burt-Skinner Description

The Wellness Academy for Working Women is all about helping you to be well in all aspects of your life. From providing motivation and inspiration to more practical advice on how to run your life and business effectively.



The Business of Self Workshop: Balance & Brilliance
Have you ever attended a live event and left with “information overload” where you go home with pages of notes and a feeling of unsurmountable burden of all the stuff you now have to do?
You never get time to review your notes, let alone implement everything you’ve learned. So all in all, whilst you may have felt motivated on the day, subsequently it's all a bit lack lustre ... and a waste of money!!
... The Business of Self Workshop is VERY different. We will be doing all of the “work” at the actual event. Hopefully it won't feel like work though!
It's not about “learning”. It''s about “doing and being” the best version of yourself, whilst taking action and creating an all-inclusive plan that gives you everything you need to set yourself up for your greatest business year to date!.
You won't be going home with pages and pages of notes to sift through, you’ll go home with your already completed Balance & Brilliance Blueprint in hand, providing clarity, guidance, and accountability — all year long.
What will be covered:
SELF BELIEF If you don't believe in yourself and your business it's just not going to work - so we'll cover this first off.
SELF PROMOTION How about having 12 months of social media and blog content MAPPED out? We'll get that done too.
SELF CARE We've all heard it said that you can't serve from an empty cup so you'll be taught tools and techniques to help avoid stress and burn out.
So that's TWELVE MONTHS of life and business PLANNED - what's not to love?
Want to get on the waiting list?
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GREAT Goals are:
☑️ Focussed on an outcome ☑️ Aligned with your values ☑️ Positive: ie. "I want to be fit and healthy" NOT "I don't want to be fat"
... and goals should ALWAYS be SMART:
📑 Specific (so you know exactly WHAT you're trying to achieve) 👩‍💼 Measurable (so you know WHEN you've achieved it!) 🏃‍♀️ Actionable (so you can DO something about it!) 👍 Realistic (so you CAN achieve it) and ⏰ Time-Bound (has a DEADLINE)
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No wonder so many women are tired.


Ooh I'm loving this
Here's another of my fave tunes:
... 8g
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Today is International Country Music Day!
Here's one of my favourite country music tracks:
... ro
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Is this why you're not happy?


GROWTH: Embrace it! <3


Looking forward to creating bision* boards and talking about limiting beliefs with this lovely bunch of northern Virtual Assistants at Northern VA Collaboration Event
* not a typo. Bision = business vision


Are these shoes red or orange?
Some days I look at them and think they're orange bit today I think they're more red!?


So true.


Have a great weekend even if you're feeling "not okay"


As a working womans wellness advocate I'm all about relieving stress and one of the ways we can reduce stress is through delegating the jobs we don't like to do, such as the laundry!


Earlier today I was listening to my presentation from last year's Northern VA Collaboration Event and I mentioned how we have to stop "shoulding" on ourselves. The attendees even coined the mantra "should is shit" as a takeaway.
One of the things I said we must get rid of is negativity, including clients that cause us stress - regardless of how much they pay us! Saying NO to the difficult clients - you know, the ones that email you at 10pm or ring you when you've already tol...d them you're in hospital that day - makes way for the nice clients, the one's that appreciate us and what we do for them!
Things that cause us stress and negativity must be contained - whether that be people, family, friends, clients, systems or experiences. If it doesn't make you happy, don't do it!
What can you say NO to in your business?
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**** COMING SOON ****
** Balance & Brilliance: The Business of SELF Workshop **
Register your interest:
... THE Workshop for Self-Employed Women; where we'll be looking at:
SELF Employment SELF Belief SELF Care SELF Motivation SELF Promotion SELF Worth
Sign up for alerts today:
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Taking down your neighbor won't take you any higher I burned my own damn finger poking someone else's fire I've never gotten taller making someone else feel small If you ain't got nothing nice to say, don't say nothing at all
... Just ho​e your own row and raise your own babies Smoke your own smoke and grow your own daisies Mend your own fences and own your own crazy Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy
Nobody's perfect, we've all lost and we've all lied Most of us have cheated, the rest of us have tried The holiest of holies even slip from time to time We've all got dirty laundry hanging on the line
So ho​e your own row, yeah, and raise your own babies Smoke your own smoke and grow your own daisies
Biscuits by #kaceymusgraves
#countrygirl #countrymusic #lifelessons #mendyourownfences #nobodysperfect
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More about Nicola Burt-Skinner

+44 1325 978388