
About Nudgemd

Sticky Wellness, Health and Wellness Motivation as a Service

Nudgemd Description

nudgeMD helps health and wellness providers and their recipients better plan, communicate appointments times, confirm attendance in advance using 360 communication channel.

nudgeMD is a multifaceted marketplace serving health and wellness providers, their users and charitable causes in between using psychology, mobile technology to maximise the value of time.



Salutari, sper ca sunteti toti ok, vreau sa va anunt ca sunt disponibil pentru terpaie online dace aveti voi sau cunoasteti pe cineva care are nevoie, sanatatea mintala este parte din viata noastra si trebuie sa avem grija is de ea :) Va astept cu drag, si fiti liberi sa dati share ! Cu bine, Vlad Iorga


SHARE - WORKSHOP GRATUIT- SUICID - Sunt onorat sa prezint si demonstrez in workshop live - (evidence based practice - nu terapie cu cristale ;) - Evaluarea si Managementul Riscului de #SUICID in serviciile de sanatate mintala primara (#medicinadefamilie sau #medicinadeurgenta, #psihiatrie ambulatorie si #psihologie / #psihoterapie) - Sambata ora 3. Intrarea libera la #UVT Aula Magna ! Va astept cu drag, va rugam dati share - este un workshop indit ! /10210253137706817


http://nudge.MD - our new website, where you can learn about motivation, health and sustainable health goals ! We are a team of specialists working at developing the most innovative appointment scheduling platform designed to increase health adoption, client engagement and appointment attendance. Goodbye psychpreneur, welcome nudgeMD


We help patients better engage with health and wellness providers to maximize health utilization.


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More about Nudgemd

Nudgemd is located at 54 Rokeby Way, DL16 7FB Spennymoor