Nuggets From God'S Word

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About Nuggets From God'S Word

This page will have Christian insights and encouragements from Bible (God's Word) in brief segments of text.



The Powerful Names of God: There are powerful names of Jehovah (Yahweh) that reveal His nature. (1) JEHOVAH-JIREH (Gen 22:14) - "The Lord who provides" where He will provide all our needs; (2) JEHOVAH-RAPHA (Ex 15:26) - "The Lord who heals" where He will heal our sicknesses; (3) JEHOVAH-NISSI (Exo 17:15) - "The Lord our banner" where He will be our banner of victory; (4) JEHOVAH-ROHI (Ps 23:1) - "The Lord our shepherd" where He will guide us and protect us; (5) JEHOVAH-SHALOM... (Judges 6:24) - "The Lord our peace" where He will be our peace amidst tough situations; (6) JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH (Eze 48:35) - "The Lord is there" where He will be with us all the time; (7) JEHOVAH-M'KADDESH (Lev 20:7) - "The Lord who makes us holy" where He will make us holy by Christ living in us; (8) JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU (Jer 23:6) - "The Lord our righteousness" where He will make us righteous through Christ. Finally, He is our EL-SHADDAI (Almighty God, Gen 17:1) and there is nothing too hard for Him. Amen.
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The 'Sin Curer' Jesus: When apostle Paul preached in Ephesus, a city given over to temple prostitution and idol worship, the sale of idols dropped. John Wesley had a positive influence during his days that many alcohol-selling English pubs had to be closed. The general reaction to a news of rape is anger on the perpetrator and sympathy for the victim. But we rarely see anyone trying to address the root cause of the problem. Jesus said in Mark 7:21-22, "For from within out of ...a person’s heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, envy, slander, pride and foolishness". The problem of deep-rooted sin is in every human heart. No one is better than the other in God's sight (Rom 3:23). Our societies, our universities and schools, our towns and our nation needs Jesus, as only He can cure the sin problem, as his name suggests (Matt 1:21). May we make this "sin curer" Jesus famous and the crime rate will fall and our city will be a better place. Amen.
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Right Start to Our Christain Life: A right start in our walk with God is imperative. The Bible says, "For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly" (Rom 5:6). Christ did not die for the 'good' people, but only for the ungodly. One of the wrong ways of giving the gospel is to tell people that believing in Jesus can take them to heaven, without first telling them that they are ungodly people who need to repent. We need to call ourselves, for the grace of God to work in us. It can be due to an external life of sin or due to deep-rooted sins within like pride, jealousy, lust etc. that others can't see. Jesus said those who are forgiven much would love much. The prostitute who came to Simon the Pharisee's house was exuberant in gratitude while she washed Jesus' feet with her tears, wiped them with her hair, kissed his feet and anointed them with an expensive fragrant oil. Simon was casual but she worshipped Jesus (Luke 7:36-50). Are we forgiven much or little? Jesus came for the sick and sinful people. Amen.
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Complete in Christ: M. Scott Peck said, "Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it". There can be people battling low self-esteem due to their physical appearance or due to some negative event in their lives. But God's Word has the cure. The Bible says, "We are God’s masterpiece" (Eph 2:10) and "We are complete in Christ" (Col 2:10). In the allegoric writings in Songs 4:7 about Christ and us, it says about... us, "You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you". Let's not believe what our mind says. God does not look at us as we look at ourselves. We are the best piece of art God has ever created. We are the best poem God has ever written. The Bible also says we were chosen by God before the creation of the world (Eph 1:4). God rejoices over us with shouts of joy (Zeph 3:17). We are a royal priesthood and God's own special people (1 Pet 2:9). Don't let Satan steal our confidence. We are complete through our union with Christ. Amen.
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The Power of Prophetic Declaration: There is explosive power in proclaiming God's Word. The spoken Word of God will not come back empty (Isa 55:11). Ezekiel had a powerful vision (Eze 37:1-14). He saw a valley full of dry scattered bones and God asked him, "Can these bones live?" He was then asked to prophesy over the dry bones. Then the bones came together and were covered with flesh and skin but without life. He was again asked to prophesy for the breath of life to enter th...ese bodies and they all lived. Then God promised to bring all the scattered and hopeless Israelites back into their homeland. This prophecy was initially fulfilled when the Israelites moved from Babylon to Jerusalem after their captivity. It had a second fulfilment when Israel was formed in 1948 and when they captured further territories from Egypt, Jordan and Syria in a six-day war in 1967. When we proclaim what God says, He will make it happen. Let us speak God's word over hopeless situations and bring hope. The dry bones can live. Amen.
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Worshippers or Sunday Churchgoers? A. W. Tozer said, “If you’re not worshipping God on Monday, the way you did the day before, perhaps you’re not worshipping him at all". Father God is seeking worshippers (John 4:23), not routine Sunday churchgoers. If we think worshippers are merely mature leaders in a church, we are wrong. Many were battered and bruised ordinary people. The Samaritan woman who was immorally living with a sixth man (John 4), the woman caught in adultery ( 8), the street prostitute who washed Jesus feet with tears (Luke 7), Zacchaeus the chief tax collector (Luke 19), Mary Magdelene who had seven demons in her (Luke 8) and the thief on the cross (Luke 23), all had one thing in common as they encountered Jesus. They all became worshippers of God. They turned away from sin and believed in Jesus out of love. Unfortunately, one person walked away, the rich young ruler (Mark 10). We have a choice. May we seek a fresh encounter with Jesus and become true worshippers. Amen.
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The Way God Sees Us in Christ: Marshall Segal aptly said, “God always writes a better story for you than you would write for yourself”. To understand God's view of us is very important. If we think God is always mad at us, our life will be unproductive and sad. But on the contrary, if we believe that God is rejoicing over us with shouts of joy (Zeph 3:17), our life will be productive and happy. So how does God view us? During the water baptism of Jesus, a voice was heard from... heaven, "This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased"! (Matt 3:17). Father God spoke this over His Son. When we are in Christ, this is exactly how God would speak over us, 'beloved and well-pleased'! But Satan would also whisper something opposite, based on our sins. Let's repent quickly if we need to. We can overcome the accuser by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony (Rev 12:11). We can speak back saying, "We are God's beloved and He is well pleased with us"! We are indeed seated in a position of favour and authority in heavenly places in Christ. Amen
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Two Examples of Humility: Robert Leighton rightly said, "God's choice acquaintances are humble men". There are two great examples of humility: Daniel and John the Baptist. Before Daniel explained King Nebuchadnezzar's dream which no one could, he said, "There is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries and this has been revealed to me, not because of any wisdom that I have" (Dan 2:28,29). Years later, Ezekiel prophesied these words about Lucifer a fallen angel, "You are indeed w...iser than Daniel" (Ezek 28:3), which shows Daniel's amazing wisdom out of all the human race. When messengers were sent to find out the identity of John, he dismissed being a great person and said he was only a voice in the wilderness to prepare God's way (John 1:23). Later Jesus had to speak this about John, "Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John" (Matt 11:11). These men even though they were so great in God's sight lived in humility. Let's think less of ourselves and point people to Christ. Amen.
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Purpose of the Gospel of Christ: What is the gospel of Christ? The gospel is more than receiving secular blessings from God, when we repent of our sins and make Jesus our Lord. It is the good news that we can live a life of purpose and freedom, where sin will not be a master over us as we live under God's grace (Rom 6:14). It is a call to a heavenly life where we can be born again as the sons and daughters of God, calling Him our "Daddy" and being secure in His love (Jn 1:12;... Gal 4:6). It is a life where the love of Christ compels us to do anything for God and His people (2 Cor 5:14). It is a life where we are translated from the realm of darkness into the kingdom of light by God's mercy, and we live to proclaim the praises of God. It is a supernatural life lived with the authority of a royal priesthood, rescuing people who are lost and speaking life into dead situations (1 Pet 2:9, Ezek 37). It is a life lived with great anticipation of the return of Christ, longing to be with Christ our lover and redeemer (Phil 1:23). Amen.
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Honouring Our Parents: Billy Graham said, "A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents, will not have true respect for anyone". After the great flood, Noah drank too much wine and uncovered himself, which was a bad example (Gen 9:18-27). Noah had three sons namely, Shem, Ham and Japheth. Ham saw his father's nakedness and instead of covering him, he told it to his brothers, humiliating and dishonouring his dad. But when Shem and Japheth heard it they walked back...ward and covered their father's nakedness. Seeing what the sons did, Ham was cursed but Shem and Japheth were blessed by Noah. The actions of Noah's sons affected their generations. The generation of Ham through Canaan became idol worshippers and servants. But the generations of Shem and Japheth were blessed. We will never know the love of a parent until we ourselves become parents. May we lavish honour on our parents as in Eph 6:2, covering their nakedness (as no parent is perfect) and be blessed. Amen.
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Finding the Perfect Will of God: Corrie Ten Boom said, “There are no 'if's' in God's world. The center of God's will is our only safety. Let us pray that we may always know it". God’s will is the dream that God has for us. God’s will is very important in major decisions like marriage, job, choosing a place to live etc. There are three possible options: GOD'S WILL (which leads to a blessed life, Rom 12:2; Psalm 1:3), MAN'S WILL (which leads to despair and frustration, Prov 14:...12) and SATAN'S WILL (which leads to a life exploited and robbed by Satan, John 10:10). When we are at the center of God’s will, God will prosper us, protect us and provide for us. When we are outside God’s will, we are open to enemy’s attacks. Three questions we can ask ourselves to find God’s will are as follows. (1) Do I have peace about the decision after praying to God? (Phil 4:6-7) (2) Have I waited enough before God or am I hasty to grab the best? (Heb 6:15) (3) Do I feel free in my spirit or am I disturbed in any way as I hear from God’s Spirit? (1 John 2:27).
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Encouragement on Prayer: R. A. Torrey said, "God has not changed. His ear is just as quick to hear the voice of real prayer, and His hand is just as long and strong to save, as it ever was”. Many times when we pray there can be a delay in the answer. It is great to read what happened to Daniel when he prayed to get the Jews out of Babylon to Jerusalem as per Jeremiah's prophecy (Dan 9:2-3). For three weeks there was no response and Daniel could have given up. But he didn't. T...hen the shocking response came. An angel of God was sent in answer to Daniel's prayer on the very first day itself, but he was resisted and detained by the demonic prince over Persia. Michael the archangel fought the demon and eventually won. But it took three weeks for the rescue (Dan 10:12-13). This prayer initiated the move of God's people from Babylon to Jerusalem. There is a lot going on in the heavens when we pray in God's will. Let's not give up if we don't see an immediate response, but let's persevere. The answer is on the way. Amen.
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Shining Example of Joseph: If there is one person who could 'rightfully' complain, it was Joseph. He was sold by his jealous brothers to Egyptian traders. As a refugee in Egypt, he worked in the commander-in-chief Potiphar's house. His wife wanted to have sex with Joseph and pestered him daily (Gen 39:7). But Joseph asked her, "How can I do such great wickedness and sin against God"? (Gen 39:9). One day she held his clothes, but he ran away. With the rape allegation, he was t...hrown into prison. Joseph could have moaned, but he didn't and the Lord was with him (Gen 39:2,23). For more than ten years he was trained in the school of 'misunderstanding'. They afflicted his feet with fetters and iron entered his soul (Ps 105:18, YLT). He matured in God and God exalted him to be the prime minister. When he met his brothers during the famine, he said, "God sent me ahead of you to save your lives and though you meant evil, God meant it for good" (Gen 45:7; 50:20). There was no bitterness but only love. Amen.
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Invitation to the Discouraged and Thirsty: There are two kinds of people Jesus invites to Him, i.e. those who are discouraged and those who are thirsty. Jesus said in Matthew 11:28, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened (i.e. discouraged), and I will give you rest" and in John 7:37, "Let anyone who is thirsty (for more of God) come to me and drink". The discouraged and thirsty people are especially invited. What if we are not discouraged or needy nor are we thirsty ...for God? We will then not be desperate and hence going to Jesus doesn't make any sense. The woman with the flow of blood for twelve years was desperate and she was healed (Luke 8:43-48). Blind Bartimaeus was desperate and his blindness was cured (Mark 10:46-52). Even mature believers find it very easy to lose that 'desperation' for God. Are we desperate for God? Or is it only a routine that makes us go to church or fellowships? Let's go to Jesus expecting something big. He will give us rest and will cause the rivers of living waters to flow out of us. Amen.
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Prayer and Praise Stifle Worry: Corrie Ten Boom rightly said, "Worry is a cycle of inefficient thoughts whirling around a center of fear". What do we do when we are in a difficult situation that is beyond our power to act? The Bible has some definite answers. Phil 4:6-7 (MSG) says, "Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everythin...g coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life". It's always better to take our problems to God in prayer and He will intervene. To take it further, if we can inculcate a heart of praise (though we don't understand the whys) amidst our trials, it "makes a way" for God to step in. Psalm 50:23 (MEV) says, "Whoever sacrifices a thank offering glorifies Me and makes a way; I will show him the salvation of God". Let's make a way for God through our thank offering. Amen.
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Compassion or Legalism? Francis Schaeffer said, "Biblical orthodoxy without compassion is surely the ugliest thing in the world". All that we do for God can become a burden when there is no compassion or love for people. We can learn a lot from the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37). The priest and the Levite avoided the man who was seemingly dead, lest they defile themselves as per Numbers 19:11, "Whoever touches a human corpse will be unclean for seven days". The... priest and the Levite were supposed to serve people, not to avoid them. The Samaritan who helped the injured man had compassion (verse 33) and all the extraordinary gesture that followed was because of that. We can be too law-centric or legalistic like the priest and the Levite and can totally miss the heart of God. Only God can give us compassion. Romans 5:5 says, "... the love (or compassion) of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit". May we allow this compassion to fall on us as a waterfall continually. Amen.
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Jesus Our Great Intercessor: S. D. Gordon said, "God's greatest agency for defeating the enemy and winning men back is intercession". Simon Peter was very confident that he will follow Jesus. But Jesus told Peter, "Simon, Satan demanded to have you to sift you like wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers” (Luke 22:31-32). Peter denied Jesus later, but he repented and came back, leading 120 during Pentecost. Before Satan tests us, three things happen: (1) Satan has to ask Jesus for His permission. (2) Jesus will pray for us not to 'fail in our faith' which is more important than failing the test, where failing in our faith in God's love will be detrimental. (3) Jesus knows that we will come back to Him as His love will chase after us. If we fail to come back, we have ourselves to blame as God has done his part. Jesus is our great High Priest (Heb 4:14) and our great Intercessor (Heb 7:25). If God is for us, who can be against us? Amen.
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The Powerful Gospel of Christ: Catherine Booth aptly said, "The Gospel that represents Jesus Christ is not a system of truth to be received into the mind, as I should receive a system of philosophy or astronomy, but it represents Him as a real, living, mighty Savior, able to save me now". So what exactly is the gospel of Christ? The name Jesus means, "He will save His people from their sins" (Matt 1:21), which is more than having our sins forgiven. The gospel offers a way so ...that sin cannot master our lives, as God's grace overpowers sin (Rom 6:14). The gospel allows us to rejoice in the Lord always (Phil 4:4). The gospel enlightens us to thank God in all situations (1 Thess 5:18). The gospel emboldens us to rescue people from Satan with the authority God has given us as His sons who are a royal priesthood (2 Tim 1:7, Matt 10:8, 1 Pet 2:9). May we desperately seek the Holy Spirit to reveal such a 'powerful life'. Until we experience it, may our prayers be, "We will not let you go unless you open our eyes to this new covenant life. We need more than theory. We need a powerful experience". Amen.
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The Blessing of Abraham: A. W. Tozer said, "An infinite God can give all of Himself to each of His children. He does not distribute Himself that each may have a part, but to each one He gives all of Himself as fully as if there were no others". Sometimes we can sink into a low and struggling view of Christian life. Let's believe what God's Word says. In Genesis 12:2-3 God said to Abram, "I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, a...nd you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse, and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you". This is referred to as the 'blessing of Abraham'. Because of what Christ did on the cross in becoming a curse for us, the same 'blessing of Abraham' is given to us through the Holy Spirit (Gal 3:13,14). So if we have Christ as the center of our life, God will bless us and will make us a blessing to many. He will fight those who fight us. We can live a life of authority (Gen 1:26, Luke 10:19) as sons of the Most High God. Amen.
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