Project Snowball

Monday: 08:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 16:00
Friday: 08:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Project Snowball

We are trying to start a rolling snowball of difference towards societal attitudes to Child & Infant Sexual Abuse. We would be so grateful if feel you could support this initiative.



Educate yourself on the signs of abuse. Educate your children on appropriate & inappropriate contact & who to tell if they need to.


Please sign & share #ProjectSnowball


Live now!


It's OK to not feel ready to share your story of abuse. It's OK to never report your abuse - that is YOUR choice to make & if you are not ready, you don't have to. It's not OK to feel responsible for the abuse you suffered - the responsibility for that is entirely the perpetrator's. #projectsnowball #survivorculture #personcentredlilving #purplesummer #purplechristmas 💜... #MeToo #WeToo #KidsToo #MenToo #ChurchToo #CSAawareness #CSEawareness
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Please read our statement of Intent for #humanbeing1st Non-offending child-philia support group before you comment, as we will report hate & misrepresentation against our organisation's work. Thank you for your time in this, it is very much appreciated 😊💝🙏🏻💜💙…/1RlpBrUs9C7Tm GGe-LeDF7Lb-sQ…/edit…


If you had the choice to a) wait until a child has been abused & then punish the perpetrator, or b) to treat the person with the unwanted thoughts & feelings before a child is abused, which option would you choose?
... #projectsnowball #survivorculture #resources #personcentredliving #purplesummer #purplechristmas 💜 #MeToo #WeToo #KidsToo #MenToo #CSAawareness…/the-prevention-pr oject-is-it-an-atte…/
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PLEASE educate your child on right & wrong touching! This way you can empower them to recognise & report grooming or abuse to a safe adult If you need advice or resources try this site:
#projectsnowball #survivorculture #resources #personcentredliving... #purplesummer #purplechristmas 💜 #MeToo #WeToo #KidsToo #MenToo #CSAawareness #CSAprevention
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PLEASE educate your child on right & wrong touching! This way you can empower them to recognise & report grooming or abuse to a safe adult #projectsnowball #survivorculture #resources #personcentredliving #purplesummer #purplechristmas 💜 #MeToo #WeToo #KidsToo #MenToo #CSAawareness #CSAprevention

User…/1W5DVXS8CZzS sNSbaYNNguwsSv…/view…
#projectsnowball #personcentredliving #survivorculture #resources
Every 3rd Wednesday monthly 7-9pm UK time we are going to be hosting a support group for non offenders in the child-philia group. Please take the time to read our statement of Intent for #humanbeing1st, before you comment or share, as we will report hate & misrepresentation against our organisation's work.... Sincerely Fay Brown (find me on twitter @AutonomyCounsel)
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More about Project Snowball

Monday: 08:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 16:00
Friday: 08:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -